China In Depth 焦点中国——高级汉语综 -- Feb. 18, 2016
臺灣原創以「弟子規」為題材的動畫 -- Feb. 8, 2016
弟子規動畫《小乾坤》 第一集:緣來是你 第二集:雙胞阿雅 第三集:秘密任務 第四集:小媽媽 第五集:超時空異能 第六集:阿公的絕招 第七集:功夫師兄 第八集:健康大反擊 第九集:禮貌小天使 第十集:搖滾狐狸 第十一集:搶救水晶王國 第十二集:綠光森林
弟子規動畫《小乾坤》 第一集:緣來是你 第二集:雙胞阿雅 第三集:秘密任務 第四集:小媽媽 第五集:超時空異能 第六集:阿公的絕招 第七集:功夫師兄 第八集:健康大反擊 第九集:禮貌小天使 第十集:搖滾狐狸 第十一集:搶救水晶王國 第十二集:綠光森林
JTCLT Abstracts Volume 6 Number 2, December 2015 -- Jan. 2, 2016
Volume 6 Number 2, December 2015
Full issue PDF
(Issues in CALL Studies)
许德宝 (Xu, De Bao), 澳门大学 (University of Macau)
pp. 1-16: Abstract | Article PDF
(The Omnipresence of the Chinese Language in Virtual Classrooms)
游欣恩 (Yu, Stefanie), 維也納大學 (University of Vienna)
劉冠賢 (Liu, Kuan-Hsien), 維也納大學 (University of Vienna)
pp. 17-28: Abstract | Article PDF
Does the Personalization of Multimedia Instruction Influence the Effectiveness of Decorative Graphics during Foreign Language Instruction?
Wang, Yanlin (王彦琳), Clemson University (克莱姆森大学)
Crooks, Steven M., Idaho State University (爱达荷州立大学)
pp. 29-38: Abstract | Article PDF
(Enhancing the Range of Listening Breadth with Various Mandarin Accents ─ Development of the “Mandarin Chinese Listening Training” Website)
信世昌 (Hsin, Shih-chang), 國立台灣師範大學 (National Taiwan Normal University)
pp. 39-47: Abstract | Article PDF
Review of Cultura-Inspired Intercultural Exchanges: Focus on Asian and Pacific Languages
(《Cultura-Inspired Intercultural Exchanges: Focus on Asian and Pacific Languages》书评)
Hill, Yao Zhang (张垚), 夏威夷大学 (University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa)
pp. 48-60: Article PDF
Call for papers for the June 2016 issue
Full issue PDF
(Issues in CALL Studies)
许德宝 (Xu, De Bao), 澳门大学 (University of Macau)
pp. 1-16: Abstract | Article PDF
(The Omnipresence of the Chinese Language in Virtual Classrooms)
游欣恩 (Yu, Stefanie), 維也納大學 (University of Vienna)
劉冠賢 (Liu, Kuan-Hsien), 維也納大學 (University of Vienna)
pp. 17-28: Abstract | Article PDF
Does the Personalization of Multimedia Instruction Influence the Effectiveness of Decorative Graphics during Foreign Language Instruction?
Wang, Yanlin (王彦琳), Clemson University (克莱姆森大学)
Crooks, Steven M., Idaho State University (爱达荷州立大学)
pp. 29-38: Abstract | Article PDF
(Enhancing the Range of Listening Breadth with Various Mandarin Accents ─ Development of the “Mandarin Chinese Listening Training” Website)
信世昌 (Hsin, Shih-chang), 國立台灣師範大學 (National Taiwan Normal University)
pp. 39-47: Abstract | Article PDF
Review of Cultura-Inspired Intercultural Exchanges: Focus on Asian and Pacific Languages
(《Cultura-Inspired Intercultural Exchanges: Focus on Asian and Pacific Languages》书评)
Hill, Yao Zhang (张垚), 夏威夷大学 (University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa)
pp. 48-60: Article PDF
Call for papers for the June 2016 issue
3)小编补充词汇练习1) (韩国学生很喜欢用)
2) (这个估计是所有教语言的老师都在用的)
3) (只是最基本的词汇练习-适合最初级的汉语学习)
4) (纯粹的汉字及词组练习,可做成词汇卡片及提供字帖练习模版)
5) (汉字练习)
7)比较适合制作各种单词卡片,可即选配图)3语法练习 (涵盖初、中、高级最常见的动词句式,如“是”,“有/没有”,“被”,“再”,“倒”,“就是”等等)中文语法百科,英文版本讲解,如果英语薄弱,不知道怎么解释语法的,这个必须收藏!4听力练习1)各种难度等级的音频下载)
2)也可以看看cctv的快乐汉语和汉语桥上看看。6综合类1) (中文泡泡,亮点之一是将鼠标放在任何汉字上,能自动出现英文释义,对一碰阅读就需勤翻字典的人来说是一大福音。此外,还开发了在线读写板等)
2) (网上孔子学院,属官方网站,也有很多不错的素材,个人觉得其中的教学资源及文化专栏有一些很不错的资料)
3) (很多外国人应该都知道这个网站,综合性网上课程,也可直接下载到手机学习)
Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York
3)小编补充词汇练习1) (韩国学生很喜欢用)
2) (这个估计是所有教语言的老师都在用的)
3) (只是最基本的词汇练习-适合最初级的汉语学习)
4) (纯粹的汉字及词组练习,可做成词汇卡片及提供字帖练习模版)
5) (汉字练习)
7)比较适合制作各种单词卡片,可即选配图)3语法练习 (涵盖初、中、高级最常见的动词句式,如“是”,“有/没有”,“被”,“再”,“倒”,“就是”等等)中文语法百科,英文版本讲解,如果英语薄弱,不知道怎么解释语法的,这个必须收藏!4听力练习1)各种难度等级的音频下载)
2)也可以看看cctv的快乐汉语和汉语桥上看看。6综合类1) (中文泡泡,亮点之一是将鼠标放在任何汉字上,能自动出现英文释义,对一碰阅读就需勤翻字典的人来说是一大福音。此外,还开发了在线读写板等)
2) (网上孔子学院,属官方网站,也有很多不错的素材,个人觉得其中的教学资源及文化专栏有一些很不错的资料)
3) (很多外国人应该都知道这个网站,综合性网上课程,也可直接下载到手机学习)
Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York
Pinyin Tutor – A Tool to Refine Pinyin Skills for Chinese as a Second Language Learners--July 24, 2015
From Yanhui Zhang [email protected]
Dear Chinese Teachers,
If you are interested in helping your students develop a better use of Pinyin and a more accurate recognition of Chinese tones, initials, and finals, you may want to assign usage of the online Pinyin Dictation Tutor facility. Across the last eight years, over 90 schools around the world have used the tutor. Our website was assigned an exemplary Merlot recognition by the World Languages Editorial Board. The online Pinyin Tutor is freely available to the CLTA community at:
The tutor plays audio recordings of Chinese words and phrases, and the student's task is to write out the correct Pinyin. The program provides specific diagnostic feedback and also plays back the sound of what the student typed if it is an error. Words are presented in units, usually corresponding to chapters in the student's textbook.
We would like to encourage you to browse through the materials at that site and try out a demo version of the tutor. If you are interested in using the Pinyin Tutor with your class this coming Fall, we ask that you look through the information at and send us an email if you wish to participate.
Our work is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation to the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center. For inquiries, please contact the team at [email protected].
Yanhui Zhang, Brian MacWhinney, and John Kowalski
Dear Chinese Teachers,
If you are interested in helping your students develop a better use of Pinyin and a more accurate recognition of Chinese tones, initials, and finals, you may want to assign usage of the online Pinyin Dictation Tutor facility. Across the last eight years, over 90 schools around the world have used the tutor. Our website was assigned an exemplary Merlot recognition by the World Languages Editorial Board. The online Pinyin Tutor is freely available to the CLTA community at:
The tutor plays audio recordings of Chinese words and phrases, and the student's task is to write out the correct Pinyin. The program provides specific diagnostic feedback and also plays back the sound of what the student typed if it is an error. Words are presented in units, usually corresponding to chapters in the student's textbook.
We would like to encourage you to browse through the materials at that site and try out a demo version of the tutor. If you are interested in using the Pinyin Tutor with your class this coming Fall, we ask that you look through the information at and send us an email if you wish to participate.
Our work is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation to the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center. For inquiries, please contact the team at [email protected].
Yanhui Zhang, Brian MacWhinney, and John Kowalski
JTCLT 2015 Vol. 6 No. 1 Published--July 7, 2015
Volume 6 Number 1, June 2015
Full issue PDF
(Development of an Online Database for Chinese Resultative Verb Compounds and Its Application Based on Data Visualization Technology)
詹卫东 (Zhan, Weidong), 北京大学 (Peking University)
马腾 (Ma, Teng), 腾讯计算机系统公司 (Tecent, Inc.)
田骏 (Tian, Jun), 北京大学 (Peking University)
砂岡和子 (Sunaoka, Kazuko), 早稻田大学 (Waseda University)
pp. 1-15: Abstract | Article PDF
(The Application of Speech Recognition Technology in Chinese Language Learning: What Can Be Learned From a Pinyin Lab Session)
笪骏 (Da, Jun), 中田纳西州立大学 (Middle Tennessee State University)
pp. 16-24: Abstract | Article PDF
Evaluating the Impact of the Use of the Internet on Learning Chinese by Students from the Confucius Institute of the University of Zimbabwe
Chisoni, Godfrey (高飞), Jilin University (吉林大学)
Mushangwe, Herbert (李开明), University of Zimbabwe (津巴布韦大学)
pp. 25-42: Abstract | Article PDF
An Introduction to Using iBooks Author 2.0 and Creating Teaching Materials for Chinese Language Instruction
Day, Steven (戴伊), Benedictine University (美国班尼迪克大学)
pp. 43-60: Abstract | Article PDF
(An Introduction to Multi-Screen Interaction and Screen Mirroring Technology and Its Applications in Language Teaching and Learning)
刘士娟 (Liu, Shijuan), 宾州印第安那大学 (Indiana University of Pennsylvania)
pp. 61-73: Abstract | Article PDF
Full issue PDF
(Development of an Online Database for Chinese Resultative Verb Compounds and Its Application Based on Data Visualization Technology)
詹卫东 (Zhan, Weidong), 北京大学 (Peking University)
马腾 (Ma, Teng), 腾讯计算机系统公司 (Tecent, Inc.)
田骏 (Tian, Jun), 北京大学 (Peking University)
砂岡和子 (Sunaoka, Kazuko), 早稻田大学 (Waseda University)
pp. 1-15: Abstract | Article PDF
(The Application of Speech Recognition Technology in Chinese Language Learning: What Can Be Learned From a Pinyin Lab Session)
笪骏 (Da, Jun), 中田纳西州立大学 (Middle Tennessee State University)
pp. 16-24: Abstract | Article PDF
Evaluating the Impact of the Use of the Internet on Learning Chinese by Students from the Confucius Institute of the University of Zimbabwe
Chisoni, Godfrey (高飞), Jilin University (吉林大学)
Mushangwe, Herbert (李开明), University of Zimbabwe (津巴布韦大学)
pp. 25-42: Abstract | Article PDF
An Introduction to Using iBooks Author 2.0 and Creating Teaching Materials for Chinese Language Instruction
Day, Steven (戴伊), Benedictine University (美国班尼迪克大学)
pp. 43-60: Abstract | Article PDF
(An Introduction to Multi-Screen Interaction and Screen Mirroring Technology and Its Applications in Language Teaching and Learning)
刘士娟 (Liu, Shijuan), 宾州印第安那大学 (Indiana University of Pennsylvania)
pp. 61-73: Abstract | Article PDF
教材推荐 |《跨文化沟通》-- July 2, 2015
Nan M. Sussman(美)
What’s Wrong?
Reading 1&2
Intercultural Lens
Intercultural Case Study
Nan M. Sussman(美)
What’s Wrong?
Reading 1&2
Intercultural Lens
Intercultural Case Study
佩斯大学孔子学院凤凰汉语APP上线--June 10, 2015
SayWhat Fun video dictionary to engage--June 9, 2015
SayWhat is a 10 second video dictionary: we made a lot of videos explaining slang, jargon and foreign languages in 10 second videos. Everyone can participate in making these videos. For example: you can nominate your students to define "考砸了", and they will need to make 10 second videos to explain it or act it out. It's a really cool way for students to learn. Here is SayWhat download link:,
New Etymological Dictionary of Chinese Characters -- June 1, 2015
I'm John Renfroe, one of the researchers at Outlier Linguistic Solutions in Taipei. We're developing a new dictionary of Chinese characters which takes the latest in paleographic and phonological research and distills it into something which is useful for learners (and teachers) at all levels. Dr. David Moser describes it as "the next stage in the study of Chinese characters, and maybe even the next stage in the digitizing of Sinology itself." We are currently doing a Kickstarter campaign and there is a demo version of the dictionary available on our site (watch the video for an explanation of the demo). The dictionary will initially be released through Pleco and later through other platforms as well. The dictionary comes in two "flavors": The Essentials Edition presents exactly what a learner needs to know in order to effectively master a character — and no more. We've focused on answering the question, "Why does this character look like this?" in as succinct and accurate terms as possible. We explain each component in a character and describe exactly what that component's function is within that character — is it expressing sound or meaning, or is it depicting something, or is it an empty form which is serving none of those functions? There's also a meaning tree which shows logical connections between each character's different meanings, stroke order, etc. The "System" tab (which you can see under the entries for 各, 尚, and 立) shows sound and semantic series, as well as any time that component shows up as a result of corruption (訛變) — meaning it has no connection to the sound or meaning of a character. The Expert Edition covers the same info, but also goes deeper into the history and evolution of the writing system — there are images and explanations of ancient character forms, historical tidbits, and phonological info. We're making use of the latest research available in these fields, and all of our sources are cited within the dictionary itself. Please take a look at the Kickstarter and Demo pages linked to above, and let us know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions! The money we're trying to raise will fund the rest of the development, and if you'd like to reserve a copy, you can do so by backing our Kickstarter project. And if you think our project is worthwhile, please pass it on to colleagues, students, classmates — anyone who might be interested. From: John Renfroe <[email protected]>
Outlier Linguistics is teaching what most Chinese courses don’t – how characters was formed -- May 21, 2015
Outlier Linguistics is teaching what most Chinese courses don’t – how characters work
Josh Horwitz
8:03 pm on May 20, 2015
As more and more students begin learning Chinese in high school and college, the hotshot foreign Mandarin speaker is no longer that rare. But many of the best Chinese speakers will admit that their understanding of characters – the visual building blocks of the language – is quite poor. Run into them at a bar, and they’ll explain to you how 車 means “cart.” But why does it show up in 軍 or 輕? Does “cart” have a “field” (田) inside of it?
These are the questions that Outlier Linguistics wants to help students answer. Based in Taipei, the team is building a very special kind of dictionary – one that’s for characters, not words (there’s a difference), and one that’s for language learners rather than academics (there’s a huge difference).
Outlier offers a dictionary that breaks down characters into “components” rather than radicals. It identifies which components give the character its sound, which ones give it meaning, and how the multiple components function together.
In an upgrade addition, Outlier will also reveal tidbits about the history of each character and component. The team aims to provide students enough paleography to aid with memorization. But they also hope it will be valuable to scholars who want accurate information compiled in an indexed format.
If this is all Greek to you, here’s what you need to know: Outlier dives through boring books and parses through esoteric, messy research about Chinese linguistics and paleography. It then makes this information accessible to language learners who just want to remember the characters for “pepper” or “driver’s license.” Language learners need this information in order to learn characters efficiently and accurately – which isn’t always easy.
“One professor told us that we’re basically trying to tell the truth about Chinese characters,” says Ash Henson, co-founder of Outlier. “That’s a pretty accurate summary.”
Outlier is looking to raise US$75,000 on Kickstarter. The funding will primarily go to data entry – specifically, Outlier needs to hire people to input all of the research inside boring books into a database, which can then be parsed through as the dictionary entries get perfected.
Outlier Linguistics is teaching what most Chinese courses don’t – how characters work
Josh Horwitz
8:03 pm on May 20, 2015
As more and more students begin learning Chinese in high school and college, the hotshot foreign Mandarin speaker is no longer that rare. But many of the best Chinese speakers will admit that their understanding of characters – the visual building blocks of the language – is quite poor. Run into them at a bar, and they’ll explain to you how 車 means “cart.” But why does it show up in 軍 or 輕? Does “cart” have a “field” (田) inside of it?
These are the questions that Outlier Linguistics wants to help students answer. Based in Taipei, the team is building a very special kind of dictionary – one that’s for characters, not words (there’s a difference), and one that’s for language learners rather than academics (there’s a huge difference).
Outlier offers a dictionary that breaks down characters into “components” rather than radicals. It identifies which components give the character its sound, which ones give it meaning, and how the multiple components function together.
In an upgrade addition, Outlier will also reveal tidbits about the history of each character and component. The team aims to provide students enough paleography to aid with memorization. But they also hope it will be valuable to scholars who want accurate information compiled in an indexed format.
If this is all Greek to you, here’s what you need to know: Outlier dives through boring books and parses through esoteric, messy research about Chinese linguistics and paleography. It then makes this information accessible to language learners who just want to remember the characters for “pepper” or “driver’s license.” Language learners need this information in order to learn characters efficiently and accurately – which isn’t always easy.
“One professor told us that we’re basically trying to tell the truth about Chinese characters,” says Ash Henson, co-founder of Outlier. “That’s a pretty accurate summary.”
Outlier is looking to raise US$75,000 on Kickstarter. The funding will primarily go to data entry – specifically, Outlier needs to hire people to input all of the research inside boring books into a database, which can then be parsed through as the dictionary entries get perfected.
