2016 Harvard University 2nd International Conference on Chinese Pedagogy -- March 10, 2016
2016年第二届哈佛大学国际中文教 学研讨会
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The 2nd Harvard International Conference on Chinese Pedagogy (Harvard ICCP) will be held on September 23-24, 2016 at Harvard University. The theme of the conference will be: Innovating Traditions. Surging interest in the dual-language immersion method, the widespread popularity of MOOCs, the emergence of practical language-learning software and apps, the establishment of various linguistic databases—all of these developments have a significant impact on all the different components of Chinese language pedagogy. The conference will thus focus on how we can continually reform, innovate, and incorporate new strategies and resources on the solid foundations of existing pedagogy.
For this session of the ICCP, in addition to talks from our guest speakers, we welcome proposals for empirical research-based presentations across a wide array of sub-fields. The conference aims to include, but is not limited to, the following areas:
The Conference will take place over the course of two days. Friday the 23rd (12:30 pm - 6:00 pm) will be devoted to pedagogy workshops geared towards pre-college and college-level teachers of Chinese who are interested in learning more about Harvard’s own Chinese language pedagogy. Saturday the 24th (8:00 am - 8:00 pm) will be devoted to talks from individual scholars and discussion among all participants.
For participants whose proposals are selected to be presented at the conference, we are pleased to offer free admittance to the workshop and conference, and dinner with other speakers on the 24th. Lunch on the 24th will be provided free of charge for all participants. Due to limited funding, we are not able to cover the cost of travel or lodging. But we hope you will be able to secure additional funding from your home institution.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by email at [email protected].
The Harvard ICCP Committee
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The 2nd Harvard International Conference on Chinese Pedagogy (Harvard ICCP) will be held on September 23-24, 2016 at Harvard University. The theme of the conference will be: Innovating Traditions. Surging interest in the dual-language immersion method, the widespread popularity of MOOCs, the emergence of practical language-learning software and apps, the establishment of various linguistic databases—all of these developments have a significant impact on all the different components of Chinese language pedagogy. The conference will thus focus on how we can continually reform, innovate, and incorporate new strategies and resources on the solid foundations of existing pedagogy.
For this session of the ICCP, in addition to talks from our guest speakers, we welcome proposals for empirical research-based presentations across a wide array of sub-fields. The conference aims to include, but is not limited to, the following areas:
- History of TCFL (对外汉语历史回顾)
- Comparative National Approaches to TCFL (对外汉语国别化比较研究)
- Second Language Acquisition (二语习得理论与实践)
- Curriculum and Instruction (课程 与教学论)
- Online and App-assisted Learning (网络与多媒体辅助教学)
- Literacy and Communication (对外 汉语教学中的听说读写)
- Corpus and Learner Errors (语料库与语用偏误)
- Integration of Language and Content (内容本位语言教学)
- Teacher Development (师资 培训与职业发展)
- Language Testing and Assessment (语言教学评估测试)
The Conference will take place over the course of two days. Friday the 23rd (12:30 pm - 6:00 pm) will be devoted to pedagogy workshops geared towards pre-college and college-level teachers of Chinese who are interested in learning more about Harvard’s own Chinese language pedagogy. Saturday the 24th (8:00 am - 8:00 pm) will be devoted to talks from individual scholars and discussion among all participants.
For participants whose proposals are selected to be presented at the conference, we are pleased to offer free admittance to the workshop and conference, and dinner with other speakers on the 24th. Lunch on the 24th will be provided free of charge for all participants. Due to limited funding, we are not able to cover the cost of travel or lodging. But we hope you will be able to secure additional funding from your home institution.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by email at [email protected].
The Harvard ICCP Committee
第三届汉语韵律语法研究国际研讨会(ICCPG3)-- Feb. 24, 2016
由香港中文大学-北京语言大学语言学与应用语言学联合研究中心主办、北京语言大学人文社会科学学部 承办的第三届汉语韵律语法研究国际研讨会,将于2016年9月23日至25日在北京语言大学召开。
韵律语法是语言学的一个新领域,其研究对象为韵律与形态、句法、语体以及文体等领 域之间的互动。会议诚挚邀请世界各国从事韵律语法研究的专家、同仁提交论文。
会议主题包括但不限于:1. 韵律音系的共时、历时研究;2. 韵律形态的共时、历时研究;3.韵律句法的共时、历时研究;4. 韵律语体的共时、历时研究;5. 韵律文学的共时、历时研究;6. 韵律语法的类型学研究;7. 第二语言教学中的韵律语法研究;8. 第二语言习得中的韵律语法研究。
会议设立2-3名“韵律语法青年学者论文奖”,申请 者需为40岁以下(含40岁)的青年学者及在读硕士、博士生。
1. 与会学者作为独立作者或第一作者只可提交一篇论文摘要;
2. 摘要中请注明作者姓名、单位、研究领域、通讯地址、电子邮箱、联系电话;
3. 摘要语言可以使用中文或者英文。中文请用小四号宋体或SimSun字体;英文请用12号Times New Roman字体,摘要长度不超过一页A4纸;
4. 请将摘要一式两份(WORD和PDF格式各一份)发至会务组邮箱。
5. “韵律语法青年学者论文奖”申请者请将会议论文全文发至会务组邮箱。
本次研讨会采用同行匿名评审制度,每份摘要均需接受至少两位同行的匿名评审,会务 组将于2016年7月30日前通过电子邮件方式通知录用摘要的作者。
1. 摘要提交截止日期:2016年6月30日:
2. 摘要录用通知日期:2016年7月30日;
3. 研讨会举办日期:2016年9月23日-25日。
会议邮箱:[email protected]
韵律语法是语言学的一个新领域,其研究对象为韵律与形态、句法、语体以及文体等领 域之间的互动。会议诚挚邀请世界各国从事韵律语法研究的专家、同仁提交论文。
会议主题包括但不限于:1. 韵律音系的共时、历时研究;2. 韵律形态的共时、历时研究;3.韵律句法的共时、历时研究;4. 韵律语体的共时、历时研究;5. 韵律文学的共时、历时研究;6. 韵律语法的类型学研究;7. 第二语言教学中的韵律语法研究;8. 第二语言习得中的韵律语法研究。
会议设立2-3名“韵律语法青年学者论文奖”,申请 者需为40岁以下(含40岁)的青年学者及在读硕士、博士生。
1. 与会学者作为独立作者或第一作者只可提交一篇论文摘要;
2. 摘要中请注明作者姓名、单位、研究领域、通讯地址、电子邮箱、联系电话;
3. 摘要语言可以使用中文或者英文。中文请用小四号宋体或SimSun字体;英文请用12号Times New Roman字体,摘要长度不超过一页A4纸;
4. 请将摘要一式两份(WORD和PDF格式各一份)发至会务组邮箱。
5. “韵律语法青年学者论文奖”申请者请将会议论文全文发至会务组邮箱。
本次研讨会采用同行匿名评审制度,每份摘要均需接受至少两位同行的匿名评审,会务 组将于2016年7月30日前通过电子邮件方式通知录用摘要的作者。
1. 摘要提交截止日期:2016年6月30日:
2. 摘要录用通知日期:2016年7月30日;
3. 研讨会举办日期:2016年9月23日-25日。
会议邮箱:[email protected]
Symposium on Interactional Competence at Rice University April 29-May 1 -- Feb. 14, 2016
From Meng Yeh [email protected]
Symposium on Interactional Competence at Rice University will be held April 29-May 1.
Eight well-known researcher and specialist are invited. Please see the program below.
For detailed information of registration, travel & lodging, and presentation abstracts,
please check http://clicl2symposium.blogs.rice.edu/.
Friday 29th 9:00am-12:00pm
Session 1 – On the concept of IC
Numa Markee (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
"From 'interactional competence' to 'intersubjective agency': A conversation analytic perspective"
Eric Hauser (University of Electrocommunications, Japan)
The construction of interactional incompetence in L2 interaction
Roundtable discussion
Friday 29th 1:30pm-4:30pm
Session 2 – Development of active listenership
Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm (Ohio State University, USA)
"On the Development of L2 Interactional Competence in Online Spoken Communication"
Olcay Sert (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
"Active Listenership as an Indicator of L2 Interactional Competence: Insights from an 'Oral Communication Skills' Course"
Roundtable discussion
Saturday 30th 9:00am-12:00pm
Session 3 – Teaching IC
Hansun Zhang Waring (Teachers College, Columbia University, USA)
"Developing interactional competence with limited linguistic resources"
CLIC faculty: Pedagogical material for IC instruction
Kevin Garcia Cruz, Katharina Kley
Roundtable discussion
Saturday 30th 1:30pm-4:30pm
Session 4 – Testing IC
Micheline Chalhoub-Deville (University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA)
"Context/task-centered interactional second/foreign language testing constructs and validation"
CLIC faculty: IC assessment
Maryam Emami, Helade Santo, Meng Yeh
Roundtable discussion
Sunday 1st 9:00am-12:00pm
Session 5 – IC in Study abroad/Second Language contexts
Niina Lilja (University of Tampere, Finland)
"Co-designing a 'navigation system' for language learning in-the-wild"
Naoko Taguchi (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
"Developing interactional competence in Japanese: Style shifting across discourse boundaries"
Roundtable discussion
Symposium on Interactional Competence at Rice University will be held April 29-May 1.
Eight well-known researcher and specialist are invited. Please see the program below.
For detailed information of registration, travel & lodging, and presentation abstracts,
please check http://clicl2symposium.blogs.rice.edu/.
Friday 29th 9:00am-12:00pm
Session 1 – On the concept of IC
Numa Markee (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
"From 'interactional competence' to 'intersubjective agency': A conversation analytic perspective"
Eric Hauser (University of Electrocommunications, Japan)
The construction of interactional incompetence in L2 interaction
Roundtable discussion
Friday 29th 1:30pm-4:30pm
Session 2 – Development of active listenership
Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm (Ohio State University, USA)
"On the Development of L2 Interactional Competence in Online Spoken Communication"
Olcay Sert (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
"Active Listenership as an Indicator of L2 Interactional Competence: Insights from an 'Oral Communication Skills' Course"
Roundtable discussion
Saturday 30th 9:00am-12:00pm
Session 3 – Teaching IC
Hansun Zhang Waring (Teachers College, Columbia University, USA)
"Developing interactional competence with limited linguistic resources"
CLIC faculty: Pedagogical material for IC instruction
Kevin Garcia Cruz, Katharina Kley
Roundtable discussion
Saturday 30th 1:30pm-4:30pm
Session 4 – Testing IC
Micheline Chalhoub-Deville (University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA)
"Context/task-centered interactional second/foreign language testing constructs and validation"
CLIC faculty: IC assessment
Maryam Emami, Helade Santo, Meng Yeh
Roundtable discussion
Sunday 1st 9:00am-12:00pm
Session 5 – IC in Study abroad/Second Language contexts
Niina Lilja (University of Tampere, Finland)
"Co-designing a 'navigation system' for language learning in-the-wild"
Naoko Taguchi (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
"Developing interactional competence in Japanese: Style shifting across discourse boundaries"
Roundtable discussion
4th International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research -- Feb. 11, 2016
第四届汉语作为第二语言研究国际研讨会2016年8月19 – 21日
4th International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language ResearchAugust 19-21, 2016
East China Normal University, CHINA
会议邮箱:[email protected]
Location: East China Normal University, Shanghai, China (old campus)
Conference website: http://training.ecnu.edu.cn/caslar4
Meeting Email:[email protected]
CASLAR website: www.caslarcenter.com
语言学领域: 应用语言学; 语言教学法; 篇章分析;普通语言学,语言习得,语用学
使用语言: 中文, 英文
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Language Acquisition, Language Teaching Methodology, Discourse Analysis; General Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Pragmatics
Subject Language(s): Chinese, English
4th International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language ResearchAugust 19-21, 2016
East China Normal University, CHINA
会议邮箱:[email protected]
Location: East China Normal University, Shanghai, China (old campus)
Conference website: http://training.ecnu.edu.cn/caslar4
Meeting Email:[email protected]
CASLAR website: www.caslarcenter.com
语言学领域: 应用语言学; 语言教学法; 篇章分析;普通语言学,语言习得,语用学
使用语言: 中文, 英文
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Language Acquisition, Language Teaching Methodology, Discourse Analysis; General Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Pragmatics
Subject Language(s): Chinese, English
Call for Papers: The 2nd International Conference for Chinese Heritage -- Feb. 10, 2016
NCACLS 2016第二屆中文傳承教育國際研討會
The Second International Conference for Chinese Heritage Education CALL FOR PAPERS
August 13-14, 2016
Bethesda Marriott Hotel in Maryland, USA徵求論文通知
地點: 美國馬里蘭州貝城 Bethesda, MD
2016 年 8 月 13 日 (週六) 至 8 月 14 日 (週日)
•摘要 截止日期:
年 3 月 31 日
•審查 結果公佈:
2016年 4 月 20 日
•論文 全文繳交日期:
2016年 6 月 15 日
•逾期 提交將不被接受
研討會主題:全球參與 創新教學
The Second International Conference for Chinese Heritage Education CALL FOR PAPERS
August 13-14, 2016
Bethesda Marriott Hotel in Maryland, USA徵求論文通知
地點: 美國馬里蘭州貝城 Bethesda, MD
2016 年 8 月 13 日 (週六) 至 8 月 14 日 (週日)
•摘要 截止日期:
年 3 月 31 日
•審查 結果公佈:
2016年 4 月 20 日
•論文 全文繳交日期:
2016年 6 月 15 日
•逾期 提交將不被接受
研討會主題:全球參與 創新教學
2016年第二届哈佛国际中文教学研讨会通知 -- Feb. 7, 2016
2016 Harvard University 2nd International Conference on Chinese Pedagogy
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The 2nd Harvard International Conference on Chinese Pedagogy (Harvard ICCP) will be held on September 23-24, 2016at Harvard University. The theme of the conference will be: Innovating Traditions. Surging interest in the dual-language immersion method, the widespread popularity of MOOCs, the emergence of practical language-learning software and apps, the establishment of various linguistic databases—all of these developments have a significant impact on all the different components of Chinese language pedagogy. The conference will thus focus on how we can continually reform, innovate, and incorporate new strategies and resources on the solid foundations of existing pedagogy.
For this session of the ICCP, in addition to talks from our guest speakers, we welcome proposals for empirical research-based presentations across a wide array of sub-fields. The conference aims to include, but is not limited to, the following areas:
· History of TCFL (对外汉语历史回顾)
· Comparative National Approaches to TCFL (对外汉语国别化比较研究)
· Second Language Acquisition (二语习得理论与实践)
· Curriculum and Instruction (课程与教学论)
· Online and App-assisted Learning (网络与多媒体辅助教学)
· Literacy and Communication (对外汉语教学中的听说读写)
· Corpus and Learner Errors (语料库与语用偏误)
· Integration of Language and Content (内容本位语言教学)
· Teacher Development (师资培训与职业发展)
· Language Testing and Assessment (语言教学评估测试)
All who wish to present at the conference must submit the attached reply form as a word document (abstract no more than 350 words) to [email protected] no later than March 15. If accepted, we ask that you submit the final draft of your paper, along with the slides used for your 15-minute talk, by August 31. Your abstract may be in either English or Chinese. Accepted individual proposals will be grouped into panels according to theme.
The Conference will take place over the course of two days. Friday, the 23rd (12:30 pm - 6:00 pm), will be devoted to pedagogy workshops geared towards pre-college and college-level teachers of Chinese who are interested in learning more about Harvard’s own Chinese language pedagogy. Saturday, the 24th (8:00 am - 8:00 pm), will be devoted to talks from individual scholars and discussion among all participants.
For participants whose proposals are selected to be presented at the conference, we are pleased to offer free admittance to the workshop and conference, and dinner with other speakers on the 24th. Lunch on the 24th will be provided free of charge for all participants. Due to limited funding, we are not able to cover the cost of travel or lodging. But we hope you will be able to secure additional funding from your home institution.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by email at [email protected].
The Harvard ICCP Committee
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The 2nd Harvard International Conference on Chinese Pedagogy (Harvard ICCP) will be held on September 23-24, 2016at Harvard University. The theme of the conference will be: Innovating Traditions. Surging interest in the dual-language immersion method, the widespread popularity of MOOCs, the emergence of practical language-learning software and apps, the establishment of various linguistic databases—all of these developments have a significant impact on all the different components of Chinese language pedagogy. The conference will thus focus on how we can continually reform, innovate, and incorporate new strategies and resources on the solid foundations of existing pedagogy.
For this session of the ICCP, in addition to talks from our guest speakers, we welcome proposals for empirical research-based presentations across a wide array of sub-fields. The conference aims to include, but is not limited to, the following areas:
· History of TCFL (对外汉语历史回顾)
· Comparative National Approaches to TCFL (对外汉语国别化比较研究)
· Second Language Acquisition (二语习得理论与实践)
· Curriculum and Instruction (课程与教学论)
· Online and App-assisted Learning (网络与多媒体辅助教学)
· Literacy and Communication (对外汉语教学中的听说读写)
· Corpus and Learner Errors (语料库与语用偏误)
· Integration of Language and Content (内容本位语言教学)
· Teacher Development (师资培训与职业发展)
· Language Testing and Assessment (语言教学评估测试)
All who wish to present at the conference must submit the attached reply form as a word document (abstract no more than 350 words) to [email protected] no later than March 15. If accepted, we ask that you submit the final draft of your paper, along with the slides used for your 15-minute talk, by August 31. Your abstract may be in either English or Chinese. Accepted individual proposals will be grouped into panels according to theme.
The Conference will take place over the course of two days. Friday, the 23rd (12:30 pm - 6:00 pm), will be devoted to pedagogy workshops geared towards pre-college and college-level teachers of Chinese who are interested in learning more about Harvard’s own Chinese language pedagogy. Saturday, the 24th (8:00 am - 8:00 pm), will be devoted to talks from individual scholars and discussion among all participants.
For participants whose proposals are selected to be presented at the conference, we are pleased to offer free admittance to the workshop and conference, and dinner with other speakers on the 24th. Lunch on the 24th will be provided free of charge for all participants. Due to limited funding, we are not able to cover the cost of travel or lodging. But we hope you will be able to secure additional funding from your home institution.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by email at [email protected].
The Harvard ICCP Committee
Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) -- Feb. 7, 2016
Thirty years of instruction-based research have firmly established the identity of a subfield of SLA known as Instructed Second Language Acquisition (ISLA). Underlying this disciplinary development are large numbers of studies, theoretical and empirical. These studies have collectively identified and refined relevant clusters of constructs, notable among them: explicit/implicit knowledge, strong/weak/no-interface relations, intentional/incidental learning, overt/covert feedback, deductive/inductive approaches, focus on forms/focus on form, synthetic/analytic approaches, fine tuning/rough tuning, input/intake/output, form/meaning/use, and teachability/learnability.
With its longstanding commitment to teaching and learning research and practice, Teachers College, Columbia University is proud to host the 35th Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) with a particular focus on ISLA. We aim to bring together students, teachers, and researchers to share, question, and reflect on past and current research, and more importantly, on the future of ISLA and its transdisciplinary relevance, especially to second and foreign language teaching.
To that end, we cordially invite proposal submissions that seek to provide a nuanced, rather than black-and-white, understanding of instructional efficacy in SLA in light of complex questions such as: Which aspects of language are susceptible (or not) to which type of instruction to which learner(s) and at which stage of learner language development? As we look forward to facilitating a candid discussion on the theme of the conference, Thirty Years of ISLA: Learning, Instruction, Learning, and Outcome, we especially welcome the following:
Please contact [email protected] for questions or comments.
With its longstanding commitment to teaching and learning research and practice, Teachers College, Columbia University is proud to host the 35th Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) with a particular focus on ISLA. We aim to bring together students, teachers, and researchers to share, question, and reflect on past and current research, and more importantly, on the future of ISLA and its transdisciplinary relevance, especially to second and foreign language teaching.
To that end, we cordially invite proposal submissions that seek to provide a nuanced, rather than black-and-white, understanding of instructional efficacy in SLA in light of complex questions such as: Which aspects of language are susceptible (or not) to which type of instruction to which learner(s) and at which stage of learner language development? As we look forward to facilitating a candid discussion on the theme of the conference, Thirty Years of ISLA: Learning, Instruction, Learning, and Outcome, we especially welcome the following:
- Longitudinal case or cross-sectional studies invoking elicited data and/or naturalistic data analyzed qualitatively and/or quantitatively
- Research syntheses (narrative reviews and meta-analyses are both encouraged)
- Replications of published studies
- Studies on the internal validity of the research methodology
Please contact [email protected] for questions or comments.
第十届中文教学现代化国际研 -- Jan. 15, 2016
由中文教学现代化学会主办、韩国延世大学承 办的第十届中文教学现代化国际研讨会将于2016年 8月13日-15日在韩国首尔延世大学召开,特在此提醒您:会议论文全文提交截止时间为2016年3月31日(欲知详情,请查看《第 十届中文教学现代化国际研讨会通知(第一号) 》)。
另,应广大有志于中文教学现代化的老师们要求,本着互通有无、合作共享的原则,本学会 学报《中文教学现代化学报》网站新增“教学资源”版块。如果您 有相关教学资源愿意分享,欢迎您访问学报网站:xuebao.amcle.org ,注册并登录后,即可分享您的资源。
另,应广大有志于中文教学现代化的老师们要求,本着互通有无、合作共享的原则,本学会 学报《中文教学现代化学报》网站新增“教学资源”版块。如果您 有相关教学资源愿意分享,欢迎您访问学报网站:xuebao.amcle.org ,注册并登录后,即可分享您的资源。
TCIC December 2015 Issue /Call for Papers for February 2016 Issue -- Jan. 5, 2016
From Binbin Zheng [email protected]
Teaching Chinese in International Contexts Issue 7, December 2015
Full Issue PDF
王芊(Qian Wang), 密歇根州立大学 (Michigan State University)
Task-Based Language Teaching of Chinese as a Second Language
李昱(Yu Li), 爱荷华大学 (University of Iowa)
Being a Wài Guó Rén in China: Reflection on a Study Abroad Project in China
Kaishan Kong, Katherine A. Kocen, & Delaney M. Cooley,
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
2016年2月刊的投稿截止日期为2016.01.3。我们欢迎任何与对外汉语教学相关的学术文章,教 学分享,及资源介绍。欢迎您积极投稿。
Website: http://www.experiencechinese.com/index.php/publications
Teaching Chinese in International Contexts Issue 7, December 2015
Full Issue PDF
王芊(Qian Wang), 密歇根州立大学 (Michigan State University)
Task-Based Language Teaching of Chinese as a Second Language
李昱(Yu Li), 爱荷华大学 (University of Iowa)
Being a Wài Guó Rén in China: Reflection on a Study Abroad Project in China
Kaishan Kong, Katherine A. Kocen, & Delaney M. Cooley,
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
2016年2月刊的投稿截止日期为2016.01.3。我们欢迎任何与对外汉语教学相关的学术文章,教 学分享,及资源介绍。欢迎您积极投稿。
Website: http://www.experiencechinese.com/index.php/publications
Call for Proposals: The 2nd International Forum on Linguistics in Chinese Education -- Jan. 2, 2016
The 2nd International Forum on Linguistics in Chinese Education
(2016年7月2-3日, 北京) 网站:www.ifolice.org 邮箱:[email protected]
征文通知 Call for Papers
“语言学与汉语教学国际论坛(IFOLICE)”是一个旨在提倡以坚实的语言学研究为基础促进与提升汉 语二语教学的学术交流平台。论坛由美国、北京和香港八所大学的有关同仁共同发起并轮流组织,自2015年起在美国、香港和北京轮流举行。
The 2nd International Forum on Linguistics in Chinese Education
(2016年7月2-3日, 北京) 网站:www.ifolice.org 邮箱:[email protected]
征文通知 Call for Papers
“语言学与汉语教学国际论坛(IFOLICE)”是一个旨在提倡以坚实的语言学研究为基础促进与提升汉 语二语教学的学术交流平台。论坛由美国、北京和香港八所大学的有关同仁共同发起并轮流组织,自2015年起在美国、香港和北京轮流举行。
10th International Conference on Chinese Writing and Calligraphy Education -- Jan. 2, 2016
American Society of Shufa Calligraphy Education
Confucius Institute in Atlanta
The 10th International Conference on Chinese Writing and Calligraphy Education
Emory University, Atlanta, GA
May 20-22, 2016
The American Society of Shufa Calligraphy Education (ASSCE) and the Confucius Institute in Atlanta are pleased to announce the 10th International Conference on Chinese Writing and Calligraphy Education to be held at the Emory Conference Center Hotel (http://www.emoryconferencecenter.com/), Emory University, Atlanta, GA, May 20-22, 2016.
Please save your information form and abstract as two separate Word files, and send to the following professors in email attachment no later than February 15, 2016.
American Society of Shufa Calligraphy Education
Confucius Institute in Atlanta
The 10th International Conference on Chinese Writing and Calligraphy Education
Emory University, Atlanta, GA
May 20-22, 2016
The American Society of Shufa Calligraphy Education (ASSCE) and the Confucius Institute in Atlanta are pleased to announce the 10th International Conference on Chinese Writing and Calligraphy Education to be held at the Emory Conference Center Hotel (http://www.emoryconferencecenter.com/), Emory University, Atlanta, GA, May 20-22, 2016.
Please save your information form and abstract as two separate Word files, and send to the following professors in email attachment no later than February 15, 2016.
NACCL-28 Call for paper -- Dec. 29, 2015
The 28th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics
May 5-8, 2016, Brigham Young University, Utah
The 28th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-28) will be held at Brigham Young University, Provo, UT May 5-8, 2016.
Organizers and Contacts
Dana BOURGERIE 白杰理 and Rachel Yu LIU 刘瑜
Department of Asian and Near Eastern Languages
Brigham Young University
3064 JFSB
Provo, Utah, USA
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +1 (801) 422-4952 (Bourgerie) or (801) 422-7353 (Liu)
May 5-8, 2016, Brigham Young University, Utah
The 28th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-28) will be held at Brigham Young University, Provo, UT May 5-8, 2016.
Organizers and Contacts
Dana BOURGERIE 白杰理 and Rachel Yu LIU 刘瑜
Department of Asian and Near Eastern Languages
Brigham Young University
3064 JFSB
Provo, Utah, USA
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +1 (801) 422-4952 (Bourgerie) or (801) 422-7353 (Liu)
CLTAC 2016 Spring Conference Call for Proposal -- Dec. 29, 2015
Chinese Language Teachers Association of California (CLTAC)
2016 Spring Conference
The CLTAC 2016 Spring Conference Organizing Committee invites submission of proposals for 20-minute presentations. As in previous years, abstract proposals in all areas of Chinese teaching and learning are welcome, such as theories, methodologies and strategies, curricula, teaching materials, technology, acquisition, Chinese linguistics, culture factors, AP Chinese, and teaching credentials.
Proposal submission deadline: Sunday, January 24, 2016
Notification of proposal status: Monday, February 8, 2016
Early registration deadline (postmarked): Friday, February 26, 2016
Conference date: Saturday, March 12, 2016(Tentative)
Email Ms. Le Tang, Chair of the CLTAC 2016 Spring Conference, at <[email protected]>.
2016 Spring Conference
The CLTAC 2016 Spring Conference Organizing Committee invites submission of proposals for 20-minute presentations. As in previous years, abstract proposals in all areas of Chinese teaching and learning are welcome, such as theories, methodologies and strategies, curricula, teaching materials, technology, acquisition, Chinese linguistics, culture factors, AP Chinese, and teaching credentials.
Proposal submission deadline: Sunday, January 24, 2016
Notification of proposal status: Monday, February 8, 2016
Early registration deadline (postmarked): Friday, February 26, 2016
Conference date: Saturday, March 12, 2016(Tentative)
Email Ms. Le Tang, Chair of the CLTAC 2016 Spring Conference, at <[email protected]>.
CLTA-GNY 2016 14th International Conference on Teaching Chinese: Call for Proposals -- Dec. 28, 2015
The 14th New York International Conference on
Teaching Chinese
Global Perspectives in Teaching Chinese Language and Culture
The 14th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, sponsored by the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York (CLTA-GNY), New School University and Nanjing University, will be held on Saturday, May 7 at New School University in New York City.
We invite you to submit a proposal for our conference! All proposals on the teaching of Chinese are welcome, including but not limited to following of interest:
1. RESEARCH: This area includes Linguistics, culture, pedagogy, program implementation, assessments, etc.
2. PRACTICES: This area includes student motivation, administration, program promotion, teaching materials, classroom instructional strategies, ACTFL 5 Cs standards application, teacher training, community engagement, etc.
3. INNOVATIONS: This area includes technology and media use, online and distance learning, application of recent research on brain and learning theories, etc.
The CLTA-GNY Conference Committee welcomes submissions of proposals on subjects relevant to the above themes. Papers can be either in Chinese or English. We will consider proposals for panels as well as individual papers and all proposals will be reviewed anonymously. Individual papers will be grouped into panels by themes. Panels will be 75 minutes long with four presenters. Please note that we will need separate abstracts for each paper on any panel proposal.
Please submit your proposals online by February 15, 2016. Click here to access the proposal submission form.
Email questions to: [email protected]
For information about CLTA-GNY, please visit http://clta-gny.org.
Look forward to seeing you in New York City on May 7, 2016!
Teaching Chinese
Global Perspectives in Teaching Chinese Language and Culture
The 14th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, sponsored by the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York (CLTA-GNY), New School University and Nanjing University, will be held on Saturday, May 7 at New School University in New York City.
We invite you to submit a proposal for our conference! All proposals on the teaching of Chinese are welcome, including but not limited to following of interest:
1. RESEARCH: This area includes Linguistics, culture, pedagogy, program implementation, assessments, etc.
2. PRACTICES: This area includes student motivation, administration, program promotion, teaching materials, classroom instructional strategies, ACTFL 5 Cs standards application, teacher training, community engagement, etc.
3. INNOVATIONS: This area includes technology and media use, online and distance learning, application of recent research on brain and learning theories, etc.
The CLTA-GNY Conference Committee welcomes submissions of proposals on subjects relevant to the above themes. Papers can be either in Chinese or English. We will consider proposals for panels as well as individual papers and all proposals will be reviewed anonymously. Individual papers will be grouped into panels by themes. Panels will be 75 minutes long with four presenters. Please note that we will need separate abstracts for each paper on any panel proposal.
Please submit your proposals online by February 15, 2016. Click here to access the proposal submission form.
Email questions to: [email protected]
For information about CLTA-GNY, please visit http://clta-gny.org.
Look forward to seeing you in New York City on May 7, 2016!
NCACLS 中文傳承教育國際研討會 2016 CALL FOR PAPE -- Dec. 22, 2015
che.ncacls.net - 中文傳承教育國際研討會
The National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools (NCACLS) is pleased to announce its second international conference on global engagement and ...
The Second International Conference for Chinese Heritage Education
Global Engagement and Innovative Pedagogy
August 13-14, 2016
Bethesda Marriott Hotel in Maryland
che.ncacls.net - 中文傳承教育國際研討會
The National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools (NCACLS) is pleased to announce its second international conference on global engagement and ...
The Second International Conference for Chinese Heritage Education
Global Engagement and Innovative Pedagogy
August 13-14, 2016
Bethesda Marriott Hotel in Maryland
Call for Proposals (Deadline: 01/13/2016): CLTA Annual Meeting in Conjunction with ACTFL Annual Convention & Expo in 2016 -- Dec. 22, 2015
2016 CLTA Annual Meeting
in Conjunction with the 2016 ACTFL Annual Convention & World Languages Expo
November 18-20, 2016 Boston, Massachusetts
Call for Proposals
The Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (CLTA) will hold its 2016 Annual Meeting in conjunction with the 2016 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Annual World Convention and World Languages Expo in Boston, Massachusetts, November 18-20, 2016.
Submission Procedure:
1. All proposals for sessions or papers must be submitted online athttp://ww4.aievolution.com/tfl1601/, then proceed by carefully following screen instructions on each page. (Note: Choose “Higher Education” for “Audience Level” if you want your proposal to be directed to the CLTA review team regardless of the intended audience for your proposed paper or session.)
2. Within 24 hours of your successful submission, a confirmation of receipt will be emailed to you from ACTFL conference administrator. You are expected to check your “junk mail” file and to have their “spam blocker” settings to allow emails from ACTFL.
3. Before the submission deadline (Wednesday, January 13, 2016 @ 11:59 PM ET), you can re-login to revise or edit your submitted proposals as you wish. Please remember to re-submit the proposal before the deadline.
4. If you do not have or forget your username and password, follow the instructions on the page to create or retrieve your username and password (which will be sent to the email address you have provided).
The earlier you start the submission process, the more time you will have to deal with any unexpectedness.
CLTA and its program committee do not have access to individual member information on the ATCFL site, and thus cannot help with your log-in and online submission. Thank you for your understanding.
If you have any questions, please contact the Program Chair of the conference, Professor Baozhang He, at[email protected].
in Conjunction with the 2016 ACTFL Annual Convention & World Languages Expo
November 18-20, 2016 Boston, Massachusetts
Call for Proposals
The Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (CLTA) will hold its 2016 Annual Meeting in conjunction with the 2016 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Annual World Convention and World Languages Expo in Boston, Massachusetts, November 18-20, 2016.
Submission Procedure:
1. All proposals for sessions or papers must be submitted online athttp://ww4.aievolution.com/tfl1601/, then proceed by carefully following screen instructions on each page. (Note: Choose “Higher Education” for “Audience Level” if you want your proposal to be directed to the CLTA review team regardless of the intended audience for your proposed paper or session.)
2. Within 24 hours of your successful submission, a confirmation of receipt will be emailed to you from ACTFL conference administrator. You are expected to check your “junk mail” file and to have their “spam blocker” settings to allow emails from ACTFL.
3. Before the submission deadline (Wednesday, January 13, 2016 @ 11:59 PM ET), you can re-login to revise or edit your submitted proposals as you wish. Please remember to re-submit the proposal before the deadline.
4. If you do not have or forget your username and password, follow the instructions on the page to create or retrieve your username and password (which will be sent to the email address you have provided).
The earlier you start the submission process, the more time you will have to deal with any unexpectedness.
CLTA and its program committee do not have access to individual member information on the ATCFL site, and thus cannot help with your log-in and online submission. Thank you for your understanding.
If you have any questions, please contact the Program Chair of the conference, Professor Baozhang He, at[email protected].