2015纽约国际书展中国主宾国活动大幕将启--May 20, 2015
2015纽约国际书展中国主宾国活动大幕将启原创 2015-05-18 刘蓓蓓 中国新闻出版报
美国书展由美国书商协会于1947年创办,是目前全美最具影响力、规模最大的年度国际书展,也是全球最重要的图书贸易和版权贸易盛会之一。该书展具有图书订购、版权贸易、专业研讨、文学交流、文化展示等功能,版权贸易在其中占有重要地位。每年有来自全球80多个国家和地区的上千家出版机构参展,展场总面积达到1.62余万平方米。美国书展设立的主宾国活动冠名为“全球市场论坛”(Global Market Forum),包括围绕主宾国的各种有关出版问题的会议研讨和书展期间举办的主宾国文化活动。
美国书展由美国书商协会于1947年创办,是目前全美最具影响力、规模最大的年度国际书展,也是全球最重要的图书贸易和版权贸易盛会之一。该书展具有图书订购、版权贸易、专业研讨、文学交流、文化展示等功能,版权贸易在其中占有重要地位。每年有来自全球80多个国家和地区的上千家出版机构参展,展场总面积达到1.62余万平方米。美国书展设立的主宾国活动冠名为“全球市场论坛”(Global Market Forum),包括围绕主宾国的各种有关出版问题的会议研讨和书展期间举办的主宾国文化活动。
CCTV9八集文化纪录片《纽带》:摹写汉学生命轨迹--May 19, 2015
CCTV9八集文化纪录片《纽带》:摹写汉学生命轨迹2015-05-19 大象出版社
第一集 诞生,当西方遇见东方
第二集 用一盏灯,点亮另一盏灯
第三集 抽刀断水水更流
第一集 诞生,当西方遇见东方
第二集 用一盏灯,点亮另一盏灯
第三集 抽刀断水水更流
南开大学推出“重磅”汉语教材--May 19, 2015
南开大学推出“重磅”汉语教材天津日报翟志鹏2015-05-11 10:51:25
本报讯(记者 翟志鹏 通讯员聂际慈)昨天下午,南开大学联合人民教育出版社推出《会通汉语》系列对外汉语教材。这是国内首部将对外汉语教学听、说、读、写完全紧密衔接的教材。
本报讯(记者 翟志鹏 通讯员聂际慈)昨天下午,南开大学联合人民教育出版社推出《会通汉语》系列对外汉语教材。这是国内首部将对外汉语教学听、说、读、写完全紧密衔接的教材。
全球华语 全球華語 (2015 · VOLUME 1 · ISSUE)--May 5, 2015
Global Chinese 全球华语 全球華語
Global Chinese is a journal that responds to the fast-growing scholarly interests in Chinese asa global language, and the need for an international and interdisciplinary forum for researchon the language and its users worldwide. It publishes original research articles on i) structuralvariations and change of the Chinese language as used by speakers in different parts of theworld, including mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, Southeast Asian countries(e.g. Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand) and elsewhere; ii) language maintenance and languageshift amongst the Chinese diasporas; iii) lingua franca communication amongst the Chinese,and Global Chinese as a lingua franca; iv) learner varieties of Chinese; v) language policy,planning, attitude and ideology regarding Chinese as a global language, and other relatedtopics. Studies using innovative and interdisciplinary research methods are particularlywelcome, as are conceptual and theoretical articles. The journal also publishes debates,short notes, book reviews, and regional profiles. Two-thirds of the articles are in English andone-third in Chinese, with bilingual synopsis.
Executive and English editor
LI Wei (English, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK)
Chinese editor
DIAO Yanbin (Chinese, Beijing Normal University, China)
Assistant editor
XU Xiaoying (Beijing Normal University, China)
2015 · VOLUME 1 · ISSUE 1
Li Wei and Dian Yanbin
Editors’ Note
编者的话 1
Don Snow and Chen Nuanling
Missionaries and written Chaoshanese
传教士以及潮汕话书写 5
Robert S. Bauer
The Hong Kong Speech Community’s Cantonese and Other Languages
香港言語社團的粵語以及其他語言 27
Sherman Lee
Language choice and code-switching among Hong Kong’s Hakka speakers
香港客家人的語言選擇和語碼轉換 57
Andy Kirkpatrick
‘Chinese English or English Chinese?’
中式英语还是英式中文? 85
Yun Xiao
The Rise of Chinese Internet Language: Product and Agent of Globalization from Below
中国网络语言的兴起:大众全球化的产物和推手 111
Patricia A. Duff, Tim Anderson, Liam Doherty and Rachel Wang
Representations of Chinese Language Learning in Contemporary
English-language News Media: Hope, Hype, and Fear
对外汉语教学在英语新闻媒体中的表述:期冀, 炒作和恐惧 139
Lee Cher Leng
Compliments and Compliment Responses of Singapore Chinese University Students
新加坡华人大学生的恭维言语行为 169
Isabelle Lausent-Herrera
Speaking Chinese: A major Challenge in the Construction of Identity and the
Preservation of the Peruvian Chinese Community (1870–1930)
说汉语:构建身份认同的重要挑战和秘鲁华人社群的维持 (1870–1930) 203
On the Foundation and Connotation of Global Chinese 227
“大华语” 概念适应汉语走向世界的需要
The Concept of Dahuayu meets the demands of Chinese integration into the World 245
On the Global Image in the International Promotion of Chinese Language 255
吴英成, 黄志远
Hard Truths about Chinese Language Policy and Planning in Singapore 267
Global Chinese is a journal that responds to the fast-growing scholarly interests in Chinese asa global language, and the need for an international and interdisciplinary forum for researchon the language and its users worldwide. It publishes original research articles on i) structuralvariations and change of the Chinese language as used by speakers in different parts of theworld, including mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, Southeast Asian countries(e.g. Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand) and elsewhere; ii) language maintenance and languageshift amongst the Chinese diasporas; iii) lingua franca communication amongst the Chinese,and Global Chinese as a lingua franca; iv) learner varieties of Chinese; v) language policy,planning, attitude and ideology regarding Chinese as a global language, and other relatedtopics. Studies using innovative and interdisciplinary research methods are particularlywelcome, as are conceptual and theoretical articles. The journal also publishes debates,short notes, book reviews, and regional profiles. Two-thirds of the articles are in English andone-third in Chinese, with bilingual synopsis.
Executive and English editor
LI Wei (English, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK)
Chinese editor
DIAO Yanbin (Chinese, Beijing Normal University, China)
Assistant editor
XU Xiaoying (Beijing Normal University, China)
2015 · VOLUME 1 · ISSUE 1
Li Wei and Dian Yanbin
Editors’ Note
编者的话 1
Don Snow and Chen Nuanling
Missionaries and written Chaoshanese
传教士以及潮汕话书写 5
Robert S. Bauer
The Hong Kong Speech Community’s Cantonese and Other Languages
香港言語社團的粵語以及其他語言 27
Sherman Lee
Language choice and code-switching among Hong Kong’s Hakka speakers
香港客家人的語言選擇和語碼轉換 57
Andy Kirkpatrick
‘Chinese English or English Chinese?’
中式英语还是英式中文? 85
Yun Xiao
The Rise of Chinese Internet Language: Product and Agent of Globalization from Below
中国网络语言的兴起:大众全球化的产物和推手 111
Patricia A. Duff, Tim Anderson, Liam Doherty and Rachel Wang
Representations of Chinese Language Learning in Contemporary
English-language News Media: Hope, Hype, and Fear
对外汉语教学在英语新闻媒体中的表述:期冀, 炒作和恐惧 139
Lee Cher Leng
Compliments and Compliment Responses of Singapore Chinese University Students
新加坡华人大学生的恭维言语行为 169
Isabelle Lausent-Herrera
Speaking Chinese: A major Challenge in the Construction of Identity and the
Preservation of the Peruvian Chinese Community (1870–1930)
说汉语:构建身份认同的重要挑战和秘鲁华人社群的维持 (1870–1930) 203
On the Foundation and Connotation of Global Chinese 227
“大华语” 概念适应汉语走向世界的需要
The Concept of Dahuayu meets the demands of Chinese integration into the World 245
On the Global Image in the International Promotion of Chinese Language 255
吴英成, 黄志远
Hard Truths about Chinese Language Policy and Planning in Singapore 267
Instructional Videos for Chinese Language Teachers--May 4, 2015
Instructional Videos for Chinese Language Teachers: TEQ Series
Part of Asia Society's professional development series for educators, these instructional videos for Chinese language teachers aim to share best practices in the field of Chinese language teaching.
Each year, Asia Society selects 5–10 Chinese teachers as Teaching Fellows. Under the one-on-one professional consultation of Dr. Weiling Wu, these selected teachers create, develop, and polish lesson plans. We then film the classroom of each selected teacher, and edit these to guide viewers to think and reflect on what they are observing in each video, to try and bridge the gap between instructional standards and classroom implementation.
These Chinese classes cover different grade levels and proficiency levels, and have been recorded to showcase the 8 Principles for Effective and Innovative Chinese Language Teaching and Learning, proposed by Dr. Wu. In each video, Dr. Wu explains what is happening and how the featured teacher is applying a specific principle, with the help of animated characters Mr. T (Theory), Ms. E (Enthusiasm), and Ms. Q (Question).
Materials in this series include:
Instructional Videos for Chinese Language Teachers: TEQ Series
Part of Asia Society's professional development series for educators, these instructional videos for Chinese language teachers aim to share best practices in the field of Chinese language teaching.
Each year, Asia Society selects 5–10 Chinese teachers as Teaching Fellows. Under the one-on-one professional consultation of Dr. Weiling Wu, these selected teachers create, develop, and polish lesson plans. We then film the classroom of each selected teacher, and edit these to guide viewers to think and reflect on what they are observing in each video, to try and bridge the gap between instructional standards and classroom implementation.
These Chinese classes cover different grade levels and proficiency levels, and have been recorded to showcase the 8 Principles for Effective and Innovative Chinese Language Teaching and Learning, proposed by Dr. Wu. In each video, Dr. Wu explains what is happening and how the featured teacher is applying a specific principle, with the help of animated characters Mr. T (Theory), Ms. E (Enthusiasm), and Ms. Q (Question).
Materials in this series include:
- a 30-minute edited classroom video interspersed with commentary from Dr. Wu,
- an accompanying lesson plan,
- an interview with the featured teacher,
- and an interview with the school administrator.
Pleco Chinese Dictionary ( iPhone + iPad ) -- April 15, 2015
HelloTalk - Learn English, Chinese... March 16, 2015
Finally, learning and practicing a new language is easier and more intuitive than ever before. Introducing HelloTalk, the language app where your teachers are native language speakers from around the world. You just pick the language you want to learn—there are over 100 from which to select (Chinese included)—and almost instantaneously you’ll be in touch with native speakers of that language … and you’ll start learning and practicing immediately.
HelloTalk isn’t a course you strictly follow; rather, you learn and practice at your pace and in the manner that best meets the way you learn. Practice foreign languages with people around the world. Simultaneously speak and type the language you’re learning. Record your voice before speaking to your HelloTalk friends and compare your recording to standard pronunciations. Change your friends’ audio messages to text for better understanding, and receive help to improve your grammar. Easily translate whenever you don’t understand, and so much more.
With HelloTalk, you’ll discover learning a new language is fun … and fast. Download your copy for iPhone or Android today.
HelloTalk isn’t a course you strictly follow; rather, you learn and practice at your pace and in the manner that best meets the way you learn. Practice foreign languages with people around the world. Simultaneously speak and type the language you’re learning. Record your voice before speaking to your HelloTalk friends and compare your recording to standard pronunciations. Change your friends’ audio messages to text for better understanding, and receive help to improve your grammar. Easily translate whenever you don’t understand, and so much more.
With HelloTalk, you’ll discover learning a new language is fun … and fast. Download your copy for iPhone or Android today.
MOOC Courses for Chinese Learners -- March 15, 2015
MOOC Courses for Chinese Learners·在慕课学习汉语
Chinese for Beginners
Intermediate Chinese Grammar
Chinese for Beginners
Intermediate Chinese Grammar
Start your students on 60 free days -- March 11, 2015
If you are having trouble viewing this message in your e-mail client, please see the web version
Complement Your Curriculum With Yabla!
Chinese / ESL / French / German / Italian / Spanish
Yabla Language Immersion Online features authentic content, interactive controls, integrated dictionaries, and a cloze listening game. Give your students invaluable listening practice leading to broader vocabulary, improved accent, and increased fluency.
Each teacher and each student receives his or her own unique login and can access Yabla from any Internet-connected computer. Teachers can assign videos, goals and due dates on a class-by-class basis.
Yabla is currently offering ACTFL members a free 60-day subscription for any number of students and classes!
To learn more about Yabla for schools and start your free 60-day subscription, visit
Questions? Contact us at [email protected] or 212-626-3226.
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Each email is carefully considered on a case-by-case basis. We never sell or give away our subscribers' personal information.
If you do not want to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe from them by clicking the link below.
Complement Your Curriculum With Yabla!
Chinese / ESL / French / German / Italian / Spanish
Yabla Language Immersion Online features authentic content, interactive controls, integrated dictionaries, and a cloze listening game. Give your students invaluable listening practice leading to broader vocabulary, improved accent, and increased fluency.
Each teacher and each student receives his or her own unique login and can access Yabla from any Internet-connected computer. Teachers can assign videos, goals and due dates on a class-by-class basis.
Yabla is currently offering ACTFL members a free 60-day subscription for any number of students and classes!
To learn more about Yabla for schools and start your free 60-day subscription, visit
Questions? Contact us at [email protected] or 212-626-3226.
SmartBrief will occasionally send emails from our advertising partners promoting products and services determined to be of interest and relevance to our readers.
Each email is carefully considered on a case-by-case basis. We never sell or give away our subscribers' personal information.
If you do not want to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe from them by clicking the link below.
Free Beginners Chinese course -- March 10, 2015
Peking University offers the following free Beginners Chinese course via Coursera
Top 10 podcasts to help you learn a language -- Slow Chinese -- Feb. 10, 2015
Top 10 podcasts to help you learn a language
Slow Chinese
Another one that takes things slowly, Slow Chinese is great for beginner to intermediate learners of Chinese. Being a tonal language, listening slowly in the early stages can help to get to grips with the difference tones can make, which, of course, is great for listening skills and pronunciation. The podcasts are normally under 10 minutes long, meaning you can really focus (everyone has 10 minutes, right?). There’s also free transcripts on the website available in English and Chinese characters.
Slow Chinese
Another one that takes things slowly, Slow Chinese is great for beginner to intermediate learners of Chinese. Being a tonal language, listening slowly in the early stages can help to get to grips with the difference tones can make, which, of course, is great for listening skills and pronunciation. The podcasts are normally under 10 minutes long, meaning you can really focus (everyone has 10 minutes, right?). There’s also free transcripts on the website available in English and Chinese characters.
Google Translate - Practice Chinese -- Feb. 8, 2015
Google Translate - Practice a language, Praticare una lingua...
The tool can be used for learning Chinese.
The tool can be used for learning Chinese.
A New Online Journal: Studies in Chinese Learning and Teaching (SCLT) -- Feb. 1, 2015
The first issue of the online journal Studies in Chinese Learning and Teaching (SCLT) 《汉语学习与教学研究》 is now launched. Here is the link:
北语汉语语料库 -- Jan. 23, 2015
Quick Guide of Chinese Characters -- Jan. 22, 2015 The description of the book is as follows:
This Quick Guide arranges the 7000 most used Chinese characters in order byradicode, a combination of the English name of the character's radical in a list of 102 radicals and a numerical code quickly made up by looking at the character. 100 of the radicals are meaningful or descriptive and helpful in remembering the character. (Most of these 100 are among the 214 traditionally recognized radicals.) If the character has no meaningful radical – as happens for about 14 percent of characters – it is classified as AA unless it is split vertically, in which case it is AB.
This Quick Guide arranges the 7000 most used Chinese characters in order byradicode, a combination of the English name of the character's radical in a list of 102 radicals and a numerical code quickly made up by looking at the character. 100 of the radicals are meaningful or descriptive and helpful in remembering the character. (Most of these 100 are among the 214 traditionally recognized radicals.) If the character has no meaningful radical – as happens for about 14 percent of characters – it is classified as AA unless it is split vertically, in which case it is AB.
Wild China (美丽中国)-- Jan. 22, 2015
China is a vast country with an astonishingly diverse landscape. Through unprecedented access, this six-part series reveals the little-known natural treasures and secret wildlife havens of China's wildest regions.
You can watch the videos below:
BBC:Wild China 美丽中国(全六集播放 )
China is a vast country with an astonishingly diverse landscape. Through unprecedented access, this six-part series reveals the little-known natural treasures and secret wildlife havens of China's wildest regions.
You can watch the videos below:
BBC:Wild China 美丽中国(全六集播放 )
Chinese Poems, Blogs, & Useful App. -- Jan. 5, 2015
Tang Poetry for Students of Chinese - Designed to provide a hands-on, interactive poetry immersion experience for students of Chinese, this app uses a set of innovative learning tools that actively engage you in learning the sound and meaning of each character and line in each of six short, accessible Tang poems. After working with the app on a single poem for just an hour or two, you should be able to read, write, translate, and recite it from memory, giving you insight into Chinese literary culture and, of course, a great way to impress your friends.
Intro Video Tang Poetry App on iTunes App Store Tang Poetry App on Google Play Store
Learn a Chinese Phrase - Idioms are a source of colorful expression in any language, but perhaps none more than Chinese. This app provides an engaging, hands-on introduction to a selection of useful set phrases and associated vocabulary. You'll learn how to use each phrase, how to write its individual characters, and how these characters form related compound words. Learning modules include short and humorous videos, flashcards, sentence scrambles, and our popular animated character trainer.
Intro Video Chinese Phrases App on iTunes App Store Chinese Phrases App on Google Play
Marco Polo Project - Chinese language blogs provide a terrific way for intermediate and advanced learners to keep up with current trends in China while building their vocabulary and reading skills. This app, developed in collaboration with the non-profit Marco Polo Project, combines audiotext reader, dictionary, and flashcards functionality to help you make your way through a selection of five recent blog essays. Features include phrase-by-phrase audio playback, related-word lists for new vocabulary, and an automated flashcards deck builder to help you review the new words you've learned.
Marco Polo Project Website Marco Polo App on iTunes App Store Marco Polo App on Google Play
Intro Video Tang Poetry App on iTunes App Store Tang Poetry App on Google Play Store
Learn a Chinese Phrase - Idioms are a source of colorful expression in any language, but perhaps none more than Chinese. This app provides an engaging, hands-on introduction to a selection of useful set phrases and associated vocabulary. You'll learn how to use each phrase, how to write its individual characters, and how these characters form related compound words. Learning modules include short and humorous videos, flashcards, sentence scrambles, and our popular animated character trainer.
Intro Video Chinese Phrases App on iTunes App Store Chinese Phrases App on Google Play
Marco Polo Project - Chinese language blogs provide a terrific way for intermediate and advanced learners to keep up with current trends in China while building their vocabulary and reading skills. This app, developed in collaboration with the non-profit Marco Polo Project, combines audiotext reader, dictionary, and flashcards functionality to help you make your way through a selection of five recent blog essays. Features include phrase-by-phrase audio playback, related-word lists for new vocabulary, and an automated flashcards deck builder to help you review the new words you've learned.
Marco Polo Project Website Marco Polo App on iTunes App Store Marco Polo App on Google Play
6 Shockingly Good Apps for Learning Mandarin Chinese -- Dec. 31, 2014
From: For acing your vocabulary
Anki Website | iOS | Android
Price: $24.99 for iOS, free for Android
If you have begun your Chinese learning journey, you’ll probably have realized by now that you remember some words more easily than others. If you wonder if there could actually be an app that helps you to solidify and build your vocabulary, then it’s Anki.
Anki, a powerful and effective flashcard program that is free, multi-platform and open-source. Anki uses a spaced repetition program that is believed to greatly improve how you remember new words.
You can download stacks of flashcards from Anki, or create your own deck. Android users get to download Anki for free, while iOS users pay $24.99.
Pleco: For a free, offline dictionaryPleco Website | iOS | Android
Price: Free (basic version)
The most basic app that every learner from beginner to advanced would benefit from is one that works as a dictionary and translator. Pleco is free to download for both iOS and Android users. The dictionary can be used offline, and there are a number of additional features that you could download for a fee.
What’s great about Pleco is being able to look up words using your phone’s camera or from a still image, which makes this great for translating on-the-go. You can also look up words by drawing on the screen.
FluentU: For real-world immersion
FluentU Website | App: Launching soon
FluentU is one of the most unique apps among this list. FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized and engaging language learning experiences.
All native language videos have interactive transcripts, so you can tap on any word to look it up instantly. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used in that particular instance. If you see an interesting word you don’t know, you can add it to one of your vocab lists to reference or study later on.
The best part is that FluentU keeps track of the vocabulary that you’re learning, allowing it to provide examples and recommend videos based on the words you’ve already learned. This means every learner has a truly personalized experience, even if they’re learning the same video.
Of course, there’s a spaced repetition feature so that you don’t have to worry about organizing your learning. You can just focus on actually learning.
The FluentU app is launching soon for iOS and Android, but it’s currently available as a website that you can use with your computer or tablet.
Want to learn Chinese with fun videos?
Try Chinese immersion online with FluentU!
Skritter: For learning Chinese writingSkritter Website | iOS | Android
Price: Free for one week, then $14.99/month or $99.99/year (~45% discount)
This is an app for those of you looking to get serious about your Chinese writing. It’s available for iOS, Android and desktop users.
Skritter also uses a spaced repetition algorithm. And not only that, the program also makes you write the characters from scratch all the time, so you are truly practicing and getting all that proper writing practice that you need.
If you want to take your learning beyond conversation and comprehension, then this app may be just what you need.
Chinese Skill: For learning with gamesiOS | Android
Price: Free
Chinese Skill is free app that’s great for beginners. If you had used Duolingo with another language and loved it, you would be using this app a lot (Duolingo hasn’t released a Chinese version yet). The design and interface is really cute, featuring a panda, of course. Also, the content is designed according to categories like food, numbers and colors—so you get the learning in a rather systematic way while having some fun.
Standard Mandarin: For the Pinyin and the tonesStandard Mandarin Website | iOS
Price: Free
This app specializes in getting your pronunciation right, and even tells you which facial muscles to choose—so you can really work at getting rid of your foreign accent. Remember, Chinese is a tonal language, so mis-pronunciations may put you in a more embarrassing situation than using the wrong grammar. This is free to download and a good in-depth guide to speaking Mandarin Chinese correctly.
How to Get the Most out of Your Chinese Learning AppsSo you now have a whole pack of Chinese learning apps and you are ready to start. How do you get the most out of your apps?
The big secret is discipline. When you first download an app, you get really obsessed about it, but then the magic often stops. The best way to make your app-learning sustainable is to keep a time-limit on it. Say, 15 minutes on the Anki flashcards to learn and remember new words, and then 15 minutes on FluentU to learn how to actually use them. This may not seem like a lot, but if you do this every single day, you’ll get much better results than going on hours for a few days, and then getting an app burn-out and not opening them for weeks.
I also highly recommend not arming yourself with a hundred different apps and trying to use them all. Choose one area to focus on each month (or week, if you like), and download or purchase the apps that are specialized in that aspect.
And with that, app on and turn your painful waiting times into learning opportunities!
Anki Website | iOS | Android
Price: $24.99 for iOS, free for Android
If you have begun your Chinese learning journey, you’ll probably have realized by now that you remember some words more easily than others. If you wonder if there could actually be an app that helps you to solidify and build your vocabulary, then it’s Anki.
Anki, a powerful and effective flashcard program that is free, multi-platform and open-source. Anki uses a spaced repetition program that is believed to greatly improve how you remember new words.
You can download stacks of flashcards from Anki, or create your own deck. Android users get to download Anki for free, while iOS users pay $24.99.
Pleco: For a free, offline dictionaryPleco Website | iOS | Android
Price: Free (basic version)
The most basic app that every learner from beginner to advanced would benefit from is one that works as a dictionary and translator. Pleco is free to download for both iOS and Android users. The dictionary can be used offline, and there are a number of additional features that you could download for a fee.
What’s great about Pleco is being able to look up words using your phone’s camera or from a still image, which makes this great for translating on-the-go. You can also look up words by drawing on the screen.
FluentU: For real-world immersion
FluentU Website | App: Launching soon
FluentU is one of the most unique apps among this list. FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized and engaging language learning experiences.
All native language videos have interactive transcripts, so you can tap on any word to look it up instantly. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used in that particular instance. If you see an interesting word you don’t know, you can add it to one of your vocab lists to reference or study later on.
The best part is that FluentU keeps track of the vocabulary that you’re learning, allowing it to provide examples and recommend videos based on the words you’ve already learned. This means every learner has a truly personalized experience, even if they’re learning the same video.
Of course, there’s a spaced repetition feature so that you don’t have to worry about organizing your learning. You can just focus on actually learning.
The FluentU app is launching soon for iOS and Android, but it’s currently available as a website that you can use with your computer or tablet.
Want to learn Chinese with fun videos?
Try Chinese immersion online with FluentU!
Skritter: For learning Chinese writingSkritter Website | iOS | Android
Price: Free for one week, then $14.99/month or $99.99/year (~45% discount)
This is an app for those of you looking to get serious about your Chinese writing. It’s available for iOS, Android and desktop users.
Skritter also uses a spaced repetition algorithm. And not only that, the program also makes you write the characters from scratch all the time, so you are truly practicing and getting all that proper writing practice that you need.
If you want to take your learning beyond conversation and comprehension, then this app may be just what you need.
Chinese Skill: For learning with gamesiOS | Android
Price: Free
Chinese Skill is free app that’s great for beginners. If you had used Duolingo with another language and loved it, you would be using this app a lot (Duolingo hasn’t released a Chinese version yet). The design and interface is really cute, featuring a panda, of course. Also, the content is designed according to categories like food, numbers and colors—so you get the learning in a rather systematic way while having some fun.
Standard Mandarin: For the Pinyin and the tonesStandard Mandarin Website | iOS
Price: Free
This app specializes in getting your pronunciation right, and even tells you which facial muscles to choose—so you can really work at getting rid of your foreign accent. Remember, Chinese is a tonal language, so mis-pronunciations may put you in a more embarrassing situation than using the wrong grammar. This is free to download and a good in-depth guide to speaking Mandarin Chinese correctly.
How to Get the Most out of Your Chinese Learning AppsSo you now have a whole pack of Chinese learning apps and you are ready to start. How do you get the most out of your apps?
The big secret is discipline. When you first download an app, you get really obsessed about it, but then the magic often stops. The best way to make your app-learning sustainable is to keep a time-limit on it. Say, 15 minutes on the Anki flashcards to learn and remember new words, and then 15 minutes on FluentU to learn how to actually use them. This may not seem like a lot, but if you do this every single day, you’ll get much better results than going on hours for a few days, and then getting an app burn-out and not opening them for weeks.
I also highly recommend not arming yourself with a hundred different apps and trying to use them all. Choose one area to focus on each month (or week, if you like), and download or purchase the apps that are specialized in that aspect.
And with that, app on and turn your painful waiting times into learning opportunities!
国际汉语教材编写指南网络平台 -- Dec. 8, 2015
See details at
See details at
《汉字树:活在字里的中国人》-- Dec. 5, 2014
内容简介 · · · · · ·《汉字树:活在字里的中国人》突破了传统文字学的窠臼,作者廖文豪先生摆脱了一贯以来依托于偏旁部首的解读方式,通过数据库技术整理提炼出来,从汉字的人文特征入手,将意义上互有联系的汉字都归拢在了一棵神奇的汉字树里。每一个字,都有属于自己的生长故事。书中历史和地理知识信手拈来,语言严谨又不失趣味性,能让读者身临其境地去感受造字时的挣扎与想象,也帮助以汉语为母语的人重新建立与汉字的关系。《汉字树:活在字里的中国人》在详细介绍500个与“人”有关的汉字的同时,也海量收集了这些与“人”有关的汉字的甲骨文、金文、篆文、繁体中文、简体中文等,读者可根据汉字树状图之间的逻辑关系,由浅入深地逐步了解汉字的发展历程。图文并茂的表现方式,带你轻松玩转世界上最难学的语言,帮你找到藏在汉字里的中国人。《汉字树:活在字里的中国人》装帧匠心独具,通过不同的护封折叠方式,你能拥有高级黑和土豪金两种封面。展开后又是一份精美的汉字树挂图。
作者简介 · · · · · ·廖文豪,台湾大学机电系毕业、专精于电脑的“理工人”,在偶然的机会接触了被认为许多从事文学创作的作家、专家也被视为畏途的“文字学”,产生了浓厚的兴趣,顺着历来名家的研究,进入了汉字构形的世界,流连忘返。作者现任中国台湾台北商业技术学院副教授兼图书馆馆长。钟情于古汉字研究,钻研甲骨文十余年,发表过《汉字龙原来是一条逆天之龙》、《文身习俗对汉字的影响》、《在汉字里遇见上帝》、《品茗汉字里的酒香》等文章。
目录 · · · · · ·第一章人
内容简介 · · · · · ·《汉字树:活在字里的中国人》突破了传统文字学的窠臼,作者廖文豪先生摆脱了一贯以来依托于偏旁部首的解读方式,通过数据库技术整理提炼出来,从汉字的人文特征入手,将意义上互有联系的汉字都归拢在了一棵神奇的汉字树里。每一个字,都有属于自己的生长故事。书中历史和地理知识信手拈来,语言严谨又不失趣味性,能让读者身临其境地去感受造字时的挣扎与想象,也帮助以汉语为母语的人重新建立与汉字的关系。《汉字树:活在字里的中国人》在详细介绍500个与“人”有关的汉字的同时,也海量收集了这些与“人”有关的汉字的甲骨文、金文、篆文、繁体中文、简体中文等,读者可根据汉字树状图之间的逻辑关系,由浅入深地逐步了解汉字的发展历程。图文并茂的表现方式,带你轻松玩转世界上最难学的语言,帮你找到藏在汉字里的中国人。《汉字树:活在字里的中国人》装帧匠心独具,通过不同的护封折叠方式,你能拥有高级黑和土豪金两种封面。展开后又是一份精美的汉字树挂图。
作者简介 · · · · · ·廖文豪,台湾大学机电系毕业、专精于电脑的“理工人”,在偶然的机会接触了被认为许多从事文学创作的作家、专家也被视为畏途的“文字学”,产生了浓厚的兴趣,顺着历来名家的研究,进入了汉字构形的世界,流连忘返。作者现任中国台湾台北商业技术学院副教授兼图书馆馆长。钟情于古汉字研究,钻研甲骨文十余年,发表过《汉字龙原来是一条逆天之龙》、《文身习俗对汉字的影响》、《在汉字里遇见上帝》、《品茗汉字里的酒香》等文章。
目录 · · · · · ·第一章人
Instructional Videos for Chinese Teachers: TEQ Series -- Dec. 2, 2014
The TEQ Series presented by Asia Society illustrates innovative and effective Chinese language instruction in American K–12 classrooms. Each episode of the series consists of a 30-minute edited classroom video interspersed with commentary, a lesson plan for the video lesson, and interviews with the featured teacher and an administrator of the school. This series is intended to serve as a “window into classrooms” so teachers in training and professional development can visualize how various instructional strategies are carried out in real classrooms, reflect on their own teaching, and search for new ideas and strategies to make improvements.
Why is TEQ important?
In today's classrooms, video has become one of the most commonly used aids to engage students in learning. The power of video can also be tapped to inspire and impact the teachers themselves in their professional development. However, it is a false promise that teachers can improve their practice simply by watching a video. With this understanding, we have built in TEQ sessions to guide teachers to think and reflect while watching the video. Following Mr. T, Ms. E, and Ms. Q , teachers will see howTheory, Enthusiasm, and Questions work together to create dynamic, interactive, and effective Chinese language instruction.
How are the video lessons prepared and produced?
The preparation and production of the video lessons is a true learning process for the selected teachers. They first submit a lesson plan that demonstrates their understanding of effective and innovative Chinese language teaching. Based on the lesson plans submitted, featured teachers work individually with a master teacher who serves as a coach through telephone and email over a period of time to revise and refine the lesson plans, discuss details for implementation, and prepare the instructional materials. Through this coaching, teachers expand their understanding of Chinese language instruction and learn new strategies for teaching. After the example lesson is recorded on video and edited, the teachers reflect on their own teaching by reviewing the video episode with the commentary on their lesson.
Are the video lessons perfect?
The featured teachers are exceptionally dedicated, and they work hard to contribute to the field by creating lessons that exemplify best practices. However, no lesson is perfect, and every lesson has room for improvement. These video lessons have brought to life instructional strategies and learning outcomes; they not only demonstrate what works, but also stimulate inquiry into what could be done differently for improvement.
What questions might a teacher in training or professional development ask when reviewing these video lessons?
These video lessons help bridge the gap between standards and implementation. The classroom realities revealed in the videos are stimulating for productive, deep discussion on teaching and learning. It is recommended that these video episodes be used as assignments with two or three guided questions so that teachers can review them as many times as needed to prepare for the discussion session. During the discussion, it is necessary to guide the teachers to see the key ideas of the episode, as well as to discuss what they can do for they own classrooms.
How can teachers use the TEQ Series on their own for professional growth?
This video series offers a peek into different classrooms with students of different ages and proficiency levels. It can help teachers break down the sense of isolation that often occurs for teachers, and introduce them to new ideas and strategies for teaching and learning. However, it will take several viewings for teachers to see what is really going on in the classroom. For example, they might get only the main flow and key ideas of the lesson during the first viewing. The second viewing will help them to see more details, such as the teacher-student interactions and students' learning outcomes, while the third will enable teachers to think what could be done differently and what they could do for their own students. The questions suggested above will be helpful for reflection and comparison. It would be even more helpful if teachers can discuss the video lessons with colleagues, sharing their thoughts and questions.
Can I talk with these teachers featured in the TEQ Series? How do I provide my comments?
Your comments and feedback are always highly appreciated. Please tell us your thoughts after you watch these videos. Asia Society also helps these teachers give presentations and workshops at major language teaching conferences, including the National Chinese Language Conference and the ACTFL Convention, as well as at other professional development events for teachers, where you can talk with these teachers in person.
Can I apply to become a featured teacher?
If interested, please send us your name, school, and e-mail address through this form.
Instructional Videos for Chinese Language Teachers: TEQ Series
Part of Asia Society's professional development series for educators, these instructional videos for Chinese language teachers aim to share best practices in the field of Chinese language teaching.
The TEQ Series presented by Asia Society illustrates innovative and effective Chinese language instruction in American K–12 classrooms. Each episode of the series consists of a 30-minute edited classroom video interspersed with commentary, a lesson plan for the video lesson, and interviews with the featured teacher and an administrator of the school. This series is intended to serve as a “window into classrooms” so teachers in training and professional development can visualize how various instructional strategies are carried out in real classrooms, reflect on their own teaching, and search for new ideas and strategies to make improvements.
Why is TEQ important?
In today's classrooms, video has become one of the most commonly used aids to engage students in learning. The power of video can also be tapped to inspire and impact the teachers themselves in their professional development. However, it is a false promise that teachers can improve their practice simply by watching a video. With this understanding, we have built in TEQ sessions to guide teachers to think and reflect while watching the video. Following Mr. T, Ms. E, and Ms. Q , teachers will see howTheory, Enthusiasm, and Questions work together to create dynamic, interactive, and effective Chinese language instruction.
How are the video lessons prepared and produced?
The preparation and production of the video lessons is a true learning process for the selected teachers. They first submit a lesson plan that demonstrates their understanding of effective and innovative Chinese language teaching. Based on the lesson plans submitted, featured teachers work individually with a master teacher who serves as a coach through telephone and email over a period of time to revise and refine the lesson plans, discuss details for implementation, and prepare the instructional materials. Through this coaching, teachers expand their understanding of Chinese language instruction and learn new strategies for teaching. After the example lesson is recorded on video and edited, the teachers reflect on their own teaching by reviewing the video episode with the commentary on their lesson.
Are the video lessons perfect?
The featured teachers are exceptionally dedicated, and they work hard to contribute to the field by creating lessons that exemplify best practices. However, no lesson is perfect, and every lesson has room for improvement. These video lessons have brought to life instructional strategies and learning outcomes; they not only demonstrate what works, but also stimulate inquiry into what could be done differently for improvement.
What questions might a teacher in training or professional development ask when reviewing these video lessons?
- What is the objective of the lesson?
- How did the teacher align his/her instructions, activities, and learning outcomes with the objectives he/she set forth for the lesson?
- What practices did you think worked? Why?
- What would you do similarly? What would you do differently?
- What new ideas did you get from viewing this video?
- What strategies do you want to try in your classroom?
- What modifications would you make? Why?
These video lessons help bridge the gap between standards and implementation. The classroom realities revealed in the videos are stimulating for productive, deep discussion on teaching and learning. It is recommended that these video episodes be used as assignments with two or three guided questions so that teachers can review them as many times as needed to prepare for the discussion session. During the discussion, it is necessary to guide the teachers to see the key ideas of the episode, as well as to discuss what they can do for they own classrooms.
How can teachers use the TEQ Series on their own for professional growth?
This video series offers a peek into different classrooms with students of different ages and proficiency levels. It can help teachers break down the sense of isolation that often occurs for teachers, and introduce them to new ideas and strategies for teaching and learning. However, it will take several viewings for teachers to see what is really going on in the classroom. For example, they might get only the main flow and key ideas of the lesson during the first viewing. The second viewing will help them to see more details, such as the teacher-student interactions and students' learning outcomes, while the third will enable teachers to think what could be done differently and what they could do for their own students. The questions suggested above will be helpful for reflection and comparison. It would be even more helpful if teachers can discuss the video lessons with colleagues, sharing their thoughts and questions.