2016 Princeton University East Asian Studies' Conference on Chinese Language Instruction--Dec. 4, 2015
2016 Princeton University East Asian Studies’Conference on Chinese Language Instruction
Interested in attending? Please visit: http://tinyurl.com/clpconfreply
November 6, 2015 Dear Friends and Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to attend the 24th Conference on Chinese Language Instruction, sponsored by the East Asian Studies Program at Princeton University, on Saturday, April 30, 2016, from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
A new addition to the conference is a Princeton University faculty-run workshop: When Theory Meets Practice: Workshop on Chinese Language Instruction at Princeton. This workshop will be held on Friday, April 29, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM and is free for anyone interested in attending. Chinese language instructors at all levels are welcome to participate and interact with colleagues from across the field.
All who wish to attend the conference and/or workshop must submit an online Reply Form by January 15th, 2016. The Reply Form can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/clpconfreply
As in previous years for our conference, we welcome proposals for presentations concerning all types of research on Chinese language learning and teaching. The conference aims to include, but is not limited to, the following themes:
· Development of Materials: What kind of materials can better meet the challenges of varied language instruction?
· Culture in Language Study: What is the relation of language and culture to the design of Chinese language courses?
· Testing and Assessment: What are the true indicators of students’ language achievements? How do differences in learners’ backgrounds affect their performance?
· History of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
· Language Learning for Heritage Students
· Innovative Classroom Applications of Second-Language-Acquisition Theories
· Computer-Assisted Language Learning
· Chinese Programs Abroad
The Program Committee accepts submissions of one-page proposals for the conference, in either English or Chinese, for a fifteen-minute presentation on subjects relevant to the themes listed above. Proposals must be submitted by the January 15th, 2016 deadline. Individual proposals will be grouped into panels according to themes.
PLEASE NOTE: This year, in lieu of email submissions of the Reply Form and paper proposals/abstracts, please fill out the Reply Form located here: http://tinyurl.com/clpconfreplyProposals/abstracts can be uploaded directly in the Reply Form, so it is not necessary to email us your proposal/abstracts anymore.
Limited funding for travel expenses (up to $500.00 if traveling from overseas, $300.00 if traveling by airplane in North America (includes Canada), including local transportation; and up to $100.00 by automobile or train, including tolls and incidentals) will only be available to participants who present papers, one person per institution. We realize this may not be sufficient to cover the actual cost of travel, but we hope you will be able to secure additional funds from your home institution. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided on Saturday for all participants.
For conference updates, please check the following website: www.princeton.edu/clp/pedagogy-conference/.
If you are unable access the Reply Form, or if you have any other questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected].
Chih-ping Chou
Professor,East Asian Studies
Director, Chinese Language Program
Interested in attending? Please visit: http://tinyurl.com/clpconfreply
November 6, 2015 Dear Friends and Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to attend the 24th Conference on Chinese Language Instruction, sponsored by the East Asian Studies Program at Princeton University, on Saturday, April 30, 2016, from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
A new addition to the conference is a Princeton University faculty-run workshop: When Theory Meets Practice: Workshop on Chinese Language Instruction at Princeton. This workshop will be held on Friday, April 29, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM and is free for anyone interested in attending. Chinese language instructors at all levels are welcome to participate and interact with colleagues from across the field.
All who wish to attend the conference and/or workshop must submit an online Reply Form by January 15th, 2016. The Reply Form can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/clpconfreply
As in previous years for our conference, we welcome proposals for presentations concerning all types of research on Chinese language learning and teaching. The conference aims to include, but is not limited to, the following themes:
· Development of Materials: What kind of materials can better meet the challenges of varied language instruction?
· Culture in Language Study: What is the relation of language and culture to the design of Chinese language courses?
· Testing and Assessment: What are the true indicators of students’ language achievements? How do differences in learners’ backgrounds affect their performance?
· History of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
· Language Learning for Heritage Students
· Innovative Classroom Applications of Second-Language-Acquisition Theories
· Computer-Assisted Language Learning
· Chinese Programs Abroad
The Program Committee accepts submissions of one-page proposals for the conference, in either English or Chinese, for a fifteen-minute presentation on subjects relevant to the themes listed above. Proposals must be submitted by the January 15th, 2016 deadline. Individual proposals will be grouped into panels according to themes.
PLEASE NOTE: This year, in lieu of email submissions of the Reply Form and paper proposals/abstracts, please fill out the Reply Form located here: http://tinyurl.com/clpconfreplyProposals/abstracts can be uploaded directly in the Reply Form, so it is not necessary to email us your proposal/abstracts anymore.
Limited funding for travel expenses (up to $500.00 if traveling from overseas, $300.00 if traveling by airplane in North America (includes Canada), including local transportation; and up to $100.00 by automobile or train, including tolls and incidentals) will only be available to participants who present papers, one person per institution. We realize this may not be sufficient to cover the actual cost of travel, but we hope you will be able to secure additional funds from your home institution. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided on Saturday for all participants.
For conference updates, please check the following website: www.princeton.edu/clp/pedagogy-conference/.
If you are unable access the Reply Form, or if you have any other questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected].
Chih-ping Chou
Professor,East Asian Studies
Director, Chinese Language Program
Travel subsidy available for TCLT9 presenters -- Dec. 3, 2015
The 9th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century (TCLT9)
May 27-29, 2016
University of Macau, Macau SAR
As started in 2000, this three-day conference features invited keynote speeches on conference themes, two day-panel discussions and presentations, and one day hands-on workshops on up-to-date practice and software/applications on technology enhanced Chinese language teaching. Throughout the past 15 years, over 200 institutions from 17 countries and regions have sent more than one thousand scholars and professionals to join this international conference and workshopsWhat’s New?
Travel Subsidy Fund Available:
Each accepted paper and workshop receives 1,500MOP (Macau dollar) travel subsidy
Conference Main Themes
CALL and Its Normalization
Topics Included but Not Limited to
Chinese and English
Submission Timelines
Abstract Submission (for papers and workshops): 12/31/2015
Abstract Acceptance Notification (Invitation Letter): 1/31/2016
Full Paper Submission: 3/31/2016
Submission Guidelines
1. Paper Submission
Abstract (by 12/31/2015): Submit a half page abstract with no more than 120 words in English or 400 characters in Chinese for a 15 minute-presentation at http://tclt.us/tclt9/submit_abstract.php. All abstracts will be blindly peer-reviewed.
Full paper (by 3/31/2016): Include title, abstract (in both English and Chinese), author(s) and affiliation(s) (in both English and Chinese), e-mail, and references; no more than 6 pages long. More details will be available at the conference website in mid-January.
(Selected papers will be published in Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching after double-blinded peer review. TheJournal is registered with the Library of Congress (ISSN 1949-260X) and indexed by MLA (since 2011), Google Scholars (starting Oct. 2015), and SSCI (under evaluation). Its in-print supplement Series of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the U.S.(《美国科技与中文教学丛书》) are published by China Social Sciences Press (中国社会科学出版社))
2. Workshop Proposal Submission
Submit a one-page proposal for a 50-minute workshop including the title, description of the workshop, targeted audience, intended outcomes, and equipment need (workshop participants will bring their own laptops or other devices).
3. Note
One participant can submit up to two paper abstracts. In case of slot limitations, the author will be asked to select one to present.
Registration Fee
Early bird registration (on or before March 31): $140
Regular registration (between April 1-May 25): $160
Onsite registration: $180
Students will receive a 50% discount with valid student ID
Receipt of the registration fee will be provided at the conference site
Registration Coverage
(What is included in the registration fee)
Admissions to conference and workshops
A pre-conference reception cocktail (Thursday evening)
Three luncheons (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
One dinner (Friday)
One banquet (Saturday evening)
Five snacks/coffer breaks
Conference program packet, badge, bag, and Conference Proceedings published on site
Wi-Fi and technical support at conference and workshops
Special rate for accommodation at the venue hotel
Shuttle service between hotel and conference site
Sunday afternoon sightseeing of Macau with English/Chinese speaking tourist guides
Registration Note
Exhibition Slots
$250 is for one table, two chairs, and one registration coverage. Additional registration coverage is $100 each.
Travel Subsidy
Each accepted paper and workshop receives 1,500MOP (Macau dollar) travel subsidy
Send your requests to [email protected]
About TCLT
Established in 2000, Technology and Chinese Language Teaching (http://tclt.us) aims to bridge the gap between technology and teaching methodology and curriculum as well as to enhance the exchange of technology-based Chinese language learning and instruction. The combination of in-depth panel discussions and hands-on workshops on up-to-date technologies on Chinese language teaching is a hallmark of this biennial conference.
To further the exchange and discussions on technology and Chinese language teaching, TCLT launched its double blind, peer-reviewed online publication Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in 2010 and published its in-print supplementSeries of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the U.S. (《美国科技与中文教学丛书》) with China Social Sciences Press (中国社会科学出版社) since 2012.
The 9th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century (TCLT9)
May 27-29, 2016
University of Macau, Macau SAR
As started in 2000, this three-day conference features invited keynote speeches on conference themes, two day-panel discussions and presentations, and one day hands-on workshops on up-to-date practice and software/applications on technology enhanced Chinese language teaching. Throughout the past 15 years, over 200 institutions from 17 countries and regions have sent more than one thousand scholars and professionals to join this international conference and workshopsWhat’s New?
Travel Subsidy Fund Available:
Each accepted paper and workshop receives 1,500MOP (Macau dollar) travel subsidy
Conference Main Themes
CALL and Its Normalization
Topics Included but Not Limited to
- CALL and its normalization
- Mobile-assisted Chinese language teaching and learning
- Cloud computing in Chinese language teaching
- Intercultural exchange and web mediated communication
- Virtual classrooms and eLearning
- Blended instruction
- Chinese MOOCs
- Multimedia instruction and second language acquisition
- Corpus study and database in Chinese language teaching
- Emerging technologies and their applications in Chinese language teaching
- Design, development, evaluation of digital instructional materials
- Language testing and assessment with technology
- Curriculum and program design with technology
- Other related topics on technology-enhanced Chinese language learning and teaching
Chinese and English
Submission Timelines
Abstract Submission (for papers and workshops): 12/31/2015
Abstract Acceptance Notification (Invitation Letter): 1/31/2016
Full Paper Submission: 3/31/2016
Submission Guidelines
1. Paper Submission
Abstract (by 12/31/2015): Submit a half page abstract with no more than 120 words in English or 400 characters in Chinese for a 15 minute-presentation at http://tclt.us/tclt9/submit_abstract.php. All abstracts will be blindly peer-reviewed.
Full paper (by 3/31/2016): Include title, abstract (in both English and Chinese), author(s) and affiliation(s) (in both English and Chinese), e-mail, and references; no more than 6 pages long. More details will be available at the conference website in mid-January.
(Selected papers will be published in Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching after double-blinded peer review. TheJournal is registered with the Library of Congress (ISSN 1949-260X) and indexed by MLA (since 2011), Google Scholars (starting Oct. 2015), and SSCI (under evaluation). Its in-print supplement Series of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the U.S.(《美国科技与中文教学丛书》) are published by China Social Sciences Press (中国社会科学出版社))
2. Workshop Proposal Submission
Submit a one-page proposal for a 50-minute workshop including the title, description of the workshop, targeted audience, intended outcomes, and equipment need (workshop participants will bring their own laptops or other devices).
3. Note
One participant can submit up to two paper abstracts. In case of slot limitations, the author will be asked to select one to present.
Registration Fee
Early bird registration (on or before March 31): $140
Regular registration (between April 1-May 25): $160
Onsite registration: $180
Students will receive a 50% discount with valid student ID
Receipt of the registration fee will be provided at the conference site
Registration Coverage
(What is included in the registration fee)
Admissions to conference and workshops
A pre-conference reception cocktail (Thursday evening)
Three luncheons (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
One dinner (Friday)
One banquet (Saturday evening)
Five snacks/coffer breaks
Conference program packet, badge, bag, and Conference Proceedings published on site
Wi-Fi and technical support at conference and workshops
Special rate for accommodation at the venue hotel
Shuttle service between hotel and conference site
Sunday afternoon sightseeing of Macau with English/Chinese speaking tourist guides
Registration Note
- Participants (including presenters and co-presenters) must register and pay registration fee.
- Accepted abstracts and full papers will be published in the TCLT9 Conference Program and Conference Proceedings(available at the conference) if the presenter (single author) or at least one of the presenters of co-presentations of the accepted abstracts are registered and pay the registration fee before March 31, 2016.
Exhibition Slots
$250 is for one table, two chairs, and one registration coverage. Additional registration coverage is $100 each.
Travel Subsidy
Each accepted paper and workshop receives 1,500MOP (Macau dollar) travel subsidy
Send your requests to [email protected]
About TCLT
Established in 2000, Technology and Chinese Language Teaching (http://tclt.us) aims to bridge the gap between technology and teaching methodology and curriculum as well as to enhance the exchange of technology-based Chinese language learning and instruction. The combination of in-depth panel discussions and hands-on workshops on up-to-date technologies on Chinese language teaching is a hallmark of this biennial conference.
To further the exchange and discussions on technology and Chinese language teaching, TCLT launched its double blind, peer-reviewed online publication Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in 2010 and published its in-print supplementSeries of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the U.S. (《美国科技与中文教学丛书》) with China Social Sciences Press (中国社会科学出版社) since 2012.
The 10th International Conference on Chinese Writing and Calligraphy Education (Deadline for Proposals: 12/01/2015)--Nov. 28, 2015
American Society of Shufa Calligraphy EducationConfucius Institute in Atlanta
The 10th International Conference on Chinese Writing and Calligraphy Education
Emory University, Atlanta, GAMay 20-22, 2016
The American Society of Shufa Calligraphy Education (ASSCE) and the Confucius Institute in Atlanta are pleased to announce the 10th International Conference on Chinese Writing and Calligraphy Education to be held at Emory University, Atlanta, GA, May 20-22, 2016.
Since its inception in 1998, the ASSCE has been dedicated to the promotion of hanzi calligraphy education in the U.S. and abroad. It has successfully held nine international conferences:
1998 University of Maryland
2000 California State University, Long Beach
2002 Beijing Normal University
2004 University of South Carolina
2006 Yasuda Women’s University, Hiroshima, Japan
2008 National Taichung Normal University, Taiwan
2010 Capital Normal University, Beijing
2012 Southwestern University
2014 Guangxi Art Institute, Nanning, Guangxi The theme of the 10th conference is Reform, Innovate, Sustain: New Challenges in Chinese Writing and Calligraphy Education. We welcome presentation proposals on (but not limited to) the following subthemes:
· “顺应潮流,以变应变,变中求通,变中求存: 汉字书法教育方法的推陈出新”
Sustainability through changes: innovating Chinese writing and calligraphy pedagogy
· “新视角,新观念,新策略:汉字书法教育理论探讨”
New perspectives, new concepts, new strategies: exploring new theories of Chinese writing and calligraphy education
· “寓文于字,以字习文:融汉字书法教育和中华文化传播为一体”
Culture through calligraphy: integrating Chinese writing and calligraphy education with Chinese cultural studies
· “媒介和工具:电子时代的汉字书法教育”
Media and tools: Chinese writing and calligraphy education in the digital age
· “寓教于艺:汉字书法艺术与书法教育之相辅相成”
Education through art: complementarity of education and art in Chinese writing and calligraphy
· “寓教于研:汉字书法艺术研究与书法教育之有机结合”
Education through research: synthesis of research and education in Chinese writing and calligraphy
· “何去何从,集思广益: 汉 字书法教育的前途和命运”
Whither Chinese writing and calligraphy education? Brainstorming our future
Submission and deadline
1. Participant information form
Please fill out the brief information form at the end of this document and submit together with your abstract. Please do not include any personal information in the abstract.
2. Abstract
The abstract can be in English (250-350 words) or Chinese (300-400 characters).
3. How and when to submit
Please save your information form and abstract as two separate Word files, and send to the following professors in email attachment no later than December 1, 2015. Dr. Wendan Li李 文丹 ([email protected])
Dr. Li-hua Ying 嬴 莉华 ([email protected])
American Society of Shufa Calligraphy EducationConfucius Institute in Atlanta
The 10th International Conference on Chinese Writing and Calligraphy Education
Emory University, Atlanta, GAMay 20-22, 2016
The American Society of Shufa Calligraphy Education (ASSCE) and the Confucius Institute in Atlanta are pleased to announce the 10th International Conference on Chinese Writing and Calligraphy Education to be held at Emory University, Atlanta, GA, May 20-22, 2016.
Since its inception in 1998, the ASSCE has been dedicated to the promotion of hanzi calligraphy education in the U.S. and abroad. It has successfully held nine international conferences:
1998 University of Maryland
2000 California State University, Long Beach
2002 Beijing Normal University
2004 University of South Carolina
2006 Yasuda Women’s University, Hiroshima, Japan
2008 National Taichung Normal University, Taiwan
2010 Capital Normal University, Beijing
2012 Southwestern University
2014 Guangxi Art Institute, Nanning, Guangxi The theme of the 10th conference is Reform, Innovate, Sustain: New Challenges in Chinese Writing and Calligraphy Education. We welcome presentation proposals on (but not limited to) the following subthemes:
· “顺应潮流,以变应变,变中求通,变中求存: 汉字书法教育方法的推陈出新”
Sustainability through changes: innovating Chinese writing and calligraphy pedagogy
· “新视角,新观念,新策略:汉字书法教育理论探讨”
New perspectives, new concepts, new strategies: exploring new theories of Chinese writing and calligraphy education
· “寓文于字,以字习文:融汉字书法教育和中华文化传播为一体”
Culture through calligraphy: integrating Chinese writing and calligraphy education with Chinese cultural studies
· “媒介和工具:电子时代的汉字书法教育”
Media and tools: Chinese writing and calligraphy education in the digital age
· “寓教于艺:汉字书法艺术与书法教育之相辅相成”
Education through art: complementarity of education and art in Chinese writing and calligraphy
· “寓教于研:汉字书法艺术研究与书法教育之有机结合”
Education through research: synthesis of research and education in Chinese writing and calligraphy
· “何去何从,集思广益: 汉 字书法教育的前途和命运”
Whither Chinese writing and calligraphy education? Brainstorming our future
Submission and deadline
1. Participant information form
Please fill out the brief information form at the end of this document and submit together with your abstract. Please do not include any personal information in the abstract.
2. Abstract
The abstract can be in English (250-350 words) or Chinese (300-400 characters).
3. How and when to submit
Please save your information form and abstract as two separate Word files, and send to the following professors in email attachment no later than December 1, 2015. Dr. Wendan Li李 文丹 ([email protected])
Dr. Li-hua Ying 嬴 莉华 ([email protected])
Call for Papers: 2nd International Conference on Spoken Chinese Corpora--Nov. 19, 2015
本 会议主要研讨评估现今汉语口语语料库的建设和研究,及其在汉语教学上的应用。2016年的会议着重关注学习者口语语料库的发展及使用。
本 次会议由三所大学联合主办,莱斯大学语言及跨文化交际中心(clic.rice.edu/),南京大学( http://www.nju.edu.cn/english/ ) 、北京语言大学( http://english.blcu.edu.cn/col/col246/index.html )。 莱斯大学负责安排组织2016年大会议程。
1. 分析口语语料库语境中的真实语言
2. 口语语料库与L2教学研究方向
3. 口语语料在课堂教学上的应用(机会与挑战)
4. 口语语料库与数据驱动学习的定义及实践
5. 各类语料库在二语习得、教学上的使用(参考性语料库、平行语料库、学习者语料库)
6. 研究母语语料及中介语语料之间在L2教学上的适当选择
7. 评估语料所呈现的字词频率及真实语言对L2教学的辅助
8. 建设口语语料库:理论、设计与实践
9. 口语语料库的共享与大型语料库的共建
专题演讲学者 :
1. 曹贤文(南京大学,海外教育学院)
个人网页: http://hwxy.nju.edu.cn/cn/TeacherInfo.aspx?m=xyjs&ID=227&t=xyjs-xysz
2. 陶红印(加州大学洛杉矶分校,东亚语言文化系)
陶教授研究领域包括话语分析、应用语言学及语料库 语言学。陶教授开发UCLA书写文字语料库,也是国际英语语料库在美负责人之一。其有关高级汉语口语及学术 汉语教学的项目获得美国教育部的研究经费。
个人网页: http://ht37.bol.ucla.edu/
3. 叶萌(莱斯大学,语言与跨文化交际中心)
叶教授目前的研究专注于教学设计、课程规划及真实 语料的使用来提高学生语用交际能力。其现今所负责的两个研究项目为:“使用口语语料设计‘就’字的教学”及“培养及评估初级者的语用交际 能力”。
个人网页: http://clic.rice.edu/meng_yeh.aspx
4. 张宝林(北京语言大学,语言科学院)
张教授学术研究方向为语言学及应用语言学和语言政策与规划。目 前主持的两个主要课题是:中国教育部重大课题攻关项目“全球汉语中介语语料库建设和研究”,北京语言大学重大基础研究项目“世界各国语言 政策数据库建设与研究”。
个人网页: http://yykxy.blcu.edu.cn/art/2014/9/16/art_6627_1089547.html
3. 论 文摘要(500字左右)截止日期:2016年1月15日(请以电子版寄至[email protected].) 。论文摘要中、英文皆可使用。
4. 论文摘要的录取通知于2016年2月15日前发出。
参会论文将于会后择优结集出版。论文全 文请于2016年10月10日(会后两个月)提交给主办单位。
本 会议主要研讨评估现今汉语口语语料库的建设和研究,及其在汉语教学上的应用。2016年的会议着重关注学习者口语语料库的发展及使用。
本 次会议由三所大学联合主办,莱斯大学语言及跨文化交际中心(clic.rice.edu/),南京大学( http://www.nju.edu.cn/english/ ) 、北京语言大学( http://english.blcu.edu.cn/col/col246/index.html )。 莱斯大学负责安排组织2016年大会议程。
1. 分析口语语料库语境中的真实语言
2. 口语语料库与L2教学研究方向
3. 口语语料在课堂教学上的应用(机会与挑战)
4. 口语语料库与数据驱动学习的定义及实践
5. 各类语料库在二语习得、教学上的使用(参考性语料库、平行语料库、学习者语料库)
6. 研究母语语料及中介语语料之间在L2教学上的适当选择
7. 评估语料所呈现的字词频率及真实语言对L2教学的辅助
8. 建设口语语料库:理论、设计与实践
9. 口语语料库的共享与大型语料库的共建
专题演讲学者 :
1. 曹贤文(南京大学,海外教育学院)
个人网页: http://hwxy.nju.edu.cn/cn/TeacherInfo.aspx?m=xyjs&ID=227&t=xyjs-xysz
2. 陶红印(加州大学洛杉矶分校,东亚语言文化系)
陶教授研究领域包括话语分析、应用语言学及语料库 语言学。陶教授开发UCLA书写文字语料库,也是国际英语语料库在美负责人之一。其有关高级汉语口语及学术 汉语教学的项目获得美国教育部的研究经费。
个人网页: http://ht37.bol.ucla.edu/
3. 叶萌(莱斯大学,语言与跨文化交际中心)
叶教授目前的研究专注于教学设计、课程规划及真实 语料的使用来提高学生语用交际能力。其现今所负责的两个研究项目为:“使用口语语料设计‘就’字的教学”及“培养及评估初级者的语用交际 能力”。
个人网页: http://clic.rice.edu/meng_yeh.aspx
4. 张宝林(北京语言大学,语言科学院)
张教授学术研究方向为语言学及应用语言学和语言政策与规划。目 前主持的两个主要课题是:中国教育部重大课题攻关项目“全球汉语中介语语料库建设和研究”,北京语言大学重大基础研究项目“世界各国语言 政策数据库建设与研究”。
个人网页: http://yykxy.blcu.edu.cn/art/2014/9/16/art_6627_1089547.html
3. 论 文摘要(500字左右)截止日期:2016年1月15日(请以电子版寄至[email protected].) 。论文摘要中、英文皆可使用。
4. 论文摘要的录取通知于2016年2月15日前发出。
参会论文将于会后择优结集出版。论文全 文请于2016年10月10日(会后两个月)提交给主办单位。
TCIC October 2015 Issue / Call for Papers for December 2015 Issue--Nov. 9, 2015
Teaching Chinese in International Contexts Issue 6, October 2015
Full Issue PDF
记者: 郑彬彬 (Binbin Zheng), 密歇根州立大学 (Michigan State University)
李琼(Qiong Li), 华中师范大学 (Central China Normal University)
Yan Chen, Northern Illinois University
Juliet (Hong) Niu, DeKalb Chinese School
Pi-Sui Hsu, Northern Illinois University
From Classroom to Cyberspace: How Teachers Prepare themselves to be Online Instructors
王 怡丹 (Yidan Wang), 密歇根州立大学 (Michigan State University)
Online Chinese Teaching Forum & Workshop
密歇根州立大学孔子学院 (Confucius Institute, Michigan State University)
同时,我们2015年12月刊为开放主题,我们欢迎任何与对外汉语教学相关的学术文章,教学分享,及资源介绍。投稿截 止时间为2015.11.30。欢迎您积极投稿。
Our website: http://www.experiencechinese.com/index.php/publications
Full Issue PDF
记者: 郑彬彬 (Binbin Zheng), 密歇根州立大学 (Michigan State University)
李琼(Qiong Li), 华中师范大学 (Central China Normal University)
Yan Chen, Northern Illinois University
Juliet (Hong) Niu, DeKalb Chinese School
Pi-Sui Hsu, Northern Illinois University
From Classroom to Cyberspace: How Teachers Prepare themselves to be Online Instructors
王 怡丹 (Yidan Wang), 密歇根州立大学 (Michigan State University)
Online Chinese Teaching Forum & Workshop
密歇根州立大学孔子学院 (Confucius Institute, Michigan State University)
同时,我们2015年12月刊为开放主题,我们欢迎任何与对外汉语教学相关的学术文章,教学分享,及资源介绍。投稿截 止时间为2015.11.30。欢迎您积极投稿。
Our website: http://www.experiencechinese.com/index.php/publications
Call for Papers by the CLTA-GNY journal--Nov. 2, 2015
The Journal of Chinese Language Teaching and Research in the U.S. invites submissions to its 2016 issue. If you are interested in submitting a paper, please read the attachments carefully and follow the journal style requirements. Please note that the submission deadline is January 15, 2016.
CLTA-GNY 2016 14th International Conference on Teaching Chinese: Call for Proposals--Oct. 21, 2015
The 14th New York International Conference on
Teaching Chinese
Global Perspectives in Teaching Chinese Language and Culture
The 14th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, sponsored by the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York (CLTA-GNY), New School University and Nanjing University, will be held on Saturday, May 7 at New School University in New York City.
We invite you to submit a proposal for our conference! All proposals on the teaching of Chinese are welcome, including but not limited to following of interest:
1. RESEARCH: This area includes Linguistics, culture, pedagogy, program implementation, assessments, etc.
2. PRACTICES: This area includes student motivation, administration, program promotion, teaching materials, classroom instructional strategies, ACTFL 5 Cs standards application, teacher training, community engagement, etc.
3. INNOVATIONS: This area includes technology and media use, online and distance learning, application of recent research on brain and learning theories, etc.
The CLTA-GNY Conference Committee welcomes submissions of proposals on subjects relevant to the above themes. Papers can be either in Chinese or English. We will consider proposals for panels as well as individual papers and all proposals will be reviewed anonymously. Individual papers will be grouped into panels by themes. Panels will be 75 minutes long with four presenters. Please note that we will need separate abstracts for each paper on any panel proposal.
Please submit your proposals online by February 15, 2016. Click here to access the proposal submission form.
Email questions to: [email protected]
Notice of acceptance will be sent out in early March electronically. Anyone who needs a hard copy of the notice should include a special request with their proposal.
Approximately 300 participants attended the conference last year. Presentations included the most current research and field-proven effective instructional strategies. You may access the CLTA-GNY website to view 2015 conference information here. Please register online before April 25, 2016 to receive an early-bird discount rate of $30. Click here to access the on-line registration webpage. On-site registration will be accepted after April 25 at the regular registration fee of $40. To encourage pre-service teachers’ attendance, there is a discount rate of $20 (ONLY for early registration) for current university undergraduate and graduate students when student ID is verified.
The 2016 New York International Conference will run from approximately 8:00 am – 6:00 pm on May 7, with a get-together dinner after the conference. Please indicate in the registration form if you would like to sign up for the dinner activity. The cost for this dinner is approximately $35 per person.
For information about the conference, including registration, venue, exhibitors and the conference committee, please visit http://clta-gny.org/16conf/16conf.html.
For information about CLTA-GNY, please visit http://clta-gny.org.
Look forward to seeing you in New York City on May 7, 2016!
Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York
The 14th New York International Conference on
Teaching Chinese
Global Perspectives in Teaching Chinese Language and Culture
The 14th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, sponsored by the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York (CLTA-GNY), New School University and Nanjing University, will be held on Saturday, May 7 at New School University in New York City.
We invite you to submit a proposal for our conference! All proposals on the teaching of Chinese are welcome, including but not limited to following of interest:
1. RESEARCH: This area includes Linguistics, culture, pedagogy, program implementation, assessments, etc.
2. PRACTICES: This area includes student motivation, administration, program promotion, teaching materials, classroom instructional strategies, ACTFL 5 Cs standards application, teacher training, community engagement, etc.
3. INNOVATIONS: This area includes technology and media use, online and distance learning, application of recent research on brain and learning theories, etc.
The CLTA-GNY Conference Committee welcomes submissions of proposals on subjects relevant to the above themes. Papers can be either in Chinese or English. We will consider proposals for panels as well as individual papers and all proposals will be reviewed anonymously. Individual papers will be grouped into panels by themes. Panels will be 75 minutes long with four presenters. Please note that we will need separate abstracts for each paper on any panel proposal.
Please submit your proposals online by February 15, 2016. Click here to access the proposal submission form.
Email questions to: [email protected]
Notice of acceptance will be sent out in early March electronically. Anyone who needs a hard copy of the notice should include a special request with their proposal.
Approximately 300 participants attended the conference last year. Presentations included the most current research and field-proven effective instructional strategies. You may access the CLTA-GNY website to view 2015 conference information here. Please register online before April 25, 2016 to receive an early-bird discount rate of $30. Click here to access the on-line registration webpage. On-site registration will be accepted after April 25 at the regular registration fee of $40. To encourage pre-service teachers’ attendance, there is a discount rate of $20 (ONLY for early registration) for current university undergraduate and graduate students when student ID is verified.
The 2016 New York International Conference will run from approximately 8:00 am – 6:00 pm on May 7, with a get-together dinner after the conference. Please indicate in the registration form if you would like to sign up for the dinner activity. The cost for this dinner is approximately $35 per person.
For information about the conference, including registration, venue, exhibitors and the conference committee, please visit http://clta-gny.org/16conf/16conf.html.
For information about CLTA-GNY, please visit http://clta-gny.org.
Look forward to seeing you in New York City on May 7, 2016!
Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York
2015 Conference on Chinese Education--Oct. 15, 2015
2015 Greater New York Conference on Chinese Education
地點:駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處一樓(Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in New York ,TECO, 1 East 42nd Street, 1F, New York, NY 10017)
Jennifer Wang | 王憲筠
Deputy Director, Education Division
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York
1 East 42nd Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 317-7385 | Fax: (212) 317-7390
2015 Greater New York Conference on Chinese Education
地點:駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處一樓(Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in New York ,TECO, 1 East 42nd Street, 1F, New York, NY 10017)
Jennifer Wang | 王憲筠
Deputy Director, Education Division
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York
1 East 42nd Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 317-7385 | Fax: (212) 317-7390
2016 NCLC: Request for Proposals Extended -- Sep. 29, 2015
Apply to lead a session at the
2016 National Chinese Language Conference!April 28–30, 2016 in Chicago, ILThe success of the National Chinese Language Conference is built upon the innovation, best practices, and shared experiences of educators and administrators in the field. Share your ideas and successes by leading a session at the 2016 NCLC. The Request for Proposals deadline is extended to October 16 – submit a proposal today!
We are seeking proposals in the following areas:
2016 National Chinese Language Conference!April 28–30, 2016 in Chicago, ILThe success of the National Chinese Language Conference is built upon the innovation, best practices, and shared experiences of educators and administrators in the field. Share your ideas and successes by leading a session at the 2016 NCLC. The Request for Proposals deadline is extended to October 16 – submit a proposal today!
We are seeking proposals in the following areas:
- Assessment
- China across the Curriculum
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Partnerships and Community Engagement
- Program Models and K–16 Articulation
- Research
- Teacher Development and Sustainability
- Share your knowledge and experiences, and gather valuable feedback from peers
- Showcase your educational programs and partnerships to a national audience
- Help shape the agenda of the Chinese language education community
- Receive a discount on your registration fee
- NCLC is the premier conference dedicated to the teaching and learning of Chinese language and culture. Last year, 1,200 participants from across K–16 education came together to network and share best practices. Join us in Chicago, Illinois on April 28–30, 2016 and spread the news of #NCLC16! Learn more and find updates atwww.nclcusa.org.
National Chinese Language Conference -- Sep. 21, 2015
National Chinese Language Conference
April 28–30, 2016
The National Chinese Language Conference (NCLC) provides a high–profile platform for sharing new ideas and best practices in the fields of Chinese language teaching and learning, Chinese arts and culture, and U.S.–China educational exchange. The 9th annual NCLC is organized by Asia Society and the College Board and will be held in Chicago, IL, April 28–30, 2016. The conference will focus on:
· building and sustaining quality Chinese programs at all levels of K–12 and higher education;
· cutting-edge approaches to teaching that incorporate culture, technology and collaborations; and
· best practices in the classroom leading to high levels of language proficiency and cultural competency.
The Request for Proposals is Now Open. Learn more and Submit a Proposal Today!
The 2016 NCLC website: http://asiasociety.org/national-chinese-language-conference
National Chinese Language Conference
April 28–30, 2016
The National Chinese Language Conference (NCLC) provides a high–profile platform for sharing new ideas and best practices in the fields of Chinese language teaching and learning, Chinese arts and culture, and U.S.–China educational exchange. The 9th annual NCLC is organized by Asia Society and the College Board and will be held in Chicago, IL, April 28–30, 2016. The conference will focus on:
· building and sustaining quality Chinese programs at all levels of K–12 and higher education;
· cutting-edge approaches to teaching that incorporate culture, technology and collaborations; and
· best practices in the classroom leading to high levels of language proficiency and cultural competency.
The Request for Proposals is Now Open. Learn more and Submit a Proposal Today!