Can I talk with these teachers featured in the TEQ Series? How do I provide my comments?
Your comments and feedback are always highly appreciated. Please tell us your thoughts after you watch these videos. Asia Society also helps these teachers give presentations and workshops at major language teaching conferences, including the National Chinese Language Conference and the ACTFL Convention, as well as at other professional development events for teachers, where you can talk with these teachers in person.
Can I apply to become a featured teacher?
If interested, please send us your name, school, and e-mail address through this form.
Instructional Videos for Chinese Language Teachers: TEQ Series
Part of Asia Society's professional development series for educators, these instructional videos for Chinese language teachers aim to share best practices in the field of Chinese language teaching.
China bans wordplay in attempt at pun control--Dec. 1, 2014
Officials say casual alteration of idioms risks nothing less than ‘cultural and linguistic chaos’, despite their common usage
By Tania Branigan in Beijing
From online discussions to adverts, Chinese culture is full of puns. But the country’s print and broadcast watchdog has ruled that there is nothing funny about them.
It has banned wordplay on the grounds that it breaches the law on standard spoken and written Chinese, makes promoting cultural heritage harder and may mislead the public – especially children.
The casual alteration of idioms risks nothing less than “cultural and linguistic chaos”, it warns.
Chinese is perfectly suited to puns because it has so many homophones. Popular sayings and even customs, as well as jokes, rely on wordplay.
But the order from the State Administration for Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television says: “Radio and television authorities at all levels must tighten up their regulations and crack down on the irregular and inaccurate use of the Chinese language, especially the misuse of idioms.”
Programmes and adverts should strictly comply with the standard spelling and use of characters, words, phrases and idioms – and avoid changing the characters, phrasing and meanings, the order said.
“Idioms are one of the great features of the Chinese language and contain profound cultural heritage and historical resources and great aesthetic, ideological and moral values,” it added.
“That’s the most ridiculous part of this: [wordplay] is so much part and parcel of Chinese heritage,” said David Moser, academic director for CET Chinese studies at Beijing Capital Normal University.
When couples marry, people will give them dates and peanuts – a reference to the wish Zaosheng guizi or “May you soon give birth to a son”. The word for dates is also zao and peanuts are huasheng.
The notice cites complaints from viewers, but the examples it gives appear utterly innocuous. In a tourism promotion campaign, tweaking the characters used in the phrase jin shan jin mei – perfection – has turned it into a slogan translated as “Shanxi, a land of splendours” 晋善晋美. In another case, replacing a single character in ke bu rong huanhas turned “brook no delay” into “coughing must not linger” 咳不容缓 for a medicine advert.
“It could just be a small group of people, or even one person, who are conservative, humourless, priggish and arbitrarily purist, so that everyone has to fall in line,” said Moser.
“But I wonder if this is not a preemptive move, an excuse to crack down for supposed ‘linguistic purity reasons’ on the cute language people use to crack jokes about the leadership or policies. It sounds too convenient.”
Internet users have been particularly inventive in finding alternative ways to discuss subjects or people whose names have been blocked by censors.
Moves to block such creativity have a long history too. Moser said Yuan Shikai, president of the Republic of China from 1912 to 1915, reportedly wanted to rename the Lantern Festival, Yuan Xiao Jie, because it sounded like “cancel Yuan day”.
By Tania Branigan in Beijing
From online discussions to adverts, Chinese culture is full of puns. But the country’s print and broadcast watchdog has ruled that there is nothing funny about them.
It has banned wordplay on the grounds that it breaches the law on standard spoken and written Chinese, makes promoting cultural heritage harder and may mislead the public – especially children.
The casual alteration of idioms risks nothing less than “cultural and linguistic chaos”, it warns.
Chinese is perfectly suited to puns because it has so many homophones. Popular sayings and even customs, as well as jokes, rely on wordplay.
But the order from the State Administration for Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television says: “Radio and television authorities at all levels must tighten up their regulations and crack down on the irregular and inaccurate use of the Chinese language, especially the misuse of idioms.”
Programmes and adverts should strictly comply with the standard spelling and use of characters, words, phrases and idioms – and avoid changing the characters, phrasing and meanings, the order said.
“Idioms are one of the great features of the Chinese language and contain profound cultural heritage and historical resources and great aesthetic, ideological and moral values,” it added.
“That’s the most ridiculous part of this: [wordplay] is so much part and parcel of Chinese heritage,” said David Moser, academic director for CET Chinese studies at Beijing Capital Normal University.
When couples marry, people will give them dates and peanuts – a reference to the wish Zaosheng guizi or “May you soon give birth to a son”. The word for dates is also zao and peanuts are huasheng.
The notice cites complaints from viewers, but the examples it gives appear utterly innocuous. In a tourism promotion campaign, tweaking the characters used in the phrase jin shan jin mei – perfection – has turned it into a slogan translated as “Shanxi, a land of splendours” 晋善晋美. In another case, replacing a single character in ke bu rong huanhas turned “brook no delay” into “coughing must not linger” 咳不容缓 for a medicine advert.
“It could just be a small group of people, or even one person, who are conservative, humourless, priggish and arbitrarily purist, so that everyone has to fall in line,” said Moser.
“But I wonder if this is not a preemptive move, an excuse to crack down for supposed ‘linguistic purity reasons’ on the cute language people use to crack jokes about the leadership or policies. It sounds too convenient.”
Internet users have been particularly inventive in finding alternative ways to discuss subjects or people whose names have been blocked by censors.
Moves to block such creativity have a long history too. Moser said Yuan Shikai, president of the Republic of China from 1912 to 1915, reportedly wanted to rename the Lantern Festival, Yuan Xiao Jie, because it sounded like “cancel Yuan day”.
ABC Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs--Nov. 21, 2014
From: Anne Henochowicz <[email protected]>
Wenlin Institute, Inc.
Thursday, November 20th, 2014
Wenlin Institute Releases Chinese-English Hàn-Yīng Yànyǔ Cídiǎn:
ABC Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs (汉英谚语词典)
La Jolla, California—Wenlin Institute, developer of Wenlin Software for Learning Chinese and CDL font technology, announces the release of the electronic Chinese-English ABC Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs, edited by John S. Rohsenow. Modern Language Journal describes Rohsenow’s dictionary as “delightful and easy-to-use…open[ing] the treasure house of Chinese folk wisdom to a general English-speaking readership….appealing and useful to language students at any level and to anyone who may need a pithy aphorism” (89, 2005). The new electronic edition, created by Wenlin Institute (preparer of the paper edition), adds new dimensions of accessibility to this valuable text. The electronic edition is designed to be used with Wenlin Software for Learning Chinese. Full integration with Wenlin’s powerful electronic ABC dictionary means that readers of Simplified and Traditional Chinese will have instant access to the wide variety dictionary entries available for exploring nu
ances of Prof. Rohsenow’s fine translation, and for understanding deeper meanings of Chinese proverbs. An edition for use in any web browser is under preparation. This new electronic edition is of interest to English and Chinese readers in general, and to specialists in a wide variety of fields, including anthropology, linguistics, literature, sociology, psychology, and history. The new electronic edition is available online at for $19.99 (or $14.99 through Dec. 31st 2014).
Recently published in book form by the University of Hawai’i Press, the ABC Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs consists of approximately 4,000 Chinese proverbs alphabetically arranged by the first words (詞/词 cí) of the proverb according to the Hànyǔ Pīnyīn transcription and Chinese characters (standard simplified), followed by a literal (and when necessary also a figurative) English translation. Additional data such as brief usage notes, sources, parallel expressions, cross-references, and famous instances of use are provided where available. The proverbs are supplemented by an index of key words (both Chinese and English) found in all entries and of all topics addressed. The author has provided a scholarly introduction analyzing the definition, structure, usage, and history of these Yànyǔ in traditional and contemporary China as well as a bibliography of collections and relevant scholarly studies of Yànyǔ.
Wenlin Institute provides software solutions for Chinese language learning, research, and development. Wenlin’s mission is to help people learn languages, primarily Chinese and English; promote intercultural education, understanding, cooperation, and diversity; and develop linguistic and educational sciences, technologies, and techniques.
More information about Wenlin Software for learning Chinese version 4.1.1:
More information about Wenlin CDL font technology:
by [email protected] on November 21, 2014
Wenlin Institute, Inc.
Thursday, November 20th, 2014
Wenlin Institute Releases Chinese-English Hàn-Yīng Yànyǔ Cídiǎn:
ABC Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs (汉英谚语词典)
La Jolla, California—Wenlin Institute, developer of Wenlin Software for Learning Chinese and CDL font technology, announces the release of the electronic Chinese-English ABC Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs, edited by John S. Rohsenow. Modern Language Journal describes Rohsenow’s dictionary as “delightful and easy-to-use…open[ing] the treasure house of Chinese folk wisdom to a general English-speaking readership….appealing and useful to language students at any level and to anyone who may need a pithy aphorism” (89, 2005). The new electronic edition, created by Wenlin Institute (preparer of the paper edition), adds new dimensions of accessibility to this valuable text. The electronic edition is designed to be used with Wenlin Software for Learning Chinese. Full integration with Wenlin’s powerful electronic ABC dictionary means that readers of Simplified and Traditional Chinese will have instant access to the wide variety dictionary entries available for exploring nu
ances of Prof. Rohsenow’s fine translation, and for understanding deeper meanings of Chinese proverbs. An edition for use in any web browser is under preparation. This new electronic edition is of interest to English and Chinese readers in general, and to specialists in a wide variety of fields, including anthropology, linguistics, literature, sociology, psychology, and history. The new electronic edition is available online at for $19.99 (or $14.99 through Dec. 31st 2014).
Recently published in book form by the University of Hawai’i Press, the ABC Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs consists of approximately 4,000 Chinese proverbs alphabetically arranged by the first words (詞/词 cí) of the proverb according to the Hànyǔ Pīnyīn transcription and Chinese characters (standard simplified), followed by a literal (and when necessary also a figurative) English translation. Additional data such as brief usage notes, sources, parallel expressions, cross-references, and famous instances of use are provided where available. The proverbs are supplemented by an index of key words (both Chinese and English) found in all entries and of all topics addressed. The author has provided a scholarly introduction analyzing the definition, structure, usage, and history of these Yànyǔ in traditional and contemporary China as well as a bibliography of collections and relevant scholarly studies of Yànyǔ.
Wenlin Institute provides software solutions for Chinese language learning, research, and development. Wenlin’s mission is to help people learn languages, primarily Chinese and English; promote intercultural education, understanding, cooperation, and diversity; and develop linguistic and educational sciences, technologies, and techniques.
More information about Wenlin Software for learning Chinese version 4.1.1:
More information about Wenlin CDL font technology:
by [email protected] on November 21, 2014
2014年度“中国最美的书--Nov. 17, 2014
2014年度“中国最美的书”评选揭晓来源: 扬子晚报网 发布于:2014-11-17 15:43:26
扬子晚报网11月17日讯 (记者 罗晓娜) 什么是“中国最美的书”?封面不俗?插画美丽?读者们也许都有自己的一番理解。11月17日,2014年度“中国最美的书”评选揭晓, 来自全国各地出版社22种图书荣膺本年度“中国最美的书”称号,并将代表中国参加2014年度的“世界最美的书”评选。
2014年度“中国最美的书”评选揭晓来源: 扬子晚报网 发布于:2014-11-17 15:43:26
扬子晚报网11月17日讯 (记者 罗晓娜) 什么是“中国最美的书”?封面不俗?插画美丽?读者们也许都有自己的一番理解。11月17日,2014年度“中国最美的书”评选揭晓, 来自全国各地出版社22种图书荣膺本年度“中国最美的书”称号,并将代表中国参加2014年度的“世界最美的书”评选。
孔子学院教材资源通讯 -- Nov. 3, 2014
Tang Poetry app for Chinese language--Oct. 13, 2014
The Confucius Institute at the University of Michigan, Clavis Sinica has been developing an experimental mobile app designed to provide a hands-on, interactive poetry immersion experience for beginning and intermediate students of Chinese. Available for free download from the iTunes and Google App Stores, the latest version of the app, released last week, now includes five simple Tang poems and reading notes for each poem.
A complete description of the app's features, along with sample screen shots, can be found on the app stores, where you can also download the free app to your phone to try it out yourself:
Link to Tang Poetry App on iTunes App Store Link to Tang Poetry App Google Play Store
A complete description of the app's features, along with sample screen shots, can be found on the app stores, where you can also download the free app to your phone to try it out yourself:
Link to Tang Poetry App on iTunes App Store Link to Tang Poetry App Google Play Store
欢迎访问中山大学全球汉语教材库 并请“上传共建” -- Sep. 7, 2014
国际汉语教材研发与培训 基地由中国国家汉办和中山大学于2009年 正式成立,现已建成全球汉语教学资源信息丰富、使用便捷的全球汉语教材库(。教材库于2011年6月正式在线运行,收录海内外552个出版社出版的 国际汉语教材信息16000余册(种),涵盖52种教学媒介语。截至2014年8月,访问量已达312653人次。
为向全球汉语学习者和从 业者提供更为全面的信息服务,现教材库正式开通“上传共建”功能,以集业界之力进一步丰富和完善教材库国际汉语教材信息,推动国际汉语教 育事业的发展。
诚挚邀请各位海内外的汉 语学习者和从业者,将您所在学校/地区使用 的汉语教材信息上传到教材库,与我们共建、共享国际汉语教材信息资源。具体上传步骤,烦请参考《全球汉语教材库“上传共建”的使用说 明》(详见附件)。同时,我们也会进一步完善、开通教材库“样课预览”、“教材研究”等功能,为大家提供一个更好的国际汉语教材信息 资源共享平台!
附件:全球汉语教材库 “上传共建”的使用说明
联系邮箱: <[email protected]>
Google正式推出教育应用Classroom -- Sep. 4, 2014
自从 Google 出了教育应用,学生们再也不能跟老师说作业被狗吃掉了——CNET 是这么形容 Google 的新产品Classroom的。这款产品在今年五月份接受了来自全世界 45 个国家 10 万名以上的教师试用,经过几番改进的正式版本终于在 13 号发布了。
什么是Google Classroom?
Google Classroom 的产品经理 Zach Yeskel 说,这款产品的目标就是要消灭师生之间来来去去东一张西一张的纸头,使教学交流变得快捷轻便。Classroom 把传统教室里教师布置作业、学生做作业、学生上交作业和老师批改下发作业这几个步骤集中在了一站式平台上,纸笔变为了电子稿,一来二去的交流变为了即时交流和即时协作。
教师在 Classroom 的界面上可以像创建文档一样创建一门课程的主页,邀请学生加入这个主页,随后在主页上发布作业任务。学生在任务下可以利用 Google Docs 和 Google Drive 等工具,在线写作业并提交给老师。教师在收到作业以后也可以在线打分和点评。基于 Google Docs 的即时和易于复制的特点,未来学校还可能直接使用 Classroom 来出电子试卷或者 home quiz,也就是可以带回家做的小测验。
值得一提的是,Google Docs 等工具在 Classroom 上线以前仅仅方便了学生在各自家里完成多人协作的小组作业,而在 Classroom 里,Google 根据试用教师反馈,新增了一项允许教师协同监督的功能。当学生的作业还在创作的过程当中,教师就可以时时地在线上查看、指点和督促了。同理,在未来用 Classroom 出的试卷里,监考老师也可以完全了解到任一个学生在一道题目上花费了多少时间。
谁可以使用Google Classroom?
所有 Google Apps for Education 的用户都可以免费使用 Classroom。有 Google 教育账户的用户也可以免费添加这个应用,不过在尚未以机构为单位统一使用 Google Classroom 的学校,个体用户即便添加了应用也不能马上体验,而是需要等候 Google 的管理团队决定是否为其开通服务,等候时间不定。
Google Classroom有什么优势?
Google Classroom 的功能可以直接取代目前美国教育科技界诸如 BlackBoard 等巨头的技术方案。后者掌握着美国绝大部分院校的销售渠道,通过销售软件服务而获利,Google 与之不同的是,提供全线免费的软件服务,带动相关的硬件销售而获利。
专为 Google 教育类应用而制的小型笔记本电脑 Chromebooks 和平板电脑 Tablets with Google Play 已经普及到部分院校,根据华尔街日报的统计,Chromebooks 在今年第二季度里在院校间的销售量已经高达一百万台,累计占据了市面上校用移动电脑数量的五分之一。如之相结合的教育软件分为五大类,包括 Google Apps for Education, Drive,Docs,Sheets,Slides,Sites,Forms 等的协同类,包括 Chrome for Education,Google Vault 等的管理类,包括 Keys to the Web 等的网络安全类,包括 Art Projects, YouTube EDU 等的探索类,包括 Google App Engine 等的计算机科学类。现在 Classroom 的推出,会使这些硬件设备如虎添翼,对教育者成为更大的吸引。
For more info, please visit
什么是Google Classroom?
Google Classroom 的产品经理 Zach Yeskel 说,这款产品的目标就是要消灭师生之间来来去去东一张西一张的纸头,使教学交流变得快捷轻便。Classroom 把传统教室里教师布置作业、学生做作业、学生上交作业和老师批改下发作业这几个步骤集中在了一站式平台上,纸笔变为了电子稿,一来二去的交流变为了即时交流和即时协作。
教师在 Classroom 的界面上可以像创建文档一样创建一门课程的主页,邀请学生加入这个主页,随后在主页上发布作业任务。学生在任务下可以利用 Google Docs 和 Google Drive 等工具,在线写作业并提交给老师。教师在收到作业以后也可以在线打分和点评。基于 Google Docs 的即时和易于复制的特点,未来学校还可能直接使用 Classroom 来出电子试卷或者 home quiz,也就是可以带回家做的小测验。
值得一提的是,Google Docs 等工具在 Classroom 上线以前仅仅方便了学生在各自家里完成多人协作的小组作业,而在 Classroom 里,Google 根据试用教师反馈,新增了一项允许教师协同监督的功能。当学生的作业还在创作的过程当中,教师就可以时时地在线上查看、指点和督促了。同理,在未来用 Classroom 出的试卷里,监考老师也可以完全了解到任一个学生在一道题目上花费了多少时间。
谁可以使用Google Classroom?
所有 Google Apps for Education 的用户都可以免费使用 Classroom。有 Google 教育账户的用户也可以免费添加这个应用,不过在尚未以机构为单位统一使用 Google Classroom 的学校,个体用户即便添加了应用也不能马上体验,而是需要等候 Google 的管理团队决定是否为其开通服务,等候时间不定。
Google Classroom有什么优势?
Google Classroom 的功能可以直接取代目前美国教育科技界诸如 BlackBoard 等巨头的技术方案。后者掌握着美国绝大部分院校的销售渠道,通过销售软件服务而获利,Google 与之不同的是,提供全线免费的软件服务,带动相关的硬件销售而获利。
专为 Google 教育类应用而制的小型笔记本电脑 Chromebooks 和平板电脑 Tablets with Google Play 已经普及到部分院校,根据华尔街日报的统计,Chromebooks 在今年第二季度里在院校间的销售量已经高达一百万台,累计占据了市面上校用移动电脑数量的五分之一。如之相结合的教育软件分为五大类,包括 Google Apps for Education, Drive,Docs,Sheets,Slides,Sites,Forms 等的协同类,包括 Chrome for Education,Google Vault 等的管理类,包括 Keys to the Web 等的网络安全类,包括 Art Projects, YouTube EDU 等的探索类,包括 Google App Engine 等的计算机科学类。现在 Classroom 的推出,会使这些硬件设备如虎添翼,对教育者成为更大的吸引。
For more info, please visit
What’s in a Word? A Chinese Dictionary Updates -- Sep. 1, 2014
The new entries include weixin (微信), or WeChat, the hugely popular social messaging service operated by Tencent. There are also some older words recently revived and repurposed for contemporary use, such as tuhao (土豪), literally translated as tu, or “dirt,” and hao, or “despotic.” Commonly used in the 1930s to refer to local tyrants, tuhao today derides a new privileged class that has emerged in China: people who are “extremely wealthy but lacking in education or values,” according to the dictionary’s definition.
But why did weixin and tuhao make the cut, while other, seemingly equally popular terms were shut out? Not admitted to the new edition were such words as diaosi (屌丝), literally “silk penis” but meaning “loser”; shengnü (剩女), or “leftover woman”; shengnan (剩男), “leftover man”; and baifumei (白富美), meaning “white, rich and beautiful.” |
31 Educational Web Tools that Every Teacher Should Know -- Aug. 29, 2014
Below is a list I have been working on for the last couple of days. This list features some interesting web tools for teachers keen on integrating technology into their instruction and work routine. I did my best to included as many tools as possible. There are loads of web platforms that are educationally focused and to contain them all in one list is way beyond the scope of a short blog post like this , therefore I selected only what I deemed the most important. I hope you ll enjoy the selection.
For more details, please visit the web link at:
For more details, please visit the web link at:
Integrated Chinese Level 2 DVDs Available August 1!--June 11, 2014
Integrated Chinese Level 2 DVDs
Cheng & Tsui is excited to present the newest addition to the best selling Integrated Chinese series: Level 2-1 and Level 2-2 DVDs. Available on August 1, 2014, these videos use documentary-style episodes that feature natural, conversational interviews with native speakers of Chinese and non-native speakers living and working in China. Students will experience an in-depth exploration of themes in contemporary Chinese culture and society. These videos are designed to pair with Integrated Chinese 2’s lesson themes, though they would easily benefit any Chinese curriculum using similar themes. Subtitles in English, pinyin, simplified or traditional Chinese characters are available.
Integrated Chinese Level 2 DVDs also come with helpful video activity worksheets soon to be available to help unlock greater learning and comprehension.
For more information regarding the Integrated Chinese series, please visit and the series’ companion website at
For more information regarding our special pre-publication offer or any other Cheng & Tsui product, please visit To speak with a Publisher’s Representative, please call 1-800-554-1963 or email [email protected].
Cheng & Tsui is excited to present the newest addition to the best selling Integrated Chinese series: Level 2-1 and Level 2-2 DVDs. Available on August 1, 2014, these videos use documentary-style episodes that feature natural, conversational interviews with native speakers of Chinese and non-native speakers living and working in China. Students will experience an in-depth exploration of themes in contemporary Chinese culture and society. These videos are designed to pair with Integrated Chinese 2’s lesson themes, though they would easily benefit any Chinese curriculum using similar themes. Subtitles in English, pinyin, simplified or traditional Chinese characters are available.
Integrated Chinese Level 2 DVDs also come with helpful video activity worksheets soon to be available to help unlock greater learning and comprehension.
For more information regarding the Integrated Chinese series, please visit and the series’ companion website at
For more information regarding our special pre-publication offer or any other Cheng & Tsui product, please visit To speak with a Publisher’s Representative, please call 1-800-554-1963 or email [email protected].
- Publication Date: August 1, 2014
- ISBN: Level 2-1 DVD (IND) 978-0-88727-507-4
First Step: An Elementary Reader for Modern Chinese--April 26, 2014
First Step is an elementary Chinese textbook for students with no previous background in the language. Focusing on the basics of modern Chinese phonetics and grammatical structure, the book uses everyday topics to help students establish a solid foundation in the Chinese language.
The textbook, which includes color illustrations, contains thirty lessons, each of which can be covered in a week's worth of classes. Each lesson features a lively dialogue or a short essay, representing a real-life situation, which is then followed by vocabulary lists and grammar notes. Explanatory notes on Chinese culture and customs are also provided. The companion workbook for First Step is sold separately and includes comprehensive exercises and character writing sheets with information on the stroke orders of newly introduced characters. Free online audio files, accessible on smartphones, tablets, and laptops, allow students to listen to First Step dialogues and practice their pronunciation at their leisure. This vital audio supplement gives students the chance to learn Chinese intonation with greater accuracy.
First Step provides students with the necessary tools to begin practical daily communication in Chinese.
Chih-p'ing Chou is professor of East Asian studies at Princeton University and director of the university's Chinese language and Princeton in Beijing programs. Jing Wang is senior lecturer in Chinese at Princeton. Jun Lei is a former lecturer in Chinese at Princeton.
"First Step is the most recent step in the wonderful Y. R. Chao tradition of teaching Chinese language to speakers of English. It begins with essential foundation work in pronunciation, then offers simple, natural, and witty dialogues, followed by tight, clear explanations of grammar, notes on culture, introductions to reading and writing--in both simplified and traditional characters--and a comprehensive set of exercises. It is everything one could want in a first-year textbook."--Perry Link, University of California, Riverside
"C. P. Chou and his colleagues have produced a much-needed textbook for all those who truly wish to learn Chinese well.First Step masterfully balances dialogues, texts, grammar, and exercises to help students achieve accuracy and fluency, as well as linguistic competence and cultural awareness. Its contents are intimately relevant to campus life and daily situations, and both the textbook and workbook supplements are easy to use and extremely helpful. Continuing the great tradition started by Y. R. Chao more than seventy years ago, First Step provides a clear path to building solid Chinese skills."--Lening Liu, Columbia University
"I am impressed by this textbook's practical approach, its contemporary and colloquial feel, the variety of exercises included, and the detailed grammatical explanations in each lesson. The authors use current vocabulary and grammatical structures throughout, and their experience shines through. This book is a great addition to the field."--Baozhang He, College of the Holy Cross
More Endorsements
Table of Contents
Other Princeton books authored or coauthored by Chih-p'ing Chou:
Another Princeton book authored or coauthored by Jun Lei:
The textbook, which includes color illustrations, contains thirty lessons, each of which can be covered in a week's worth of classes. Each lesson features a lively dialogue or a short essay, representing a real-life situation, which is then followed by vocabulary lists and grammar notes. Explanatory notes on Chinese culture and customs are also provided. The companion workbook for First Step is sold separately and includes comprehensive exercises and character writing sheets with information on the stroke orders of newly introduced characters. Free online audio files, accessible on smartphones, tablets, and laptops, allow students to listen to First Step dialogues and practice their pronunciation at their leisure. This vital audio supplement gives students the chance to learn Chinese intonation with greater accuracy.
First Step provides students with the necessary tools to begin practical daily communication in Chinese.
- Emphasis is on basic grammar structure and principles
- Textbook features both traditional and simplified characters, pinyin, and English translation
- Perforated workbook (which is sold separately) facilitates easy handling of homework
- Free audio recordings of dialogues and other content available online
- Appropriate for college and high school students
Chih-p'ing Chou is professor of East Asian studies at Princeton University and director of the university's Chinese language and Princeton in Beijing programs. Jing Wang is senior lecturer in Chinese at Princeton. Jun Lei is a former lecturer in Chinese at Princeton.
"First Step is the most recent step in the wonderful Y. R. Chao tradition of teaching Chinese language to speakers of English. It begins with essential foundation work in pronunciation, then offers simple, natural, and witty dialogues, followed by tight, clear explanations of grammar, notes on culture, introductions to reading and writing--in both simplified and traditional characters--and a comprehensive set of exercises. It is everything one could want in a first-year textbook."--Perry Link, University of California, Riverside
"C. P. Chou and his colleagues have produced a much-needed textbook for all those who truly wish to learn Chinese well.First Step masterfully balances dialogues, texts, grammar, and exercises to help students achieve accuracy and fluency, as well as linguistic competence and cultural awareness. Its contents are intimately relevant to campus life and daily situations, and both the textbook and workbook supplements are easy to use and extremely helpful. Continuing the great tradition started by Y. R. Chao more than seventy years ago, First Step provides a clear path to building solid Chinese skills."--Lening Liu, Columbia University
"I am impressed by this textbook's practical approach, its contemporary and colloquial feel, the variety of exercises included, and the detailed grammatical explanations in each lesson. The authors use current vocabulary and grammatical structures throughout, and their experience shines through. This book is a great addition to the field."--Baozhang He, College of the Holy Cross
More Endorsements
Table of Contents
Other Princeton books authored or coauthored by Chih-p'ing Chou:
- Advanced Reader of Modern Chinese (Two-Volume Set): China's Own Critics: Volume I: Text and Volume II: Vocabulary & Sentence Patterns. [Paperback]
- All Things Considered. [Paperback]
- Anything Goes: An Advanced Reader of Modern Chinese. [Paperback]
- China's Peril and Promise: An Advanced Reader of Modern Chinese, 2 Volumes. [Paperback]
- First Step: Workbook for Modern Chinese. [Paperback]
- Intermediate Reader of Modern Chinese: Volume I: Text, Volume II: Vocabulary, Sentence Patterns, Exercises. [Paperback]
- A Kaleidoscope of China: An Advanced Reader of Modern Chinese. [Paperback]
- Literature and Society: Advanced Reader of Modern Chinese. [Paperback]
- A New China: An Intermediate Reader of Modern Chinese. [Paperback]
- Newspaper Readings: The U.S.A. in The People's Daily. [Paperback]
- Oh, China! An Elementary Reader of Modern Chinese for Advanced Beginners. [Paperback]
- Readings in Contemporary Chinese Cinema: A Textbook of Advanced Modern Chinese. [Paperback]
- A Trip to China: An Intermediate Reader of Modern Chinese. [Paperback]
Another Princeton book authored or coauthored by Jun Lei:
Cheng & Tsui at National Chinese Language Conference--April 23, 2014
Tang Poetry for Smartphones & Tablets--April 9, 2014
Dear Colleague,
I am writing to announce that the Chinese Poetry App from Clavis Sinica is now ready for you and your students to use. This preliminary version of the app contains all the resources your students will need to learn how to read, write, translate, and recite three short and accessible Tang poems.
The app can be downloaded for free using these links:
iTunes Store (for iPhone / iPad)
Google Play (for Android)
Please see our earlier message, copied below, for more details about the app and a link to an online video demo. We will be grateful for your feedback about this preliminary version of the app. If the response is positive, we will continue adding more poems and make additional changes based on the comments and suggestions we receive.
Best regards,
David Porter
I am writing to announce that the Chinese Poetry App from Clavis Sinica is now ready for you and your students to use. This preliminary version of the app contains all the resources your students will need to learn how to read, write, translate, and recite three short and accessible Tang poems.
The app can be downloaded for free using these links:
iTunes Store (for iPhone / iPad)
Google Play (for Android)
Please see our earlier message, copied below, for more details about the app and a link to an online video demo. We will be grateful for your feedback about this preliminary version of the app. If the response is positive, we will continue adding more poems and make additional changes based on the comments and suggestions we receive.
Best regards,
David Porter
Introducing the Integrated Chinese Textbook + Video Combo--March 27, 2014
Do you love the idea of bringing language alive with video? Do you want to put that video in your students’ hands? Then consider the new Integrated Chinese Textbook + Video Combo available for fall semester. This Textbook + Video Combo is a great way to energize your classes and boost student engagement.
Popular Level 1 DVDs now packaged with the textbook
Students will enjoy the entertaining storyline of Wáng Péng, Lǐ Yǒu and others as they bring the textbook dialogues to life. "Culture Minutes" further extend the topics in each lesson as students listen to unscripted interviews and improve their listening skills while learning about Chinese culture.
NEW! Level 2 DVDs now packaged with the textbook
Take your students onto the streets of Beijing and other locations in China with the new Integrated Chinese Level 2 DVDs (available this summer). Students will encounter the lesson themes and vocabulary from their textbooks used in natural, conversational Chinese. Each 4-6 minute documentary-style episode features conversations with the co-hosts and friends, interviews with native speakers of Chinese, and interviews with non-native speakers living and working in China. Students will experience an in-depth exploration of themes in contemporary Chinese culture and society.
NEW! Downloadable Video Activity Worksheets
Pre-viewing, viewing, and post-viewing activities that support instruction using the videos will be available on the Integrated ChineseCompanion Website this summer. Click here to preview a sample worksheet.
Visit Integrated Chinese Textbook + Video Combo Page for samples and more information. To learn more, write us at[email protected], or call us at 1-800-554-1963 (press 5) to speak with our publisher’s representatives.
Popular Level 1 DVDs now packaged with the textbook
Students will enjoy the entertaining storyline of Wáng Péng, Lǐ Yǒu and others as they bring the textbook dialogues to life. "Culture Minutes" further extend the topics in each lesson as students listen to unscripted interviews and improve their listening skills while learning about Chinese culture.
NEW! Level 2 DVDs now packaged with the textbook
Take your students onto the streets of Beijing and other locations in China with the new Integrated Chinese Level 2 DVDs (available this summer). Students will encounter the lesson themes and vocabulary from their textbooks used in natural, conversational Chinese. Each 4-6 minute documentary-style episode features conversations with the co-hosts and friends, interviews with native speakers of Chinese, and interviews with non-native speakers living and working in China. Students will experience an in-depth exploration of themes in contemporary Chinese culture and society.
NEW! Downloadable Video Activity Worksheets
Pre-viewing, viewing, and post-viewing activities that support instruction using the videos will be available on the Integrated ChineseCompanion Website this summer. Click here to preview a sample worksheet.
Visit Integrated Chinese Textbook + Video Combo Page for samples and more information. To learn more, write us at[email protected], or call us at 1-800-554-1963 (press 5) to speak with our publisher’s representatives.
Chinese Poetry for the iPhone Age--March 14, 2014
Dear Colleague,
Have you ever wished there were an easy way to introduce samples of Tang poetry to your students? Working in collaboration with the Confucius Institute at the University of Michigan, Clavis Sinica has been developing an experimental mobile app designed to provide a hands-on, interactive poetry immersion experience for beginning and intermediate students of Chinese.
Many Tang poems, of course, are too long or complicated to teach, and even the short ones tend to use rare and difficult characters that students will likely not encounter elsewhere. We have based our selection of poems for this app on a comprehensive statistical analysis of the complete collection of 40,000+ Tang poems, enabling us to identify short, accessible poems that use a high proportion of basic characters taught in first- and second-year courses. The first poem in our app, for example, is this very brief but poignant piece by 顾况:
The app, which works on both iPhone/iPad and Android devices, uses a series of innovative learning tools that leverage the touch-screen interface to engage students in learning the sound and meaning of each character and line in the poem. After working with the app on a single poem for just an hour or two, students will be able to read, write, translate, and recite the poem, providing them both with insight into Chinese culture and a sense of personal satisfaction and accomplishment.
A brief, two-minute video demonstrating the app's main features can be viewed on Youtube here: ; I've also included a fuller description of the app's learning tools at the end of this message. We'd be very grateful for your comments and suggestions as we prepare the app for initial release. If you'd like further information about making this (free) app available to your students for use in your classes, please contact me directly at [email protected].
Yours sincerely,
David Porter, PhD
Clavis Sinica
Chinese Reading and Reference Software
[email protected]
Chinese Poetry App Description
The poetry of the Tang Dynasty has been revered for over a thousand years in China, and has long been an object of fascination in the West as both a distinctive art form and as a window on the Chinese imagination. While English translations of the most famous poems are readily available, until now the full experience of these works in their original language has been limited to the most devoted students of the classical language.
This ground-breaking mobile app takes on the pedagogical challenges of introducing these brilliant literary gems to beginning students of Chinese. The current version begins with five poems selected for their brevity and the relative accessibility of their language. For each poem, the app provides a sequence of learning tools designed to facilitate an intimate and deeply satisfying familiarity with its sounds, characters, and meanings, enabling even a first-year student, after just a couple of hours with the app, to read, write, translate, and recite an authentic Tang dynasty poem.
As poetry and painting are inseparable in Chinese art, we begin with a calligraphic rendering of the selected poem that captures something of its spirit in the visual dynamism of hand-painted characters. From here we turn to the Text Reader module, which introduces the sounds and meanings of each line and character of the poem with its integrated dictionary and audio playback features. We can touch any unfamiliar character to display its meaning and pronunciation, along with those of any compound word of which it forms a part. And we can listen to each separate line of the poem as many times as necessary to imprint its sounds on our memory.
The vocabulary flashcards tool tests our recollection of the new words and characters we’ve just learned. For each item, we’re asked to identify the correct pronunciation and meaning from a list of options. If we stumble on a character, the app displays a list of commonly used words incorporating that character, to help cement it in our memory.
Once we’re able to recognize all 24 characters in the poem, it’s time to learn to write them. The character trainer module uses stroke animations to demonstrate the correct formation of each character, and then invites us to practice drawing it ourselves, providing immediate stroke by stroke feedback along the way. Separate Drill and Test modes allow us to practice the characters without the outline and to gauge our progress in mastering the complete set.
Once we’ve got the individual characters down, it’s time to put the pieces together and test our recall of the poem as a whole. The Text Scrambler activity presents the complete poem on a set of moveable tiles. After reading it through one more time, we can scramble the tiles, and then time our attempt to restore them to their correct positions based on our memory of the sounds and characters of each line.
Translating poetry is a notoriously difficult task, so the app offers not one but three different English renderings of each poem to help the student to grasp the range of meanings suggested by the poem as a whole and to compare and reflect on the rich variety of interpretations available for individual lines and characters. A brief biographical note on the poet’s life, finally, provides a glimpse of the personality behind the poem and the historical context in which it was written.