The 2016 NCLC website: http://asiasociety.org/national-chinese-language-conference
The Fifth Business Chinese Workshop--Sep. 21, 2015
April 29-30, 2016
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Call for Papers (Deadline: October 1, 2015)
The Business Chinese Workshop is a triennial workshop organized to promote and advance Business Chinese education and research in colleges and universities. Every three years since 2003, the workshop has been sponsored by the Center for International Business Education (CIBE) and Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan. For 2016, the Chinese Language Program and the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania are pleased to announce that the fifth Business Chinese Workshop will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 29-30.
A new addition to 2016’s workshop will be a Penn faculty conducted teaching demonstration on topics including Beginning Business Chinese and Advanced Business Chinese to Business Communication courses for MBAs. Following the teaching demonstration, a panel of Penn Business Chinese students will discuss their experiences and open up for Q&A. The teaching demonstration and student panel will be held on Friday, April 29, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. All participating BC educators are welcome to join the event.
Proposals for the presentations regarding the development, instruction and research of Business Chinese are welcome. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Materials development for BC courses
· Innovation in BC instruction
· Literacy in BC instruction
· Accuracy and Error Analysis
· BC programs abroad
· Assessment and evaluation of BC learning and teaching
· Business textbook analysis
· Business Chinese Discourse analysis
· Business news and case studies
· Comparative research on business culture/practice in China and the U.S.
An abstract of 400-500 words in English or Chinese, along with the proposer's full English and Chinese names and school affiliation, should be submitted via email no later than October 1, 2015 to the workshop address ([email protected]). Acceptance decisions will be announced by December 1, 2015. Registration will start in January 2016 following a special announcement, and will remain open up to the date of the workshop.
The Chinese Language Program and the Center for East Asian Studies at Penn will provide travel funds up to $500 for presenters traveling from Asia (limited to one person per institution).
Please feel free to send inquiries, suggestions and requests to the workshop e-mail address ([email protected]). The BC workshop website is at:http://sites.sas.upenn.edu/businesschineseworkshop2016/
April 29-30, 2016
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Call for Papers (Deadline: October 1, 2015)
The Business Chinese Workshop is a triennial workshop organized to promote and advance Business Chinese education and research in colleges and universities. Every three years since 2003, the workshop has been sponsored by the Center for International Business Education (CIBE) and Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan. For 2016, the Chinese Language Program and the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania are pleased to announce that the fifth Business Chinese Workshop will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 29-30.
A new addition to 2016’s workshop will be a Penn faculty conducted teaching demonstration on topics including Beginning Business Chinese and Advanced Business Chinese to Business Communication courses for MBAs. Following the teaching demonstration, a panel of Penn Business Chinese students will discuss their experiences and open up for Q&A. The teaching demonstration and student panel will be held on Friday, April 29, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. All participating BC educators are welcome to join the event.
Proposals for the presentations regarding the development, instruction and research of Business Chinese are welcome. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Materials development for BC courses
· Innovation in BC instruction
· Literacy in BC instruction
· Accuracy and Error Analysis
· BC programs abroad
· Assessment and evaluation of BC learning and teaching
· Business textbook analysis
· Business Chinese Discourse analysis
· Business news and case studies
· Comparative research on business culture/practice in China and the U.S.
An abstract of 400-500 words in English or Chinese, along with the proposer's full English and Chinese names and school affiliation, should be submitted via email no later than October 1, 2015 to the workshop address ([email protected]). Acceptance decisions will be announced by December 1, 2015. Registration will start in January 2016 following a special announcement, and will remain open up to the date of the workshop.
The Chinese Language Program and the Center for East Asian Studies at Penn will provide travel funds up to $500 for presenters traveling from Asia (limited to one person per institution).
Please feel free to send inquiries, suggestions and requests to the workshop e-mail address ([email protected]). The BC workshop website is at:http://sites.sas.upenn.edu/businesschineseworkshop2016/
The 9th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century (TCLT9) --Sep. 19, 2015
May 27-29, 2016
University of Macau, Macau SAR(澳门大学)
Conference website http://www.tclt.us/tclt9
Conference Main Themes: CALL and Its Normalization
Topics Included but Not Limited to
Submission Timelines
Abstract Submission (for papers and workshops): 12/31/2015
Abstract Acceptance Notification (Invitation Letter): 1/31/2016
Full Paper Submission: 3/31/2016
May 27-29, 2016
University of Macau, Macau SAR(澳门大学)
Conference website http://www.tclt.us/tclt9
Conference Main Themes: CALL and Its Normalization
Topics Included but Not Limited to
- CALL and its normalization
- Mobile-assisted Chinese language teaching and learning
- Cloud computing in Chinese language teaching
- Intercultural exchange and web mediated communication
- Virtual classrooms and eLearning
- Blended instruction
- Chinese MOOCs
- Multimedia instruction and second language acquisition
- Corpus study and database in Chinese language teaching
- Emerging technologies and their applications in Chinese language teaching
- Design, development, evaluation of digital instructional materials
- Language testing and assessment with technology
- Curriculum and program design with technology
- Other related topics on technology-enhanced Chinese language learning and teaching
Submission Timelines
Abstract Submission (for papers and workshops): 12/31/2015
Abstract Acceptance Notification (Invitation Letter): 1/31/2016
Full Paper Submission: 3/31/2016
Call for Papers: Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching (JTCLT) --Sep. 14
Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching
A double blind, peer-reviewed online publication with in-print complement since 2010
Registered at Library of Congress ISSN 1949-260X (2010) and indexed by MLA (since 2011), Google Scholars (starting Oct. 2015), and SSCI (under evaluation) with in-print version Series of U.S. Technology and Chinese Language Teaching (《美国科技与中文教学丛书》) published by China Social Sciences Press (中 国社 会科 学出版社,ISBN: 978-7-5161-0873-4)
For December Issues of 2015 and June Issue of 2016
Unpublished researches, case studies, pedagogy, book/software/application reviews/introductions, both qualitative and quantitativestudies in CALL Study and Technology-enhanced Chinese Language Teaching are all welcome
Send your manuscripts to [email protected]
Manuscripts will undergo a double blind, peer review. The review process will take two months
Articles and book reviews should follow JTCLT’s style sheet and guidelines (tclt.us/journal)
JTCLT authors hold the copyright of their publication in the online version. China Social Sciences Press (中国社会科学出版社) owns the copyright of the print version.
Volume 6 Number 1, June 2015 (二 〇一五年六月第六卷第一期) is available online
A double blind, peer-reviewed online publication with in-print complement since 2010
Registered at Library of Congress ISSN 1949-260X (2010) and indexed by MLA (since 2011), Google Scholars (starting Oct. 2015), and SSCI (under evaluation) with in-print version Series of U.S. Technology and Chinese Language Teaching (《美国科技与中文教学丛书》) published by China Social Sciences Press (中 国社 会科 学出版社,ISBN: 978-7-5161-0873-4)
For December Issues of 2015 and June Issue of 2016
Unpublished researches, case studies, pedagogy, book/software/application reviews/introductions, both qualitative and quantitativestudies in CALL Study and Technology-enhanced Chinese Language Teaching are all welcome
Send your manuscripts to [email protected]
Manuscripts will undergo a double blind, peer review. The review process will take two months
Articles and book reviews should follow JTCLT’s style sheet and guidelines (tclt.us/journal)
JTCLT authors hold the copyright of their publication in the online version. China Social Sciences Press (中国社会科学出版社) owns the copyright of the print version.
Volume 6 Number 1, June 2015 (二 〇一五年六月第六卷第一期) is available online
Call for Papers: 19TH NCOLCTL ANNUAL CONFERENCE (Deadline: 10/16/2015)--Sep. 5, 2015
The 19th Conference of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages is scheduled for April 22-24, 2016, at the Holiday Inn & Suites Atlanta Airport- North (with pre-conference workshops scheduled for April 21st, 2016). Proposals are solicited for individual papers, colloquia, and poster sessions to be presented at this conference.
Submissions should fall broadly within the conference theme:
"Positioning the LCTLs with Paradigm Shifts in US Education"
Although proposed presentations may focus on individual languages, each paper should strive to address issues with relevance to many languages. The focus of session topics include;
Other topics for consideration would include heritage language learners: bilingual education students; autonomous and self-instructional settings; distance learning and technology use; outreach and advocacy initiatives curriculum and materials development. Teacher training and professionalization will also be welcomed.
INDIVIDUAL PAPERS are to be 30 minutes long, 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and discussion. A paper should focus clearly on issues related to the main conference theme. Papers may be based on original research or practical experience.
COLLOQUIA allow for extensive discussion on a distinct topic. There are two different blocks of time: 1 hour and 30 minutes (typically 3-4 presenters/discussants) or 3 hours (e.g., 5-6 presenters/discussants). Colloquium organizers are to address topics that will foster dialogue among attendees and also address the conference theme. Preference will be given to colloquia that cut across different languages or language groups. Only limited number of 3 hour colloquia will be selected.
POSTER PRESENTATION may focus on completed work or work in progress related to the teaching and/or learning of less commonly taught languages. They may be in either: the traditional poster format, such as presentation of materials, or of research completed or in progress, or demonstrations of instructional or information technology. (NB, any proposal in this category requiring technical support must specify in detail the type of hardware or software needed). Poster presentations will be 60 minutes.
Proposals may ONLY be submitted in electronic format by:
A 30 word abstract
b. One and half long page proposal (1000 word Max)
This electronic format is the only way in which Proposals/Abstracts may be submitted for this conference.
The deadline for receipt of proposals is October 16th 2015. Applicants will be notified by the Program Committee after October 30th, 2015 whether or not their proposal has been accepted. All presenters will be required to pre-register and pre-pay for the conference. Details about registration are to be found on the NCOLCTL 2016 Conference website.
If you have any questions regarding proposal submission, please contact the NCOLCTL Secretariat at: [email protected] or Tel: 1-812-856-4185
Submit your proposal HERE
Submissions should fall broadly within the conference theme:
"Positioning the LCTLs with Paradigm Shifts in US Education"
Although proposed presentations may focus on individual languages, each paper should strive to address issues with relevance to many languages. The focus of session topics include;
- Foreign Language Instruction in K-12 setting
- LCTL Material Development
- LCTL Teacher Training and Development
- LCTL Methodology
- LCTL Sustainability
- LCTL Innovation and Technology
- LCTL L2 Research
- LCTL Testing and Assessment
- Research and Assessment in Foreign language Teaching or Learning
Other topics for consideration would include heritage language learners: bilingual education students; autonomous and self-instructional settings; distance learning and technology use; outreach and advocacy initiatives curriculum and materials development. Teacher training and professionalization will also be welcomed.
INDIVIDUAL PAPERS are to be 30 minutes long, 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and discussion. A paper should focus clearly on issues related to the main conference theme. Papers may be based on original research or practical experience.
COLLOQUIA allow for extensive discussion on a distinct topic. There are two different blocks of time: 1 hour and 30 minutes (typically 3-4 presenters/discussants) or 3 hours (e.g., 5-6 presenters/discussants). Colloquium organizers are to address topics that will foster dialogue among attendees and also address the conference theme. Preference will be given to colloquia that cut across different languages or language groups. Only limited number of 3 hour colloquia will be selected.
POSTER PRESENTATION may focus on completed work or work in progress related to the teaching and/or learning of less commonly taught languages. They may be in either: the traditional poster format, such as presentation of materials, or of research completed or in progress, or demonstrations of instructional or information technology. (NB, any proposal in this category requiring technical support must specify in detail the type of hardware or software needed). Poster presentations will be 60 minutes.
Proposals may ONLY be submitted in electronic format by:
- Creating a user account on the 2016 NCOLCTL Conference Call for Paper website (HERE)
A 30 word abstract
b. One and half long page proposal (1000 word Max)
This electronic format is the only way in which Proposals/Abstracts may be submitted for this conference.
The deadline for receipt of proposals is October 16th 2015. Applicants will be notified by the Program Committee after October 30th, 2015 whether or not their proposal has been accepted. All presenters will be required to pre-register and pre-pay for the conference. Details about registration are to be found on the NCOLCTL 2016 Conference website.
If you have any questions regarding proposal submission, please contact the NCOLCTL Secretariat at: [email protected] or Tel: 1-812-856-4185
Submit your proposal HERE
The 3rd International Chinese Teaching Conference of Confucius Institutes and Classrooms in North America (Oct. 17-18, 2015) -- Sep. 1, 2015
第三届北美孔子学院及 孔子课堂国际汉语教学研讨会(2015)
“New Vision and Practice of Chinese Language and Learning in North America”
October 17 -18, 2015
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) 孔子学院总部/国家汉办
Confucius Institute at Portland State University 波特兰州立大学孔子学院
Confucius Institute in Edmonton 埃德蒙顿孔子学院
“第三届北美孔子学院汉语教学研讨会(2015)”将 继 2009 和 2013 年在美国波特兰州立 大学成功举办前两届后于 2015 年 10 月 16 至 18 日在加拿大阿尔伯达省埃德蒙顿市举办。 这次研讨会由波州大孔院和埃德蒙顿孔院共同举办。参加者为北美孔子学院院长和孔子课 堂汉语教学负责人,本 土汉语教师和国家汉办外派国际汉语教师、志愿者教师以及大中小学及幼儿园的汉语教师。大会也欢迎北美以外的孔子学院及孔子课堂的院长老师踊跃 报名参加。本届研讨会的主要目的是为北美汉语教师就汉语教学中涉及到的新理念和新实践提 供交流的平台。研讨内容包括教学案例、教学反思、教学研究、教材开发与使用、教学评估、网络教学及师资培养等 。
第三届北美孔子学院及 孔子课堂国际汉语教学研讨会(2015)
“New Vision and Practice of Chinese Language and Learning in North America”
October 17 -18, 2015
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) 孔子学院总部/国家汉办
Confucius Institute at Portland State University 波特兰州立大学孔子学院
Confucius Institute in Edmonton 埃德蒙顿孔子学院
“第三届北美孔子学院汉语教学研讨会(2015)”将 继 2009 和 2013 年在美国波特兰州立 大学成功举办前两届后于 2015 年 10 月 16 至 18 日在加拿大阿尔伯达省埃德蒙顿市举办。 这次研讨会由波州大孔院和埃德蒙顿孔院共同举办。参加者为北美孔子学院院长和孔子课 堂汉语教学负责人,本 土汉语教师和国家汉办外派国际汉语教师、志愿者教师以及大中小学及幼儿园的汉语教师。大会也欢迎北美以外的孔子学院及孔子课堂的院长老师踊跃 报名参加。本届研讨会的主要目的是为北美汉语教师就汉语教学中涉及到的新理念和新实践提 供交流的平台。研讨内容包括教学案例、教学反思、教学研究、教材开发与使用、教学评估、网络教学及师资培养等 。
Proposal Submissions for the 2nd CLTA International Symposium (Deadline: 08/31/2015) -- Aug. 21, 2015
The Second CLTA International Symposium on Chinese Language Teaching and Learning (CLTA-S2) will be held at the University of Maryland on April 1-3, 2016. For details, please visit the symposium website at http://clta-us.org/clta-s2/.
Please be reminded to submit your proposal for the 2nd Symposium at http://conference.clta-us.org/index.php/clta-iscltl/S2
Submission Deadline: August 31, 2015
You are also welcome to get registered for the symposium now at http://clta-us.org/clta-s2/clta-s2-registration/
Early-Bird Registration: By December 31, 2015
Organizing Committee
For the 2nd CLTA International Symposium
Please be reminded to submit your proposal for the 2nd Symposium at http://conference.clta-us.org/index.php/clta-iscltl/S2
Submission Deadline: August 31, 2015
You are also welcome to get registered for the symposium now at http://clta-us.org/clta-s2/clta-s2-registration/
Early-Bird Registration: By December 31, 2015
Organizing Committee
For the 2nd CLTA International Symposium
CLTA Professional Development Workshops (Friday, 11/20/2015) at San Diego: Online Registration Open-- Aug. 20, 2015
The CLTA-USA will offer two professional development workshops at the 2015 Annual Meeting in San Diego.
Time: Friday, Nov 20, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Workshop fees: Free
Applicant eligibility: Current members of the CLTA, USA
Online Registration is required and available until November 10, 2015:
Please contact [email protected] if you encounter any technical issues, and direct all other questions to [email protected].
Workshop 1
Friday, November 20, 2015 at 6:30pm-8:30pm (Maximum number: 40)
Room: Room 16A, San Diego Convention Center
Best Practices in Developing Beginning Speaking and Reading Proficiencies in Chinese as a Second Language
Professor Cecilia Chang
Williams College
Motivated by the trend of increase in high school Chinese programs and in the number of students who take AP Chinese, this workshop is designed to share with participants best practice in developing beginning (up to Intermediate-mid) speaking and reading proficiencies in CFL development that are empirically based and classroom tested. The goal of the workshop is to help the instructors build a solid foundation for their students. The workshop focuses on beginning CFL instruction and is designed to benefit instruction both at the high school and the college levels. The workshop will be divided into two parts, with the first hour focusing on speaking and the second reading. Through presentation and interactive activities, participants will gain knowledge about the various pedagogical principles that can guide them in curriculum design and classroom instruction.
Workshop 2
Friday, November 20, 2015 at 6:30pm-8:30pm (Maximum number: 40)
Room: Room 16B, San Diego Convention Center
How to Conduct Empirical Research on Pedagogy and Acquisition of Chinese Grammar?
Professor Janet Xing
Western Washington University
This workshop is designed for instructors of Chinese as L2 who are interested in research of pedagogy and acquisition of Chinese grammar. The goal of the workshop is to help junior researchers become familiar with methodologies and content materials needed for empirical studies. During the two-hour workshop, the first hour will focus on identifying research topics relevant to pedagogy and acquisition of grammatical elements in Chinese, while the second hour will focus on collecting and analyzing data for different types of empirical studies of grammatical elements from both pedagogy and acquisition point of view. The workshop will be interactive and integrative of group activities. When attending the workshop, participants are recommended to bring with them: 1) an interested research topic or at least a subject area for research, and 2) a laptop computer with internet connection.
2015 Professional Development Committee
Nyan-Ping Bi (chair)
Nan Jiang
Mindy Zhang
The 3rd Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (March 12-13, 2016) -- Aug. 19, 2015
The 3rd Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (March 12-13, 2016)
URL: http://u.osu.edu/wicl/wicl-3/
The 3rd Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL-3) will take place on March 12 and 13, 2016, at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. The conference focuses on new advances in Cantonese Linguistics, including innovations in methodologies, tools, and/or computing software. New approaches and research on language variation within the Cantonese (or “Yue”) subgroup of the Chinese language family, language contact phenomena, and new subfields and their interfaces are especially welcome. This is the third of the WICL series that is held biennially in North America.
Keynote speakers:
Abstract deadline: By November 1, 2015, 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
The conference organizing committee is considering a teleconferencing presentation session. Hence, scholars with difficulties in travelling to the conference are encouraged to submit an abstract.
Organizing committee:
Faculty chair:
Professor Marjorie K.M. Chan – Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, OSU
Graduate student co-chairs:
Litong Chen – Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, OSU
Yutian Tan – Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, OSU
Organizing committee members:
Professor Zhiguo Xie – Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, OSU
Qian Wang – Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, OSU
Yuhan Lin – Department of Linguistics, OSU
Tsz-Him Tsui – Department of Linguistics, OSU
URL: http://u.osu.edu/wicl/wicl-3/
The 3rd Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL-3) will take place on March 12 and 13, 2016, at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. The conference focuses on new advances in Cantonese Linguistics, including innovations in methodologies, tools, and/or computing software. New approaches and research on language variation within the Cantonese (or “Yue”) subgroup of the Chinese language family, language contact phenomena, and new subfields and their interfaces are especially welcome. This is the third of the WICL series that is held biennially in North America.
Keynote speakers:
- Professor Stephen Matthews
Department of Linguistics, University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong SAR)
- Professor Valter Ciocca
School of Audiology and Speech Sciences, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada)
Abstract deadline: By November 1, 2015, 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
The conference organizing committee is considering a teleconferencing presentation session. Hence, scholars with difficulties in travelling to the conference are encouraged to submit an abstract.
Organizing committee:
Faculty chair:
Professor Marjorie K.M. Chan – Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, OSU
Graduate student co-chairs:
Litong Chen – Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, OSU
Yutian Tan – Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, OSU
Organizing committee members:
Professor Zhiguo Xie – Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, OSU
Qian Wang – Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, OSU
Yuhan Lin – Department of Linguistics, OSU
Tsz-Him Tsui – Department of Linguistics, OSU
Call for Proposals: Fifth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics --Aug. 12, 2015
The Confucius Institute at the University of Iowa
Fifth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics
Call for Proposals
The 5th International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics will be held at The University of Iowa on April 22-23, 2016.
This Symposium will serve as a platform for researchers on Chinese applied linguistics around the world to generate ideas, cross disciplinary boundaries, and disseminate research about issues and concerns in the learning and teaching of Chinese as a non-primary language (including heritage language learning) across different acquisition stages in different settings. Proposals of theory-based and original studies on topics of Chinese Applied Linguistics, Chinese SLA, and L2 Chinese pedagogy are invited.
Abstract requirements:
Papers are presented within a twenty-minute period. All abstracts will be blind and peer reviewed. Submissions include two separate files: 1) the abstract and 2) author information.
Abstracts should include the following components: title of paper, significance of the study, theoretical framework/background, research procedure, major findings, and references. Abstracts can be written in Chinese (1,000 characters) or English (500 words). Please do not include author’s information in the abstract. Please use xxx to replace name(s) of institution(s) where data are collected.
Author information
Author information includes: title of the paper, name of the author(s), email address(es), phone numbers, and affiliation(s).
Submission deadline: December 1, 2015 by 11:59 PM Central Standard Time. Please submit both files (abstract and author information) electronically to[email protected].
Notification of abstract acceptance: January 19, 2016
Registration fee: $40 for students, $80 for non-students. Registration deadline: February 12, 2016
Accommodations for all presenters:
Round-trip travel support* (up to $400 for US and Canada flights and up to $800 for international; only one presenter for each presentation will receive travel support), hotel accommodations, round-trip ground transportation between the Cedar Rapids airport (CID) and Iowa City, and shared meals.
*Some visa statuses do not allow for travel support, please check with your institution and ours if you are unsure whether travel support is allowed
Fifth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics
Call for Proposals
The 5th International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics will be held at The University of Iowa on April 22-23, 2016.
This Symposium will serve as a platform for researchers on Chinese applied linguistics around the world to generate ideas, cross disciplinary boundaries, and disseminate research about issues and concerns in the learning and teaching of Chinese as a non-primary language (including heritage language learning) across different acquisition stages in different settings. Proposals of theory-based and original studies on topics of Chinese Applied Linguistics, Chinese SLA, and L2 Chinese pedagogy are invited.
Abstract requirements:
Papers are presented within a twenty-minute period. All abstracts will be blind and peer reviewed. Submissions include two separate files: 1) the abstract and 2) author information.
Abstracts should include the following components: title of paper, significance of the study, theoretical framework/background, research procedure, major findings, and references. Abstracts can be written in Chinese (1,000 characters) or English (500 words). Please do not include author’s information in the abstract. Please use xxx to replace name(s) of institution(s) where data are collected.
Author information
Author information includes: title of the paper, name of the author(s), email address(es), phone numbers, and affiliation(s).
Submission deadline: December 1, 2015 by 11:59 PM Central Standard Time. Please submit both files (abstract and author information) electronically to[email protected].
Notification of abstract acceptance: January 19, 2016
Registration fee: $40 for students, $80 for non-students. Registration deadline: February 12, 2016
Accommodations for all presenters:
Round-trip travel support* (up to $400 for US and Canada flights and up to $800 for international; only one presenter for each presentation will receive travel support), hotel accommodations, round-trip ground transportation between the Cedar Rapids airport (CID) and Iowa City, and shared meals.
*Some visa statuses do not allow for travel support, please check with your institution and ours if you are unsure whether travel support is allowed
AAS 2016 Call for Papers -- Aug. 7, 2015
Association for Asian Studies
Call for Papers deadline
Thursday, August 6
5:00pm Eastern Standard Time
The AAS 2016 Call for Papers deadline is fast approaching!!
The AAS Program Committee is accepting Organized Panel proposals, Roundtable proposals, Workshop proposals, and Individual Paper proposals for review and consideration. The 2016 AAS Annual Conference will take place next spring in Seattle, Washington, March 31-April 3.
Helpful Reminders & Submission Tips
All proposals should be submitted via the online abstract submission application link posted on the AAS Call for Paper webpage. Below are a few reminders and helpful tips to consider before submitting your proposal:
1) SUBMIT EARLY: The AAS office closes at 5:00pm Eastern Standard Time. Please make sure to submit your proposals well before the deadline to ensure someone is available to answer your submission questions should you encounter a problem.
2) USERNAME & PASSWORD: The Proposal Submission Application system is notintegrated with the AAS Membership database. Your AAS member login and passwordwill not work in the proposal submission system. You MUST Create a New Account in the application system to successfully login and submit a proposal. This feature is located in the UserName and Password box.
3) AUTHOR CONTACT INFORMATION: Make sure to enter the contact information of all participants/authors correctly. The system does not allow Organizers to edit personal contact information (only paper/abstract info). However, if a correction is needed, authors may log in to update their own personal contact information using the automatically generated username and password.
4) EDITING YOUR SUBMISSION: You must complete the entire application before you are able to log back in to make edits. The system does not accept partially completed applications. Please make sure you have all of your panel information (names, emails, paper titles/abstract, mailing address) before beginning the submission process.Otherwise, you will lose your work! Edits are allowed up to the submission deadline. After which, minor edits are allowed after acceptance notification.
5) TRAVEL GRANT REQUESTS: Requests for travel grants must be submitted with the proposal application and must be received by the Call for Papers deadline. The grant application is located WITHIN the panel proposal submission application.
6) STILL NEED HELP?: Step-by-Step submission instructions (with screen shots!) are posted on the Call for Papers page. These instructions are located in the right hand menu column. See the webpage for step by step instructions on submitting an Organized Panel, Roundtable, Workshop, Individual Paper or Travel Grant.
Proposal Submission Deadline:
Thursday, August 6, 2015 at 5:00pm E.S.T.
For complete and detailed submission instructions, including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) and information on how to submit a 'seeking panelists/panels' posting, please visit the AAS Conference website.
Call for Papers deadline
Thursday, August 6
5:00pm Eastern Standard Time
The AAS 2016 Call for Papers deadline is fast approaching!!
The AAS Program Committee is accepting Organized Panel proposals, Roundtable proposals, Workshop proposals, and Individual Paper proposals for review and consideration. The 2016 AAS Annual Conference will take place next spring in Seattle, Washington, March 31-April 3.
Helpful Reminders & Submission Tips
All proposals should be submitted via the online abstract submission application link posted on the AAS Call for Paper webpage. Below are a few reminders and helpful tips to consider before submitting your proposal:
1) SUBMIT EARLY: The AAS office closes at 5:00pm Eastern Standard Time. Please make sure to submit your proposals well before the deadline to ensure someone is available to answer your submission questions should you encounter a problem.
2) USERNAME & PASSWORD: The Proposal Submission Application system is notintegrated with the AAS Membership database. Your AAS member login and passwordwill not work in the proposal submission system. You MUST Create a New Account in the application system to successfully login and submit a proposal. This feature is located in the UserName and Password box.
3) AUTHOR CONTACT INFORMATION: Make sure to enter the contact information of all participants/authors correctly. The system does not allow Organizers to edit personal contact information (only paper/abstract info). However, if a correction is needed, authors may log in to update their own personal contact information using the automatically generated username and password.
4) EDITING YOUR SUBMISSION: You must complete the entire application before you are able to log back in to make edits. The system does not accept partially completed applications. Please make sure you have all of your panel information (names, emails, paper titles/abstract, mailing address) before beginning the submission process.Otherwise, you will lose your work! Edits are allowed up to the submission deadline. After which, minor edits are allowed after acceptance notification.
5) TRAVEL GRANT REQUESTS: Requests for travel grants must be submitted with the proposal application and must be received by the Call for Papers deadline. The grant application is located WITHIN the panel proposal submission application.
6) STILL NEED HELP?: Step-by-Step submission instructions (with screen shots!) are posted on the Call for Papers page. These instructions are located in the right hand menu column. See the webpage for step by step instructions on submitting an Organized Panel, Roundtable, Workshop, Individual Paper or Travel Grant.
Proposal Submission Deadline:
Thursday, August 6, 2015 at 5:00pm E.S.T.
For complete and detailed submission instructions, including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) and information on how to submit a 'seeking panelists/panels' posting, please visit the AAS Conference website.
Call for Papers--the Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse (Deadline: 10/01/2015) -- Aug. 2, 2015
Dear friends,
This is a friendly reminder of the deadline of call-for-paper from the 4thInternational Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse, which is October 1st, 2015. The conference will be held at Bryant University, June 10-12, 2016.
Please see the attached file for details or click the following website.
We are looking forward to seeing you all at Bryant University in June 2016.
Thank you very much,
The Organizing Committee of the 4th CLD Symposium
This is a friendly reminder of the deadline of call-for-paper from the 4thInternational Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse, which is October 1st, 2015. The conference will be held at Bryant University, June 10-12, 2016.
Please see the attached file for details or click the following website.
We are looking forward to seeing you all at Bryant University in June 2016.
Thank you very much,
The Organizing Committee of the 4th CLD Symposium
Call for Proposals for the 2nd CLTA International Symposium--July 23, 2015
Dear CLTA Members and Interested Colleagues,
The Second CLTA International Symposium on Chinese Language Teaching and Learning (CLTA-S2) will be held at the University of Maryland on April 1-3, 2016. For details, please visit the symposium website at http://clta-us.org/clta-s2/ or see the attached notice in English and Chinese.
You are welcome to submit your proposal for the 2nd Symposium at http://conference.clta-us.org/index.php/clta-iscltl/S2
Submission Deadline: August 31, 2015
You are also welcome to get registered for the symposium now at http://clta-us.org/clta-s2/clta-s2-registration/
Early-Bird Registration: By December 31, 2015
Organizing Committee
For the 2nd CLTA International Symposium
The Second CLTA International Symposium on Chinese Language Teaching and Learning (CLTA-S2) will be held at the University of Maryland on April 1-3, 2016. For details, please visit the symposium website at http://clta-us.org/clta-s2/ or see the attached notice in English and Chinese.
You are welcome to submit your proposal for the 2nd Symposium at http://conference.clta-us.org/index.php/clta-iscltl/S2
Submission Deadline: August 31, 2015
You are also welcome to get registered for the symposium now at http://clta-us.org/clta-s2/clta-s2-registration/
Early-Bird Registration: By December 31, 2015
Organizing Committee
For the 2nd CLTA International Symposium
2015 Chinese Language Teacher Training Workshop at the University of Rhode Island (Application Deadline: August 10, 2015)--July 14, 2015
2015 Chinese Language Teacher Training Workshop
Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island
To meet the demands of Chinese language teachers at different levels and in different teaching environments, and to enhance their capabilities of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island will offer the 2015 Chinese Language Teacher Training Workshop for Chinese language teachers in the United States to share the latest teaching theories, practice and methods in TCFL.
The 4-day workshop will include presentations by leading experts in the Chinese language teaching field from both China and the United States. Their lectures and workshops will not only cover general studies but also specific needs in different aspects of language teaching, from teaching methodology to vocabulary and grammar teaching, from Chinese culture to the use of technology in Chinese language teaching, and from Chinese philosophy to K-12 programs, the workshop will offer you a wide selection of topics.
Sponsors: Confucius Institute/Hanban
Co-Sponsor: New England Chinese Language Teachers Association
Host Institute: Confucius Institute at University of Rhode Island
Admissions: FREE to all the Chinese language teachers
Dates: August 20-23, 2015
Application Deadline: August 10, 2015
Qualification: Chinese language teachers at all levels and TCFL students
Location: 60 upper College Road, Swan Hall, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881
Boarding and Dining: On-campus lodging will be provided at only $15 per night per bed (double occupancy). FREE lunch on campus
Pre-registration is required. Space is limited, both boarding and dining are provided on the first-come, first-served basis. Please register online by clicking the following link http://web.uri.edu/confucius/2014-teacher-training-workshop-registration-form/ or by sending an email to: URI Confucius Institute<[email protected]>If you have any inquiries, please email to: URI Confucius Institute<[email protected]>
Extra benefits: A certificate will be issued upon completion of the program.
Speakers’ Information:
Dr. WU, Yongyi, (吴勇毅) Professor and Dean, International College of Chinese Studies, East China Normal University
Professor PAN, Yihe, (潘一禾) Professor and Director, College of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University
Dr. Chuanren Ke, (柯传仁) Professor and Director, Confucius Institute, University of Iowa
Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island
To meet the demands of Chinese language teachers at different levels and in different teaching environments, and to enhance their capabilities of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island will offer the 2015 Chinese Language Teacher Training Workshop for Chinese language teachers in the United States to share the latest teaching theories, practice and methods in TCFL.
The 4-day workshop will include presentations by leading experts in the Chinese language teaching field from both China and the United States. Their lectures and workshops will not only cover general studies but also specific needs in different aspects of language teaching, from teaching methodology to vocabulary and grammar teaching, from Chinese culture to the use of technology in Chinese language teaching, and from Chinese philosophy to K-12 programs, the workshop will offer you a wide selection of topics.
Sponsors: Confucius Institute/Hanban
Co-Sponsor: New England Chinese Language Teachers Association
Host Institute: Confucius Institute at University of Rhode Island
Admissions: FREE to all the Chinese language teachers
Dates: August 20-23, 2015
Application Deadline: August 10, 2015
Qualification: Chinese language teachers at all levels and TCFL students
Location: 60 upper College Road, Swan Hall, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881
Boarding and Dining: On-campus lodging will be provided at only $15 per night per bed (double occupancy). FREE lunch on campus
Pre-registration is required. Space is limited, both boarding and dining are provided on the first-come, first-served basis. Please register online by clicking the following link http://web.uri.edu/confucius/2014-teacher-training-workshop-registration-form/ or by sending an email to: URI Confucius Institute<[email protected]>If you have any inquiries, please email to: URI Confucius Institute<[email protected]>
Extra benefits: A certificate will be issued upon completion of the program.
Speakers’ Information:
Dr. WU, Yongyi, (吴勇毅) Professor and Dean, International College of Chinese Studies, East China Normal University
Professor PAN, Yihe, (潘一禾) Professor and Director, College of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University
Dr. Chuanren Ke, (柯传仁) Professor and Director, Confucius Institute, University of Iowa
Call for Submissions to the September Issue of the CLTA Newsletter (Deadline: 08/15/2015)--July 12, 2015
Dear CLTA members,
Happy Summer!
This is a call for submissions to the 2015-September issue of the CLTA
Newsletter. You are welcome to submit announcements of conferences, news
of the field (both national and regional), book news, advertisements
($50 for a half-page ad or $100 for a full-page ad), and new technology
for language learning/teaching.
The deadline for submission is August 15th. All submissions should be
sent to the Newsletter editor, Prof. Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, at
[email protected].
CLTA Newsletter
Happy Summer!
This is a call for submissions to the 2015-September issue of the CLTA
Newsletter. You are welcome to submit announcements of conferences, news
of the field (both national and regional), book news, advertisements
($50 for a half-page ad or $100 for a full-page ad), and new technology
for language learning/teaching.
The deadline for submission is August 15th. All submissions should be
sent to the Newsletter editor, Prof. Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, at
[email protected].
CLTA Newsletter
Call for Papers:The Fifth Business Chinese Workshop (Deadline: October 1, 2015)--July 6, 2015
The Fifth Business Chinese Workshop
April 29-30, 2016
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Call for Papers (Deadline: October 1, 2015)
The Business Chinese Workshop is a triennial workshop organized to promote and advance Business Chinese education and research in colleges and universities. Every three years since 2003, the workshop has been sponsored by the Center for International Business Education (CIBE) and Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan. For 2016, the Chinese Language Program and the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania are pleased to announce that the fifth Business Chinese Workshop will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 29-30.
A new addition to 2016’s workshop will be a Penn faculty conducted teaching demonstration on topics including Beginning Business Chinese and Advanced Business Chinese to Business Communication courses for MBAs. Following the teaching demonstration, a panel of Penn Business Chinese students will discuss their experiences and open up for Q&A. The teaching demonstration and student panel will be held on Friday, April 29, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. All participating BC educators are welcome to join the event.
Proposals for the presentations regarding the development, instruction and research of Business Chinese are welcome. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Materials development for BC courses
· Innovation in BC instruction
· Literacy in BC instruction
· Accuracy and Error Analysis
· BC programs abroad
· Assessment and evaluation of BC learning and teaching
· Business textbook analysis
· Business Chinese Discourse analysis
· Business news and case studies
· Comparative research on business culture/practice in China and the U.S.
An abstract of 400-500 words in English or Chinese, along with the proposer's full English and Chinese names and school affiliation, should be submitted via email no later than October 1, 2015 to the workshop address ([email protected]). Acceptance decisions will be announced by December 1, 2015. Registration will start in January 2016 following a special announcement, and will remain open up to the date of the workshop.
The Chinese Language Program and the Center for East Asian Studies at Penn will provide travel funds up to $500 for presenters traveling from Asia (limited to one person per institution).
Please feel free to send inquiries, suggestions and requests to the workshop e-mail address ([email protected]). The BC workshop website is at:http://sites.sas.upenn.edu/businesschineseworkshop2016/.
April 29-30, 2016
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Call for Papers (Deadline: October 1, 2015)
The Business Chinese Workshop is a triennial workshop organized to promote and advance Business Chinese education and research in colleges and universities. Every three years since 2003, the workshop has been sponsored by the Center for International Business Education (CIBE) and Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan. For 2016, the Chinese Language Program and the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania are pleased to announce that the fifth Business Chinese Workshop will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 29-30.
A new addition to 2016’s workshop will be a Penn faculty conducted teaching demonstration on topics including Beginning Business Chinese and Advanced Business Chinese to Business Communication courses for MBAs. Following the teaching demonstration, a panel of Penn Business Chinese students will discuss their experiences and open up for Q&A. The teaching demonstration and student panel will be held on Friday, April 29, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. All participating BC educators are welcome to join the event.
Proposals for the presentations regarding the development, instruction and research of Business Chinese are welcome. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Materials development for BC courses
· Innovation in BC instruction
· Literacy in BC instruction
· Accuracy and Error Analysis
· BC programs abroad
· Assessment and evaluation of BC learning and teaching
· Business textbook analysis
· Business Chinese Discourse analysis
· Business news and case studies
· Comparative research on business culture/practice in China and the U.S.
An abstract of 400-500 words in English or Chinese, along with the proposer's full English and Chinese names and school affiliation, should be submitted via email no later than October 1, 2015 to the workshop address ([email protected]). Acceptance decisions will be announced by December 1, 2015. Registration will start in January 2016 following a special announcement, and will remain open up to the date of the workshop.
The Chinese Language Program and the Center for East Asian Studies at Penn will provide travel funds up to $500 for presenters traveling from Asia (limited to one person per institution).
Please feel free to send inquiries, suggestions and requests to the workshop e-mail address ([email protected]). The BC workshop website is at:http://sites.sas.upenn.edu/businesschineseworkshop2016/.
Call for Participation: K-16 Articulation for Chinese Language Instruction: A Mini-Conference at Indiana University (07/25/2015)--July 1, 2015
Call for Participation:
K-16 Articulation for Chinese Language Instruction: A Mini-Conference at Indiana University on July 25th (Saturday)
It is exciting to see that the number of students who enroll in college Chinese programs with prior Chinese learning experience in high school has been increasing each year. However, it is very important both for college-level instructors to understand what and how Chinese is taught in K-12 settings and for K-12 teachers to understand what the expectations are for college-level students.
With the support of IU’s East Asian Studies Center, this mini-conference offered by the Chinese Flagship Center on the Bloomington campus of Indiana University is intended to provide an opportunity for teachers in the area to reach the following goals:
1. To discuss the learning objectives for each level, which can serve as starting points for curricular design for Chinese language programs in Indiana;
2. To understand and exchange ideas about varied and effective ways to assess student achievement of the learning objectives;
3. To identify some of the challenges of teaching/ learning Chinese and to discuss possible solutions; and
4. To foster a sense of a community among teachers in Indiana and its neighboring states.
Schedule of the Mini-Conference:
9:30am-10:00am Registration
10:00am-11:30am Brief overview of ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines and state standards, discussion of learning objectives for each level in small groups, and presentation of the discussion results to the whole group
11:30am-12:00pm Discussion of challenges to reaching the learning objectives
12:00-1:00pm Lunch & EASC China table presentation
1:00pm-1:45pm Introduction of textbooks/(electronic) teaching materials/useful apps used at each school
1:45pm-2:30pm Discussion of student assessment
2:30pm-3:00pm Reflection and evaluation, what would you like to do in the future to keep working on K-16 articulation?
Space is limited and will be filled on a first come, first served basis. A limited number of complimentary materials will be provided by the generous support of Cheng & Tsui and Columbia University Press, and limited funding for travel support is available.
All participants must register by July 15th. If interested, please fill out the attached registration form and send it to Mr. Brian Flaherty, Assistant Director of the Chinese Flagship Center at Indiana University–Bloomington, at [email protected]. Please include a copy of one of two recently-used syllabi so we can compile them and send an e-copy of the entire set to all participants.
Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday, July 25th.
Yea-Fen Chen 陳雅芬
Professor| Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures
Director| Chinese Flagship Center; Flagship Chinese Institute
School of Global and International Studies | Indiana University Bloomington
1011 E. Third St., Goodbody Hall, Rm 226, Bloomington, IN 47405 | Phone: 812-855-4249
Email: [email protected] | Website: www.indiana.edu/~flagship
K-16 Articulation for Chinese Language Instruction: A Mini-Conference at Indiana University on July 25th (Saturday)
It is exciting to see that the number of students who enroll in college Chinese programs with prior Chinese learning experience in high school has been increasing each year. However, it is very important both for college-level instructors to understand what and how Chinese is taught in K-12 settings and for K-12 teachers to understand what the expectations are for college-level students.
With the support of IU’s East Asian Studies Center, this mini-conference offered by the Chinese Flagship Center on the Bloomington campus of Indiana University is intended to provide an opportunity for teachers in the area to reach the following goals:
1. To discuss the learning objectives for each level, which can serve as starting points for curricular design for Chinese language programs in Indiana;
2. To understand and exchange ideas about varied and effective ways to assess student achievement of the learning objectives;
3. To identify some of the challenges of teaching/ learning Chinese and to discuss possible solutions; and
4. To foster a sense of a community among teachers in Indiana and its neighboring states.
Schedule of the Mini-Conference:
9:30am-10:00am Registration
10:00am-11:30am Brief overview of ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines and state standards, discussion of learning objectives for each level in small groups, and presentation of the discussion results to the whole group
11:30am-12:00pm Discussion of challenges to reaching the learning objectives
12:00-1:00pm Lunch & EASC China table presentation
1:00pm-1:45pm Introduction of textbooks/(electronic) teaching materials/useful apps used at each school
1:45pm-2:30pm Discussion of student assessment
2:30pm-3:00pm Reflection and evaluation, what would you like to do in the future to keep working on K-16 articulation?
Space is limited and will be filled on a first come, first served basis. A limited number of complimentary materials will be provided by the generous support of Cheng & Tsui and Columbia University Press, and limited funding for travel support is available.
All participants must register by July 15th. If interested, please fill out the attached registration form and send it to Mr. Brian Flaherty, Assistant Director of the Chinese Flagship Center at Indiana University–Bloomington, at [email protected]. Please include a copy of one of two recently-used syllabi so we can compile them and send an e-copy of the entire set to all participants.
Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday, July 25th.
Yea-Fen Chen 陳雅芬
Professor| Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures
Director| Chinese Flagship Center; Flagship Chinese Institute
School of Global and International Studies | Indiana University Bloomington
1011 E. Third St., Goodbody Hall, Rm 226, Bloomington, IN 47405 | Phone: 812-855-4249
Email: [email protected] | Website: www.indiana.edu/~flagship
第一屆中文傳承教育研討會-- June 20, 2015
全美中文學校聯合總會2015年會在八月一日,二日美國密西根州底特律 Detroit, Michigan舉行。本會特別舉辦首屆中文傳承教育研討會,針對中文教育相關之各種面向進行研討,包括論文發表、專題演講、座談會及教學示範,歡迎從事中文教育之各方人士共襄盛舉,踴躍參加。
Second Notice of The First National Conference of the Regional Chinese Language Teachers Associations -- June 3, 2015
Conference Sponsor: The Chinese Language Teachers Association-US
Co-Sponsor: The Chinese Language Teachers Association-Southern California
Confucius Institute at University of Rhode Island
Theme: Recognizing, networking, collaborating
Time: November 19-21, 2015
Place: San Diego Convention Center
Schedule: Thursday, Nov 19
Dinner: Presidents of the Affiliated Regional Association (ARA) are invited to have dinner with Board of the CLTA-US (Time and place TBA)
Friday, Nov 20
4:00-5:30 Social gathering: Regional associations representatives and other members attending the ACTFL conference, CLTA board members, the host “CLTA-SC” will meet: 1.introduce each association present; 2. networking time, at Rockin Baja Loster Coastal Cantina (a Mexican restaurant one block away from the Convention Center).
6:30-7:50 Best Practice Presentation: Selected regional associations talking about one best practice of the association (in the Convention Center, room TBA)
8:00-8:30 Professional Development Grant introduction: the seven ARAs, who have received PD grant this year, will briefly introduce their grant-supported projects
8:30-9:00 Future cooperation: all the regional associations can bring ideas and suggestions for future cooperation.
Saturday, Nov 21
General membership meeting of the CLTA-US: All the regional association participating in the First Conference will be invited and introduced at the meeting. All the ARAs will be invited to say a few words.
Each regional association can register 2 representatives (President, Vice President, Executive
Director, Board Member, etc.). Members of the regional association are welcome to attend the
social time, and meetings.
Registration forms should return to [email protected]and [email protected]before June 15, 2015
Co-Sponsor: The Chinese Language Teachers Association-Southern California
Confucius Institute at University of Rhode Island
Theme: Recognizing, networking, collaborating
Time: November 19-21, 2015
Place: San Diego Convention Center
Schedule: Thursday, Nov 19
Dinner: Presidents of the Affiliated Regional Association (ARA) are invited to have dinner with Board of the CLTA-US (Time and place TBA)
Friday, Nov 20
4:00-5:30 Social gathering: Regional associations representatives and other members attending the ACTFL conference, CLTA board members, the host “CLTA-SC” will meet: 1.introduce each association present; 2. networking time, at Rockin Baja Loster Coastal Cantina (a Mexican restaurant one block away from the Convention Center).
6:30-7:50 Best Practice Presentation: Selected regional associations talking about one best practice of the association (in the Convention Center, room TBA)
8:00-8:30 Professional Development Grant introduction: the seven ARAs, who have received PD grant this year, will briefly introduce their grant-supported projects
8:30-9:00 Future cooperation: all the regional associations can bring ideas and suggestions for future cooperation.
Saturday, Nov 21
General membership meeting of the CLTA-US: All the regional association participating in the First Conference will be invited and introduced at the meeting. All the ARAs will be invited to say a few words.
Each regional association can register 2 representatives (President, Vice President, Executive
Director, Board Member, etc.). Members of the regional association are welcome to attend the
social time, and meetings.
Registration forms should return to [email protected]and [email protected]before June 15, 2015
第一届韵律研究国际研讨会--May 30, 2015
The 1st International Conference on Prosodic Studies: Challenges and Prospects (ICPS-1)
June 13-14, 2015
Tianjin, China
The 1st International Conference on Prosodic Studies: Challenges and Prospects (ICPS-1) will be held in Tianjin, China, June 13-14, 2015. ICPS-1 is co-organized by Nankai University, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Editorial Office of Contemporary Linguisticsof Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Key Lab of Phonetics and Speech Science of CASS, and University of Wisconsin-Madison.
This conference will address issues related to many aspects of prosodic studies, with its focus on Chinese prosodic structure, prosodic hierarchic units, prosodic patterns, and interface between syntax and phonology. Prosody is one of the core components of language and speech. Research into Asian tonal languages has played a significant but often unappreciated role in uncovering the significance of prosody. The aim of ICPS-1 on prosody in Asia is to connect researchers in the fields as well as to share their research findings. A selection of the papers presented at ICPS-1 will be published either as a special issue of International Journal of Chinese Linguistics by John Benjamins Publishing Company or as a monograph of the book seriesentitled Routledge Studies in Chinese Linguistics by Routledge.
The venue of ICPS-1 is Multifunctional Hall, 3rd Floor, Conference Center, New Main Campus, Tianjin Normal University (Yanchang Xian, Binshui Xi Dao, Tianjin 300387, China). If you areinterested in auditing ICPS-1, please email us at <[email protected]> no later thanJune 8, 2015. In your email please provide the following information, including name, gender, nationality, affiliation, degree, status (e.g. Ph.D. student), title, position, telephone number, and email address. The registration fee for sit-in participants is 150 RMB (includes two lunches, refreshments and conference materials). For more information, please contact us at <[email protected]>.
June 13-14, 2015
Tianjin, China
The 1st International Conference on Prosodic Studies: Challenges and Prospects (ICPS-1) will be held in Tianjin, China, June 13-14, 2015. ICPS-1 is co-organized by Nankai University, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Editorial Office of Contemporary Linguisticsof Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Key Lab of Phonetics and Speech Science of CASS, and University of Wisconsin-Madison.
This conference will address issues related to many aspects of prosodic studies, with its focus on Chinese prosodic structure, prosodic hierarchic units, prosodic patterns, and interface between syntax and phonology. Prosody is one of the core components of language and speech. Research into Asian tonal languages has played a significant but often unappreciated role in uncovering the significance of prosody. The aim of ICPS-1 on prosody in Asia is to connect researchers in the fields as well as to share their research findings. A selection of the papers presented at ICPS-1 will be published either as a special issue of International Journal of Chinese Linguistics by John Benjamins Publishing Company or as a monograph of the book seriesentitled Routledge Studies in Chinese Linguistics by Routledge.
The venue of ICPS-1 is Multifunctional Hall, 3rd Floor, Conference Center, New Main Campus, Tianjin Normal University (Yanchang Xian, Binshui Xi Dao, Tianjin 300387, China). If you areinterested in auditing ICPS-1, please email us at <[email protected]> no later thanJune 8, 2015. In your email please provide the following information, including name, gender, nationality, affiliation, degree, status (e.g. Ph.D. student), title, position, telephone number, and email address. The registration fee for sit-in participants is 150 RMB (includes two lunches, refreshments and conference materials). For more information, please contact us at <[email protected]>.
Call for Proposals: The 2nd CLTA International Symposium on Chinese Language Teaching and Learning (CLTA-S2) -- May 28, 2015
Call for Proposals for the 2nd CLTA International Symposium
on Chinese Language Teaching and Learning (CLTA-S2)
Location: Stamp Student Union, University of Maryland, College Park
Dates: April 1-3, 2016
The Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA is pleased to announce the Second CLTA International Symposium on Chinese Language Teaching and Learning (CLTA-S2) to be held at the University of Maryland from April 1-3, 2016. The symposium is intended as a forum for Chinese language teachers and scholars to share views and experiences, discuss and explore theoretical and practical issues, and report findings of empirical studies. Proposals on all topics related to the teaching and learning of Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) are welcome. Presenters do not have to be members of the CLTA, USA, but have to be registered for the conference. The organizing committee members are Nan Jiang (chair), Chengzhi Chu, Helen Shen, Minglang Zhou, Jinghua Yin, Yea-Fen Chen.
Submission and Deadline:
Please visit the conference website at http://clta-us.org/clta-s2/ for information about submission. The website should be ready for accepting submissions by June 16. Refer to the following for submission categories and the required materials. The submission and presentation can be in either English or Chinese with the understanding that the same language will be used in submission and presentation. The deadline for submission is August 31, 2015. Review decisions will be announced by November 15, 2015.
1. Individual paper presentations
These are presentations of individual papers of 30 minutes in length that are intended to report results of empirical studies or discuss a theoretical or practical issue in depth. The submission should include:
a) The presenters’ names, contact information, and affiliations,
b) A title and an abstract of the presentation that is no more than 300 English words or 450 Chinese characters in length,
c) A summary of no more than 60 English words or 90 Chinese characters to be included in the program.
2. Panel presentations
These are 3-4 presentations on the same topic presented in a coordinated way in a one-hour session.
These presentations may be reports of empirical studies, discussions of theoretical or practical issues, or a combination of them. A chair of the panel should be designated and is responsible for submitting all presentations in a single proposal. The submission should include:
a) The chair of the panel and all presenters’ names, contact information, and affiliation,
b) A title for the whole panel,
c) The title and an abstract of each presentation (no more than 500 English words or 750 Chinese characters in total) and
d) A summary of the panel of no more than 100 English words or 150 Chinese characters to be included in the program.
3. Teaching activity showcase and the Best Teaching Activity Award
These are five-minute presentations for teachers to share their most effective, fun, and exciting activities with fellow teachers. The activities to be demonstrated should deal with the learning of a specific linguistic or sociolinguistic skill, a specific grammatical structure, a specific set of related vocabularies, or any other aspect of desirable learning outcomes for CSL learners. The submission should include the following information:
a) The presenter’s name, contact information, and affiliation,
b) The name of the activity to be demonstrated,
c) A description of the activity of no more than 100 English words or 150 Chinese characters that includes information about what level of proficiency (beginning, intermediate, advanced) and what structure/skill (e.g., Chinese character recognition, tone accuracy, reading fluency, vocabulary learning, listening comprehension) are targeted.
The audience will be asked to rate all activities showcased. The five activities that receive best rating scores will be awarded the Best Teaching Activity Award, which will be announced on Sunday, April 3. The recipients of the award will be presented with a Certificate of Best Teaching Activity Award at the announcement by the organizing committee.
4. Workshops:
These pre- or in-conference workshops are intended as opportunities for hands-on training of practical teaching skills or in-depth discussion of theoretical issues related to CSL learning and teaching. They are 60 minutes in length. The submission should include the following information:
a) The presenter’s name, contact information, and affiliation,
b) A title of the workshop,
c) A description of the workshop of no more than 300 English words or 450 Chinese characters that includes information about what the workshop is about, the intended audience, and the expected outcomes of the workshop, and
d) A summary of the workshop of no more than 100 English words or 150 Chinese characters to be included in the program.
Contact Information
Please use the following contact information for inquiries about the conference:
Conference website: http://clta-us.org/clta-s2/
Proposal submission: To be announced at the symposium website by June 15, 2015.
Conference registration: To be announced at the symposium website by July 15, 2015.
General and other: [email protected]
美国中文教师学会第二届中文教学国际研讨会 (CLTA-S2)征文
日期:2016 年4 月1‐3 日
美国中文教师学会将于2016 年4 月1 至3 日在美国 马里兰大学帕克分校 (University of Maryland, College Park)举办第二届中文教学国际 研讨会(CLTA‐S2)。本次会议旨在为中文教师、学者及中文教学管理人员提供一个论坛,探讨中文教学的理论与方法, 报告有关汉语习得和教学的研究成果,分享并推广有效的汉语教学经验。欢迎美国和世界各地的汉语教学界同行(包括非美国中文教 师学会会员)提交论文摘要,参会交流。组委会成员包括:蒋楠 (主席),储诚志,沈禾 玲,周明朗,印京华,陈雅芬。
摘 要提交方式和截至日期
详细注册办法与投稿规则和流程,请参看本会网站上的详细说明,网址为:http://clta-us.org/clta-s2/。该网站将于六月十六日 开始接受论文摘要。论文摘要和报告可以用英文或中文,但是要求摘要和报告的语言一致。摘要截止日期为2015年8月31日,评审结果将在2015年11月15日前以电子邮件通知。
1、单篇论文报告:本 报告形式以报告实证研究 结果和深度讨论理论和实践问题为主,报告(含问答,下同)时间30分钟。摘要内容包括,一、报告人的姓名,联系方式和工作单位,二、论文题目和提要(英文不超过300词,中文不超过450字,三、长度不超过60词(英文)或90字(中文)的内容总结,后者将编入会议材料。
2、组合论文报告:本报告形式由围绕某一题目相互有关的三到四篇论文组成,内容可以是报告实证研究,或探讨理论/实践问题,或两者兼备,报告时间一个小时。每个论文组有一人为组长,由组长负责提交全组论文提 要,提交材料包括:一、报告人的姓名,联系方式和工作单位,二、本论文组的总题目,三、其组成论文的题目和提要,总长度英文 不超过500词,中文不超过750字,四、长度不超过100词(英文)或150字(中文)的归纳,用于会议材料。
3、教学活动演示: 本报告旨在让教师们分享 其最有效、最有趣味性的教学活动的机会,时间五分钟。所演示的活动必须针对某个特定的语言技能、语言结构/词汇、或其它具体明确的学习目标。提交材料包括,一、报告人的姓名,联系方式和工作单位,二、演 示活动的名称,三、活动简介,长度不超过100词(英文)或150字(中文),包括这个活动适用于什么水平的学生和哪个语言结构或技能的教学。
会议将根据听众的评分评出最优秀教学活动奖五名,获奖名单将在四月三日周日中午公布,并颁发证 书。
4、教研技能培训:本报告人向与会者提供教研理论、研究方法、教材编写或分析、教学技术或技巧等方面的培训,时间 一个小时,在会前和会间进行。提交材料包括,一、报告人的姓名,联系方式和工作单位,二、培训活动的名称,三、培训内容的描 述,包括培训什么、对象是谁、可预期结果等,英文不超过300词,中文不超过450字的,四、长度不超过100词(英文)或150字(中文)的归纳,用于会议材料。
联 系方式
提要提交:链接 将于2015年6月15日前在会议网址公布。
旅行住宿及其它会务:[email protected]
on Chinese Language Teaching and Learning (CLTA-S2)
Location: Stamp Student Union, University of Maryland, College Park
Dates: April 1-3, 2016
The Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA is pleased to announce the Second CLTA International Symposium on Chinese Language Teaching and Learning (CLTA-S2) to be held at the University of Maryland from April 1-3, 2016. The symposium is intended as a forum for Chinese language teachers and scholars to share views and experiences, discuss and explore theoretical and practical issues, and report findings of empirical studies. Proposals on all topics related to the teaching and learning of Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) are welcome. Presenters do not have to be members of the CLTA, USA, but have to be registered for the conference. The organizing committee members are Nan Jiang (chair), Chengzhi Chu, Helen Shen, Minglang Zhou, Jinghua Yin, Yea-Fen Chen.
Submission and Deadline:
Please visit the conference website at http://clta-us.org/clta-s2/ for information about submission. The website should be ready for accepting submissions by June 16. Refer to the following for submission categories and the required materials. The submission and presentation can be in either English or Chinese with the understanding that the same language will be used in submission and presentation. The deadline for submission is August 31, 2015. Review decisions will be announced by November 15, 2015.
1. Individual paper presentations
These are presentations of individual papers of 30 minutes in length that are intended to report results of empirical studies or discuss a theoretical or practical issue in depth. The submission should include:
a) The presenters’ names, contact information, and affiliations,
b) A title and an abstract of the presentation that is no more than 300 English words or 450 Chinese characters in length,
c) A summary of no more than 60 English words or 90 Chinese characters to be included in the program.
2. Panel presentations
These are 3-4 presentations on the same topic presented in a coordinated way in a one-hour session.
These presentations may be reports of empirical studies, discussions of theoretical or practical issues, or a combination of them. A chair of the panel should be designated and is responsible for submitting all presentations in a single proposal. The submission should include:
a) The chair of the panel and all presenters’ names, contact information, and affiliation,
b) A title for the whole panel,
c) The title and an abstract of each presentation (no more than 500 English words or 750 Chinese characters in total) and
d) A summary of the panel of no more than 100 English words or 150 Chinese characters to be included in the program.
3. Teaching activity showcase and the Best Teaching Activity Award
These are five-minute presentations for teachers to share their most effective, fun, and exciting activities with fellow teachers. The activities to be demonstrated should deal with the learning of a specific linguistic or sociolinguistic skill, a specific grammatical structure, a specific set of related vocabularies, or any other aspect of desirable learning outcomes for CSL learners. The submission should include the following information:
a) The presenter’s name, contact information, and affiliation,
b) The name of the activity to be demonstrated,
c) A description of the activity of no more than 100 English words or 150 Chinese characters that includes information about what level of proficiency (beginning, intermediate, advanced) and what structure/skill (e.g., Chinese character recognition, tone accuracy, reading fluency, vocabulary learning, listening comprehension) are targeted.
The audience will be asked to rate all activities showcased. The five activities that receive best rating scores will be awarded the Best Teaching Activity Award, which will be announced on Sunday, April 3. The recipients of the award will be presented with a Certificate of Best Teaching Activity Award at the announcement by the organizing committee.
4. Workshops:
These pre- or in-conference workshops are intended as opportunities for hands-on training of practical teaching skills or in-depth discussion of theoretical issues related to CSL learning and teaching. They are 60 minutes in length. The submission should include the following information:
a) The presenter’s name, contact information, and affiliation,
b) A title of the workshop,
c) A description of the workshop of no more than 300 English words or 450 Chinese characters that includes information about what the workshop is about, the intended audience, and the expected outcomes of the workshop, and
d) A summary of the workshop of no more than 100 English words or 150 Chinese characters to be included in the program.
Contact Information
Please use the following contact information for inquiries about the conference:
Conference website: http://clta-us.org/clta-s2/
Proposal submission: To be announced at the symposium website by June 15, 2015.
Conference registration: To be announced at the symposium website by July 15, 2015.
General and other: [email protected]
美国中文教师学会第二届中文教学国际研讨会 (CLTA-S2)征文
日期:2016 年4 月1‐3 日
美国中文教师学会将于2016 年4 月1 至3 日在美国 马里兰大学帕克分校 (University of Maryland, College Park)举办第二届中文教学国际 研讨会(CLTA‐S2)。本次会议旨在为中文教师、学者及中文教学管理人员提供一个论坛,探讨中文教学的理论与方法, 报告有关汉语习得和教学的研究成果,分享并推广有效的汉语教学经验。欢迎美国和世界各地的汉语教学界同行(包括非美国中文教 师学会会员)提交论文摘要,参会交流。组委会成员包括:蒋楠 (主席),储诚志,沈禾 玲,周明朗,印京华,陈雅芬。
摘 要提交方式和截至日期
详细注册办法与投稿规则和流程,请参看本会网站上的详细说明,网址为:http://clta-us.org/clta-s2/。该网站将于六月十六日 开始接受论文摘要。论文摘要和报告可以用英文或中文,但是要求摘要和报告的语言一致。摘要截止日期为2015年8月31日,评审结果将在2015年11月15日前以电子邮件通知。
1、单篇论文报告:本 报告形式以报告实证研究 结果和深度讨论理论和实践问题为主,报告(含问答,下同)时间30分钟。摘要内容包括,一、报告人的姓名,联系方式和工作单位,二、论文题目和提要(英文不超过300词,中文不超过450字,三、长度不超过60词(英文)或90字(中文)的内容总结,后者将编入会议材料。
2、组合论文报告:本报告形式由围绕某一题目相互有关的三到四篇论文组成,内容可以是报告实证研究,或探讨理论/实践问题,或两者兼备,报告时间一个小时。每个论文组有一人为组长,由组长负责提交全组论文提 要,提交材料包括:一、报告人的姓名,联系方式和工作单位,二、本论文组的总题目,三、其组成论文的题目和提要,总长度英文 不超过500词,中文不超过750字,四、长度不超过100词(英文)或150字(中文)的归纳,用于会议材料。
3、教学活动演示: 本报告旨在让教师们分享 其最有效、最有趣味性的教学活动的机会,时间五分钟。所演示的活动必须针对某个特定的语言技能、语言结构/词汇、或其它具体明确的学习目标。提交材料包括,一、报告人的姓名,联系方式和工作单位,二、演 示活动的名称,三、活动简介,长度不超过100词(英文)或150字(中文),包括这个活动适用于什么水平的学生和哪个语言结构或技能的教学。
会议将根据听众的评分评出最优秀教学活动奖五名,获奖名单将在四月三日周日中午公布,并颁发证 书。
4、教研技能培训:本报告人向与会者提供教研理论、研究方法、教材编写或分析、教学技术或技巧等方面的培训,时间 一个小时,在会前和会间进行。提交材料包括,一、报告人的姓名,联系方式和工作单位,二、培训活动的名称,三、培训内容的描 述,包括培训什么、对象是谁、可预期结果等,英文不超过300词,中文不超过450字的,四、长度不超过100词(英文)或150字(中文)的归纳,用于会议材料。
联 系方式
提要提交:链接 将于2015年6月15日前在会议网址公布。
旅行住宿及其它会务:[email protected]
亚太地区国际汉语教学学会--May 21, 2015
2.全球化趋势与汉语教学;亚太地区汉语教 学的机遇与挑战
4.不同文化背景下的汉语教学及教学效果评 估
6.亚太地区各国汉语学习者的第一语言对汉 语教学的影响与作用
三、主办单位:亚太地区国际汉语教学学会 (日本)神户学院大学
承办单位:(日本)关西汉语教师交流协会 (日本)神户学院大学国际交流学 部
会议地点:神户学院大学港岛校区(Port Island Campas, Kobe Gakuin University)
2015年7月15日 报名截止(请在此日前向指定邮箱寄送报名表)
2015年8月10日 论文摘要截止日期(请在此日前向指定邮箱寄送论文提要,Word格式)
2015年8月20日 寄送正式邀请函。
五、联络地址: 650-8586日本国神户市港岛1-1-3 神户学院大学港岛校区 D-409
D-409, 1-1-3 Minatojima, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-8586 Japan
电子邮件:[email protected](海外代表专用)
[email protected](日本国内代表专用)
联系电话:0081-90-3920-4790(胡士云) 0081-90-8797-7217(古川裕)
六、会议费用:与会者的往返旅费及食宿费用自理(住宿饭店正在联 络,在会场附近)。
2.全球化趋势与汉语教学;亚太地区汉语教 学的机遇与挑战
4.不同文化背景下的汉语教学及教学效果评 估
6.亚太地区各国汉语学习者的第一语言对汉 语教学的影响与作用
三、主办单位:亚太地区国际汉语教学学会 (日本)神户学院大学
承办单位:(日本)关西汉语教师交流协会 (日本)神户学院大学国际交流学 部
会议地点:神户学院大学港岛校区(Port Island Campas, Kobe Gakuin University)
2015年7月15日 报名截止(请在此日前向指定邮箱寄送报名表)
2015年8月10日 论文摘要截止日期(请在此日前向指定邮箱寄送论文提要,Word格式)
2015年8月20日 寄送正式邀请函。
五、联络地址: 650-8586日本国神户市港岛1-1-3 神户学院大学港岛校区 D-409
D-409, 1-1-3 Minatojima, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-8586 Japan
电子邮件:[email protected](海外代表专用)
[email protected](日本国内代表专用)
联系电话:0081-90-3920-4790(胡士云) 0081-90-8797-7217(古川裕)
六、会议费用:与会者的往返旅费及食宿费用自理(住宿饭店正在联 络,在会场附近)。
CLTA GNY Conference recap -- May 11, 2015
The PPTs for the conference presentation that we received have been uploaded on our website: http://clta-gny.org/15conf/program.html. When you see "PPT" at the end of a presentation title, it means that the ppt for that presentation is available. We thank Ms. Chunwu Liu for her assistance in uploading the ppts.
Pace University has uploaded the video for the entire closing ceremony online, which is regarded by many as a highlight of the conference. You can view the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmttjjf6wUo (YouTube) or http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTUyMzI4NTMy.html (YouKu).
If you have not filled out the survey about the conference, please do so at your earlier convenience. The survey can be accessed at http://goo.gl/forms/g90t3hGdIY.
Pace University has uploaded the video for the entire closing ceremony online, which is regarded by many as a highlight of the conference. You can view the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmttjjf6wUo (YouTube) or http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTUyMzI4NTMy.html (YouKu).
If you have not filled out the survey about the conference, please do so at your earlier convenience. The survey can be accessed at http://goo.gl/forms/g90t3hGdIY.
Conference recap--May 6, 2015
Dear 2015 Conference Attendees:
Thank you for joining us at the 13th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese on Saturday, May 2nd. By all accounts, we had a most successful conference. Over 90 speakers, many from overseas and across the US, presented at 24 panels. While having engaged professional discussions throughout the day, we also enjoyed the wonderful performances at the closing ceremony. We celebrated the continued collaboration with Nanjing University and were encouraged by Consul Yongji Xu from the Chinese Consulate in New York to further our effort in promoting and enhancing the teaching of Chinese.