Taken together, these learning modules leverage the power of touch-screen technology to provide an engaging, hands-on experience of a miniature literary masterpiece that would otherwise be completely inaccessible. The great satisfaction that comes with making such a poem their own will engage and motivate students in their ongoing explorations of Chinese language and culture.
Have you ever wished there were an easy way to introduce samples of Tang poetry to your students? Working in collaboration with the Confucius Institute at the University of Michigan, Clavis Sinica has been developing an experimental mobile app designed to provide a hands-on, interactive poetry immersion experience for beginning and intermediate students of Chinese.
Many Tang poems, of course, are too long or complicated to teach, and even the short ones tend to use rare and difficult characters that students will likely not encounter elsewhere. We have based our selection of poems for this app on a comprehensive statistical analysis of the complete collection of 40,000+ Tang poems, enabling us to identify short, accessible poems that use a high proportion of basic characters taught in first- and second-year courses. The first poem in our app, for example, is this very brief but poignant piece by 顾况:
The app, which works on both iPhone/iPad and Android devices, uses a series of innovative learning tools that leverage the touch-screen interface to engage students in learning the sound and meaning of each character and line in the poem. After working with the app on a single poem for just an hour or two, students will be able to read, write, translate, and recite the poem, providing them both with insight into Chinese culture and a sense of personal satisfaction and accomplishment.
A brief, two-minute video demonstrating the app's main features can be viewed on Youtube here: ; I've also included a fuller description of the app's learning tools at the end of this message. We'd be very grateful for your comments and suggestions as we prepare the app for initial release. If you'd like further information about making this (free) app available to your students for use in your classes, please contact me directly at [email protected].
Yours sincerely,
David Porter, PhD
Clavis Sinica
Chinese Reading and Reference Software
[email protected]
Chinese Poetry App Description
The poetry of the Tang Dynasty has been revered for over a thousand years in China, and has long been an object of fascination in the West as both a distinctive art form and as a window on the Chinese imagination. While English translations of the most famous poems are readily available, until now the full experience of these works in their original language has been limited to the most devoted students of the classical language.
This ground-breaking mobile app takes on the pedagogical challenges of introducing these brilliant literary gems to beginning students of Chinese. The current version begins with five poems selected for their brevity and the relative accessibility of their language. For each poem, the app provides a sequence of learning tools designed to facilitate an intimate and deeply satisfying familiarity with its sounds, characters, and meanings, enabling even a first-year student, after just a couple of hours with the app, to read, write, translate, and recite an authentic Tang dynasty poem.
As poetry and painting are inseparable in Chinese art, we begin with a calligraphic rendering of the selected poem that captures something of its spirit in the visual dynamism of hand-painted characters. From here we turn to the Text Reader module, which introduces the sounds and meanings of each line and character of the poem with its integrated dictionary and audio playback features. We can touch any unfamiliar character to display its meaning and pronunciation, along with those of any compound word of which it forms a part. And we can listen to each separate line of the poem as many times as necessary to imprint its sounds on our memory.
The vocabulary flashcards tool tests our recollection of the new words and characters we’ve just learned. For each item, we’re asked to identify the correct pronunciation and meaning from a list of options. If we stumble on a character, the app displays a list of commonly used words incorporating that character, to help cement it in our memory.
Once we’re able to recognize all 24 characters in the poem, it’s time to learn to write them. The character trainer module uses stroke animations to demonstrate the correct formation of each character, and then invites us to practice drawing it ourselves, providing immediate stroke by stroke feedback along the way. Separate Drill and Test modes allow us to practice the characters without the outline and to gauge our progress in mastering the complete set.
Once we’ve got the individual characters down, it’s time to put the pieces together and test our recall of the poem as a whole. The Text Scrambler activity presents the complete poem on a set of moveable tiles. After reading it through one more time, we can scramble the tiles, and then time our attempt to restore them to their correct positions based on our memory of the sounds and characters of each line.
Translating poetry is a notoriously difficult task, so the app offers not one but three different English renderings of each poem to help the student to grasp the range of meanings suggested by the poem as a whole and to compare and reflect on the rich variety of interpretations available for individual lines and characters. A brief biographical note on the poet’s life, finally, provides a glimpse of the personality behind the poem and the historical context in which it was written.
Taken together, these learning modules leverage the power of touch-screen technology to provide an engaging, hands-on experience of a miniature literary masterpiece that would otherwise be completely inaccessible. The great satisfaction that comes with making such a poem their own will engage and motivate students in their ongoing explorations of Chinese language and culture.
焦立为的两本书《成语五百条》和《俗语五百条》-- March 13, 2014
我叫焦立为,是宾大(UPenn)的中文老师。您之所以收到这封邮件,是因为我们最近一些年中在某次会议上见过,所以您的电邮我这里有。今天给您发信,是我自己不揣简陋,向您介绍我最近几年参与编写并出版的两本中高年级教学辅导用书——《成语五百条》(500 Common Chinese Idioms: An Annotated Frequency Dictionary)和《俗语五百条》(500 Common Chinese Proverbs and Colloquial Expressions: An Annotated Frequency Dictionary),都由英国Routledge出版社出版。
这两本书,得到了很多专家的推荐,包括David Crystal教授、王士元(William S-Y. Wang)教授、冯胜利教授、肖忠华(Richard Xiao)教授、张正生教授、张相华教授等。
“The authors have done a magnificent job explaining this important dimension in the use of Chinese. Learners will appreciate the care they have taken to ensure that the material is maximally relevant and clear. The dictionary will be an invaluable aid to both comprehension and production.”-- Professor David Crystal
“This volume is suitable for intermediate to advanced learners of Chinese when used in conjunction with a standard Chinese-English dictionary. Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates and above.”—Choice
"The 500 proverbs and colloquial expressions collected in this book provide a precious window on Chinese culture, as well as an invaluable aid to learning the language. The book is an immensely useful reference toward understanding the Chinese mind, for both the learner and the teacher."--W. S-Y. Wang
"It is an extraordinary dictionary with a creative and effective glossary that includes stylistic-register usages and historical resources. It is composed, for the first time, by first rate experts in the field. This dictionary will serve not only for Chinese learners and teachers, but also professionals who are interested in Chinese proverbs."--Shengli Feng
《成语五百条》中共有1000个例句,所有例句的录音都可以在这里下载: (点击Audio Files)
《俗语五百条》中共有1000个小段对话或者例句,所有录音都可以在这里下载: (点击 Audio Files)
另外,Routledge出版社现有八折折扣码: MRK61,有效期至2014年4月29日,在这两本书的链接中可以使用。
我叫焦立为,是宾大(UPenn)的中文老师。您之所以收到这封邮件,是因为我们最近一些年中在某次会议上见过,所以您的电邮我这里有。今天给您发信,是我自己不揣简陋,向您介绍我最近几年参与编写并出版的两本中高年级教学辅导用书——《成语五百条》(500 Common Chinese Idioms: An Annotated Frequency Dictionary)和《俗语五百条》(500 Common Chinese Proverbs and Colloquial Expressions: An Annotated Frequency Dictionary),都由英国Routledge出版社出版。
这两本书,得到了很多专家的推荐,包括David Crystal教授、王士元(William S-Y. Wang)教授、冯胜利教授、肖忠华(Richard Xiao)教授、张正生教授、张相华教授等。
“The authors have done a magnificent job explaining this important dimension in the use of Chinese. Learners will appreciate the care they have taken to ensure that the material is maximally relevant and clear. The dictionary will be an invaluable aid to both comprehension and production.”-- Professor David Crystal
“This volume is suitable for intermediate to advanced learners of Chinese when used in conjunction with a standard Chinese-English dictionary. Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates and above.”—Choice
"The 500 proverbs and colloquial expressions collected in this book provide a precious window on Chinese culture, as well as an invaluable aid to learning the language. The book is an immensely useful reference toward understanding the Chinese mind, for both the learner and the teacher."--W. S-Y. Wang
"It is an extraordinary dictionary with a creative and effective glossary that includes stylistic-register usages and historical resources. It is composed, for the first time, by first rate experts in the field. This dictionary will serve not only for Chinese learners and teachers, but also professionals who are interested in Chinese proverbs."--Shengli Feng
《成语五百条》中共有1000个例句,所有例句的录音都可以在这里下载: (点击Audio Files)
《俗语五百条》中共有1000个小段对话或者例句,所有录音都可以在这里下载: (点击 Audio Files)
另外,Routledge出版社现有八折折扣码: MRK61,有效期至2014年4月29日,在这两本书的链接中可以使用。
Webinar: iLRN for 《你我他》Ni Wo Ta Introductory Chinese--Feb. 24, 2014
Webinar: iLRN for Ni Wo Ta《你我他》An Introductory Chinese Course
Facilitators: Martine Edwards, Phyllis Zhang
Live at: Friday, March 7, 2pm EST
Sponsored by: Cengage Learning
Click to register: Webinar Registration
Ni Wo Ta《你我他》 is Cengage Learning’s new introductory-level textbook series that offers beginning learners of Chinese an enriching language learning experience through a narrative video story, innovative instructional design, robust technology integration, and a wide range of cultural coverage. It employs an intuitive and functional approach to proficiency development, with effective strategies to tackle tough areas such as tones, literacy development and difficult sentence structures. To preview sample chapters and video clips, please visit (Password: niwota).
In this webinar session, you’ll learn about how iLRN, Cengage Learning’s dynamic course-management system, saves you time and supports the program’s key features through integrated video segments, interactive listening-speaking activities, grammar PowerPoint presentations, and more. This program is ideal for college introductory Chinese courses.
To request for examination copies:
Email [email protected]
Ni Wo Ta Textbook IE Volume 1 978-128-5433-53-0
Ni Wo Ta Textbook IE Volume 2 978-128-5433-54-7
Facilitators: Martine Edwards, Phyllis Zhang
Live at: Friday, March 7, 2pm EST
Sponsored by: Cengage Learning
Click to register: Webinar Registration
Ni Wo Ta《你我他》 is Cengage Learning’s new introductory-level textbook series that offers beginning learners of Chinese an enriching language learning experience through a narrative video story, innovative instructional design, robust technology integration, and a wide range of cultural coverage. It employs an intuitive and functional approach to proficiency development, with effective strategies to tackle tough areas such as tones, literacy development and difficult sentence structures. To preview sample chapters and video clips, please visit (Password: niwota).
In this webinar session, you’ll learn about how iLRN, Cengage Learning’s dynamic course-management system, saves you time and supports the program’s key features through integrated video segments, interactive listening-speaking activities, grammar PowerPoint presentations, and more. This program is ideal for college introductory Chinese courses.
To request for examination copies:
Email [email protected]
Ni Wo Ta Textbook IE Volume 1 978-128-5433-53-0
Ni Wo Ta Textbook IE Volume 2 978-128-5433-54-7
Open-source software for educators--Feb. 24, 2014
Open-source software for educatorsFEBRUARY 6, 2014 NEW YORK TEACHER ISSUE
Tired of the expense and ever-present logos of commercial software? Open-source software is a good option to consider, whether you’re looking for an alternative to Microsoft Office or a cheap photo-editing tool.
What is open-source software? If you have Firefox as your Web browser, you’re already using it.
Open source is collaborative: coders and designers publicly share their code with each other. Therefore, anyone can use the code, adapt it or use the program. Open source works on the strength of numbers: with more authors and testers, there is more feedback for improvement and more minds sharing ideas.
Open source is also a movement. Its proponents share a deeply held belief that digital tools shouldn’t be available only to those who can afford them. Professional software can be costly, even prohibitively expensive, while most open-source software is free. Some turn to illegal downloads because they can’t afford software, but open source removes that risk. Open-source software is not pirated — these programs are independently designed.
Here are some of the best open-source programs, all Mac and PC compatible, to get you started.
1. Open Office ( As the name implies, it’s an office suite that is open and free of charge. You can create documents, presentations, spreadsheets, databases, equations and graphics. Files are usually compatible with Microsoft Office files, as well as Google Docs. It looks very similar to other office programs, so its interface will seem familiar. Open Office has been available for 20 years; it’s reliable and well-tested. It lacks some advanced features, but for most users, the differences are negligible.
2. Gimp ( Photo-editing software can be very expensive, and most photo editors bundled with computers and iPad photo-editing apps are rudimentary. Gimp manages to keep up with the features of professional software while also being free. When students ask where they can “get” photo programs, I know they’re talking about pirated software, and I point them to Gimp instead.
3. Audacity ( is a free sound editor that’s great for a simple podcast recording, or you can multitrack sounds to mix music. Audacity is so good and easy to use that many educators I know use it even when more expensive options are available.
4. TuxPaint ( is a drawing program for young children, which I discovered after my eight-year-old begged me for similar software at the Apple Store. I downloaded TuxPaint instead, and he was not disappointed. TuxPaint has loads of tools and options, with a kid-friendly interface, fun sound effects and a penguin mascot.
Ready to try open-source software? Before downloading anything onto a DOE computer, be sure to get the okay from personnel at your school. And never download anything without ensuring that you’re using a reputable organization or recommended site. Remember that since there’s no central office where open-source software is produced, there’s no number to call for assistance (although I never got much help from those numbers in the past). But if you have a question or concern, open-source programs have online communities that will give you easier-to-understand guidance than most software manuals.
For more information about open-source software, check out, an online magazine that is accessible to beginners. The magazine features an education section, too.
Sandy Scragg is an English teacher and instructional technology specialist at Emma Lazarus HS in Manhattan......................................................
Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York
Open-source software for educatorsFEBRUARY 6, 2014 NEW YORK TEACHER ISSUE
Tired of the expense and ever-present logos of commercial software? Open-source software is a good option to consider, whether you’re looking for an alternative to Microsoft Office or a cheap photo-editing tool.
What is open-source software? If you have Firefox as your Web browser, you’re already using it.
Open source is collaborative: coders and designers publicly share their code with each other. Therefore, anyone can use the code, adapt it or use the program. Open source works on the strength of numbers: with more authors and testers, there is more feedback for improvement and more minds sharing ideas.
Open source is also a movement. Its proponents share a deeply held belief that digital tools shouldn’t be available only to those who can afford them. Professional software can be costly, even prohibitively expensive, while most open-source software is free. Some turn to illegal downloads because they can’t afford software, but open source removes that risk. Open-source software is not pirated — these programs are independently designed.
Here are some of the best open-source programs, all Mac and PC compatible, to get you started.
1. Open Office ( As the name implies, it’s an office suite that is open and free of charge. You can create documents, presentations, spreadsheets, databases, equations and graphics. Files are usually compatible with Microsoft Office files, as well as Google Docs. It looks very similar to other office programs, so its interface will seem familiar. Open Office has been available for 20 years; it’s reliable and well-tested. It lacks some advanced features, but for most users, the differences are negligible.
2. Gimp ( Photo-editing software can be very expensive, and most photo editors bundled with computers and iPad photo-editing apps are rudimentary. Gimp manages to keep up with the features of professional software while also being free. When students ask where they can “get” photo programs, I know they’re talking about pirated software, and I point them to Gimp instead.
3. Audacity ( is a free sound editor that’s great for a simple podcast recording, or you can multitrack sounds to mix music. Audacity is so good and easy to use that many educators I know use it even when more expensive options are available.
4. TuxPaint ( is a drawing program for young children, which I discovered after my eight-year-old begged me for similar software at the Apple Store. I downloaded TuxPaint instead, and he was not disappointed. TuxPaint has loads of tools and options, with a kid-friendly interface, fun sound effects and a penguin mascot.
Ready to try open-source software? Before downloading anything onto a DOE computer, be sure to get the okay from personnel at your school. And never download anything without ensuring that you’re using a reputable organization or recommended site. Remember that since there’s no central office where open-source software is produced, there’s no number to call for assistance (although I never got much help from those numbers in the past). But if you have a question or concern, open-source programs have online communities that will give you easier-to-understand guidance than most software manuals.
For more information about open-source software, check out, an online magazine that is accessible to beginners. The magazine features an education section, too.
Sandy Scragg is an English teacher and instructional technology specialist at Emma Lazarus HS in Manhattan......................................................
Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York
Asiascape inaugural issue--Feb. 17, 2014
For list members interested in digital media and communication: the
inaugural issue of our new academic journal Asiascape: Digital Asia is now
available. The publisher Brill is offering open access to individual users
until the end of 2015. Instructions on how to download papers are
available here:
Find below the table of contents for the first issue.
Florian Schneider, Editor
DIAS 1.1/2 (2014) - Table of Contents:
1. Florian Schneider & Chris Goto-Jones: Revisiting the Emancipatory
Potential of Digital Media in Asia – Introduction to the Inaugural Issue
of Asiascape: Digital Asia.
2. Jun Liu: Mobile Communication and Relational Mobilization in China.
3. Larissa Hjorth: Locating the Social and Mobile: A Case Study of Women’s
Use of Kakao Social Mobile Media in Seoul.
4. Chin-fu Hung: The Internet and Taiwan’s New Civic Movement in the
Information Age: Hung Chung-chiu’s Case (2013).
5. John Postill: A Critical History of Internet Activism and Social
Protest in Malaysia, 1998-2011.
6. Chris Goto-Jones: Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World: An
Experiment in Real Exploration, Actual Travel, Constructed Worlds, and
Emancipation (in/from Japan).
7. Florian Schneider: Book Review “Digital Methods” (Richard Rogers 2013).
Cengage Learning's iLrn Webinar for《你我他 》Ni Wo Ta--Feb. 13, 2014
Please join author, Phyllis Zhang, and Senior Product Manager, Martine Edwards, for a one hour webinar introducing Cengage Learning’s innovative new program (a textbook series), Ni Wo Ta 《你我他》. 《你我他》 is an introductory-level program that offers beginning learners of Chinese an enriching language learning experience through a narrative video story, innovative instructional design, robust technology integration, and a wide range of cultural coverage. It employs an intuitive and functional approach to proficiency development, with effective strategies to tackle tough areas such as tones, literacy development and difficult sentence structures.
In this webinar session, you’ll learn about how iLRN, Cengage Learning’s dynamic course-management system, saves you time and supports the program’s key features through integrated video segments, interactive listening-speaking activities, grammar PowerPoint presentations, and more. This program is ideal for college introductory Chinese courses.
This webinar is being offered twice: Friday, February 21st at 2pm EST and Friday, March 7th at 2pm EST. You can register for either session at this page: Webinar Registration
The Cengage Learning World Languages Team
In this webinar session, you’ll learn about how iLRN, Cengage Learning’s dynamic course-management system, saves you time and supports the program’s key features through integrated video segments, interactive listening-speaking activities, grammar PowerPoint presentations, and more. This program is ideal for college introductory Chinese courses.