As we bid farewell to our colleagues, the CLTA-GNY conference committee would like to share with you the pictures that captured our activities (https://www.flickr.com/photos/8310537@N08/sets/72157651937823739/and https://www.flickr.com/photos/paceconfuciusinstitute/sets/72157652368133585/) and the recap video played at the closing ceremony (https://youtu.be/GHibPPtYEfg, our friends in China can view it at http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTQ5MTg2MzI4.html). We would also like to get your feedback on the conference to help us plan for future events. Please follow the web link (http://goo.gl/forms/g90t3hGdIY) to complete a short survey.
For a media report of our conference by Sinovision, please visit http://video.sinovision.net/?id=28275&cid=104.
We have collected quite a few ppts of the presentations at our conference and we'll soon upload them on the program page of our conference website. Please check back in a couple of days at http://clta-gny.org/15conf/program.html, where links to ppts will be listed under the presentation topics.
We wish to take this opportunity to thank all the assistants and volunteers, who spent countless hours taking care of all kinds of details to ensure the success of the conference. We look forward to seeing you at our 2016 annual conference, or sooner, in our professional development workshops. For those of you who are not yet our members, we encourage you to join us as a member and become part of our family. For info about how to join our association, please visit http://clta-gny.org/member/membership.html.
2015 Conference Committee
Thank you for joining us at the 13th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese on Saturday, May 2nd. By all accounts, we had a most successful conference. Over 90 speakers, many from overseas and across the US, presented at 24 panels. While having engaged professional discussions throughout the day, we also enjoyed the wonderful performances at the closing ceremony. We celebrated the continued collaboration with Nanjing University and were encouraged by Consul Yongji Xu from the Chinese Consulate in New York to further our effort in promoting and enhancing the teaching of Chinese.
As we bid farewell to our colleagues, the CLTA-GNY conference committee would like to share with you the pictures that captured our activities (https://www.flickr.com/photos/8310537@N08/sets/72157651937823739/and https://www.flickr.com/photos/paceconfuciusinstitute/sets/72157652368133585/) and the recap video played at the closing ceremony (https://youtu.be/GHibPPtYEfg, our friends in China can view it at http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTQ5MTg2MzI4.html). We would also like to get your feedback on the conference to help us plan for future events. Please follow the web link (http://goo.gl/forms/g90t3hGdIY) to complete a short survey.
For a media report of our conference by Sinovision, please visit http://video.sinovision.net/?id=28275&cid=104.
We have collected quite a few ppts of the presentations at our conference and we'll soon upload them on the program page of our conference website. Please check back in a couple of days at http://clta-gny.org/15conf/program.html, where links to ppts will be listed under the presentation topics.
We wish to take this opportunity to thank all the assistants and volunteers, who spent countless hours taking care of all kinds of details to ensure the success of the conference. We look forward to seeing you at our 2016 annual conference, or sooner, in our professional development workshops. For those of you who are not yet our members, we encourage you to join us as a member and become part of our family. For info about how to join our association, please visit http://clta-gny.org/member/membership.html.
2015 Conference Committee
The 13th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese: Final Announcement--April 30, 2015
Dear Participants in the 13th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese,
With two days to go, we are in the final preparation stage for the conference. The following are a few reminders as you prepare to join us at Pace University this Saturday.
1. Conference Program
The print conference program is available for you to download at http://clta-gny.org/15conf/program15.pdf. We strongly suggest that you print a copy and bring it with you to the conference, although copies will be available for you to pick up at check-in.
2. Prepare for your session: Reminders for Panel Chairs and Presenters
All breakout rooms are on the 6th floor equipped with LCD projectors, laptops, sound systems and internet access. Panel Chairs will decide the order of presentations. Please contact your panel chairs if you have special requests. There will be a volunteer in each room to help you with other needs. Please be prepared for our volunteer to collect your PPT in our flash drive to be published in the CLTA-GNY website.
3. Receipts, Professional Development Certificates & Banquet Vouchers
Receipts for the conference fee paid, professional development certificates and banquet vouchers (for those attending) will be available at the registration table. Certificate of PD hours will be available at the closing ceremony.
4. Parking
If you drive, street parking may be available near the Pace University. Be sure to read the street signs carefully for parking regulations! Many nearby parking garages offer discounts for visitors to NYU. Some parking garages near Pace University are listed below:
57 Ann. St 0.1 miles away
24 Peck Slip, 0.2 miles away
South Street Seaport, 0.2 miles away
5. Journals
Hot off the presses! We are delighted to inform you that the latest issue of CLTA-GNY Journal (JOURNAL OF CHINESE LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH IN THE U.S. (美国中文教学与研究) will be distributed to members free of charge at the conference. Attendees who are not members of CLTA-GNY or presenters may purchase a copy for $10 at the table in the breakfast area.
Members who are not attending the conference can request a copy be mailed to you at your own cost (postage).
6. Registration is still open!
If you wish to attend our conference but have not registered, you are still welcome to register and join us. In addition to registering and making your payment online, please send us an email so that we can make a name badge for you.
7. Exhibition Hall
The exhibition halls with the latest publications from Chinese book vendors will be open from 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. We encourage all conference participants to visit the hall and spend some time checking out the wonderful resources available from our exhibitors. We thank the exhibitors for their support of our organization, and hope you will support them in return.
8. Dinner time
For presenters and those who have registered for dinner, dinner will be held at 7:00 p.m. at Jing Fong Restaurant at 20 Elizabeth Street. The walk is about 15 minutes. This is a ticketed event. If you have registered and paid (for non-presenters), please collect your voucher at the registration table.
9. Bottled water
Although there will be bottled water at meal-time, demand may exceed supply. We strongly suggest that you bring a bottle or two with you to the conference just in case we run out of supply.
10. Join us!
For those of you who are not CLTA-GNY members, we encourage you to join our association. Information about how to join can be found at http://clta-gny.org/member/membership.html.
We are expecting two gorgeous days this weekend. We look forward to seeing you all at New York University!
The Conference Committee
web: http://clta-gny.org/15conf/15conf.html
email: [email protected]
With two days to go, we are in the final preparation stage for the conference. The following are a few reminders as you prepare to join us at Pace University this Saturday.
1. Conference Program
The print conference program is available for you to download at http://clta-gny.org/15conf/program15.pdf. We strongly suggest that you print a copy and bring it with you to the conference, although copies will be available for you to pick up at check-in.
2. Prepare for your session: Reminders for Panel Chairs and Presenters
All breakout rooms are on the 6th floor equipped with LCD projectors, laptops, sound systems and internet access. Panel Chairs will decide the order of presentations. Please contact your panel chairs if you have special requests. There will be a volunteer in each room to help you with other needs. Please be prepared for our volunteer to collect your PPT in our flash drive to be published in the CLTA-GNY website.
3. Receipts, Professional Development Certificates & Banquet Vouchers
Receipts for the conference fee paid, professional development certificates and banquet vouchers (for those attending) will be available at the registration table. Certificate of PD hours will be available at the closing ceremony.
4. Parking
If you drive, street parking may be available near the Pace University. Be sure to read the street signs carefully for parking regulations! Many nearby parking garages offer discounts for visitors to NYU. Some parking garages near Pace University are listed below:
57 Ann. St 0.1 miles away
24 Peck Slip, 0.2 miles away
South Street Seaport, 0.2 miles away
5. Journals
Hot off the presses! We are delighted to inform you that the latest issue of CLTA-GNY Journal (JOURNAL OF CHINESE LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH IN THE U.S. (美国中文教学与研究) will be distributed to members free of charge at the conference. Attendees who are not members of CLTA-GNY or presenters may purchase a copy for $10 at the table in the breakfast area.
Members who are not attending the conference can request a copy be mailed to you at your own cost (postage).
6. Registration is still open!
If you wish to attend our conference but have not registered, you are still welcome to register and join us. In addition to registering and making your payment online, please send us an email so that we can make a name badge for you.
7. Exhibition Hall
The exhibition halls with the latest publications from Chinese book vendors will be open from 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. We encourage all conference participants to visit the hall and spend some time checking out the wonderful resources available from our exhibitors. We thank the exhibitors for their support of our organization, and hope you will support them in return.
8. Dinner time
For presenters and those who have registered for dinner, dinner will be held at 7:00 p.m. at Jing Fong Restaurant at 20 Elizabeth Street. The walk is about 15 minutes. This is a ticketed event. If you have registered and paid (for non-presenters), please collect your voucher at the registration table.
9. Bottled water
Although there will be bottled water at meal-time, demand may exceed supply. We strongly suggest that you bring a bottle or two with you to the conference just in case we run out of supply.
10. Join us!
For those of you who are not CLTA-GNY members, we encourage you to join our association. Information about how to join can be found at http://clta-gny.org/member/membership.html.
We are expecting two gorgeous days this weekend. We look forward to seeing you all at New York University!
The Conference Committee
web: http://clta-gny.org/15conf/15conf.html
email: [email protected]
Welcome to attend the ICICE2015 -- Feb. 18, 2015
To whom it may concern,
The 9th International Conference on Internet Chinese Education (ICICE2015) will be held on June 19-21, 2015 in Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A.
We have the great honor to invite you to join the conference. Please find the information about accommodation, registration, post-conference tour on the Conference website athttp://www.ocac.net/icice2015/.
Should you need any further information or help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Also, we will be much appreciated that you distribute the related information to whomever interested and concerned.
ICICE2015 Academic Committee
[email protected]
The 9th International Conference on Internet Chinese Education (ICICE2015) will be held on June 19-21, 2015 in Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A.
We have the great honor to invite you to join the conference. Please find the information about accommodation, registration, post-conference tour on the Conference website athttp://www.ocac.net/icice2015/.
Should you need any further information or help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Also, we will be much appreciated that you distribute the related information to whomever interested and concerned.
ICICE2015 Academic Committee
[email protected]
Call for Papers: 1st Annual Conference for Chinese Heritage Education--April 18, 2015
全 美 中 文 學 校 聯 合 總 會
National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schoolshttp://www.ncacls.net/
1st Annual Conference for Chinese Heritage Education
Detroit Michigan USA
August 1-2, 2015
National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools (NCACLS) has served as a national liaison organization for Chinese heritage schools since 1994. To provide a forum for members to share the best practices in teaching Chinese language and culture, NCACLS is inviting all practitioners, developers, and researchers to submit proposals to showcase innovative instructional strategies, teaching tools (materials), exemplary programs, and newly developed technologies/applications in teaching Chinese language and culture.
Conference Theme: Retooling, Reinventing, and Transforming Teaching and Learning
Preference is given to proposals for sessions that
● Present innovative K-16 heritage Chinese language programs
● Focus on the development and management of quality Chinese schools
● Demonstrate the application of evidence-based practice for teaching
● Promote pedagogically sound instructional methods and materials
● Provide best practices in integrating technology to enhance teaching and learning
● Present successful case studies of teaching Chinese language and culture.
Proposal Guidelines
Important Dates:
Deadline of abstract submission: May 15, 2015
Notification of abstract acceptance: May 31, 2015
Submission of full paper for Conference Proceedings: June 30, 2015
Conference: August 1-2, 2015
Out of state attendees, please check in on July 31, 2015
The 2015 NCACLS Conference Committee is accepting proposals in the following categories:
1. Individual proposals: No specific guidelines regarding length of the proposal as long as it follows the standard format that includes purpose/research questions, rationale/significance of study, and/or expected results.
2. Panel discussions: The panel sessions aim to help the audience understand the proposed topics/issues. Proposals should describe background and issues, identify the panelists and their topics, and outline activities to engage the audience.
All proposals should contain a cover page with contact information for the presenter(s) and an abstract (limited to 100 words) (see more details below). The proposal can be written in either Chinese or English.
Presenter(s) Contact Information: provide all presenters’ complete information separately in a cover page in the following format:
Abstract: a brief summary of your presentation (100 words maximum). NCACLS reserves the right to revise the abstract for clarity purposes.
Proceedings: Upon review by the Forum Peer Review Committee, authors of the accepted proposals are encouraged to submit a short paper (up to 4 pages) or a full paper (up to 10 pages) before the conference to be included in the conference proceedings and published online.
Please email your proposal in a word document to:
Jion Liou Yen, Ph.D.
[email protected]
Your questions/comments are welcome, please contact:
Jion Liou Yen, Ph.D.
[email protected]
※ Please distribute the announcement to relevant groups/individuals
Registration Fee: (including Proceedings & meals)
1. Early-bird Registration (by May 31,2015): $30;
2. Advanced Registration (after May 31,2015): $50;
3. On-site Registration: $70
全 美 中 文 學 校 聯 合 總 會
National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schoolshttp://www.ncacls.net/
National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schoolshttp://www.ncacls.net/
1st Annual Conference for Chinese Heritage Education
Detroit Michigan USA
August 1-2, 2015
National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools (NCACLS) has served as a national liaison organization for Chinese heritage schools since 1994. To provide a forum for members to share the best practices in teaching Chinese language and culture, NCACLS is inviting all practitioners, developers, and researchers to submit proposals to showcase innovative instructional strategies, teaching tools (materials), exemplary programs, and newly developed technologies/applications in teaching Chinese language and culture.
Conference Theme: Retooling, Reinventing, and Transforming Teaching and Learning
Preference is given to proposals for sessions that
● Present innovative K-16 heritage Chinese language programs
● Focus on the development and management of quality Chinese schools
● Demonstrate the application of evidence-based practice for teaching
● Promote pedagogically sound instructional methods and materials
● Provide best practices in integrating technology to enhance teaching and learning
● Present successful case studies of teaching Chinese language and culture.
Proposal Guidelines
Important Dates:
Deadline of abstract submission: May 15, 2015
Notification of abstract acceptance: May 31, 2015
Submission of full paper for Conference Proceedings: June 30, 2015
Conference: August 1-2, 2015
Out of state attendees, please check in on July 31, 2015
The 2015 NCACLS Conference Committee is accepting proposals in the following categories:
1. Individual proposals: No specific guidelines regarding length of the proposal as long as it follows the standard format that includes purpose/research questions, rationale/significance of study, and/or expected results.
2. Panel discussions: The panel sessions aim to help the audience understand the proposed topics/issues. Proposals should describe background and issues, identify the panelists and their topics, and outline activities to engage the audience.
All proposals should contain a cover page with contact information for the presenter(s) and an abstract (limited to 100 words) (see more details below). The proposal can be written in either Chinese or English.
Presenter(s) Contact Information: provide all presenters’ complete information separately in a cover page in the following format:
Abstract: a brief summary of your presentation (100 words maximum). NCACLS reserves the right to revise the abstract for clarity purposes.
Proceedings: Upon review by the Forum Peer Review Committee, authors of the accepted proposals are encouraged to submit a short paper (up to 4 pages) or a full paper (up to 10 pages) before the conference to be included in the conference proceedings and published online.
Please email your proposal in a word document to:
Jion Liou Yen, Ph.D.
[email protected]
Your questions/comments are welcome, please contact:
Jion Liou Yen, Ph.D.
[email protected]
※ Please distribute the announcement to relevant groups/individuals
Registration Fee: (including Proceedings & meals)
1. Early-bird Registration (by May 31,2015): $30;
2. Advanced Registration (after May 31,2015): $50;
3. On-site Registration: $70
全 美 中 文 學 校 聯 合 總 會
National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schoolshttp://www.ncacls.net/
第四届国际汉语教学研究生指导研讨会--April 15, 2015
The Fourth Symposium on the Supervision of Research Students in
Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
电子邮箱:[email protected]
· 对中国文化和国际汉语教学相结合的理论思考和实践探讨
· 对中外文化的比较研究
· 对媒体传播中国文化和语言的现状及前景的考察和展望
· 对中外汉语国际教育研究生培养现状的分析和比较研究
· 对指导汉语教学专业研究生的个案研究。
· 汉语习得和汉语水平测试研究
· 对汉语语言学和汉语教学中具体问题的理论性探讨和实证性研究。
· 对与汉语教学相关的高级语言文化类课程的设计和教学的研究,例如古汉语、文学课、文献课、翻译课、文体(风格)课等的教与学。
本次会议工作语言为英文和中文。如果您有兴趣,请填写《回执》,随论文提要通过电子邮件于2015年6月15日前寄给会议筹备组杨陇老师([email protected]),提要可根据情况选用英文(约400字)或中文(约800字)。本研讨会限定规模,会议组接受提要之后,会及时寄发正式邀请函。会议代表的食宿由会议承担。会务费为100英镑。
The Fourth Symposium on the Supervision of Research Students in
Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
电子邮箱:[email protected]
· 对中国文化和国际汉语教学相结合的理论思考和实践探讨
· 对中外文化的比较研究
· 对媒体传播中国文化和语言的现状及前景的考察和展望
· 对中外汉语国际教育研究生培养现状的分析和比较研究
· 对指导汉语教学专业研究生的个案研究。
· 汉语习得和汉语水平测试研究
· 对汉语语言学和汉语教学中具体问题的理论性探讨和实证性研究。
· 对与汉语教学相关的高级语言文化类课程的设计和教学的研究,例如古汉语、文学课、文献课、翻译课、文体(风格)课等的教与学。
本次会议工作语言为英文和中文。如果您有兴趣,请填写《回执》,随论文提要通过电子邮件于2015年6月15日前寄给会议筹备组杨陇老师([email protected]),提要可根据情况选用英文(约400字)或中文(约800字)。本研讨会限定规模,会议组接受提要之后,会及时寄发正式邀请函。会议代表的食宿由会议承担。会务费为100英镑。
The 13th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese -- April 14, 2015
The conference program is now available at http://clta-gny.org/15conf/program.html. The names that are marked in red are panel chairs. All the chairs and presenters will be receiving a message from the conference co-chair regarding their presentation details.
Please see attached for a directory of presenters.
The Nanjing-based Phoenix Publishing and Media Group, which is a partner with the Confucius Institute at Pace University, has donated a number of books to our conference for the purpose of our raffle. See attached for the book list. If you want to try your luck, please take a ticket at check-in. The prize will be given at the closing.
For previous announcements, please visit http://clta-gny.org/15conf/bulletin.html.
Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York
Please see attached for a directory of presenters.
The Nanjing-based Phoenix Publishing and Media Group, which is a partner with the Confucius Institute at Pace University, has donated a number of books to our conference for the purpose of our raffle. See attached for the book list. If you want to try your luck, please take a ticket at check-in. The prize will be given at the closing.
For previous announcements, please visit http://clta-gny.org/15conf/bulletin.html.
Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York
汉语中介语口语语料库建设与应用国际研讨会通知 -- April 5, 2015
为了共同探讨汉语中介语 口语语料库的建设、应用和研究,促进海内外相关领域专家、学者之间的交流与合作,进一步推动汉语中介语口语语料库的建设与基于口语语料库 的汉语教学研究的发展,由中国南京大学、北京语言大学和美国莱斯大学联合主办的“汉语中介语口语语料库建设与应用国际研讨会”将于2015年7月9-11日在南京召开。现将相关信息通知如下:
(1)学习者 口语语料库的建设理论研究
(2)汉语学 习者口语语料库的建设理论和实践研究
(3)基于汉 语学习者口语语料库的二语习得研究
(4)汉语学 习者口语语料库在汉语教学中的应用研究
(5)汉语学 习者口语语料库与汉语口语测量研究
(6)其他相 关研究
(1)2015年4月30日前提交500字左右的电子版论文摘要,论文摘要寄至[email protected]
(4)如果只报名参加会议,而不在会议上报告论 文,也请将您的姓名、工作单位、联系方式和参会意向发至[email protected],会议组委会将根据您的要求发出参会邀请函
(1)会议将 在中国江苏省南京市南京大学鼓楼校区举办。
4.费 用
(1)本次会议每位代表会务费700元人民币,住宿由 会议安排,费用自理。
(2)为了鼓励学者们参与和展示比较成熟的研究成果,凡在6月20日前提交参会论文全文的参会者,论文经专家 匿名评审通过后,将免收会务费,并由组委会承担会议期间的食宿费用。
本次会议时间为两天,工作语言为中文和英文。后续信息请登录南京大学海外教育学院网站查看: http://hwxy.nju.edu.cn/cn/
6.会议 联系人及联系方式
(1)会议专用邮箱:[email protected]
(2)联系人:张斌,电邮:[email protected];
International Conference on Corpus of Chinese Spoken Interlanguage
Call for Papers
July 2015
Nanjing University
The goal of this Conference focuses on the research, development and application of the corpus of spoken interlanguage of Chinese language learners. The Conference is co-sponsored by Nanjing University, Beijing Language and Culture University and Rice University, which will be held July 9th-11th, 2015 at Nanjing University.
1. The major topics include:
1) Building spoken interlanguage corpus: theoretical considerations
2) Implementation of spoken interlanguage corpus sites
3) Interlanguage corpus-based second language acquisition research
4) Interlanguage corpus-based language teaching pedagogies
5) Corpus-based speaking assessment
6) Other related topics
2. Submission of Abstracts
1) Please email an abstract of 500 words to [email protected] before 4/30/2015.
2) All abstracts submitted undergo blind review. Acceptance of the abstracts will be announced on 5/15/2015.
3) The Conference will publish the collection of full papers presented in the conference.
4) If you plan to attend the conference only, not submitting abstracts, please email your name, institute and contact email to [email protected]. The Committee will send you the invitation.
3. Conference Location and Check-in
1) The Conference will be held at Nanjing University at Gulou District, Nanjing, Jiang Su Province.
2) Check-in time: the whole day on July 9th, at Xiyuan Hotel, Nanjing University.
4. Fees and Expenses
1) Registration fee is RMB ¥700 per person. The Committee will make the hotel arrangement and the participants are responsible for paying hotel expenses.
2) For the presenters who submit their full papers before 6/20/2015, accepted by anonymous reviewers, will be provided free room and board by the Conference and exempt from Conference registration fee.
5. Related Information
1) The Conference will last two days, July 10-11. Both Chinese and English will be used.
2) Detailed information will be posted on the website of Institute for International Students, Nanjing University: http://hwxy.nju.edu.cn/cn/
6. Contact Email and Person
1) email: [email protected]
2) contact person: Dr Zhang Bin (张斌),[email protected]
TEL:139 5172 4365
(1)学习者 口语语料库的建设理论研究
(2)汉语学 习者口语语料库的建设理论和实践研究
(3)基于汉 语学习者口语语料库的二语习得研究
(4)汉语学 习者口语语料库在汉语教学中的应用研究
(5)汉语学 习者口语语料库与汉语口语测量研究
(6)其他相 关研究
(1)2015年4月30日前提交500字左右的电子版论文摘要,论文摘要寄至[email protected]
(4)如果只报名参加会议,而不在会议上报告论 文,也请将您的姓名、工作单位、联系方式和参会意向发至[email protected],会议组委会将根据您的要求发出参会邀请函
(1)会议将 在中国江苏省南京市南京大学鼓楼校区举办。
4.费 用
(1)本次会议每位代表会务费700元人民币,住宿由 会议安排,费用自理。
(2)为了鼓励学者们参与和展示比较成熟的研究成果,凡在6月20日前提交参会论文全文的参会者,论文经专家 匿名评审通过后,将免收会务费,并由组委会承担会议期间的食宿费用。
本次会议时间为两天,工作语言为中文和英文。后续信息请登录南京大学海外教育学院网站查看: http://hwxy.nju.edu.cn/cn/
6.会议 联系人及联系方式
(1)会议专用邮箱:[email protected]
(2)联系人:张斌,电邮:[email protected];
International Conference on Corpus of Chinese Spoken Interlanguage
Call for Papers
July 2015
Nanjing University
The goal of this Conference focuses on the research, development and application of the corpus of spoken interlanguage of Chinese language learners. The Conference is co-sponsored by Nanjing University, Beijing Language and Culture University and Rice University, which will be held July 9th-11th, 2015 at Nanjing University.
1. The major topics include:
1) Building spoken interlanguage corpus: theoretical considerations
2) Implementation of spoken interlanguage corpus sites
3) Interlanguage corpus-based second language acquisition research
4) Interlanguage corpus-based language teaching pedagogies
5) Corpus-based speaking assessment
6) Other related topics
2. Submission of Abstracts
1) Please email an abstract of 500 words to [email protected] before 4/30/2015.
2) All abstracts submitted undergo blind review. Acceptance of the abstracts will be announced on 5/15/2015.
3) The Conference will publish the collection of full papers presented in the conference.
4) If you plan to attend the conference only, not submitting abstracts, please email your name, institute and contact email to [email protected]. The Committee will send you the invitation.
3. Conference Location and Check-in
1) The Conference will be held at Nanjing University at Gulou District, Nanjing, Jiang Su Province.
2) Check-in time: the whole day on July 9th, at Xiyuan Hotel, Nanjing University.
4. Fees and Expenses
1) Registration fee is RMB ¥700 per person. The Committee will make the hotel arrangement and the participants are responsible for paying hotel expenses.
2) For the presenters who submit their full papers before 6/20/2015, accepted by anonymous reviewers, will be provided free room and board by the Conference and exempt from Conference registration fee.
5. Related Information
1) The Conference will last two days, July 10-11. Both Chinese and English will be used.
2) Detailed information will be posted on the website of Institute for International Students, Nanjing University: http://hwxy.nju.edu.cn/cn/
6. Contact Email and Person
1) email: [email protected]
2) contact person: Dr Zhang Bin (张斌),[email protected]
TEL:139 5172 4365
New academic journal K-12 -- April 25, 2015
Dear Chinese language educators, professors, and teachers:
This is Annie Ping Zeng, director of the Confucius Institute at University of Alaska Anchorage. I also serve as the editor of a new academic journal K-12 Chinese Language Teaching; today I would like to announce the establishment of the journal. Initiated by the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (CLTA-USA), the inaugural edition of this web-based journal K-12 Chinese Language Teaching 《中小学汉语教学》 will be officially published on the CLTA –USA website on September 1, 2015. This new publication aims to serve preschool and K-12 Chinese language (as a second language) education worldwide by linking preschool and K-12 Chinese language teachers, Chinese language teacher educators, Chinese language pedagogy researchers, Chinese language program leaders and policymakers. The CLTA –USA platform will focus on sharing experiences and exchanging ideas in teaching, research, and professional development. As the journal will provide an interactive function at the CLTA-USA's website, communication between Chinese language researchers and K-12 Chinese teachers would be expected to link research and teaching practice by asking and answering concerned questions in teaching or managing types of Chinese language programs.
The journal now calls for paper for its inaugural edition. The detailed information can be viewed at the attached files in both English and Chinese. The writing format for Chinese manuscripts is also attached. As the journal is worldwide based, I would appreciate and encourage all the CI directors to forward the journal information to the K-12 school districts and Chinese language teachers within your reach, so that overseas Chinese teachers can contribute to the journal and share their teaching experience through the journal platform. Your support and help are vital to the success of the journal.
Thank you very much,
Annie Ping Zeng
Director of the Confucius Institute
Assistant professor of Chinese
University of Alaska Anchorage
Phone: (907) 786-4312
Email: [email protected]
This is Annie Ping Zeng, director of the Confucius Institute at University of Alaska Anchorage. I also serve as the editor of a new academic journal K-12 Chinese Language Teaching; today I would like to announce the establishment of the journal. Initiated by the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (CLTA-USA), the inaugural edition of this web-based journal K-12 Chinese Language Teaching 《中小学汉语教学》 will be officially published on the CLTA –USA website on September 1, 2015. This new publication aims to serve preschool and K-12 Chinese language (as a second language) education worldwide by linking preschool and K-12 Chinese language teachers, Chinese language teacher educators, Chinese language pedagogy researchers, Chinese language program leaders and policymakers. The CLTA –USA platform will focus on sharing experiences and exchanging ideas in teaching, research, and professional development. As the journal will provide an interactive function at the CLTA-USA's website, communication between Chinese language researchers and K-12 Chinese teachers would be expected to link research and teaching practice by asking and answering concerned questions in teaching or managing types of Chinese language programs.
The journal now calls for paper for its inaugural edition. The detailed information can be viewed at the attached files in both English and Chinese. The writing format for Chinese manuscripts is also attached. As the journal is worldwide based, I would appreciate and encourage all the CI directors to forward the journal information to the K-12 school districts and Chinese language teachers within your reach, so that overseas Chinese teachers can contribute to the journal and share their teaching experience through the journal platform. Your support and help are vital to the success of the journal.
Thank you very much,
Annie Ping Zeng
Director of the Confucius Institute
Assistant professor of Chinese
University of Alaska Anchorage
Phone: (907) 786-4312
Email: [email protected]
CLTA-GNY 13th Annual Conference
13th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese -- Feb. 15, 2015
2015 年大紐約地區中文教師學會
The Multiple Dimensions of Chinese Language and Culture Education: Research, Practice, and Innovations
Hosted by Dyson College of Art & Sciences and Confucius Institute at Pace University
May 2, 2015 Conference Co-Chairs:
Prof. Weihua Niu
Director of Confucius Institute at Pace University
Dr. Cheng Aimin
Dean of the Institute for International Students, Nanjing University
Wen-Tsui Pat Lo
Language Resource Specialist
New York State Language RBE-RN
NYU Metro Center at Steinhardt
Pace University
1 Pace Plaza, New, York, NY 10038-1598
(212) 346-1200
Conference Secretariat: [email protected]
Conference Venue:
Conference site:
Pace University
1 Pace Plaza
New York, NY 10038
Getting There:
The New York City campus is impressive not only in its physical attributes, but as an intellectual and cultural focal point for one of New York City's most dynamic and revitalized areas. The interaction between campus and community benefits both. A map of the New York city campus(http://www.pace.edu/nyc-map) and its surrounding location is available for download.
Both the Eddie Layton Student Union and Aniello Bianco Room, where the main activities of the conference will take place, are on the B-Level of 1 Pace Plaza and are both most easily accessible through the 3 Spruce Street, Schimmel Center entrance. Handicap access to the B-Level is located at 9 Spruce Street. The Bianco Room is located down the hall to the left of the security desk while the Student Union is located down the hall to the left and across the courtyard at 9 Spruce Street. Breakout Rooms are located on the West side of the 6th Floor, accessible by elevators to the rear and left of the security desk.
Pace is easily accessible by public transportation. For more information, visit the Pace visitor information website: http://www.pace.edu/about-us/directions-to-all-campuses/nyc-campus
Parking: Street parking may be available but it is often quite limited. Be sure to read the signs for parking regulations and feed the meters if necessary. The following three parking garages are within a few blocks of 1 Pace Plaza.
Icon Parking
70 Gold Street
New York, NY 10038
Rapid Park
25-27 Beekman St.
New York, NY 10038
Little Man Parking
57 Ann Street
New York, NY 10038
Hotel Accommodations:
Since May is a busy time for business and tourism in New York, it is recommended that you book your hotel early for availability and best rates.
The Millennium Hilton is the closest hotel to Pace University, just a few blocks away.
Phone: 212-693-2001
Fax: 212-571-2316
The Courtyard Jersey City Newport (http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/ewrnw-courtyard-jersey-city-newport/) is located a short 15 minute PATH train ride from Pace University, and offers significantly lower rates than hotels in New York City.
540 Washington Boulevard · Jersey City, New Jersey 07310 USA
Fax: 1-201-626-6601
Locations of various activities of the conference
Eddie Layton Student Union:opening, lunch and closing
Aniello Bianco Room: Exhibition
Civic W 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610 and 612 (All standard classrooms on the 6th floor of One Pace Plaza): breakout sessions
The Multiple Dimensions of Chinese Language and Culture Education: Research, Practice, and Innovations
Hosted by Dyson College of Art & Sciences and Confucius Institute at Pace University
May 2, 2015 Conference Co-Chairs:
Prof. Weihua Niu
Director of Confucius Institute at Pace University
Dr. Cheng Aimin
Dean of the Institute for International Students, Nanjing University
Wen-Tsui Pat Lo
Language Resource Specialist
New York State Language RBE-RN
NYU Metro Center at Steinhardt
Pace University
1 Pace Plaza, New, York, NY 10038-1598
(212) 346-1200
Conference Secretariat: [email protected]
Conference Venue:
Conference site:
Pace University
1 Pace Plaza
New York, NY 10038
Getting There:
The New York City campus is impressive not only in its physical attributes, but as an intellectual and cultural focal point for one of New York City's most dynamic and revitalized areas. The interaction between campus and community benefits both. A map of the New York city campus(http://www.pace.edu/nyc-map) and its surrounding location is available for download.
Both the Eddie Layton Student Union and Aniello Bianco Room, where the main activities of the conference will take place, are on the B-Level of 1 Pace Plaza and are both most easily accessible through the 3 Spruce Street, Schimmel Center entrance. Handicap access to the B-Level is located at 9 Spruce Street. The Bianco Room is located down the hall to the left of the security desk while the Student Union is located down the hall to the left and across the courtyard at 9 Spruce Street. Breakout Rooms are located on the West side of the 6th Floor, accessible by elevators to the rear and left of the security desk.
Pace is easily accessible by public transportation. For more information, visit the Pace visitor information website: http://www.pace.edu/about-us/directions-to-all-campuses/nyc-campus
Parking: Street parking may be available but it is often quite limited. Be sure to read the signs for parking regulations and feed the meters if necessary. The following three parking garages are within a few blocks of 1 Pace Plaza.
Icon Parking
70 Gold Street
New York, NY 10038
Rapid Park
25-27 Beekman St.
New York, NY 10038
Little Man Parking
57 Ann Street
New York, NY 10038
Hotel Accommodations:
Since May is a busy time for business and tourism in New York, it is recommended that you book your hotel early for availability and best rates.
The Millennium Hilton is the closest hotel to Pace University, just a few blocks away.
Phone: 212-693-2001
Fax: 212-571-2316
The Courtyard Jersey City Newport (http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/ewrnw-courtyard-jersey-city-newport/) is located a short 15 minute PATH train ride from Pace University, and offers significantly lower rates than hotels in New York City.
540 Washington Boulevard · Jersey City, New Jersey 07310 USA
Fax: 1-201-626-6601
Locations of various activities of the conference
Eddie Layton Student Union:opening, lunch and closing
Aniello Bianco Room: Exhibition
Civic W 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610 and 612 (All standard classrooms on the 6th floor of One Pace Plaza): breakout sessions
Welcome to attend the ICICE2015--April 18, 2015
The 9th International Conference on Internet Chinese Education (ICICE2015) will be held on June 19-21, 2015 in Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A.
We have the great honor to invite you to join the conference. Please find the information about accommodation, registration, post-conference tour on the Conference website athttp://www.ocac.net/icice2015/.
Should you need any further information or help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Also, we will be much appreciated that you distribute the related information to whomever interested and concerned.
ICICE2015 Academic Committee
[email protected]
We have the great honor to invite you to join the conference. Please find the information about accommodation, registration, post-conference tour on the Conference website athttp://www.ocac.net/icice2015/.
Should you need any further information or help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Also, we will be much appreciated that you distribute the related information to whomever interested and concerned.
ICICE2015 Academic Committee
[email protected]
第四届“华文作为第二语言之教与学”国际研讨会 -- March 21, 2015
研讨会定于2015年9月9日(星期三)至9月10日(星期四)在新加坡义安理工学院 会议中心举行。大会诚邀海内外的专家学者及教育工作者参加, 在会上发表论 文,切磋交流。
敬请您于2015 年 3 月 22 日之前登录会议网站http://intconference.sccl.sg上 载论文摘要,并请协助转发本次会议讯息,共襄盛举。
欲了解重要日期、会议副题和投稿要求等具体详情,请参阅随函附上的“二号通知” 或登录会议网站http://intconference.sccl.sg。
研讨会定于2015年9月9日(星期三)至9月10日(星期四)在新加坡义安理工学院 会议中心举行。大会诚邀海内外的专家学者及教育工作者参加, 在会上发表论 文,切磋交流。
敬请您于2015 年 3 月 22 日之前登录会议网站http://intconference.sccl.sg上 载论文摘要,并请协助转发本次会议讯息,共襄盛举。
欲了解重要日期、会议副题和投稿要求等具体详情,请参阅随函附上的“二号通知” 或登录会议网站http://intconference.sccl.sg。
Teaching Chinese in International Contexts (Issue 3, February 2015) -- March 13, 2015
Teaching Chinese in International Contexts (Issue 3, February 2015) Full Issue PDF
赵重阳 (Chongyang Zhao), 密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)
董昕(Xin Dong), Cheng & Tsui Company
郑彬彬(Binbin Zheng), 密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)
Chinese New Year Lesson Plan
Renaguli Hasimu, Meadow Montessori School
林金錫(Chin-Hsi Lin), 密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)
2015年四月刊的主题为书法教学,文章可以是任何与书法教学相关的研究,教学案例,或资源分享。欢迎大家踊跃投 稿。
The topic of our April 2015 issue will be Chinese Calligraphy. We welcome any articles related to research, practice, and resources of teaching Chinese Calligraphy. The deadline for submitting your article for our April 2015 issue is March 31, 2015. Please visit our website for more submission details.
赵重阳 (Chongyang Zhao), 密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)
董昕(Xin Dong), Cheng & Tsui Company
郑彬彬(Binbin Zheng), 密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)
Chinese New Year Lesson Plan
Renaguli Hasimu, Meadow Montessori School
林金錫(Chin-Hsi Lin), 密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)
2015年四月刊的主题为书法教学,文章可以是任何与书法教学相关的研究,教学案例,或资源分享。欢迎大家踊跃投 稿。
The topic of our April 2015 issue will be Chinese Calligraphy. We welcome any articles related to research, practice, and resources of teaching Chinese Calligraphy. The deadline for submitting your article for our April 2015 issue is March 31, 2015. Please visit our website for more submission details.
春暖花开新刊来 | 2015年第1期目录 -- March 13, 2015
汉语教学现重磅炸弹 欧洲汉语教学协会在巴黎成立 -- Feb. 26, 2015
《法国侨报》讯 日前,一颗汉语教学界的重磅炸弹在巴黎引爆:以促进和提高欧洲汉语语言文化教学和交流为目的的欧洲汉语教学协会(欧汉会)宣布成立,并将总部设在巴黎。
欧洲汉语教学协会的宗旨是推动欧洲的汉语语言教学、文化教学与研究的发展,加强欧洲和各国汉语外语教学界的国际交流与合作,以增进汉语教学与研究工作者之间的相互了解和友好合作, 以期建立一个多元语言和多元文化的欧洲,为包容和和平的世界贡献力量。欧洲汉语教学协会将根据其宗旨举办各种教学培训及学术交流活动, 促进和组织理论研究、教材编写、人员交流等方面的国际合作, 并适时出版有关汉语教学与研究的资料、成果及专业刊物。
今年1 月 31 日,在法国汉语教学协会年会召开的同时,欧洲汉语教学协会宣布成立,并召开了协会的第一届理事会。来自法国、德国、英国、爱尔兰、荷兰、比利时、意大利、瑞士、西班牙、葡萄牙、塞浦路斯、匈牙利、芬兰等国的数千名汉语教学界人士与会,代表们在会上通过了由白乐桑、张新生和王培文起草的欧洲汉语教学联合会章程。根据章程,欧洲汉语教学协会理事必须为长期定居欧洲并在欧洲的教育机构从事汉语教学或研究工作的人员。
欧洲汉语教学协会的宗旨是推动欧洲的汉语语言教学、文化教学与研究的发展,加强欧洲和各国汉语外语教学界的国际交流与合作,以增进汉语教学与研究工作者之间的相互了解和友好合作, 以期建立一个多元语言和多元文化的欧洲,为包容和和平的世界贡献力量。欧洲汉语教学协会将根据其宗旨举办各种教学培训及学术交流活动, 促进和组织理论研究、教材编写、人员交流等方面的国际合作, 并适时出版有关汉语教学与研究的资料、成果及专业刊物。
今年1 月 31 日,在法国汉语教学协会年会召开的同时,欧洲汉语教学协会宣布成立,并召开了协会的第一届理事会。来自法国、德国、英国、爱尔兰、荷兰、比利时、意大利、瑞士、西班牙、葡萄牙、塞浦路斯、匈牙利、芬兰等国的数千名汉语教学界人士与会,代表们在会上通过了由白乐桑、张新生和王培文起草的欧洲汉语教学联合会章程。根据章程,欧洲汉语教学协会理事必须为长期定居欧洲并在欧洲的教育机构从事汉语教学或研究工作的人员。
2015年第五届国际汉语教师培养论坛 征稿通知 -- Feb. 4, 2015
一、 时间、地点
地点:北京 国家开放大学五棵松校区(海淀区复兴路75号)
二、 论坛主题、议题
1. 教师教育者的自我提升与汉语国际教育可持续发展
2. 国际汉语教师的培养标准研究
3. 汉语国际教育的对象研究与教学资源建设
4. 基础教育阶段本土汉语教师培养问题研究
5. 国际汉语教师的跨文化交际能力培养研究
6. 汉语国际教育学科建设与课程设置
7. 国际汉语教师职业发展与能力评估
三、 论坛形式
1. 主论坛:主旨报告,高端峰会
2. 分论坛:分主题报告,专题研讨
3. 展板报告:在会场设置展板,以图文形式展示学术论文、教学简报、科研成果等,并提供时段供作者与感兴趣者交流
4. 工作坊:新技术应用及体验
四、 重要时间及参会流程
1. 提交参会回执及论文摘要截止时间:2015年4月30日
请将电子版参会回执发送至秘书处邮箱:[email protected]。申请会议正式发言者请同时提交论文摘要。摘要要求及范例详见附件。论文全文会后提交。
2. 寄发邀请函时间:2015年5月15日
3. 提交展板报告时间:2015年5月31日前
本届论坛同时欢迎参会者提交通过展板展示的论文、报告、教学简报等,或组织专题研讨小组。请将展板报告内容、专题研讨的题目、关键词和专题组成员信息等资料发送至秘书处邮箱:[email protected]。
4. 报到时间:2015年7月16日上午,论坛召开时间:7月16日下午~18日
5. 提交论文全文时间:2015年9月30日前
五、 论坛专家委员会
崔永华 北京语言大学出版社
丁安琪 华东师范大学国际汉语教师研修基地
姜明宝 国家汉办
姜丽萍 北京语言大学对外汉语研究中心
李 泉 中国人民大学文学院
魏 红 云南师范大学国际汉语教育学院
徐子亮 华东师范大学对外汉语学院
张建民 华东师范大学国际汉语教师研修基地
张双鼓 中国教育发展战略学会
张新生 英国理启蒙大学
张 英 北京大学对外汉语教育学院
周 健 暨南大学华文学院,广东外语外贸大学南国商学院
周小兵 中山大学国际汉语学院、国际汉语教材研发与培训基地
朱瑞平 北京师范大学汉语文化学院
六、 会务费
七、 秘书处联系方式
联 系 人:杜亮、熊照辉
电 话:+86-(0)10-57519204,57519167
邮 箱:[email protected]
传 真:+86-(0)10-57519166
通讯地址:北京市海淀区复兴路75号A0701 邮编:100039
一、 时间、地点
地点:北京 国家开放大学五棵松校区(海淀区复兴路75号)
二、 论坛主题、议题
1. 教师教育者的自我提升与汉语国际教育可持续发展
2. 国际汉语教师的培养标准研究
3. 汉语国际教育的对象研究与教学资源建设
4. 基础教育阶段本土汉语教师培养问题研究
5. 国际汉语教师的跨文化交际能力培养研究
6. 汉语国际教育学科建设与课程设置
7. 国际汉语教师职业发展与能力评估
三、 论坛形式
1. 主论坛:主旨报告,高端峰会
2. 分论坛:分主题报告,专题研讨
3. 展板报告:在会场设置展板,以图文形式展示学术论文、教学简报、科研成果等,并提供时段供作者与感兴趣者交流
4. 工作坊:新技术应用及体验
四、 重要时间及参会流程
1. 提交参会回执及论文摘要截止时间:2015年4月30日
请将电子版参会回执发送至秘书处邮箱:[email protected]。申请会议正式发言者请同时提交论文摘要。摘要要求及范例详见附件。论文全文会后提交。
2. 寄发邀请函时间:2015年5月15日
3. 提交展板报告时间:2015年5月31日前
本届论坛同时欢迎参会者提交通过展板展示的论文、报告、教学简报等,或组织专题研讨小组。请将展板报告内容、专题研讨的题目、关键词和专题组成员信息等资料发送至秘书处邮箱:[email protected]。
4. 报到时间:2015年7月16日上午,论坛召开时间:7月16日下午~18日
5. 提交论文全文时间:2015年9月30日前
五、 论坛专家委员会
崔永华 北京语言大学出版社
丁安琪 华东师范大学国际汉语教师研修基地
姜明宝 国家汉办
姜丽萍 北京语言大学对外汉语研究中心
李 泉 中国人民大学文学院
魏 红 云南师范大学国际汉语教育学院
徐子亮 华东师范大学对外汉语学院
张建民 华东师范大学国际汉语教师研修基地
张双鼓 中国教育发展战略学会
张新生 英国理启蒙大学
张 英 北京大学对外汉语教育学院
周 健 暨南大学华文学院,广东外语外贸大学南国商学院
周小兵 中山大学国际汉语学院、国际汉语教材研发与培训基地
朱瑞平 北京师范大学汉语文化学院
六、 会务费
七、 秘书处联系方式
联 系 人:杜亮、熊照辉
电 话:+86-(0)10-57519204,57519167
邮 箱:[email protected]
传 真:+86-(0)10-57519166
通讯地址:北京市海淀区复兴路75号A0701 邮编:100039
《世界汉语教学学会通讯—--文化与国际汉语教育可持续发展高级讲习班特刊》 -- Feb. 15, 2015
邮件投稿:[email protected]
邮件投稿:[email protected]
邮件投稿:[email protected]
邮件投稿:[email protected]
Early Bird Registration for 2015 NCLC conference -- Feb. 3, 2015
The theme of 2015 NCLC is Pathways to Global Engagement. The conference recognizes the hard work and success of educators, administrators, and policymakers like you.Join the conference:
Browse speakers, sessions, create a custom schedule and much more by downloading the official 2015 NCLC app!Search "2015 National Chinese Language Conference" in the App Store and Google Play.
Visit www.NCLCUSA.org to learn more about the 2015 National Chinese Language Conference.
The theme of 2015 NCLC is Pathways to Global Engagement. The conference recognizes the hard work and success of educators, administrators, and policymakers like you.Join the conference:
- Choose from 70+ breakout sessions
- Hear from thought leaders and visionaries in the field
- Celebrate teacher and student achievements at plenary sessions
- Visit Atlanta-area schools to see K–12 Chinese programs in action
- Browse diverse resources in the exhibit hall
- Network with educators in the field
- Enjoy fun cultural performances
Browse speakers, sessions, create a custom schedule and much more by downloading the official 2015 NCLC app!Search "2015 National Chinese Language Conference" in the App Store and Google Play.
Visit www.NCLCUSA.org to learn more about the 2015 National Chinese Language Conference.
汉语中介语口语语料库建设与应用国际研讨会通知 -- Feb. 1, 2015
为了共同探讨汉语中介语口语语料库的建设、应用和研究,促进海内外相关领域专家、学者之间的交流与合作,进一 步推动汉语中介语口语语料库的建设与基于口语语料库的汉语教学研究的发展,由中国南京大学、北京语言大学和美国莱斯大学联合主办的“汉语 中介语口语语料库建设与应用国际研讨会”将于2015年7月上旬在南京召开。现将相关信息通知如下:
1.会 议主要议题
2.论 文征集流程
(1)2015年4月30日前提交500字左右的电子版论文摘要。(2)论文摘要经专家匿 名评审后,会议筹备组于2015年5月15日前发出正式邀请函。(3)参会论文将于会后择优结集出版,(通常会议出版刊物是包括所有的摘要,这里所谓“择优结集出版如何择 优?谁选择?为了鼓励学者们参与和展示比较成熟 的研究成果,凡在6月20日前提交参会论文全文的参会者,论文经专家匿名评审通过后,将免收会务费,并由组委会承担会议期间的食宿 费用。
3.其 他信息
本次会议时间为两天,工作语言为中文和英文。详细信息请登录南京 大学海外教育学院网站查看: http://hwxy.nju.edu.cn/cn/
4.会议 联系人及联系方式
(1)会议专用邮箱:[email protected]
1.会 议主要议题
2.论 文征集流程
(1)2015年4月30日前提交500字左右的电子版论文摘要。(2)论文摘要经专家匿 名评审后,会议筹备组于2015年5月15日前发出正式邀请函。(3)参会论文将于会后择优结集出版,(通常会议出版刊物是包括所有的摘要,这里所谓“择优结集出版如何择 优?谁选择?为了鼓励学者们参与和展示比较成熟 的研究成果,凡在6月20日前提交参会论文全文的参会者,论文经专家匿名评审通过后,将免收会务费,并由组委会承担会议期间的食宿 费用。
3.其 他信息
本次会议时间为两天,工作语言为中文和英文。详细信息请登录南京 大学海外教育学院网站查看: http://hwxy.nju.edu.cn/cn/
4.会议 联系人及联系方式
(1)会议专用邮箱:[email protected]
The 9th International Conference on Internet Chinese Education -- Jan. 20, 2015
From ICICE2015 Academic Committee <[email protected]>
The 9th International Conference on Internet Chinese Education
(ICICE 2015)
June 19-21, 2015
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Call for papers
Conference Theme: The Reflection of Chinese Language Teaching and Technology
Sponsor: Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC), R.O.C(Taiwan)
Program Organizer: Department of Chinese as a Second Language.
National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU)
Important Dates:
Deadline of abstract submission: February 26, 2015
Notification of abstract acceptance: March 20, 2015
Submission of full paper for Conference Proceedings: April 30, 2015
Conference: June 19-21, 2015
Registration Fee: (including Proceedings & meals)1. Early-bird Registration (by April 15,2015): USD 50 or NTD 1,500;
Student: USD 30 or NTD 900
2. Advanced Registration (after April 15,2015): USD 80 or NTD 2,400;
Student : USD 50 or NTD 1,500
3. On-site Registration: USD100
Sub-themes and frameworks:
Welcome to submit papers for, but not limited to, the following themes:
1. The introspection for technology-based Chinese teaching and e-learning.
2. Pros and cons about Chinese e-learning
3. The appropriateness judgment for the integration between technology and Chinese teaching
4. The problems and limitations for Chinese e-learning.
5. The role and vision of Chinese language teachers in the hi-tech era.
6. The effective management for Chinese distance teaching
7. The cost effectiveness of Technology-based Chinese curriculum and instruction.
8. The promising strategies of using films, TV and video for Chinese language teaching.
9. Positive or negative cases for computer-based Chinese teaching.
10. Innovative methods for the integration of technology and Chinese language teaching.
Types of Abstracts:
Types of abstracts being solicited are research papers, seminar, and workshops.
1. Presentation of empirical research studies (6-10 Pages)
2. Discussion of method development and application (6-10 Pages)
3. Workshop or demo for software or pedagogies (4-6 pages).
Proposal Submission:
1. For Panel submission:
A panel should include 3-4 papers with a main theme and sub-title for each paper. Materials including the main title and its description, the integration and relations of these papers, the abstracts for each paper which is no less than 500 Chinese characters or 300 English words (The organizer might integrate the group with others if a single paper failed to be admitted).
2. For individual paper submission:
No more than 1,000 Chinese or English characters (1 to 2 pages) with title and keywords (Script: Traditional Chinese Characters in Big-5 codes or Unicode.)
Please send the abstract and attendee's information to the Secretariat of Academic Committee via email at [email protected] by February 26, 2015. All of the proposals will be reviewed anonymously by the committee. The notification of acceptance will be sent to the authors through email by March 20, 2015. Full papers should be submitted by April 30 to be considered for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings.
Attendee's Information:
Name of author/presenter, Gender, Affiliation, Job title, Nationality, Email, Postal address, and Phone & fax numbers.
Full paper submission:
6-10 pages (A4 or Letter size, 12 points in single space, Traditional Chinese characters in Big-5 or Unicode).
※ Information about Accommodation, Registration, Post-conference tour will be subsequently released on the Conference website at http://www.tcsl.ntnu.edu.tw
※ For more information, please contact the Secretariat of Academic Committee (department of Chinese as a Second Language, NTNU):
※ Email: [email protected]
※ Phone: +886-2-7734-5186 (Ms. Xueni Wang)
※ Fax: +886-2-2341-9746
※ Please distribute the announcement to relevant groups/individu
The 9th International Conference on Internet Chinese Education
(ICICE 2015)
June 19-21, 2015
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Call for papers
Conference Theme: The Reflection of Chinese Language Teaching and Technology
Sponsor: Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC), R.O.C(Taiwan)
Program Organizer: Department of Chinese as a Second Language.
National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU)
Important Dates:
Deadline of abstract submission: February 26, 2015
Notification of abstract acceptance: March 20, 2015
Submission of full paper for Conference Proceedings: April 30, 2015
Conference: June 19-21, 2015
Registration Fee: (including Proceedings & meals)1. Early-bird Registration (by April 15,2015): USD 50 or NTD 1,500;
Student: USD 30 or NTD 900
2. Advanced Registration (after April 15,2015): USD 80 or NTD 2,400;
Student : USD 50 or NTD 1,500
3. On-site Registration: USD100
Sub-themes and frameworks:
Welcome to submit papers for, but not limited to, the following themes:
1. The introspection for technology-based Chinese teaching and e-learning.
2. Pros and cons about Chinese e-learning
3. The appropriateness judgment for the integration between technology and Chinese teaching
4. The problems and limitations for Chinese e-learning.
5. The role and vision of Chinese language teachers in the hi-tech era.
6. The effective management for Chinese distance teaching
7. The cost effectiveness of Technology-based Chinese curriculum and instruction.
8. The promising strategies of using films, TV and video for Chinese language teaching.
9. Positive or negative cases for computer-based Chinese teaching.
10. Innovative methods for the integration of technology and Chinese language teaching.
Types of Abstracts:
Types of abstracts being solicited are research papers, seminar, and workshops.
1. Presentation of empirical research studies (6-10 Pages)
2. Discussion of method development and application (6-10 Pages)
3. Workshop or demo for software or pedagogies (4-6 pages).
Proposal Submission:
1. For Panel submission:
A panel should include 3-4 papers with a main theme and sub-title for each paper. Materials including the main title and its description, the integration and relations of these papers, the abstracts for each paper which is no less than 500 Chinese characters or 300 English words (The organizer might integrate the group with others if a single paper failed to be admitted).
2. For individual paper submission:
No more than 1,000 Chinese or English characters (1 to 2 pages) with title and keywords (Script: Traditional Chinese Characters in Big-5 codes or Unicode.)
Please send the abstract and attendee's information to the Secretariat of Academic Committee via email at [email protected] by February 26, 2015. All of the proposals will be reviewed anonymously by the committee. The notification of acceptance will be sent to the authors through email by March 20, 2015. Full papers should be submitted by April 30 to be considered for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings.
Attendee's Information:
Name of author/presenter, Gender, Affiliation, Job title, Nationality, Email, Postal address, and Phone & fax numbers.
Full paper submission:
6-10 pages (A4 or Letter size, 12 points in single space, Traditional Chinese characters in Big-5 or Unicode).
※ Information about Accommodation, Registration, Post-conference tour will be subsequently released on the Conference website at http://www.tcsl.ntnu.edu.tw
※ For more information, please contact the Secretariat of Academic Committee (department of Chinese as a Second Language, NTNU):
※ Email: [email protected]
※ Phone: +886-2-7734-5186 (Ms. Xueni Wang)
※ Fax: +886-2-2341-9746
※ Please distribute the announcement to relevant groups/individu
第一届向世界传播中国学术研讨会 -- Jan. 2, 2015
The event is open to the public free of charge.
参加者请发电邮给 [email protected] 注册。
参加者请发电邮给 [email protected] 注册。
第十三屆臺灣華語文教學年會暨國際學術研討會--Dec. 3, 2014
Reply to 台灣華語文教學學會 秘書處 <[email protected]>
臺灣華語文教學學會(Association of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language)。將 於12月26日至28日,於銘傳大學桃園校區舉辦「第十三屆臺灣華語文教學年會暨國際學術研討會」,會議網站: http://www.huayu.org/2014/
臺灣華語文教學學會(Association of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language)。將 於12月26日至28日,於銘傳大學桃園校區舉辦「第十三屆臺灣華語文教學年會暨國際學術研討會」,會議網站: http://www.huayu.org/2014/
Teaching Chinese in International Contexts -- Nov. 10, 2014
Dear everyone,
The first issue of Teaching Chinese in International Contexts is now officially online! Please go to http://www.experiencechinese.com/index.php/publications for free viewing or downloading.
We are now also calling for papers for our December 2014 issue. The theme topic for the December issue is Classroom Interactions in Chinese Language Teaching. Specific topics may include: (1) How to design your instruction to enhance dialogues and interactions in Chinese teaching classrooms? (2) What kinds of questioning strategies Chinese teachers could use in classrooms? (3) How to make the transmission of knowledge and culture more effective through meaningful dialogues and interactions? The deadline for submission is November 30, 2014. Please submit your papers to [email protected] or [email protected].
You can view our webpage for more detailed information. Also feel free to contact Dr. Binbin Zheng at [email protected] for more information or questions.
Best regards,
TCIC E-Magazine
The first issue of Teaching Chinese in International Contexts is now officially online! Please go to http://www.experiencechinese.com/index.php/publications for free viewing or downloading.
We are now also calling for papers for our December 2014 issue. The theme topic for the December issue is Classroom Interactions in Chinese Language Teaching. Specific topics may include: (1) How to design your instruction to enhance dialogues and interactions in Chinese teaching classrooms? (2) What kinds of questioning strategies Chinese teachers could use in classrooms? (3) How to make the transmission of knowledge and culture more effective through meaningful dialogues and interactions? The deadline for submission is November 30, 2014. Please submit your papers to [email protected] or [email protected].
You can view our webpage for more detailed information. Also feel free to contact Dr. Binbin Zheng at [email protected] for more information or questions.
Best regards,
TCIC E-Magazine
CLEF 2015: Registration Open -- Nov. 6, 2014
Step out of your comfort zone, strive for excellence! Please join us for the 5th annual conference CLEF 2015. Our online registration is now open.
Co-hosted by the Chinese Language Education and Research Center (CLERC) and the Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS),this pure academic, action packed conference will provide you with all you need to thrive in your Chinese classrooms and programs. To take advantage of a 40% off early-bird discount, please register now!
Your registration covers all admissions to:
Co-hosted by the Chinese Language Education and Research Center (CLERC) and the Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS),this pure academic, action packed conference will provide you with all you need to thrive in your Chinese classrooms and programs. To take advantage of a 40% off early-bird discount, please register now!
Your registration covers all admissions to:
- Hands-on pre-conference workshops for PreK-16 teachers
- Keynote speech and invited speeches
- Highly selected breakout session presentations
- Poster presentations
- Chinese Teaching Roundtable (PreK-16)
- The fantastic San Francisco bay area, fun networking, delicious food and more
《世界汉语教学学会通讯》(2014年第3期,总第24期)-- Nov. 6, 2014
邮件投稿:[email protected]
邮件投稿:[email protected]
CLTA-GNY 2015 13th International Conference -- Nov. 27, 2014
The 13th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, sponsored by the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York (CLTA-GNY), Pace University and Nanjing University, will be held on Saturday, May 2ndat New York Pace University.
We invite you to submit a proposal for our conference! All proposals on the teaching of Chinese are welcome, including but not limited to following of interest:
1. RESEARCH: This area includes Linguistics, culture, pedagogy, program implementation, assessments, etc.
2. PRACTICE: This area includes student motivation, administration, program promotion, teaching materials, classroom instructional strategies, ACTFL 5 Cs standards application, teacher training, community engagement, etc.
3. INNOVATIONS: This area includes technology and media use, online and distance learning, application of recent research on brain and learning theories, etc.
The CLTA-GNY Conference Committee welcomes submissions of proposals on subjects relevant to the above themes. Papers can be either in Chinese or English. We will consider proposals for panels as well as individual papers and all proposals will be reviewed anonymously. Individual papers will be grouped into panels by themes. Panels will be 75 minutes long with four presenters. Please note that we will need separate abstracts for each paper on any panel proposal.
Please submit your proposals online by February 15, 2015. Click here to access the proposal submission form.
Email questions to: [email protected]
Notice of acceptance will be sent out by March 31 electronically. Anyone who needs a hard copy of the notice should include a special request with their proposal.
Approximately 300 participants attended the conference last year. Presentations included the most current research and field-proven effective instructional strategies. You may access the CLTA-GNY website to view 2014 conference information here. Please register online before April 20,2015 to get an early-bird discount rate of $30. Click here to access the on-line registration webpage. On-site registration will be accepted after April 20 at the regular registration fee of $40. To encourage pre-service teachers’ attendance, there is a discount rate of $20 (ONLY for early registration) for current university undergraduate and graduate students when student ID is verified.
The 2015 New York International Conference will run from approximately 8:00 am – 6:00 pm on May 2nd, with a get-together dinner after the conference. Please indicate in the registration form if you would like to sign up for the dinner activity. The cost for this dinner is approximately $35 per person.
The 2015 New York International Conference has an optional extension on the afternoon of Sunday, May 3rd in Boston, when the New England Chinese Language Teachers Association will hold an international symposium on teaching Chinese at Turfs University. Information about the symposium is forthcoming. The symposium welcomes anyone who is interested to attend.
For conference updates, please visit http://clta-gny.org/15conf/15conf.html.
For conference registration, please visit http://clta-gny.org/15conf/conf_reg.html.
The keynote speaker(s) will be announced at a later time.
For information about CLTA-GNY, please visit http://clta-gny.org.
Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York
The 13th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, sponsored by the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York (CLTA-GNY), Pace University and Nanjing University, will be held on Saturday, May 2ndat New York Pace University.
We invite you to submit a proposal for our conference! All proposals on the teaching of Chinese are welcome, including but not limited to following of interest:
1. RESEARCH: This area includes Linguistics, culture, pedagogy, program implementation, assessments, etc.
2. PRACTICE: This area includes student motivation, administration, program promotion, teaching materials, classroom instructional strategies, ACTFL 5 Cs standards application, teacher training, community engagement, etc.
3. INNOVATIONS: This area includes technology and media use, online and distance learning, application of recent research on brain and learning theories, etc.
The CLTA-GNY Conference Committee welcomes submissions of proposals on subjects relevant to the above themes. Papers can be either in Chinese or English. We will consider proposals for panels as well as individual papers and all proposals will be reviewed anonymously. Individual papers will be grouped into panels by themes. Panels will be 75 minutes long with four presenters. Please note that we will need separate abstracts for each paper on any panel proposal.
Please submit your proposals online by February 15, 2015. Click here to access the proposal submission form.
Email questions to: [email protected]
Notice of acceptance will be sent out by March 31 electronically. Anyone who needs a hard copy of the notice should include a special request with their proposal.
Approximately 300 participants attended the conference last year. Presentations included the most current research and field-proven effective instructional strategies. You may access the CLTA-GNY website to view 2014 conference information here. Please register online before April 20,2015 to get an early-bird discount rate of $30. Click here to access the on-line registration webpage. On-site registration will be accepted after April 20 at the regular registration fee of $40. To encourage pre-service teachers’ attendance, there is a discount rate of $20 (ONLY for early registration) for current university undergraduate and graduate students when student ID is verified.
The 2015 New York International Conference will run from approximately 8:00 am – 6:00 pm on May 2nd, with a get-together dinner after the conference. Please indicate in the registration form if you would like to sign up for the dinner activity. The cost for this dinner is approximately $35 per person.
The 2015 New York International Conference has an optional extension on the afternoon of Sunday, May 3rd in Boston, when the New England Chinese Language Teachers Association will hold an international symposium on teaching Chinese at Turfs University. Information about the symposium is forthcoming. The symposium welcomes anyone who is interested to attend.
For conference updates, please visit http://clta-gny.org/15conf/15conf.html.
For conference registration, please visit http://clta-gny.org/15conf/conf_reg.html.
The keynote speaker(s) will be announced at a later time.
For information about CLTA-GNY, please visit http://clta-gny.org.
Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York
New England Regional Association for Language Learning Technology
NERALLT Fall 2014 Conference
Technology for Language Education:
Making Need-Based and Pedagogy-Driven Choices
Date: October 23-24, 2014
Hosted by Brown University in providence, RI
For Information: Click Here
For Registration: Click Here
郭秉文研讨会 --Oct. 15, 2014
郭秉文是从哥伦比亚大学获得博士学位的第一个中国人。今年是他从哥大获得博士学位的100周年。郭秉文从哥大毕业后回国担任南京东南大学第一任校长,卸任后回到纽约和杜威、胡适等人创建华美协进社(China Institute)并担任第一任社长。
The Making of the Documentary--Oct. 13, 2014
(English summary: One of the most renowned and influential romantic poets of 20th-century Chinese literature, Xu Zhimo made tremendous contributions to modern Chinese literature in general and modern Chinese poetry in particular. CCTV of China produced a 20-episode documentary in 2013, chronicling the life and the achievements of the legendary poet. Mr. Lou Jianjun, Director of the documentary, will share with the audience how the documentary came into being.)中央電視台(CCTV)年前推出20集大型文化紀錄片《徐志摩》。忠實地記錄了徐志摩的童年、少年、青年和他在中國現代文學史上不朽的歷史地位。著重講述他與諸多中外歷史人物的故事,如:梁啟超、魯迅、胡適、郭沫若、蔣百里、鬱達夫、梁實秋、徐悲鴻、劉海粟、林長民、張君勱、陳西瀅以及伯特蘭*羅素、泰戈爾、狄更生、嘉本特、曼殊斐爾等等。本片還用較多的筆墨描寫了徐志摩與張幼儀、陸小曼、林徽因、凌叔華幾位名媛的愛情糾葛和朦朧情愫,使觀眾感悟到徐志摩率真而誠摯的人品,善良卻不乏孟浪的個性。
樓建軍現為中央電視台書畫家協會秘書長,中央電視台戲曲和音樂頻道導演。先後拍攝有《中國文化名人故鄉行》、《天山之歌》、《黃河戲話》、《錢塘戲話》、《長江戲話》、《中國豫劇》、《秦淮河》、《王國維》、 《徐志摩》等多部有影響力的紀錄片。
講座對人文學會會員免費﹐對非會員收費5美元。因座位有限,請預先訂位。網上訂位請訪 http://chineselectures.org/101814.html.Date: Saturday, October 18, 2014
Time: 2:00-4:00 pm
樓建軍現為中央電視台書畫家協會秘書長,中央電視台戲曲和音樂頻道導演。先後拍攝有《中國文化名人故鄉行》、《天山之歌》、《黃河戲話》、《錢塘戲話》、《長江戲話》、《中國豫劇》、《秦淮河》、《王國維》、 《徐志摩》等多部有影響力的紀錄片。
講座對人文學會會員免費﹐對非會員收費5美元。因座位有限,請預先訂位。網上訂位請訪 http://chineselectures.org/101814.html.Date: Saturday, October 18, 2014
Time: 2:00-4:00 pm
The 27th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-27) 2nd CALL FOR PAPERS--Oct. 13, 2014
The 27th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-27) will be held at the University of California, Los Angeles, April 3-5, 2015.
Abstract submission: Sunday, November 16, 2014
The theme of the conference is Integrating Chinese Linguistic Research with Language Teaching. While papers addressing issues in all aspects of Chinese linguistics are welcome - as
part of the NACCL tradition, the conference organizers give priority to two types of papers for presentation at NACCL-27:
1) Linguistic research cast with pedagogical implications;
2) Teaching and learning studies raising important issues for linguistic research.
For more details, please check on the web link at http://chineselinguistics.org/Events/NACCL-27/
Abstract submission: Sunday, November 16, 2014
The theme of the conference is Integrating Chinese Linguistic Research with Language Teaching. While papers addressing issues in all aspects of Chinese linguistics are welcome - as
part of the NACCL tradition, the conference organizers give priority to two types of papers for presentation at NACCL-27:
1) Linguistic research cast with pedagogical implications;
2) Teaching and learning studies raising important issues for linguistic research.
For more details, please check on the web link at http://chineselinguistics.org/Events/NACCL-27/
2015 NCLC Request for Proposals-- Oct. 1, 2014
National Chinese Language Conference
Thank you for your interest in participating in the 2015 National Chinese Language Conference.
The National Chinese Language Conference (NCLC) provides a high–profile platform for sharing new ideas and best practices in the fields of Chinese language teaching and learning, Chinese arts and culture, and U.S.–China educational exchange. The 8th annual NCLC is organized by Asia Society and the College Board and will be held in Atlanta, GA, April 16–18, 2015. The conference will focus on:
As a session presenter, you will have an opportunity to:
Thank you for your interest in participating in the 2015 National Chinese Language Conference.
The National Chinese Language Conference (NCLC) provides a high–profile platform for sharing new ideas and best practices in the fields of Chinese language teaching and learning, Chinese arts and culture, and U.S.–China educational exchange. The 8th annual NCLC is organized by Asia Society and the College Board and will be held in Atlanta, GA, April 16–18, 2015. The conference will focus on:
- building and sustaining quality Chinese programs at all levels of K–12 and higher education;
- cutting-edge approaches to teaching that incorporate culture, technology and collaborations; and
- best practices in the classroom leading to high levels of language proficiency and cultural competency.