This webinar is being offered twice: Friday, February 21st at 2pm EST and Friday, March 7th at 2pm EST. You can register for either session at this page: Webinar Registration
The Cengage Learning World Languages Team
Great reads for spring festival--Feb. 10, 2014
Source: The World of Chinese (1/22/14):
Chinese New Year is just around the corner; it’s time to take a break,
plop-down on the couch, breathe deeply, and catch up on some quality
Chinese literature. Historically, Chinese to English translations have
left a lot to be desired, knocked-out by second rate publishing houses,
and years behind the curve. Sometimes it takes years for a Chinese work
to head west to an reach an English-reading audience. But things have
changed, publishing has become more professional, and the general level of
translation is far superior to what it once was.
With this in my mind, The World of Chinese has put to together a list of
superior list of fiction that we hope will keep you busy of Spring
Festival. Our list spans science fiction, historical fiction, thrillers,
mysteries, poetry, and, of course, romance. So, go on then. Get reading.
Notable Chinese literature published 2013—2014:
1) The Waste Tide by Chen Quifan
The Waste Tide depicts an apocalyptic future in Guangdong Province, China.
Workers in the province’s dangerous “economic zone” are gnarled
cyborgs—humans altered through bioengineering by their Chinese and foreign
employers. The plight of the workers, unknown to the rest of the world,
leaves them destitute and powerless. The novel paints 2020s China as a
torn nation: powerful, but unable to pull its population out of poverty.
The Waste Tide won the Chinese Science Fiction Association Nebula Awards.
A haunting, yet essential read.
2) Cat Country by Lao She
Originally written in 1932 (way before cats became de facto internet
demi-gods), Lao She’sCat Country was republished by Penguin Classics in
2013. Cat Country, considered one of China’s earliest science-fiction
novels, takes place on a planet inhibited by cats—a unique representation
of 1930s China. Like George Orwell’s Animal Farm, Cat Country satirically
analyzes a dystopian future through powerful fable.
3) Dark Prospects Series by Xu Lei
The first volume in Xu Lei’s thriller series takes place during China’s
Cultural Revolution. A group of prospectors from the People’s Liberation
Army enter a mysterious cave in search of rare minerals, only to become
embroiled in terror and government secrets. To cure your zombie apocalypse
fever, also check out Xu Lei’s Cavern of the Blood Zombies.Dark and
twisted tales.
4) Mr. Ma and Son by Lao She
Another of Lao She’s historical classics, Mr. Ma and Son made a
reappearance in 2013. Immigrants from Peking, China, Mr. Ma and his son,
Ma Wei, run an antiques shop in London. Following the duo through daily
life, Mr. Ma and Son offers a compelling look into the complexities of
immigrant culture, not to mention a wider look at Sino-British relations.
5) The Matchmaker, the Apprentice, and the Football Fan: More Stories of
China by Zhu Wen
Zhu Wen’s series of short stories are full of troublesome ex-girlfriends,
stagnant careers, cynical murders, gambling addicts, friendship, and other
bits and bobs of life. Good Reads describe the author as “as a fearless
commentator on human nature and contemporary China.”
6) For a Song and A Hundred Songs: A Poet’s Journey through a Chinese
Prisonby Liao Yiwu
Winner of the 2012 German Book Trade Peace Prize for empowering the
disenfranchised through poetry and prose, Liao Yiwu continues his battle
against political oppression through For a Song and a Hundred Songs.
Yiwu’s collection of poems reflects on the four years he spent in prison,
after using poetry to express his outrage at the outcome of the 1989
Tiananmen Square incident. The moving words of a poet dissident.
7) Wind Says Bai Hua
Wind Says is a collection of Bai Hua’s poetic work from the mid-80s
through to the 2000s. Known for his post-obscure style, his sparse poetry
is a staple of contemporary Chinese poetry.
8) Last Quarter of the Moon by Chi Zijian
The Last Quarter of the Moon, an environmental novel combined with a twist
of history, follows an unidentified woman of the Evenki people. Set in the
1930s, the lives of the nomadic people turn to upheaval, as the Japanese
army invades China. The ups and downs of the woman’s life paint a picture
of a dying culture in an enthralling and poignant manner.
9) Tongwan City by Gao Jiangun
Tongwan City is reportedly the last novel of Gaa Jiangun, the deputy chair
of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Tongwancheng (unite
all nations) or Tongwan City is the legacy of the ancient Chinese legend,
the Hun warrior Helian Bobo. Bobo’s story is told in parallel to another
legend, Kumarajiva, a Buddhist monk. Together the stories create a vision
of an ancient struggle to unite China in the 16th century. A unique
re-imagining of history.
Ready to pre-order for 2014:
10) Decoded by Jia Mai
Jia Mai debuted as a best-selling author when Decoded hit the shelves in
China. The novel’s protagonist, Rong Jinzhen, is an autistic math genius
and cryptologist. He enters a world of mystery and betrayal as he attempts
to solve the Purple Code. Decoded is expected in March, 2014.
So, that’s it folks. Some of the finest books to be released over the last
12 months. Should be enough to keep you busy over the upcoming holiday
Chinese New Year is just around the corner; it’s time to take a break,
plop-down on the couch, breathe deeply, and catch up on some quality
Chinese literature. Historically, Chinese to English translations have
left a lot to be desired, knocked-out by second rate publishing houses,
and years behind the curve. Sometimes it takes years for a Chinese work
to head west to an reach an English-reading audience. But things have
changed, publishing has become more professional, and the general level of
translation is far superior to what it once was.
With this in my mind, The World of Chinese has put to together a list of
superior list of fiction that we hope will keep you busy of Spring
Festival. Our list spans science fiction, historical fiction, thrillers,
mysteries, poetry, and, of course, romance. So, go on then. Get reading.
Notable Chinese literature published 2013—2014:
1) The Waste Tide by Chen Quifan
The Waste Tide depicts an apocalyptic future in Guangdong Province, China.
Workers in the province’s dangerous “economic zone” are gnarled
cyborgs—humans altered through bioengineering by their Chinese and foreign
employers. The plight of the workers, unknown to the rest of the world,
leaves them destitute and powerless. The novel paints 2020s China as a
torn nation: powerful, but unable to pull its population out of poverty.
The Waste Tide won the Chinese Science Fiction Association Nebula Awards.
A haunting, yet essential read.
2) Cat Country by Lao She
Originally written in 1932 (way before cats became de facto internet
demi-gods), Lao She’sCat Country was republished by Penguin Classics in
2013. Cat Country, considered one of China’s earliest science-fiction
novels, takes place on a planet inhibited by cats—a unique representation
of 1930s China. Like George Orwell’s Animal Farm, Cat Country satirically
analyzes a dystopian future through powerful fable.
3) Dark Prospects Series by Xu Lei
The first volume in Xu Lei’s thriller series takes place during China’s
Cultural Revolution. A group of prospectors from the People’s Liberation
Army enter a mysterious cave in search of rare minerals, only to become
embroiled in terror and government secrets. To cure your zombie apocalypse
fever, also check out Xu Lei’s Cavern of the Blood Zombies.Dark and
twisted tales.
4) Mr. Ma and Son by Lao She
Another of Lao She’s historical classics, Mr. Ma and Son made a
reappearance in 2013. Immigrants from Peking, China, Mr. Ma and his son,
Ma Wei, run an antiques shop in London. Following the duo through daily
life, Mr. Ma and Son offers a compelling look into the complexities of
immigrant culture, not to mention a wider look at Sino-British relations.
5) The Matchmaker, the Apprentice, and the Football Fan: More Stories of
China by Zhu Wen
Zhu Wen’s series of short stories are full of troublesome ex-girlfriends,
stagnant careers, cynical murders, gambling addicts, friendship, and other
bits and bobs of life. Good Reads describe the author as “as a fearless
commentator on human nature and contemporary China.”
6) For a Song and A Hundred Songs: A Poet’s Journey through a Chinese
Prisonby Liao Yiwu
Winner of the 2012 German Book Trade Peace Prize for empowering the
disenfranchised through poetry and prose, Liao Yiwu continues his battle
against political oppression through For a Song and a Hundred Songs.
Yiwu’s collection of poems reflects on the four years he spent in prison,
after using poetry to express his outrage at the outcome of the 1989
Tiananmen Square incident. The moving words of a poet dissident.
7) Wind Says Bai Hua
Wind Says is a collection of Bai Hua’s poetic work from the mid-80s
through to the 2000s. Known for his post-obscure style, his sparse poetry
is a staple of contemporary Chinese poetry.
8) Last Quarter of the Moon by Chi Zijian
The Last Quarter of the Moon, an environmental novel combined with a twist
of history, follows an unidentified woman of the Evenki people. Set in the
1930s, the lives of the nomadic people turn to upheaval, as the Japanese
army invades China. The ups and downs of the woman’s life paint a picture
of a dying culture in an enthralling and poignant manner.
9) Tongwan City by Gao Jiangun
Tongwan City is reportedly the last novel of Gaa Jiangun, the deputy chair
of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Tongwancheng (unite
all nations) or Tongwan City is the legacy of the ancient Chinese legend,
the Hun warrior Helian Bobo. Bobo’s story is told in parallel to another
legend, Kumarajiva, a Buddhist monk. Together the stories create a vision
of an ancient struggle to unite China in the 16th century. A unique
re-imagining of history.
Ready to pre-order for 2014:
10) Decoded by Jia Mai
Jia Mai debuted as a best-selling author when Decoded hit the shelves in
China. The novel’s protagonist, Rong Jinzhen, is an autistic math genius
and cryptologist. He enters a world of mystery and betrayal as he attempts
to solve the Purple Code. Decoded is expected in March, 2014.
So, that’s it folks. Some of the finest books to be released over the last
12 months. Should be enough to keep you busy over the upcoming holiday
Fun and Easy Chinese character book 1 by Ping Xu Moroney--Feb. 3, 2014
Free Shipping for Special Book Order/春节订购书籍免费邮寄--Jan. 21, 2014
为庆祝中国农历年的到来,从现在开始到2月1号以前,所有订购《中文百宝箱》/《收获,Harvest-Intermediate Chinese》/ AP中文综合测试 - 模拟试题集》的学校或个人,一律可享受免费邮寄服务!
1) 《收获,Harvest-Intermediate Chinese》 (第二版)每套$68(教科书+练习册)
2) 《AP中文综合测试 - 模拟试题集》: 销售价格为每本$30。
3) 《AP中文综合测试 – 模拟试题集》网络版:销售价格为每本$30。
有意购买书籍的朋友,请填写好随信附属的订购单,并将订单邮寄到[email protected]。凡在二月一号以前购买以上书籍者,均可享受免费邮寄服务。收到订书单后,我们可以在两周内将书邮寄到您指定的地址。
目录摘要 Table of Contents
打招呼 Greetings;数字 Numbers;月份和星期 Day, Month and Week;身体部位 Parts of the Body;家庭 Family;学校 School;情绪/感觉 Emotions & Feelings;天气/季节 Weather & Seasons;中秋节 MId-Autumn Festival;万圣节Halloween;感恩节 Thanksgiving;五福临门 Five Charms;做灯笼 Making a Lantern;送礼 Giving Presents;中国地理 Chinese Geography;孔子 Confucius;长城 The Great Wall ;唐诗 Tang Poems;熊猫 Panda;孙悟空 Monkey King;嫦娥与后羿 Chang'e and Houyi;过生日 Birthday ;玩偶 Puppet Show;全能肢体反应法 Total Physical response;闪示卡/大字报 Flash Cards, Wall Charts;儿歌/童谣 Songs and Chants;数来宝 Nursery Rhymes;看图说话Sequential Story-Telling;关氏连句法 Gouin Series;朗读/朗诵 Read Aloud;说故事 Re-tell Stories;拼图游戏Jigsaw Puzzles;填字游戏Crossword Puzzles;小书制作 Mini-book making;工艺美术 Arts and Crafts;角色扮演Role Play;游戏 Games;猜谜 Riddles;按铃抢答 Jeopardy
2)《收获,Harvest-Intermediate Chinese》:每套$68(教科书+练习册)
2013最新推出的《收获》(第二版) 的课本为全彩色印刷,图文并茂,内容与时俱进。第二版《收获》练习册每个主题有两套模拟练习题。新版练习册一共提供了12套AP中文模拟试题,以便加强学生听说读写等各项技能。教材使用者可登录《收获》(第二版)网站( )使用或下载练习册的录音资料。教师也可从网站免费获取教师手册、习题答案等其它教学资源。
3)《AP中文综合测试 - 模拟试题集》:每本$30 (268页)
• 八套模拟试题
• 完全按照正常考试模式编排
• 配套听力MP3文档可在网上直接下载
• 简繁对照版
• 程度难度适当
• 内容丰富,涵盖面广
4)《AP中文综合测试 – 模拟试题集》网络版:一年使用网络版$30
网络版是与书籍相配套的供学生在计算机上练习的模拟试题,共有八套模拟考试试卷。因为它的考试形式与AP中文测试几乎一模一样,通过练习可以极大地帮助学生熟悉考试过程,掌握考试技巧。学校老师通过在网络上创建全班学生的帐户,不仅可以在网络系统上统一布置全班级的练习作业或安排AP模拟测试, 还可以批改学生试卷并查看学生的测试报告。我们相信这种网络练习与传统书本学习相结合的课程设置,一定能帮助大家在AP中文考试时取得更好的成绩。促销期间,每个学校凡购买学生网络版账户时,将得到一个免费的老师账户。学生一年网络版销售价格为$30。网络版账户在激活后的有效期为一年。
为庆祝中国农历年的到来,从现在开始到2月1号以前,所有订购《中文百宝箱》/《收获,Harvest-Intermediate Chinese》/ AP中文综合测试 - 模拟试题集》的学校或个人,一律可享受免费邮寄服务!
1) 《收获,Harvest-Intermediate Chinese》 (第二版)每套$68(教科书+练习册)
2) 《AP中文综合测试 - 模拟试题集》: 销售价格为每本$30。
3) 《AP中文综合测试 – 模拟试题集》网络版:销售价格为每本$30。
有意购买书籍的朋友,请填写好随信附属的订购单,并将订单邮寄到[email protected]。凡在二月一号以前购买以上书籍者,均可享受免费邮寄服务。收到订书单后,我们可以在两周内将书邮寄到您指定的地址。
目录摘要 Table of Contents
打招呼 Greetings;数字 Numbers;月份和星期 Day, Month and Week;身体部位 Parts of the Body;家庭 Family;学校 School;情绪/感觉 Emotions & Feelings;天气/季节 Weather & Seasons;中秋节 MId-Autumn Festival;万圣节Halloween;感恩节 Thanksgiving;五福临门 Five Charms;做灯笼 Making a Lantern;送礼 Giving Presents;中国地理 Chinese Geography;孔子 Confucius;长城 The Great Wall ;唐诗 Tang Poems;熊猫 Panda;孙悟空 Monkey King;嫦娥与后羿 Chang'e and Houyi;过生日 Birthday ;玩偶 Puppet Show;全能肢体反应法 Total Physical response;闪示卡/大字报 Flash Cards, Wall Charts;儿歌/童谣 Songs and Chants;数来宝 Nursery Rhymes;看图说话Sequential Story-Telling;关氏连句法 Gouin Series;朗读/朗诵 Read Aloud;说故事 Re-tell Stories;拼图游戏Jigsaw Puzzles;填字游戏Crossword Puzzles;小书制作 Mini-book making;工艺美术 Arts and Crafts;角色扮演Role Play;游戏 Games;猜谜 Riddles;按铃抢答 Jeopardy
2)《收获,Harvest-Intermediate Chinese》:每套$68(教科书+练习册)
2013最新推出的《收获》(第二版) 的课本为全彩色印刷,图文并茂,内容与时俱进。第二版《收获》练习册每个主题有两套模拟练习题。新版练习册一共提供了12套AP中文模拟试题,以便加强学生听说读写等各项技能。教材使用者可登录《收获》(第二版)网站( )使用或下载练习册的录音资料。教师也可从网站免费获取教师手册、习题答案等其它教学资源。
3)《AP中文综合测试 - 模拟试题集》:每本$30 (268页)
• 八套模拟试题
• 完全按照正常考试模式编排
• 配套听力MP3文档可在网上直接下载
• 简繁对照版
• 程度难度适当
• 内容丰富,涵盖面广
4)《AP中文综合测试 – 模拟试题集》网络版:一年使用网络版$30
网络版是与书籍相配套的供学生在计算机上练习的模拟试题,共有八套模拟考试试卷。因为它的考试形式与AP中文测试几乎一模一样,通过练习可以极大地帮助学生熟悉考试过程,掌握考试技巧。学校老师通过在网络上创建全班学生的帐户,不仅可以在网络系统上统一布置全班级的练习作业或安排AP模拟测试, 还可以批改学生试卷并查看学生的测试报告。我们相信这种网络练习与传统书本学习相结合的课程设置,一定能帮助大家在AP中文考试时取得更好的成绩。促销期间,每个学校凡购买学生网络版账户时,将得到一个免费的老师账户。学生一年网络版销售价格为$30。网络版账户在激活后的有效期为一年。
Chinese Character Learning Apps for iPhone and Android--Jan. 5, 2014
Dear Chinese Language Teacher,
Are you teaching first- or second-year Chinese this term? If so, check out the latest new mobile apps from Clavis Sinica, designed to help your students build your Chinese character knowledge any time they have a few moments to spare.
1) Chinese Character Test v1.0 - How many Chinese characters do your students know? This app tests your students' recognition of a randomized selection of characters at their own skill level from a database of over 3500. For each character, the user selects the corresponding pinyin and English definition from a list of five options. At the end of the test, the app employs usage frequency-based statistical sampling algorithms to estimate the total number of characters he or she knows, just like the popular Chinese Character Test applet on our website. [ iPhone | Android ]
2) Zika Chinese Flashcards v3.0 - Want to help your students review new characters while they're waiting for the bus? The latest version of this innovative app features 19 built-in flashcard sets and over 2,130 vocabulary items, including commonly used characters, phrases, and radicals. Usage examples are provided for unfamiliar characters and radicals to help students learn them, and items they don't recognize are automatically added to a separate review list for later study using an intelligent spaced-repetition algorithm. [ iPhone | Android ]
3) Chinese Radical Trainer v2.0 - Have you ever wanted to encourage your students to thoroughly master the most commonly used radicals? No more excuses: this handy app will teach them to recognize and to write the 24 most common radicals, which together form over 2100 characters. Eight representative characters are also included for each radical to help your students learn how they're used in character formation and what kinds of meaning clues they can provide.The app offers stroke animations to show how radicals and their characters are drawn and then gives users immediate stroke-by-stroke feedback as they practice writing them on the touch screen themselves.[ iPhone | Android ] 4) Chinese Character Trainer for HSK Level 1 v2.0 - Do you teach beginners? Help your students master the complete set of 178 characters required for Level 1 of the HSK language test, the leading standardized assessment exam for students of Chinese. The app shows them how to write each character and corrects their strokes as they practice writing it themselves. The latest version includes audio prompts for each character, a pinyin character index, and an automated missed character list to help students review systematically the characters that give them the most trouble.[iPhone | Android]
Your students can download any of these apps for less than the price of a cup of cappuccino using the links provided above. Or, if you'd like more information before you pass along this message, check out the descriptions and screenshots on our website. Help your students get those brain wheels turning and do their Chinese teacher proud!