As a session presenter, you will have an opportunity to:
- Share your knowledge and experiences, and gather valuable feedback from peers
- Showcase your educational programs and partnerships to a national audience
- Help shape the agenda of the Chinese language education community
- Receive a discount on your registration fee
Dear Fellow Chinese Language Teachers:
The 13th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy will be held in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China on July 9-11, 2015. We welcome everyone to attend the 13th International Conference in Hohhot. For detailed information and to register for the conference, please visit www.uvm.edu/~chinese/conference2015/
John Jing-hua Yin
Organizing Committee
The 13th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy
Dear Fellow Chinese Language Teachers:
The 13th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy will be held in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China on July 9-11, 2015. We welcome everyone to attend the 13th International Conference in Hohhot. For detailed information and to register for the conference, please visit www.uvm.edu/~chinese/conference2015/
John Jing-hua Yin
Organizing Committee
The 13th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy
Book Launch and Symposium on How Zeon Fong, Pioneer of Modern Chinese Publishing--Sep. 30, 2014
To mark the 100th anniversary of the passing of Mr. How Zoen Fong, founder of the Commercial Press, and to commemorate the extraordinary life and achievements of this preeminent pioneer of modern publishing in China, the Renwen Society at China Institute and the C.V. Starr East Asian Library of Columbia University will jointly hold a book launch of A Pioneer Remembered: A Biography of How Zoen Fong and symposium on October 4, 2014 at Columbia University. Speakers at the event will include: Mr. Jim Cheng, Director of the C.V. Starr East Asian Library of Columbia University; Dr. Chi Wang, President of the US-China Policy Foundation and former head of the Chinese Section at the Library of Congress; Mr. Wang Chunshen, Board Chair of the Commercial Press in Taiwan; Dr. Tai-loi Ma, Director of the East Asian Library at Princeton University; Mr. Julian Suez, grandson of How Zoen Fong; and Mr. Chunmai Chao, author of the biography. See details and registration info athttp://chineselectures.org/100414b.html. This event will be conducted in English.
Date: Saturday, October 4, 2014
Location: 301 Uris Hall (Business School), Columbia University
2:30-5:00 pm - Book Launch and Symposium
5:00-5:40 pm - Viewing of publications by the Commercial Press prior to 1914, on display at the C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University
Free admission, but advanced registration is requested. To register, please visit the links above.
Date: Saturday, October 4, 2014
Location: 301 Uris Hall (Business School), Columbia University
2:30-5:00 pm - Book Launch and Symposium
5:00-5:40 pm - Viewing of publications by the Commercial Press prior to 1914, on display at the C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University
Free admission, but advanced registration is requested. To register, please visit the links above.
《美国中文教学与研究》征稿 -- Sep. 27, 2014
《美国中文教学与研究》(Journal of Chinese Teaching and Research in the U.S.)是大纽约地区中文教师学会(Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York) 的学术刊物。本学刊主要刊登与美国中文教学有关的学术研究成果及心得,同时也刊登世界中文教学与研究,以及国内外汉学研究的文章。本学刊为年刊,每年5月在美国纽约出版。
《美国中文教学与研究》(2015)欢迎海内外从事汉语作为第二语言教学与研究工作的专家、学者、教师投稿。 《美国中文教学与研究》(2015)会刊的主要内容包括:国际汉语教学的政策与研究;国际汉语教材编用与师资培训;大学国际汉语教学;中小学国际汉语教学;电脑/多媒体技术在国际汉语教学中的使用等。
论文用中英文撰写均可,但作者需提供中英文标题以及中英文内容摘要。稿件长度以不超过8,000字为宜。关于论文体例及具体要求,请参阅Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association Style Sheet (attached).
本刊编辑部对来稿有文字删改权。若作者不愿删改﹐请予注明。 本刊撰稿者享有著作权﹐本刊享有著作财产权。除作者结集出版个人著作外﹐任何人出于任何目的之翻印、转载、翻译本刊文稿﹐均需事先征得本刊编辑部同意。
有兴趣向《美国中文教学与研究》(2015)学刊投稿者,请于2015年2月10日前将论文全文通过电子邮件寄给Huang, Yonggang <[email protected]> 和 Jiao, Xiaoxiao <[email protected]>。收到论文后,本刊编委会尽快与赐稿者联系。
《美国中文教学与研究》(2015)欢迎海内外从事汉语作为第二语言教学与研究工作的专家、学者、教师投稿。 《美国中文教学与研究》(2015)会刊的主要内容包括:国际汉语教学的政策与研究;国际汉语教材编用与师资培训;大学国际汉语教学;中小学国际汉语教学;电脑/多媒体技术在国际汉语教学中的使用等。
论文用中英文撰写均可,但作者需提供中英文标题以及中英文内容摘要。稿件长度以不超过8,000字为宜。关于论文体例及具体要求,请参阅Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association Style Sheet (attached).
本刊编辑部对来稿有文字删改权。若作者不愿删改﹐请予注明。 本刊撰稿者享有著作权﹐本刊享有著作财产权。除作者结集出版个人著作外﹐任何人出于任何目的之翻印、转载、翻译本刊文稿﹐均需事先征得本刊编辑部同意。
有兴趣向《美国中文教学与研究》(2015)学刊投稿者,请于2015年2月10日前将论文全文通过电子邮件寄给Huang, Yonggang <[email protected]> 和 Jiao, Xiaoxiao <[email protected]>。收到论文后,本刊编委会尽快与赐稿者联系。
大华府中文教师学者汉语和教材研发 -- Sep. 4, 2014
为适应国际汉语教学事业快速发展的需要,加强大华府地区中文教师、学者和机构在国际汉语教学和教材研发领域的沟通与合作,进一步推进大华府地区的汉语教学,乔治·华盛顿大学孔子学院和南京大学海外教育学院将于2014年9月26日下午在乔治·华盛顿大学Foggy Bottom校区共同举办学术研讨会。届时南京大学海外教育学院院长程爱民、联合国中文组组长何勇、乔治·华盛顿大学中文部张霓等教授到会作专题报告。
1. 国际汉语教材编写和教学资源建设的理论探究与反思
2. 中国大陆国际汉语教材编写与出版概况
3. 美国大、中、小学汉语教材的编写与使用问题,包括中国大陆教材在美国的选择与使用问题及对现行教材的分析(如编写思路、教材框架、课文选择、练习设计等);
4. 针对美国学生的中国文学文化教材、视听教材的编写
5. 国际汉语教学资源(包括教学平台、电子教材、教学素材、课件、教学工具等)的建设;
6. 其他与教材编写和教学资源建设相关的教学和教师培养问题
回执请发到[email protected].
Frances Taoran Sun
Executive Director, Global Initiatives
Office of the Dean, Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Managing Director, Confucius Institute
The George Washington University
Office: 202-994-4638
Mobile: 240-688-5025
为适应国际汉语教学事业快速发展的需要,加强大华府地区中文教师、学者和机构在国际汉语教学和教材研发领域的沟通与合作,进一步推进大华府地区的汉语教学,乔治·华盛顿大学孔子学院和南京大学海外教育学院将于2014年9月26日下午在乔治·华盛顿大学Foggy Bottom校区共同举办学术研讨会。届时南京大学海外教育学院院长程爱民、联合国中文组组长何勇、乔治·华盛顿大学中文部张霓等教授到会作专题报告。
1. 国际汉语教材编写和教学资源建设的理论探究与反思
2. 中国大陆国际汉语教材编写与出版概况
3. 美国大、中、小学汉语教材的编写与使用问题,包括中国大陆教材在美国的选择与使用问题及对现行教材的分析(如编写思路、教材框架、课文选择、练习设计等);
4. 针对美国学生的中国文学文化教材、视听教材的编写
5. 国际汉语教学资源(包括教学平台、电子教材、教学素材、课件、教学工具等)的建设;
6. 其他与教材编写和教学资源建设相关的教学和教师培养问题
回执请发到[email protected].
Frances Taoran Sun
Executive Director, Global Initiatives
Office of the Dean, Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Managing Director, Confucius Institute
The George Washington University
Office: 202-994-4638
Mobile: 240-688-5025
Message from the CLTA-GNY Conference Co-Chair -- June 23, 2014
Dear colleagues,
We are delighted to note that the CLTA-GNY 12th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, held at New York University on May 3 and 4th, was a great success! The conference theme was “Teaching Chinese in the Global Community: Developing Communicative Competence in a New Age.” For the second year, the conference was co-sponsored by the Institute for International Studies at Nanjing University.
This marks the second time the conference was held at NYU, as the first ever conference of CLTA-GNY was also held at NYU. Approximately 100 educators attended that first conference; in 2014 our conference boasted attendance of nearly 300 educators and 100 presentations. Presenters came from many countries - China, Bangladesh, New Zealand, Singapore -- and more than 14 states.
Photos and presentations from the event are available through the CLTA-GNY photo site (https://www.flickr.com/photos/8310537@N08/sets/72157644273440138/).
Dear colleagues,
We are delighted to note that the CLTA-GNY 12th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, held at New York University on May 3 and 4th, was a great success! The conference theme was “Teaching Chinese in the Global Community: Developing Communicative Competence in a New Age.” For the second year, the conference was co-sponsored by the Institute for International Studies at Nanjing University.
This marks the second time the conference was held at NYU, as the first ever conference of CLTA-GNY was also held at NYU. Approximately 100 educators attended that first conference; in 2014 our conference boasted attendance of nearly 300 educators and 100 presentations. Presenters came from many countries - China, Bangladesh, New Zealand, Singapore -- and more than 14 states.
Photos and presentations from the event are available through the CLTA-GNY photo site (https://www.flickr.com/photos/8310537@N08/sets/72157644273440138/).
We hope you will join us in the fall for CLTA-GNY professional development events, and for next year’s conference!
Dean Cheng Aimin, Nanjing University
Robin Harvey, New York University
Conference Co-Chairs
We are delighted to note that the CLTA-GNY 12th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, held at New York University on May 3 and 4th, was a great success! The conference theme was “Teaching Chinese in the Global Community: Developing Communicative Competence in a New Age.” For the second year, the conference was co-sponsored by the Institute for International Studies at Nanjing University.
This marks the second time the conference was held at NYU, as the first ever conference of CLTA-GNY was also held at NYU. Approximately 100 educators attended that first conference; in 2014 our conference boasted attendance of nearly 300 educators and 100 presentations. Presenters came from many countries - China, Bangladesh, New Zealand, Singapore -- and more than 14 states.
Photos and presentations from the event are available through the CLTA-GNY photo site (https://www.flickr.com/photos/8310537@N08/sets/72157644273440138/).
Dear colleagues,
We are delighted to note that the CLTA-GNY 12th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, held at New York University on May 3 and 4th, was a great success! The conference theme was “Teaching Chinese in the Global Community: Developing Communicative Competence in a New Age.” For the second year, the conference was co-sponsored by the Institute for International Studies at Nanjing University.
This marks the second time the conference was held at NYU, as the first ever conference of CLTA-GNY was also held at NYU. Approximately 100 educators attended that first conference; in 2014 our conference boasted attendance of nearly 300 educators and 100 presentations. Presenters came from many countries - China, Bangladesh, New Zealand, Singapore -- and more than 14 states.
Photos and presentations from the event are available through the CLTA-GNY photo site (https://www.flickr.com/photos/8310537@N08/sets/72157644273440138/).
We hope you will join us in the fall for CLTA-GNY professional development events, and for next year’s conference!
Dean Cheng Aimin, Nanjing University
Robin Harvey, New York University
Conference Co-Chairs
The 12th NY International Conference on Teaching Chinese: Updates--April 10, 2014
The conference program has been finalized and uploaded on our website at http://clta-gny.org/14conf/program.html. As you will see, there are about 30 panels with a little over 100 speakers.
3 keynote speakers will address the conference. They are: Mr. Chris Livaccari, Principal of the International School of the Peninsula in Palo Alto of California, who is the former director of the Chinese Program at Asia Society and also a former board member of CLTA-GNY, Dr. Wang Juefei of Vermont University and Dr. Frank Tang of New York University. Please visit http://clta-gny.org/14conf/KeynoteSpeakers.htmlfor their topics and bios.
The conference will provide breakfast and lunch for two days free of charge for all the attendees.
We'll treat all the presenters to a dinner at Evergreen Shanghai Restaurant at 10 East 38th Street in midtown Manhattan on May 3. Non-presenting attendees are welcome to join the occasion at a subsidized cost. The restaurant will charge about $40 per person at the table, but non-presenters just need to pay $25. The balance, including tax and tips, will be picked up by our association. If you are interested in joining the dinner, please register at http://www.quia.com/sv/661345.html and make your payment at http://clta-gny.org/14conf/conf_reg.html.
Evergreen Shanghai Restaurant and Lounge
10 East 38th Street
New York, NY 10016 (between Madison and 5th Avenues)
If you are interested in attending the conference but have not registered, please do so asap. For details of the conference, please visit http://clta-gny.org/14conf/14conf.html.
We look forward to seeing you all in May!
The CLTA-GNY Board/Conference Committee
3 keynote speakers will address the conference. They are: Mr. Chris Livaccari, Principal of the International School of the Peninsula in Palo Alto of California, who is the former director of the Chinese Program at Asia Society and also a former board member of CLTA-GNY, Dr. Wang Juefei of Vermont University and Dr. Frank Tang of New York University. Please visit http://clta-gny.org/14conf/KeynoteSpeakers.htmlfor their topics and bios.
The conference will provide breakfast and lunch for two days free of charge for all the attendees.
We'll treat all the presenters to a dinner at Evergreen Shanghai Restaurant at 10 East 38th Street in midtown Manhattan on May 3. Non-presenting attendees are welcome to join the occasion at a subsidized cost. The restaurant will charge about $40 per person at the table, but non-presenters just need to pay $25. The balance, including tax and tips, will be picked up by our association. If you are interested in joining the dinner, please register at http://www.quia.com/sv/661345.html and make your payment at http://clta-gny.org/14conf/conf_reg.html.
Evergreen Shanghai Restaurant and Lounge
10 East 38th Street
New York, NY 10016 (between Madison and 5th Avenues)
If you are interested in attending the conference but have not registered, please do so asap. For details of the conference, please visit http://clta-gny.org/14conf/14conf.html.
We look forward to seeing you all in May!
The CLTA-GNY Board/Conference Committee
Invitation to TCLT8 (第八届国际汉语电脑教学研讨会)--April 1, 2014
The 8th International Conference & Workshops on
Technology & Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century (TCLT8)
June 6-8, 2014
Tufts University
Boston, MA
The 8th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century (TCLT8) will be held at Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA, June 6-8, 2014. The conference features invited plenary speeches on the conference themes, two day-panel discussions and presentations in technology-based Chinese language teaching, and one day hands-on workshops on uptodate practices and software/applications in technology advanced Chinese language teaching.
Invited Plenary Speakers
Kern, Rick, Professor of French and Director of Language Center, UC Berkeley
Technology and language learning: Why the medium matters
Xie, Tianwei, Professor Chinese and Chair of Department of Asian and Asian American Studies, California State University, Long Beach
Meeting the Challenges: Be Firm and Smart
Hsin, Shi-Chang, Professor of Chinese, Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University
Enhancing the range of listening comprehension with technology: Web resource establishment for various Mandarin accents
Yang, Xiaotang, Professor of Education, The Open University of China
The development and implementation of MOOCs at The Open University of China and its implications for Chinese language teaching
Hand-on Workshops
1. Cheng, Dongdong, Seton Hall University: Using smart phones in K-16 Chinese classrooms
2. Da, Jun, Middle Tennessee State University, Using WeChat for Chinese language teaching and learning
3. Lin, Chin-His, Michigan State University, Introduction to MOOCs
4. Liu, Shijuan, and Yeh, ChinHuei, Indiana University of Pennsylvania and Shrewsbury Public Schools: Using tablets (iPads) in K-16 Chinese classrooms: Pedagogical, technical, and managerial challenges and solutions
5. Xie, Tianwei, California State University, Long Beach: Electricslide and remote presentation; Using Screencast-o-matic to make a micro-film for your presentation
6. Zhang, Phyllis, George Washington University: Simple solutions to daily tasks for Chinese language teaching and learning
Conference Main Theme
Technology Literacy and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century
Topics Included but Not Limited to
• Mobile-assisted Chinese language teaching and learning
• Cloud computing in Chinese language teaching
• Web/mobile participatory learning tools
• ntercultural exchange and web mediated communication
• Usage, assessment, device, curriculum design, and development of technology-based Chinese language teaching
• Virtual classroom
• Blended instruction
• Distance learning
• Network-based language testing
• Digital instructional materials development
• Multimedia instruction and second language acquisition
• Issues in CALL study
• Technology and second language acquisition
• Corpus study and database in Chinese language teaching
• Emerging technologies and their application in Chinese language teaching
• Other related topics on technology-enhanced Chinese language teaching
Conference Languages
Chinese and English
Publications of the presented papers
In Conference proceedings, available on site to be published by Tufts University Press.
Selected papers will be published in Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching and Series of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the U.S. by China Social Sciences Press (中国社会科学出版社)
Registration Fee will cover conference materials including the Conference Proceedings and meal and beverages during the three days conference. See TCLT8 website for details.
About TCLT
Initiated by Hamilton College in 2000, Technology and Chinese Language Teaching aims to bridge the gap between technology and teaching methodology and curriculum as well as to enhance the exchange of technology-based Chinese language learning and instruction. The combination of in-depth panel discussions and hands-on workshops on up-to-date technologies on Chinese language teaching is a hallmark of this biennial conference. Over the past 14 years, more than 200 institutions from 17 countries and regions have sent hundreds of professionals to join TCLT. To further the exchange and discussions on technology and Chinese language teaching, TCLT launched its peer-reviewed on-line Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in 2010 and started the publication of the Series of U.S. Technology and Chinese Language Teaching (《美国科技与中文教学》, 中 国社会科学出版社) in 2012.
TCLT homepage
The 8th International Conference & Workshops on
Technology & Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century (TCLT8)
June 6-8, 2014
Tufts University
Boston, MA
The 8th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century (TCLT8) will be held at Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA, June 6-8, 2014. The conference features invited plenary speeches on the conference themes, two day-panel discussions and presentations in technology-based Chinese language teaching, and one day hands-on workshops on uptodate practices and software/applications in technology advanced Chinese language teaching.
Invited Plenary Speakers
Kern, Rick, Professor of French and Director of Language Center, UC Berkeley
Technology and language learning: Why the medium matters
Xie, Tianwei, Professor Chinese and Chair of Department of Asian and Asian American Studies, California State University, Long Beach
Meeting the Challenges: Be Firm and Smart
Hsin, Shi-Chang, Professor of Chinese, Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University
Enhancing the range of listening comprehension with technology: Web resource establishment for various Mandarin accents
Yang, Xiaotang, Professor of Education, The Open University of China
The development and implementation of MOOCs at The Open University of China and its implications for Chinese language teaching
Hand-on Workshops
1. Cheng, Dongdong, Seton Hall University: Using smart phones in K-16 Chinese classrooms
2. Da, Jun, Middle Tennessee State University, Using WeChat for Chinese language teaching and learning
3. Lin, Chin-His, Michigan State University, Introduction to MOOCs
4. Liu, Shijuan, and Yeh, ChinHuei, Indiana University of Pennsylvania and Shrewsbury Public Schools: Using tablets (iPads) in K-16 Chinese classrooms: Pedagogical, technical, and managerial challenges and solutions
5. Xie, Tianwei, California State University, Long Beach: Electricslide and remote presentation; Using Screencast-o-matic to make a micro-film for your presentation
6. Zhang, Phyllis, George Washington University: Simple solutions to daily tasks for Chinese language teaching and learning
Conference Main Theme
Technology Literacy and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century
Topics Included but Not Limited to
• Mobile-assisted Chinese language teaching and learning
• Cloud computing in Chinese language teaching
• Web/mobile participatory learning tools
• ntercultural exchange and web mediated communication
• Usage, assessment, device, curriculum design, and development of technology-based Chinese language teaching
• Virtual classroom
• Blended instruction
• Distance learning
• Network-based language testing
• Digital instructional materials development
• Multimedia instruction and second language acquisition
• Issues in CALL study
• Technology and second language acquisition
• Corpus study and database in Chinese language teaching
• Emerging technologies and their application in Chinese language teaching
• Other related topics on technology-enhanced Chinese language teaching
Conference Languages
Chinese and English
Publications of the presented papers
In Conference proceedings, available on site to be published by Tufts University Press.
Selected papers will be published in Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching and Series of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the U.S. by China Social Sciences Press (中国社会科学出版社)
Registration Fee will cover conference materials including the Conference Proceedings and meal and beverages during the three days conference. See TCLT8 website for details.
About TCLT
Initiated by Hamilton College in 2000, Technology and Chinese Language Teaching aims to bridge the gap between technology and teaching methodology and curriculum as well as to enhance the exchange of technology-based Chinese language learning and instruction. The combination of in-depth panel discussions and hands-on workshops on up-to-date technologies on Chinese language teaching is a hallmark of this biennial conference. Over the past 14 years, more than 200 institutions from 17 countries and regions have sent hundreds of professionals to join TCLT. To further the exchange and discussions on technology and Chinese language teaching, TCLT launched its peer-reviewed on-line Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in 2010 and started the publication of the Series of U.S. Technology and Chinese Language Teaching (《美国科技与中文教学》, 中 国社会科学出版社) in 2012.
TCLT homepage
第四屆兩岸華文教師論壇--March 30, 2014
◎會期時間: 2014年8月22日至26日
董鵬程 世界華語文教育學會秘書長、研究員
郭 熙 北京華文學院副院長、教授
1. 摘要限中文,內容須包括:論題、主要內容、取材、研究方法、預期成果。字數600-1000,於4月30日前將word及pdf檔案以Email方式發至 [email protected] (臺灣學者);[email protected](大陸學者)。主辦方邀請相關學者組成學術審議小組,對論文摘要進行審查,於5月30日公佈評審結果,主辦方將發出正式邀請信。
2. 摘要審查通過者,全文以10000字為限,請於7月20日前,將word及pdf檔案、論文使用授權書以Email方式發至 [email protected](臺灣學者);[email protected](大陸學者),格式容後通知。
3. 論文全文將製作電子書,優秀論文將推薦至相關華文教學研究刊物發表。
(二)提交華文教學觀摩簡報者,請於4月30日前提供參加者名單、內容簡介、設備需求等,以Email方式發至 [email protected](臺灣學者);[email protected](大陸學者),評審通過後於5月30日前發出正式邀請信。
(三)提交教案編寫者,限中文提供完整教案,內容須包括:教學目標、對象、時間、教材、活動設計、作業與評量。字數3000字以內,於4月30日前將word及pdf檔案以Email方式發至[email protected](臺灣學者);[email protected](大陸學者)。主辦方邀請相關學者組成教案審議小組,對教案進行審查,於 5月30日公佈評審結果並正式發出邀請信。
1. 提交論文(含教案設計、教學觀摩)評審通過邀請者,往返交通費自理,主辦單位招待會議膳宿及文化參訪。(參訪安排近期公布)
2. 會議註冊費:新臺幣2500元,世華會會員新臺幣2000元
E-mail:[email protected](臺灣學者)
E-mail:[email protected]
[email protected]
◎會期時間: 2014年8月22日至26日
董鵬程 世界華語文教育學會秘書長、研究員
郭 熙 北京華文學院副院長、教授
1. 摘要限中文,內容須包括:論題、主要內容、取材、研究方法、預期成果。字數600-1000,於4月30日前將word及pdf檔案以Email方式發至 [email protected] (臺灣學者);[email protected](大陸學者)。主辦方邀請相關學者組成學術審議小組,對論文摘要進行審查,於5月30日公佈評審結果,主辦方將發出正式邀請信。
2. 摘要審查通過者,全文以10000字為限,請於7月20日前,將word及pdf檔案、論文使用授權書以Email方式發至 [email protected](臺灣學者);[email protected](大陸學者),格式容後通知。
3. 論文全文將製作電子書,優秀論文將推薦至相關華文教學研究刊物發表。
(二)提交華文教學觀摩簡報者,請於4月30日前提供參加者名單、內容簡介、設備需求等,以Email方式發至 [email protected](臺灣學者);[email protected](大陸學者),評審通過後於5月30日前發出正式邀請信。
(三)提交教案編寫者,限中文提供完整教案,內容須包括:教學目標、對象、時間、教材、活動設計、作業與評量。字數3000字以內,於4月30日前將word及pdf檔案以Email方式發至[email protected](臺灣學者);[email protected](大陸學者)。主辦方邀請相關學者組成教案審議小組,對教案進行審查,於 5月30日公佈評審結果並正式發出邀請信。
1. 提交論文(含教案設計、教學觀摩)評審通過邀請者,往返交通費自理,主辦單位招待會議膳宿及文化參訪。(參訪安排近期公布)
2. 會議註冊費:新臺幣2500元,世華會會員新臺幣2000元
E-mail:[email protected](臺灣學者)
E-mail:[email protected]
[email protected]
中国比较文学学会中美比较文化研究会第九届年会暨国际学术研讨会--March 30, 2014
北京大学 · 南京大学 · 南京师范大学
一. 中心议题:变化中的中美文化
二. 具体议题:
1. 中美文化研究之于当下中国社会文化发展的意义
2. 变化中的中美文化研究
3. 美国语言文化在中国的教学与传播
4. 中国语言文化在美国的教学与传播
5. 中美文学与文化的翻译与传播
6. 中美影视与流行文化
7. 中美文化/文学研究的其他课题
三. 论文摘要(500字)提交时间:2014年3月10日前。
四. 会务费: 600元;全日制在读研究生300元。
五. 联系人:1. 李倩。论文摘要请投电子信箱:[email protected]
2. 中美比较文化研究会秘书处联系人:
姚君伟:13913936212;[email protected]
2014. 2. 24.
北京大学 · 南京大学 · 南京师范大学
一. 中心议题:变化中的中美文化
二. 具体议题:
1. 中美文化研究之于当下中国社会文化发展的意义
2. 变化中的中美文化研究
3. 美国语言文化在中国的教学与传播
4. 中国语言文化在美国的教学与传播
5. 中美文学与文化的翻译与传播
6. 中美影视与流行文化
7. 中美文化/文学研究的其他课题
三. 论文摘要(500字)提交时间:2014年3月10日前。
四. 会务费: 600元;全日制在读研究生300元。
五. 联系人:1. 李倩。论文摘要请投电子信箱:[email protected]
2. 中美比较文化研究会秘书处联系人:
姚君伟:13913936212;[email protected]
2014. 2. 24.
第11届对外汉语汉语国际学术研讨会(ICCSL 11)邀请函 --March 26, 2014
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台灣華語文教學學會第十三屆教學年會暨國際學術研討會--March 22, 2014
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第八屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會徵稿啟事--March 22, 2014
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Workshop announcement: Songs and Storytelling--March 21, 2014
Songs and Storytelling: Developing Fluency and Literacy in the Chinese Classroom
Presenters: Robin Harvey & Pauline Huang, Authors of Rhythms and Tones 1 & 2: Inventive Songs & Chants for Learning Chinese
Target Audience: PreK -12 teachers
Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Location: New York University, East Building, 3rd Floor
Address: 239 Green Street, NY, NY 10003
Subway: R, N to 8th Street/NYU or A, B, C, D, E, F, M to West 4th Street/Washington Square
Registration on line: https://docs.google.com/a/nyu.edu/forms/d/1-ysAFcMvYFc5l4cu3zo0SXx__unH2UFy2nF6UaZnnMo/viewform
Workshop Description:
Every child loves music and stories – our students do! Starting with a simple song, how far can our students go? Combining the two elements in our classroom setting creates a unique and engaging learning experience for our students. In this workshop, we will share(Smartboard) lesson plans, activities and strategies for using songs and chants as the starting point for developing fluency and literacy in the Chinese language classroom. We will also introduce a few iPad apps that can be used to create our own stories. PreK-12 teachers in particular will benefit from this workshop.
This workshop is co-sponsored by CLTA-GNY, NYU Project for Developing Chinese Language Teachers, and the NYS RBE-RN.
Pat Lo
Resource Specialist
New York State Language RBE-RN
NYU Metro Center at Steinhardt
726 Broadway, 5th Floor, Suite 514
New York, New York 10003
212 992 9377
[email protected]
Presenters: Robin Harvey & Pauline Huang, Authors of Rhythms and Tones 1 & 2: Inventive Songs & Chants for Learning Chinese
Target Audience: PreK -12 teachers
Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Location: New York University, East Building, 3rd Floor
Address: 239 Green Street, NY, NY 10003
Subway: R, N to 8th Street/NYU or A, B, C, D, E, F, M to West 4th Street/Washington Square
Registration on line: https://docs.google.com/a/nyu.edu/forms/d/1-ysAFcMvYFc5l4cu3zo0SXx__unH2UFy2nF6UaZnnMo/viewform
Workshop Description:
Every child loves music and stories – our students do! Starting with a simple song, how far can our students go? Combining the two elements in our classroom setting creates a unique and engaging learning experience for our students. In this workshop, we will share(Smartboard) lesson plans, activities and strategies for using songs and chants as the starting point for developing fluency and literacy in the Chinese language classroom. We will also introduce a few iPad apps that can be used to create our own stories. PreK-12 teachers in particular will benefit from this workshop.
This workshop is co-sponsored by CLTA-GNY, NYU Project for Developing Chinese Language Teachers, and the NYS RBE-RN.
Pat Lo
Resource Specialist
New York State Language RBE-RN
NYU Metro Center at Steinhardt
726 Broadway, 5th Floor, Suite 514
New York, New York 10003
212 992 9377
[email protected]
Spring 2014 DCLT forums--March 20, 2014
March 28: Bringing Chinese Culture to Life
April 18: Rock that Movie Night!
Celebrate the creativity and language skills of middle and high school Chinese language learners at the awards ceremony for the 2014 Rock that Movie Competition! Enjoy a screening of winning videos, and meet some of the wonderful students who worked hard to create them!
DCLT Friday Night Forums are held in NYU's Kimball Hall Lounge, 246 Greene Street at Waverly Place, from 5 - 8 p.m. Dinner will be served at each event. Professional development credits are available for in-service teachers. Register here!
- Chinese paper-cutting and the multicultural curriculum: Jian "Monk" Liu, Clara Barton High School
- Shadow Theatre, a special presentation by Chinese Theatre Works
April 18: Rock that Movie Night!
Celebrate the creativity and language skills of middle and high school Chinese language learners at the awards ceremony for the 2014 Rock that Movie Competition! Enjoy a screening of winning videos, and meet some of the wonderful students who worked hard to create them!
DCLT Friday Night Forums are held in NYU's Kimball Hall Lounge, 246 Greene Street at Waverly Place, from 5 - 8 p.m. Dinner will be served at each event. Professional development credits are available for in-service teachers. Register here!
台灣華語文教學學會今年六月主辦的兩岸四地漢語問題研討會--Feb. 17, 2014
第八屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會 第八屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會 第八屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會 第八屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會 第八屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會 第八屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會 「兩岸四地語言與生活 兩岸四地語言與生活 兩岸四地語言與生活 」
第一號徵稿通知 第一號徵稿通知
會議地點 : 淡江大學 臺北校園 (臺 灣北市金華街 199 巷 5號)
會議時間 : 201 4年 6月 12 至 13 日(星期 四、五);14 至 15 日(星期六、日) (星期六、日) (星期六、日) 金門 文化參訪
主辦單 位: 台灣華語文教學會
承辦單位 : 臺灣師範大學華語文教系暨研究所
協辦單位 : 中國社會科學 院語言研究所、南開大中國社會科學 院語言研究所、南開大、南洋理工大學 南洋理工大學 南洋理工大學 南洋理工大學 南洋理工大學 新加坡華文教研中心、 新加坡華文教研中心、 新加坡華文教研中心、 新加坡華文教研中心、 新加坡華文教研中心、 新加坡華文教研中心、 新加坡華文教研中心、 新加坡華文教研中心、 新加坡華文教研中心、 淡 江大學 (中國文學學系、 華語中心 )、銘傳大學華語文教系
會議 形式 : 專題演講、 論文發表座談 會、書籍教材展 示
研討內容 : 本次大會主題要圍繞在「兩岸四地 本次大會主題要圍繞在「兩岸四地 的語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 以下四大類之議題,專家學者可針對申請討論。藉由進行重 以下四大類之議題,專家學者可針對申請討論。藉由進行重 以下四大類之議題,專家學者可針對申請討論。藉由進行重 以下四大類之議題,專家學者可針對申請討論。藉由進行重 點分析,提供與會先進建立研究、教學等社群間之互動以升漢語門的術 點分析,提供與會先進建立研究、教學等社群間之互動以升漢語門的術 點分析,提供與會先進建立研究、教學等社群間之互動以升漢語門的術 點分析,提供與會先進建立研究、教學等社群間之互動以升漢語門的術 水準。 一、語言生活交際議題。 二、漢語教與學及言生活。 三、時代變遷與新舊詞語消長。 四、其他與漢語發展相關的議題。
重要 時程:
摘要截止日期: 201 4年 3月 20 20 日止。
審查結果 公告: 於 201 4年 4月 15 日前以電子郵件通知,並於 網站公佈 。
全文繳交日期: 2014 年 5月 20 日前。
投稿類別 :
一、 單篇投稿:
指單篇論文之投稿,包括中(或英)題目、關鍵字摘要 400 -800 字。
二、 小組投稿( Panel ):
每組包括三至四篇相關之論文 每組包括三至四篇相關之論文 每組包括三至四篇相關之論文 每組包括三至四篇相關之論文 ,集中合 併投稿,由其中一位發表者擔任負責人 併投稿,由其中一位發表者擔任負責人 併投稿,由其中一位發表者擔任負責人 併投稿,由其中一位發表者擔任負責人 併投稿,由其中一位發表者擔任負責人 ; 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 文之題目及其摘要 ;每篇400 -800 字。
投稿方式 : 請進入活動 網站 (http://atcsl.org/activities/ )註冊 並登入 、繳交摘要。
─台灣華語文教學會秘書處 台灣華語文教學會秘書處 台灣華語文教學會秘書處 台灣華語文教學會秘書處 台灣華語文教學會秘書處 ─
郵政信箱: 郵政信箱: 106 99 臺北郵局第 北郵局第 北郵局第 7-520 號信箱 號信箱
電話 /傳真: 傳真: +886+886+886+886-2-2351 -1619
EmailEmailEmailEmail :[email protected]@[email protected]@deps.ntnu.edu.tw [email protected]@[email protected] [email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@deps.ntnu.edu.tw
活動網站:http://atcsl.org/activities/http://atcsl.org/activities/ http://atcsl.org/activities/ http://atcsl.org/activities/http://atcsl.org/activities/ http://atcsl.org/activities/ http://atcsl.org/activities/http://atcsl.org/activities/http://atcsl.org/activities/ http://atcsl.org/activities/http://atcsl.org/activities/ http://atcsl.org/activities/ http://
第一號徵稿通知 第一號徵稿通知
會議地點 : 淡江大學 臺北校園 (臺 灣北市金華街 199 巷 5號)
會議時間 : 201 4年 6月 12 至 13 日(星期 四、五);14 至 15 日(星期六、日) (星期六、日) (星期六、日) 金門 文化參訪
主辦單 位: 台灣華語文教學會
承辦單位 : 臺灣師範大學華語文教系暨研究所
協辦單位 : 中國社會科學 院語言研究所、南開大中國社會科學 院語言研究所、南開大、南洋理工大學 南洋理工大學 南洋理工大學 南洋理工大學 南洋理工大學 新加坡華文教研中心、 新加坡華文教研中心、 新加坡華文教研中心、 新加坡華文教研中心、 新加坡華文教研中心、 新加坡華文教研中心、 新加坡華文教研中心、 新加坡華文教研中心、 新加坡華文教研中心、 淡 江大學 (中國文學學系、 華語中心 )、銘傳大學華語文教系
會議 形式 : 專題演講、 論文發表座談 會、書籍教材展 示
研討內容 : 本次大會主題要圍繞在「兩岸四地 本次大會主題要圍繞在「兩岸四地 的語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 語言與生活」上,並以此主題為基礎分 以下四大類之議題,專家學者可針對申請討論。藉由進行重 以下四大類之議題,專家學者可針對申請討論。藉由進行重 以下四大類之議題,專家學者可針對申請討論。藉由進行重 以下四大類之議題,專家學者可針對申請討論。藉由進行重 點分析,提供與會先進建立研究、教學等社群間之互動以升漢語門的術 點分析,提供與會先進建立研究、教學等社群間之互動以升漢語門的術 點分析,提供與會先進建立研究、教學等社群間之互動以升漢語門的術 點分析,提供與會先進建立研究、教學等社群間之互動以升漢語門的術 水準。 一、語言生活交際議題。 二、漢語教與學及言生活。 三、時代變遷與新舊詞語消長。 四、其他與漢語發展相關的議題。
重要 時程:
摘要截止日期: 201 4年 3月 20 20 日止。
審查結果 公告: 於 201 4年 4月 15 日前以電子郵件通知,並於 網站公佈 。
全文繳交日期: 2014 年 5月 20 日前。
投稿類別 :
一、 單篇投稿:
指單篇論文之投稿,包括中(或英)題目、關鍵字摘要 400 -800 字。
二、 小組投稿( Panel ):
每組包括三至四篇相關之論文 每組包括三至四篇相關之論文 每組包括三至四篇相關之論文 每組包括三至四篇相關之論文 ,集中合 併投稿,由其中一位發表者擔任負責人 併投稿,由其中一位發表者擔任負責人 併投稿,由其中一位發表者擔任負責人 併投稿,由其中一位發表者擔任負責人 併投稿,由其中一位發表者擔任負責人 ; 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 投稿資料包括中文(或英)總主題,之說明、各篇相關性每論 文之題目及其摘要 ;每篇400 -800 字。
投稿方式 : 請進入活動 網站 (http://atcsl.org/activities/ )註冊 並登入 、繳交摘要。
─台灣華語文教學會秘書處 台灣華語文教學會秘書處 台灣華語文教學會秘書處 台灣華語文教學會秘書處 台灣華語文教學會秘書處 ─
郵政信箱: 郵政信箱: 106 99 臺北郵局第 北郵局第 北郵局第 7-520 號信箱 號信箱
電話 /傳真: 傳真: +886+886+886+886-2-2351 -1619
EmailEmailEmailEmail :[email protected]@[email protected]@deps.ntnu.edu.tw [email protected]@[email protected] [email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@deps.ntnu.edu.tw
活動網站:http://atcsl.org/activities/http://atcsl.org/activities/ http://atcsl.org/activities/ http://atcsl.org/activities/http://atcsl.org/activities/ http://atcsl.org/activities/ http://atcsl.org/activities/http://atcsl.org/activities/http://atcsl.org/activities/ http://atcsl.org/activities/http://atcsl.org/activities/ http://atcsl.org/activities/ http://
2015年第五届国际汉语教师培养论坛 -- Feb. 4, 2015
一、 时间、地点
地点:北京 国家开放大学五棵松校区(海淀区复兴路75号)
二、 论坛主题、议题
1. 教师教育者的自我提升与汉语国际教育可持续发展
2. 国际汉语教师的培养标准研究
3. 汉语国际教育的对象研究与教学资源建设
4. 基础教育阶段本土汉语教师培养问题研究
5. 国际汉语教师的跨文化交际能力培养研究
6. 汉语国际教育学科建设与课程设置
7. 国际汉语教师职业发展与能力评估
三、 论坛形式
1. 主论坛:主旨报告,高端峰会
2. 分论坛:分主题报告,专题研讨
3. 展板报告:在会场设置展板,以图文形式展示学术论文、教学简报、科研成果等,并提供时段供作者与感兴趣者交流
4. 工作坊:新技术应用及体验
四、 重要时间及参会流程
1. 提交参会回执及论文摘要截止时间:2015年4月30日
请将电子版参会回执发送至秘书处邮箱:[email protected]。申请会议正式发言者请同时提交论文摘要。摘要要求及范例详见附件。论文全文会后提交。
2. 寄发邀请函时间:2015年5月15日
3. 提交展板报告时间:2015年5月31日前
本届论坛同时欢迎参会者提交通过展板展示的论文、报告、教学简报等,或组织专题研讨小组。请将展板报告内容、专题研讨的题目、关键词和专题组成员信息等资料发送至秘书处邮箱:[email protected]。
4. 报到时间:2015年7月16日上午,论坛召开时间:7月16日下午~18日
5. 提交论文全文时间:2015年9月30日前
五、 论坛专家委员会
崔永华 北京语言大学出版社
丁安琪 华东师范大学国际汉语教师研修基地
姜明宝 国家汉办
姜丽萍 北京语言大学对外汉语研究中心
李 泉 中国人民大学文学院
魏 红 云南师范大学国际汉语教育学院
徐子亮 华东师范大学对外汉语学院
张建民 华东师范大学国际汉语教师研修基地
张双鼓 中国教育发展战略学会
张新生 英国理启蒙大学
张 英 北京大学对外汉语教育学院
周 健 暨南大学华文学院,广东外语外贸大学南国商学院
周小兵 中山大学国际汉语学院、国际汉语教材研发与培训基地
朱瑞平 北京师范大学汉语文化学院
六、 会务费
七、 秘书处联系方式
联 系 人:杜亮、熊照辉
电 话:+86-(0)10-57519204,57519167
邮 箱:[email protected]
传 真:+86-(0)10-57519166
通讯地址:北京市海淀区复兴路75号A0701 邮编:100039
一、 时间、地点
地点:北京 国家开放大学五棵松校区(海淀区复兴路75号)
二、 论坛主题、议题
1. 教师教育者的自我提升与汉语国际教育可持续发展
2. 国际汉语教师的培养标准研究
3. 汉语国际教育的对象研究与教学资源建设
4. 基础教育阶段本土汉语教师培养问题研究
5. 国际汉语教师的跨文化交际能力培养研究
6. 汉语国际教育学科建设与课程设置
7. 国际汉语教师职业发展与能力评估
三、 论坛形式
1. 主论坛:主旨报告,高端峰会
2. 分论坛:分主题报告,专题研讨
3. 展板报告:在会场设置展板,以图文形式展示学术论文、教学简报、科研成果等,并提供时段供作者与感兴趣者交流
4. 工作坊:新技术应用及体验
四、 重要时间及参会流程
1. 提交参会回执及论文摘要截止时间:2015年4月30日
请将电子版参会回执发送至秘书处邮箱:[email protected]。申请会议正式发言者请同时提交论文摘要。摘要要求及范例详见附件。论文全文会后提交。
2. 寄发邀请函时间:2015年5月15日
3. 提交展板报告时间:2015年5月31日前
本届论坛同时欢迎参会者提交通过展板展示的论文、报告、教学简报等,或组织专题研讨小组。请将展板报告内容、专题研讨的题目、关键词和专题组成员信息等资料发送至秘书处邮箱:[email protected]。
4. 报到时间:2015年7月16日上午,论坛召开时间:7月16日下午~18日
5. 提交论文全文时间:2015年9月30日前
五、 论坛专家委员会
崔永华 北京语言大学出版社
丁安琪 华东师范大学国际汉语教师研修基地
姜明宝 国家汉办
姜丽萍 北京语言大学对外汉语研究中心
李 泉 中国人民大学文学院
魏 红 云南师范大学国际汉语教育学院
徐子亮 华东师范大学对外汉语学院
张建民 华东师范大学国际汉语教师研修基地
张双鼓 中国教育发展战略学会
张新生 英国理启蒙大学
张 英 北京大学对外汉语教育学院
周 健 暨南大学华文学院,广东外语外贸大学南国商学院
周小兵 中山大学国际汉语学院、国际汉语教材研发与培训基地
朱瑞平 北京师范大学汉语文化学院
六、 会务费
七、 秘书处联系方式
联 系 人:杜亮、熊照辉
电 话:+86-(0)10-57519204,57519167
邮 箱:[email protected]
传 真:+86-(0)10-57519166
通讯地址:北京市海淀区复兴路75号A0701 邮编:100039
The 3rd Symposium on the Supervision of Research Students in TCSL--Jan. 26, 2014
中国唐代文学学会第十七届年会暨唐代文学国际学术讨论会--Jan. 13, 2014
由中国唐代文学学会和苏州大学文学院、苏州大学古典文献研究所主办的中国唐代文学学会第十七届年会暨唐代文学国际学术讨论会将于2014年10月10日至13日在苏州大学举行。素仰 先生于唐代文学造诣深湛,建树良多,特邀请您莅临本次会议。兹将有关事宜通知如下:
联系人: 罗时进 手机 13812795169 信箱:[email protected]
黄建林 手机:15895585929 信箱:[email protected](指定信箱)
王志刚 手机:18852403480信箱:[email protected](指定信箱)
- 地域文化与唐代文学关系研究
- 家族文化与唐代文学关系研究
- 唐代江南文学家及其创作研究
- 唐代文学海外传播、影响研究
- 唐代应用文体研究
- 唐代文学新见史料研究
- 近代唐文学史家研究
- 唐代文学研究重大问题再讨论
联系人: 罗时进 手机 13812795169 信箱:[email protected]
黄建林 手机:15895585929 信箱:[email protected](指定信箱)
王志刚 手机:18852403480信箱:[email protected](指定信箱)
Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association Style Sheet --Jan. 2, 2014
《美国中文教学与研究》 稿约
《美国中文教学与研究》(Journal of Chinese Teaching and Research in the U.S.)是大纽约地区中文教师学会(Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York) 的学术刊物。本学刊主要登载与美国中文教学有关的学术研究和心得,同时也刊登世界中文教学与研究,以及国内外汉学研究的文章。本学刊为年刊,每年5月在美国纽约出版。
关于论文的体例及具体要求,请参阅Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association
Style Sheet.
有兴趣向《美国中文教学与研究》(2014)学刊投稿者请于2014年2月15日前将论文全文通过电子邮件寄给本刊编辑委员会,地址如下:Huang, Yonggang< [email protected]>
Jiao, Xiaoxiao <[email protected]> 编委收到论文后,会尽快与赐稿者联系。
Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association Style Sheet
《美国中文教学与研究》(Journal of Chinese Teaching and Research in the U.S.)是大纽约地区中文教师学会(Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York) 的学术刊物。本学刊主要登载与美国中文教学有关的学术研究和心得,同时也刊登世界中文教学与研究,以及国内外汉学研究的文章。本学刊为年刊,每年5月在美国纽约出版。
关于论文的体例及具体要求,请参阅Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association
Style Sheet.
有兴趣向《美国中文教学与研究》(2014)学刊投稿者请于2014年2月15日前将论文全文通过电子邮件寄给本刊编辑委员会,地址如下:Huang, Yonggang< [email protected]>
Jiao, Xiaoxiao <[email protected]> 编委收到论文后,会尽快与赐稿者联系。
Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association Style Sheet
- Manuscripts
submitted to the Journal must not have been previously published elsewhere --
either in print or electronically -- nor currently under review for possible
publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic format,
with an original hardcopy mailed to -CLTA-GNY.
- The
Journal publishes articles in both English and Chinese. English articles should
go through a spelling and grammar check on the computer before submission.
Authors writing in their non-native language are advised to have their articles
thoroughly edited by professionals with native-level proficiency in that
language prior to submission.
- Documentation
of sources: Authors should adhere to established academic standards for
acknowledging sources and avoiding plagiarism. Information on what constitutes
plagiarism and how to avoid it is available at: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/research/r_plagiar.html.
Manuscript Preparation:
4.All manuscripts must be readable in MS Word with all the original formatting.
- Diagrams,
tables, and charts must be no more than 5" wide in order to be
accommodated within the width of the Journal, and the font size should be no
smaller than 9 points in order to be legible (main text is printed in 11
- Chinese
characters in articles written in English: Characters should be used in example
sentences. Romanization may be added at the author's discretion. For occasional
Chinese words within English text, characters may be used to accompany
Romanized words on first occurrence, and where they facilitate identification,
but not with words or names that are well-known or can be readily identified.
In all cases, Chinese characters must be displayable with MS Word.
- Romanization:
Except for established proper nouns and terminology, Romanization should be
done in standard Hanyu Pinyin. Tonal markings should be made by using either
the Unicode-compliant Times New Roman font with tone-marked vowels or tone
numbers at the end of each syllable (which will be converted to tone diacritics
by the Editor).
- Footnotes
rather than endnotes should be used within the manuscript.
- References
and Bibliographies: Contemporary standard formats used in academic publications
are acceptable. Items in Chinese and Western Languages may be grouped
separately or listed together. Chinese listings must include characters for
authors and titles, while Romanization for Chinese titles is unnecessary and
translation of the titles into English is optional. Other formatting matters
such as the use of capitalization, italics and punctuation should also be
consistent throughout the bibliography. Authors may also refer to the
bibliographies in recent issues of the Journal as samples.
- All articles should have a title in both
English and Chinese.
- All articles should have an abstract in both
English and Chinese. Abstract should be placed before main text, and English
abstract should appear before Chinese abstract.
- All articles should include a short bio (either
in English or in Chinese) about the author and it should be placed in the end
of the article. The bio should include author’s name, affiliation, and areas of
research. The length of the bio should be less than 80 words.
Teaching Chinese in the Global Community:
Developing Communicative Competence in a New Age -- posted on Nov. 13, 2013
The 12th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, sponsored by the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York (CLTA-GNY), New York University and Nanjing University, will be held on Saturday, May 3, and Sunday, May 4, 2014 at New York University's Kimmel Center. The full conference program begins with breakfast on May 3, and ends after lunch on Sunday, May 4. We welcome your participation!
As Chinese language educators, we are charged with the task of teaching Chinese to studentsof all ages, from a wide variety of backgrounds, with widely varying interests and experiences and differing motivations for studying Chinese. Our students often have limited knowledge about China and limited exposure to Chinese language and culture.
The world continues to get smaller as advances in technology connect us more closely every day. Yet, at the same time, gaps in our understanding still occur - cultural insensitivity exists and we fail to understand each other and truly respect our varying cultural viewpoints. So, as we consider culture, we must not just traditional culture, which informs our deepest belief systems, but also modern and popular culture, which reflects the real lives of our students and their counterparts in China. I t is not enough to teach language alone: we must teach culture, develop cross-cultural values such as mutual understanding, respect, tolerance, empathy, and many others through comparative and contrastive study of Asian culture and Western culture.
As teachers, we need ongoing support and training in understanding the schools in which we teach, our students and their parents; well-planned and structured training in new trends of standards-based learning to align our teaching to the Common Core Standards, immersion strategies, and the teaching of culture. We must find ways to reach our students, digital natives for whom technology is second nature and whose ways of learning may be influenced by the key role that multimedia devices play in their lives. We must base our teaching on the latest theoretical and linguistic breakthroughs to assist us in developing our instructional plans and syllabi for the teaching of Chinese.
We must be committed to improving the quality of Chinese instruction in schools, and to the development of a student population with a global competence. Join us at the 2014 Annual Conference of the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York to discuss these ideas and continue in the professional development of the Chinese teaching community!
We invite you to submit a proposal for our conference! All proposals on the teaching of Chinese in are welcome, including but not limited to innovative approaches in addressing the following areas of interest:
• CULTURAL Competence: developing global competence and mutual understanding, working with diverse students, pragmatics.
• TECHNOLOGICAL Competence: using technology to engage our students and advance their learning
• PEDAGOGICAL Competence: curriculum and instruction, including standards-based teaching and learning and assessment
• LINGUISTIC competence: research and advances in linguistics to inform our teaching
• PROGRAMMATIC competence : Teacher training and professional development, sustainability of programs, articulation of programs.
The CLTA-GNY Conference Committee welcomes submissions of one-page proposals on subjects relevant to the above themes or other topics of interest to the K-16 Chinese teaching community. Papers may be either in Chinese or English. Panel proposals as well as proposals for individual papers will be considered. All proposals will be reviewed anonymously. Individual papers will be grouped into panels by themes. Panels will be 75 minutes long with four presenters.
Proposals should be submitted to [email protected] as a Word document and are due no later than February 15, 2014. Late submissions will not be considered.
Questions: [email protected]
The conference website is http://clta-gny.org/14conf/14conf.html, where you can see updates, info about registration, conference venue, hotel recommendations, conference chairs and conference committee.
Please note the following:
The conference fee is $30.
We'll be only accepting online registration.
Keynote speakers will be announced in due time.
Hope to see you all at NYU next May!
CLTA-GNY Conference Committee
As Chinese language educators, we are charged with the task of teaching Chinese to studentsof all ages, from a wide variety of backgrounds, with widely varying interests and experiences and differing motivations for studying Chinese. Our students often have limited knowledge about China and limited exposure to Chinese language and culture.
The world continues to get smaller as advances in technology connect us more closely every day. Yet, at the same time, gaps in our understanding still occur - cultural insensitivity exists and we fail to understand each other and truly respect our varying cultural viewpoints. So, as we consider culture, we must not just traditional culture, which informs our deepest belief systems, but also modern and popular culture, which reflects the real lives of our students and their counterparts in China. I t is not enough to teach language alone: we must teach culture, develop cross-cultural values such as mutual understanding, respect, tolerance, empathy, and many others through comparative and contrastive study of Asian culture and Western culture.
As teachers, we need ongoing support and training in understanding the schools in which we teach, our students and their parents; well-planned and structured training in new trends of standards-based learning to align our teaching to the Common Core Standards, immersion strategies, and the teaching of culture. We must find ways to reach our students, digital natives for whom technology is second nature and whose ways of learning may be influenced by the key role that multimedia devices play in their lives. We must base our teaching on the latest theoretical and linguistic breakthroughs to assist us in developing our instructional plans and syllabi for the teaching of Chinese.
We must be committed to improving the quality of Chinese instruction in schools, and to the development of a student population with a global competence. Join us at the 2014 Annual Conference of the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York to discuss these ideas and continue in the professional development of the Chinese teaching community!
We invite you to submit a proposal for our conference! All proposals on the teaching of Chinese in are welcome, including but not limited to innovative approaches in addressing the following areas of interest:
• CULTURAL Competence: developing global competence and mutual understanding, working with diverse students, pragmatics.
• TECHNOLOGICAL Competence: using technology to engage our students and advance their learning
• PEDAGOGICAL Competence: curriculum and instruction, including standards-based teaching and learning and assessment
• LINGUISTIC competence: research and advances in linguistics to inform our teaching
• PROGRAMMATIC competence : Teacher training and professional development, sustainability of programs, articulation of programs.
The CLTA-GNY Conference Committee welcomes submissions of one-page proposals on subjects relevant to the above themes or other topics of interest to the K-16 Chinese teaching community. Papers may be either in Chinese or English. Panel proposals as well as proposals for individual papers will be considered. All proposals will be reviewed anonymously. Individual papers will be grouped into panels by themes. Panels will be 75 minutes long with four presenters.
Proposals should be submitted to [email protected] as a Word document and are due no later than February 15, 2014. Late submissions will not be considered.
Questions: [email protected]
The conference website is http://clta-gny.org/14conf/14conf.html, where you can see updates, info about registration, conference venue, hotel recommendations, conference chairs and conference committee.
Please note the following:
The conference fee is $30.
We'll be only accepting online registration.
Keynote speakers will be announced in due time.
Hope to see you all at NYU next May!
CLTA-GNY Conference Committee
Huaxia Annual Teachers Conference--posted on Nov. 10, 2013
Huaxia Chinese School (HXCS) will hold its annual Teachers Conference on November 16 and 17, 2013 at Double Tree by Hilton Somerset Hotel and Conference Center, 200 Atrium Drive, Somerset, New Jersey, 08873. (http://tinyurl.com/lw7qpmj)
Established in 1995 as a non-profit organization, HXCS is dedicated to teaching Chinese language (Mandarin) and Chinese culture using simplified Chinese characters and Pin Yin (Chinese phonic system). Being the largest of its kind in the United States, the school consists of 20 branches, serving over 7,000 students in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. For more information about HXCS, please visit our web site at www.hxcs.org. This will be the third year in a row for Huaxia to hold the conference in two day format. The previous two conferences were very well received by HXCS teachers and attendees from other educational institutions alike. With nearly 400 people attending each year, the conference has become a must-go event for people interested in Chinese teaching across the country. We will offer the same high quality programs over the two day period. This year¡¯s theme will be around the enrichment of cultural elements and enhancement of classroom teaching skills. Speakers will include many renowned education experts and experienced teachers. There will also be plenty of opportunities for attendees to socialize and exchange ideas. By giving considerations to people who need to travel long distance, the conference will start on Saturday afternoon, and end on Sunday afternoon. Whether you are a teacher of weekend Chinese school or at a school district, a curriculum director, an administrator, a private tutor, or a parent of Chinese learning students, this event will bring you up-to-date on recent development and best practices in teaching Chinese language and culture. We sincerely hope you will join us for the two days of intense while fun-filled activities.
For tentative program schedule and other details, please see attached. Official Programs and Schedule will be published prior to the event at www.hxcs.org.
Please direct all your questions related to 2013 Huaxia Teachers Conference via email to 2013hxtc @gmail.com.
Established in 1995 as a non-profit organization, HXCS is dedicated to teaching Chinese language (Mandarin) and Chinese culture using simplified Chinese characters and Pin Yin (Chinese phonic system). Being the largest of its kind in the United States, the school consists of 20 branches, serving over 7,000 students in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. For more information about HXCS, please visit our web site at www.hxcs.org. This will be the third year in a row for Huaxia to hold the conference in two day format. The previous two conferences were very well received by HXCS teachers and attendees from other educational institutions alike. With nearly 400 people attending each year, the conference has become a must-go event for people interested in Chinese teaching across the country. We will offer the same high quality programs over the two day period. This year¡¯s theme will be around the enrichment of cultural elements and enhancement of classroom teaching skills. Speakers will include many renowned education experts and experienced teachers. There will also be plenty of opportunities for attendees to socialize and exchange ideas. By giving considerations to people who need to travel long distance, the conference will start on Saturday afternoon, and end on Sunday afternoon. Whether you are a teacher of weekend Chinese school or at a school district, a curriculum director, an administrator, a private tutor, or a parent of Chinese learning students, this event will bring you up-to-date on recent development and best practices in teaching Chinese language and culture. We sincerely hope you will join us for the two days of intense while fun-filled activities.
For tentative program schedule and other details, please see attached. Official Programs and Schedule will be published prior to the event at www.hxcs.org.
Please direct all your questions related to 2013 Huaxia Teachers Conference via email to 2013hxtc @gmail.com.
《世界汉语教学学会通讯》征稿--posted on Nov. 8, 2013
邮件投稿:[email protected]
邮件投稿:[email protected]
TCM and Contemporary Chinese Society--Posted on Nov. 4, 2013
The Confucius Institute of Rutgers University is
holding a conference in late November.
"Traditional Chinese Medicine and Contemporary Society: Theory
and Practice in the Global Age"
Date: November 21-22, 2013 (Thursday and Friday) 9:00AM-5:00PM
Location: Rutgers University Alexander Library 403 Lecture Hall
169 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Description: We will be looking at basic concepts of Traditional
Chinese Medicine (TCM) Reconsidered, TCM and its modern
transformation, the integration of Chinese and Western Medicine
as well as other topics. There will also be display cases on the
history and modern development of TCM as well as demonstrations
of TCM practices by a number of local New Jersey exhibitors.
Can you please kindly publish the event information for us? (Please see
attached document) We would love it if our community members could join us
in attendance in learning about this.
Also, I only have this email under our contacts. Can you please advise if
it has changed and in that case, who to send this information to?
Many thanks and happy November!
Lauryn Siu
Lauryn Siu
Administrative Assistant
Confucius Institute of Rutgers University
College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: (848)
Fax: (732)
holding a conference in late November.
"Traditional Chinese Medicine and Contemporary Society: Theory
and Practice in the Global Age"
Date: November 21-22, 2013 (Thursday and Friday) 9:00AM-5:00PM
Location: Rutgers University Alexander Library 403 Lecture Hall
169 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Description: We will be looking at basic concepts of Traditional
Chinese Medicine (TCM) Reconsidered, TCM and its modern
transformation, the integration of Chinese and Western Medicine
as well as other topics. There will also be display cases on the
history and modern development of TCM as well as demonstrations
of TCM practices by a number of local New Jersey exhibitors.
Can you please kindly publish the event information for us? (Please see
attached document) We would love it if our community members could join us
in attendance in learning about this.
Also, I only have this email under our contacts. Can you please advise if
it has changed and in that case, who to send this information to?
Many thanks and happy November!
Lauryn Siu
Lauryn Siu
Administrative Assistant
Confucius Institute of Rutgers University
College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: (848)
Fax: (732)
第十二届国际汉语教学学术研讨会--posted on Nov. 2, 2013
2014年6月27日-29日 中国 哈尔滨
国际汉语教育是中国与各国友好交往的重要渠道,也是中国与各国未来相互理解并持续友好合作发展的基础性事业。为拓宽这个渠道、发展这个事业,需要不断加强 海内外国际汉语教师、学者、专家之间的学术交流与合作。为此,第十二届国际汉语教学学术研讨会定于2014年6月27—29日在哈尔滨召开。本届会议将由 中国黑龙江省教育厅、哈尔滨工业大学和美国罗德岛大学主办,现将会议的相关事项通知如下:
1. 国际汉语教师面临的挑战与应对策略
2. 国际汉语教师教育与培训
6. 现代教育科技在国际汉语教学中的应用
7. 国际汉语教学中的文化交流及文化冲突
9. 孔子学院的发展与面临的问题
国内请发至:[email protected]
海外请发至:[email protected]并抄送:[email protected]
料(有效学生证及所在院系证明信)。会务费用含就餐、宴会、会间观光、论文集、会场租用等费用。会议组委会将于2014年4月1日前网上发布付费办法及住 宿等信息。会务费应于2014年4月30日前交付。
★ 重 要 日 期 提 示 ★
2014年3月1 日——论文全稿提交截止
杨韬 (哈尔滨工业大学)
任淑晶 (CET哈尔滨项目)
杨 奕 (哈尔滨工业大学)
崔海燕( 东北林业大学)
电子邮箱:[email protected]
电子邮箱:[email protected]
The 12th
International Conference on Chinese Pedagogy
(The 1st Announcement)
June 27-29, 2014, Harbin, China
The 12th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy, sponsored
by Department of Education, Heilongjiang Province; Harbin Institute of
Technology, and the University of Rhode Island will be held in Harbin, China, on
June 27-29, 2014. The 12th International Conference aims at continuing to
promote academic communication and cooperation among teachers and scholars of
CFL inside and outside China. The theme of the Conference is the challenges and
opportunities for teachers of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL). The 12th
Conference welcomes Chinese language teachers and scholars to submit papers on,
but not limited to, the following topics:
1. Challenges and Strategies for CFL Teachers
2. CFL Teachers' Education and Training
3. Research on the Chinese language and
4. Research on Chinese as a
Second Language Acquisition
5. The
Development of CFL Methodology
Modern Educational Technologies Applications in CFL
7. Cultural Exchanges and Conflicts in CFL
8. Content-based Chinese language
9. Developments and
challenge of Confucius Institutes
Papers to be submitted
should be unpublished original research work by presenters, and they can be
either in English or in Chinese.
Conference Timeline:
1. By December
1, 2013: Conference attendees should fill out the Attendee's Format
2. By January 1, 2014, please submit an abstract no longer than 400
words, including a title and key words. Please also provide your name,
affiliation, and email address.
Attendees from China send to:[email protected]
Attendees from overseas send to:[email protected] and
cc:[email protected]
3. By February 1, 2014,
abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by the Conference Committee and results
will be sent out by email.
4. By
March 1, 2014, those whose abstracts are accepted, and they wish to have their
papers published in the conference proceedings must submit their full papers to
the committee for an anonymous review.)
5. Before April 1, 2014 review results
will be sent out via email. Those papers that need to be revised at the request
of the Conference Committee must be revised, completed, and returned by April
15, 2014.
6. Conference Fee is due
on April 30, 2014. The conference fee for attendees in mainland China is ¥900.
All other attendees USD $230. Graduate students without a full-time teaching
position can have 50% discount for the registration fee (need to provide a copy
of valid student ID and an official letter from the affiliated institution as a
proof). Conference fees will cover meals and banquets during the conference, the
sightseeing tour during the conference break, conference proceedings, conference
facilities, etc. The payment method will be posted on the conference website
before April 1, 2014.
Information about the after-conference tours will be announced separately.
II. Important Dates
1, 2013: Attendee's Form due
1, 2014: Paper abstract due
1, 2014: Abstract review result notification
March 1, 2014: Full paper due
April 1, 2014: Full paper review result notification,
filling out reply form and paying for conference fee
April 15, 2014: Revised full paper due
April 30, 2014 conference fee due
III. Conference Committee
Conference Chair: Yang, Tao (Harbin Institute of Technology)
Co-Chair: Tian, Chunfang (Department of Education,
Heilongjiang Province)
Overseas Conference Chair: Dr. Wayne
Wenchao He (the University of Rhode Island)
Co-Chair: Dr. John Zhiqiang Yu (the City University of New York)
Committee Members:
Dr. Wayne
Wenchao He, the University of Rhode Island
Dr. Ling Mu, Yale University
Dr. Ted Tao-chung Yao, the University of Hawaii
Dr. John Jing-hua Yin, the University of Vermont
Dr. John Zhiqiang Yu, the City University of New York
Tian, Chunfang, Department of
Education, Heilongjiang Province
Yang, Tao, Harbin Institute of Technology
Wang, Lei, Department of Education, Heilongjiang
Ren, Shujing, the CET
Harbin Program
Zhang,Qiao, the
Higher Education Press Heilongjiang Center
Qu, Fengrong (Harbin Normal University)
Yang, Yi (Harbin Institute of Technology)
Hu, Tingting, (Harbin College),
Cui, Haiyan (Northeast Forest
IV. Conference Contacts:
Mr. Lei Wang
Email: [email protected]
Miss Xiaoyan Hu
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 1-401-874-2554
V. Conference Web Addresses:
Conference Website:
Submitting conference information
2014年6月27日-29日 中国 哈尔滨
国际汉语教育是中国与各国友好交往的重要渠道,也是中国与各国未来相互理解并持续友好合作发展的基础性事业。为拓宽这个渠道、发展这个事业,需要不断加强 海内外国际汉语教师、学者、专家之间的学术交流与合作。为此,第十二届国际汉语教学学术研讨会定于2014年6月27—29日在哈尔滨召开。本届会议将由 中国黑龙江省教育厅、哈尔滨工业大学和美国罗德岛大学主办,现将会议的相关事项通知如下:
1. 国际汉语教师面临的挑战与应对策略
2. 国际汉语教师教育与培训
6. 现代教育科技在国际汉语教学中的应用
7. 国际汉语教学中的文化交流及文化冲突
9. 孔子学院的发展与面临的问题
国内请发至:[email protected]
海外请发至:[email protected]并抄送:[email protected]
料(有效学生证及所在院系证明信)。会务费用含就餐、宴会、会间观光、论文集、会场租用等费用。会议组委会将于2014年4月1日前网上发布付费办法及住 宿等信息。会务费应于2014年4月30日前交付。
★ 重 要 日 期 提 示 ★
2014年3月1 日——论文全稿提交截止
杨韬 (哈尔滨工业大学)
任淑晶 (CET哈尔滨项目)
杨 奕 (哈尔滨工业大学)
崔海燕( 东北林业大学)
电子邮箱:[email protected]
电子邮箱:[email protected]
The 12th
International Conference on Chinese Pedagogy
(The 1st Announcement)
June 27-29, 2014, Harbin, China
The 12th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy, sponsored
by Department of Education, Heilongjiang Province; Harbin Institute of
Technology, and the University of Rhode Island will be held in Harbin, China, on
June 27-29, 2014. The 12th International Conference aims at continuing to
promote academic communication and cooperation among teachers and scholars of
CFL inside and outside China. The theme of the Conference is the challenges and
opportunities for teachers of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL). The 12th
Conference welcomes Chinese language teachers and scholars to submit papers on,
but not limited to, the following topics:
1. Challenges and Strategies for CFL Teachers
2. CFL Teachers' Education and Training
3. Research on the Chinese language and
4. Research on Chinese as a
Second Language Acquisition
5. The
Development of CFL Methodology
Modern Educational Technologies Applications in CFL
7. Cultural Exchanges and Conflicts in CFL
8. Content-based Chinese language
9. Developments and
challenge of Confucius Institutes
Papers to be submitted
should be unpublished original research work by presenters, and they can be
either in English or in Chinese.
Conference Timeline:
1. By December
1, 2013: Conference attendees should fill out the Attendee's Format
2. By January 1, 2014, please submit an abstract no longer than 400
words, including a title and key words. Please also provide your name,
affiliation, and email address.
Attendees from China send to:[email protected]
Attendees from overseas send to:[email protected] and
cc:[