Do drop me a line if you have any questions or comments about these apps or any of the other Chinese learning resources on the Clavis Sinica website. I respond personally to every email we receive.
David Porter, PhD
Clavis Sinica
Are you teaching first- or second-year Chinese this term? If so, check out the latest new mobile apps from Clavis Sinica, designed to help your students build your Chinese character knowledge any time they have a few moments to spare.
1) Chinese Character Test v1.0 - How many Chinese characters do your students know? This app tests your students' recognition of a randomized selection of characters at their own skill level from a database of over 3500. For each character, the user selects the corresponding pinyin and English definition from a list of five options. At the end of the test, the app employs usage frequency-based statistical sampling algorithms to estimate the total number of characters he or she knows, just like the popular Chinese Character Test applet on our website. [ iPhone | Android ]
2) Zika Chinese Flashcards v3.0 - Want to help your students review new characters while they're waiting for the bus? The latest version of this innovative app features 19 built-in flashcard sets and over 2,130 vocabulary items, including commonly used characters, phrases, and radicals. Usage examples are provided for unfamiliar characters and radicals to help students learn them, and items they don't recognize are automatically added to a separate review list for later study using an intelligent spaced-repetition algorithm. [ iPhone | Android ]
3) Chinese Radical Trainer v2.0 - Have you ever wanted to encourage your students to thoroughly master the most commonly used radicals? No more excuses: this handy app will teach them to recognize and to write the 24 most common radicals, which together form over 2100 characters. Eight representative characters are also included for each radical to help your students learn how they're used in character formation and what kinds of meaning clues they can provide.The app offers stroke animations to show how radicals and their characters are drawn and then gives users immediate stroke-by-stroke feedback as they practice writing them on the touch screen themselves.[ iPhone | Android ] 4) Chinese Character Trainer for HSK Level 1 v2.0 - Do you teach beginners? Help your students master the complete set of 178 characters required for Level 1 of the HSK language test, the leading standardized assessment exam for students of Chinese. The app shows them how to write each character and corrects their strokes as they practice writing it themselves. The latest version includes audio prompts for each character, a pinyin character index, and an automated missed character list to help students review systematically the characters that give them the most trouble.[iPhone | Android]
Your students can download any of these apps for less than the price of a cup of cappuccino using the links provided above. Or, if you'd like more information before you pass along this message, check out the descriptions and screenshots on our website. Help your students get those brain wheels turning and do their Chinese teacher proud!
Do drop me a line if you have any questions or comments about these apps or any of the other Chinese learning resources on the Clavis Sinica website. I respond personally to every email we receive.
David Porter, PhD
Clavis Sinica
Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics--Jan. 3, 2014
Liping Ma, a former teacher and principal in China, has written extensively about the differences between how the United States and China teach math to elementary school students. After earning a doctorate in curriculum and teacher education from Stanford University, she worked as a senior scholar at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. In 1999, she published “Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics,” aninfluential book that argues elementary school teachers need a better grounding in arithmetic and math in order to teach them effectively to their students. She currently works as an independent researcher. Dr. Ma spoke recently with Vikas Bajaj of The New York Times editorial board about her research and why Chinese and other Asian students score well above their American counterparts on international math tests.
Computer Adaptive VOcabulary test--Dec. 20, 2013
Holiday greetings from NEALRC (National East Asian Languages Resource Center) at OSU!
You are invited to try NEALRC’s new product: CAVO (Computer Adaptive VOcabulary test) at .
CAVO is an online intelligent Chinese vocabulary testing tool designed to assist learners in building and assessing vocabulary knowledge. It can adaptively refine the vocabulary items level of difficulty based on test takers' performances. It is a ubiquitous, transparent and low-stakes assessment instrument. The vocabulary analyzer and Chinese Dictionary are useful tools for learners. Its vocabulary multiple choice tests of hanzi to Pinyin, hanzi to English, or hanzi to Chinese definitions and its customized tests designed by instructors help learners improve their knowledge of Chinese vocabulary. These readily accessible instruments give learners continual experience in learning Chinese vocabulary by checking their command of vocabulary.
CAVO is designed for ease of use. Comprehensive reporting systems are provided for both individual users and program administrators. CAVO monitors test taker's performance in real-time. It automatically selects the test topics from the most appropriate difficulty levels from the CAVO database. Vocabulary in a custom test can be easily defined to fit the instructor’s class needs.
In registration, if you can’t find your institution’s name in the drop-down list, please click “Other” and input your institution’s name in the registration form. Then you can start using CAVO immediately to design your customized tests and guide your students to take them. Please ask your students to select the role “student” at registration and to select your school at the drop-down menu. Otherwise, you won’t be able to monitor their performances.
CAVO is developed by NEALRC at OSU and funded by the Title VI Language Resource Center grant. It is free of charge to all the users ( If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Minru Li at [email protected].
You are invited to try NEALRC’s new product: CAVO (Computer Adaptive VOcabulary test) at .
CAVO is an online intelligent Chinese vocabulary testing tool designed to assist learners in building and assessing vocabulary knowledge. It can adaptively refine the vocabulary items level of difficulty based on test takers' performances. It is a ubiquitous, transparent and low-stakes assessment instrument. The vocabulary analyzer and Chinese Dictionary are useful tools for learners. Its vocabulary multiple choice tests of hanzi to Pinyin, hanzi to English, or hanzi to Chinese definitions and its customized tests designed by instructors help learners improve their knowledge of Chinese vocabulary. These readily accessible instruments give learners continual experience in learning Chinese vocabulary by checking their command of vocabulary.
CAVO is designed for ease of use. Comprehensive reporting systems are provided for both individual users and program administrators. CAVO monitors test taker's performance in real-time. It automatically selects the test topics from the most appropriate difficulty levels from the CAVO database. Vocabulary in a custom test can be easily defined to fit the instructor’s class needs.
In registration, if you can’t find your institution’s name in the drop-down list, please click “Other” and input your institution’s name in the registration form. Then you can start using CAVO immediately to design your customized tests and guide your students to take them. Please ask your students to select the role “student” at registration and to select your school at the drop-down menu. Otherwise, you won’t be able to monitor their performances.
CAVO is developed by NEALRC at OSU and funded by the Title VI Language Resource Center grant. It is free of charge to all the users ( If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Minru Li at [email protected].
中日韩常用汉字表完成 八百汉字三国通用 --posted on Nov. 20, 2013
据悉,汉字表总表已制作完成,分类表正在补充完善,明年有望正式发布。任 敏
据悉,汉字表总表已制作完成,分类表正在补充完善,明年有望正式发布。任 敏
汉语教学与研究的专业刊物的目录和概要--posted on Nov. 5, 2013
Startup Business Chinese Level 3 Pre-publication Offer By Jane C.M. Kuo--posted on Nov. 5, 2013
who desires to develop language proficiency in Business Chinese and its culture
should use Startup Business Chinese.” –Mien-Hwa
Chiang, University of Pennsylvania
The Startup Business Chinese series
is now complete with the publication of Level 3! This volume builds on
the basic daily Chinese business-related communication skills taught in
Levels 1 and 2 to prepare students for successful communication in
a wide range of professional and social interactions. Perfect for learners with
two years of Chinese study or business professionals relocating to China, Startup
Business Chinese Level 3 builds a solid grammar foundation at the same time
that it explores business life abroad.
- Situational dialogues introduce typical
business scenarios one would encounter while abroad
Supplementary listening comprehension dialogues and practice grammar exercises
build communicative competence
- Cultural notes present
contemporary Chinese social customs relevant to doing business in China
- FREE audio downloads are included for pronunciation and listening
comprehension practice
- Pinyin is included in dialogues and vocabulary for learners who want to
focus on the spoken language
For more information about Cheng & Tsui’s forthcoming Startup Business
Chinese Level 3, please visit the product
page, or email or call a Publisher’s Representative at [email protected]
or 1-800-554-1963 x5.
who desires to develop language proficiency in Business Chinese and its culture
should use Startup Business Chinese.” –Mien-Hwa
Chiang, University of Pennsylvania
The Startup Business Chinese series
is now complete with the publication of Level 3! This volume builds on
the basic daily Chinese business-related communication skills taught in
Levels 1 and 2 to prepare students for successful communication in
a wide range of professional and social interactions. Perfect for learners with
two years of Chinese study or business professionals relocating to China, Startup
Business Chinese Level 3 builds a solid grammar foundation at the same time
that it explores business life abroad.
- Situational dialogues introduce typical
business scenarios one would encounter while abroad
Supplementary listening comprehension dialogues and practice grammar exercises
build communicative competence
- Cultural notes present
contemporary Chinese social customs relevant to doing business in China
- FREE audio downloads are included for pronunciation and listening
comprehension practice
- Pinyin is included in dialogues and vocabulary for learners who want to
focus on the spoken language
For more information about Cheng & Tsui’s forthcoming Startup Business
Chinese Level 3, please visit the product
page, or email or call a Publisher’s Representative at [email protected]
or 1-800-554-1963 x5.
外研社的新书《读拼音,学汉语》-- posted on Oct. 9, 2013
Order Chinese Textbooks--posted on June 25, 2013
大家好!雖然暑假剛剛開始,但中文學校的校長與工作人員們已經為下學年中文教科書的選擇和訂購忙碌了起來。我們華文教育服務中心積有多年的中文教科書訂購經驗,一直為各學校提供簡易、方便和優惠的購書服務。為了更好地滿足各學校所設置的各種中文課程的不同的購書需求,同時也為了能有充分的時間保證下學年的課本及時到位,歡迎大家儘早與我們聯繫。--普通教科書:《中文》、《標準中文》、《中文聽說讀寫》、《你好》、《歡迎》、《美洲華語》、《雙雙中文》、 SAT II/AP-中文的備考教科書《收穫》等熱門系列教材。--CSL (中文為第二語言)中文班使用的中英文雙語教材:《新幼兒漢語》、《輕鬆學漢語》、《快樂漢語》、《跟我學漢語》等。- -參考書與工具書:《中文百寶箱》、《輕輕鬆松教中文》、《新華字典》、《現代漢語詞典》、《中文圖解詞典》等。凡學校團體購書,均可以得到低於市場價的最優惠價格。非《中文》系列教材一次性訂購滿$300 者還可享受免費郵寄服務。如果學校感興趣的教科書不在所附的書單上,我們除了提供免費估價以外(任何教科書),還將儘自己的努力為大家提供優惠的價格。如果學校對開設中文課程及教材的選擇有任何疑問,我們不僅可以提供免費的教材及其使用的諮詢服務,同時我們還能為各學校的老師牽線搭橋,讓老師們可以相互交流使用各種教材的親身體會。所有學校訂購的書籍均可在訂購後的十天左右收到。歡迎學校隨時與我們聯繫!本郵件的附件是主要中文書籍目錄及訂書單。其它書籍目錄可在下列鏈節查閱。謝謝大家對我們的不斷鼓勵與支持!我們將繼續努力,盡心盡力為大家提供最優質的服務! 劉炎生北美華文教育服務中心 919-599-3389
大家好!雖然暑假剛剛開始,但中文學校的校長與工作人員們已經為下學年中文教科書的選擇和訂購忙碌了起來。我們華文教育服務中心積有多年的中文教科書訂購經驗,一直為各學校提供簡易、方便和優惠的購書服務。為了更好地滿足各學校所設置的各種中文課程的不同的購書需求,同時也為了能有充分的時間保證下學年的課本及時到位,歡迎大家儘早與我們聯繫。--普通教科書:《中文》、《標準中文》、《中文聽說讀寫》、《你好》、《歡迎》、《美洲華語》、《雙雙中文》、 SAT II/AP-中文的備考教科書《收穫》等熱門系列教材。--CSL (中文為第二語言)中文班使用的中英文雙語教材:《新幼兒漢語》、《輕鬆學漢語》、《快樂漢語》、《跟我學漢語》等。- -參考書與工具書:《中文百寶箱》、《輕輕鬆松教中文》、《新華字典》、《現代漢語詞典》、《中文圖解詞典》等。凡學校團體購書,均可以得到低於市場價的最優惠價格。非《中文》系列教材一次性訂購滿$300 者還可享受免費郵寄服務。如果學校感興趣的教科書不在所附的書單上,我們除了提供免費估價以外(任何教科書),還將儘自己的努力為大家提供優惠的價格。如果學校對開設中文課程及教材的選擇有任何疑問,我們不僅可以提供免費的教材及其使用的諮詢服務,同時我們還能為各學校的老師牽線搭橋,讓老師們可以相互交流使用各種教材的親身體會。所有學校訂購的書籍均可在訂購後的十天左右收到。歡迎學校隨時與我們聯繫!本郵件的附件是主要中文書籍目錄及訂書單。其它書籍目錄可在下列鏈節查閱。謝謝大家對我們的不斷鼓勵與支持!我們將繼續努力,盡心盡力為大家提供最優質的服務! 劉炎生北美華文教育服務中心 919-599-3389
美國中小学外语课堂丛书--posted on Aug. , 2013
作者:(美)海倫娜・柯頓(Helena Curtain),(美)卡羅爾・安・達爾伯格(Carol Ann Dahlberg)定價:75 元
開本:16 開
出版日期:2013-04-0 8
《美國中小學外語課堂教學指南》(第四版)反映了美國中小學外語課堂教學研究的最新進展,是目前 北美地區唯一一部內容全面詳實的課堂教學方法指南。被美國外語教學界譽為業內“聖經” 。它既是一本介紹教學方法的書籍,也是一部實用的指導手冊。其目標讀者主要是即將從事小學和初中語言教學的教師,已經從事少兒語言教學的教員,以及參與課程計劃和評估過程的教師、家長和管理者。第四版包括了前面幾版的全部內容,同時反映了語言課堂教學研究的最新進展,把語言學習目標為基準的課堂規劃和教學作為全書的指導原則。這一全新改版的暢銷書是目前唯一一部內容全面的中小學外語課堂教學方法指導手冊。
作者:(美)海倫娜・柯頓(Helena Curtain),(美)卡羅爾・安・達爾伯格(Carol Ann Dahlberg)定價:75 元
開本:16 開
出版日期:2013-04-0 8
《美國中小學外語課堂教學指南》(第四版)反映了美國中小學外語課堂教學研究的最新進展,是目前 北美地區唯一一部內容全面詳實的課堂教學方法指南。被美國外語教學界譽為業內“聖經” 。它既是一本介紹教學方法的書籍,也是一部實用的指導手冊。其目標讀者主要是即將從事小學和初中語言教學的教師,已經從事少兒語言教學的教員,以及參與課程計劃和評估過程的教師、家長和管理者。第四版包括了前面幾版的全部內容,同時反映了語言課堂教學研究的最新進展,把語言學習目標為基準的課堂規劃和教學作為全書的指導原則。這一全新改版的暢銷書是目前唯一一部內容全面的中小學外語課堂教學方法指導手冊。
定價:3 5 元
開本:16 開
出版日期:2013-04-0 8
定價:3 5 元
開本:16 開
出版日期:2013-04-0 8
定價:44 元
開本:16 開
出版日期:2013-04-0 8
定價:44 元
開本:16 開
出版日期:2013-04-0 8
定價:39 元
開本:16 開
出版日期:2013-04-0 8
定價:39 元
開本:16 開
出版日期:2013-04-0 8
China Since 1644
A History Through Primary Sources--posted on June 1, 2013
Compiled by the Curriculum Specialists at Primary Source, Inc.
Written by teachers for teachers and students, China Since 1644 is an ideal companion for high school, college, and AP* history, literature, and culture courses. Exploring China's history from the Qing dynasty to the current Xi Jinping administration, China Since 1644 combines engrossing historical narratives, student-focused activities, and a companion website (available in mid June) full of hundreds of primary source documents to foster historical interpretation, document analysis, and critical thinking skills.
" ...Primary Source has created a definitive sourcebook on modern China that will be helpful to teachers and students alike. This resource provides a coherent view of modern Chinese history, even for those with little to no background. Angela Lee Weston High School, MA
Examples of Primary Sources
Written by teachers for teachers and students, China Since 1644 is an ideal companion for high school, college, and AP* history, literature, and culture courses. Exploring China's history from the Qing dynasty to the current Xi Jinping administration, China Since 1644 combines engrossing historical narratives, student-focused activities, and a companion website (available in mid June) full of hundreds of primary source documents to foster historical interpretation, document analysis, and critical thinking skills.
" ...Primary Source has created a definitive sourcebook on modern China that will be helpful to teachers and students alike. This resource provides a coherent view of modern Chinese history, even for those with little to no background. Angela Lee Weston High School, MA
Examples of Primary Sources
- Diplomatic correspondence, such as Lin Zexu's 1839 letter to Queen Victoria regarding the opium trade and the 1979 US-PRC Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations
- Essays, speeches, and treatises, including Mao Zedong's and Chiang Kai-Shek's commentaries on revolution and China
- Short stories and excerpts from well-known authors, journalists, and social commentators, including Lu Xun, Pearl S. Buck, Jung Chang, Edgar Snow, Lao She, and Ba Jin
- Photographs, paintings, and posters highlighting everyday life, monuments, and historical momens
从现在开始,欢迎各中文学校及个人来信订购以上书籍。《题库》可以作为父母和孩子学习、复习和旅游参考书,《模拟试题集》可以作为知识竞赛强化训练资料。每本书零售10美元(约一磅重)。订购请送email: [email protected]。支票请写payable to DMCLS,邮寄地址:
Dallas Modern Chinese Language School (达拉斯现代汉语学校),
P.O. Box 261868, Plano, TX 75026, USA
order web page:
从现在开始,欢迎各中文学校及个人来信订购以上书籍。《题库》可以作为父母和孩子学习、复习和旅游参考书,《模拟试题集》可以作为知识竞赛强化训练资料。每本书零售10美元(约一磅重)。订购请送email: [email protected]。支票请写payable to DMCLS,邮寄地址:
Dallas Modern Chinese Language School (达拉斯现代汉语学校),
P.O. Box 261868, Plano, TX 75026, USA
order web page: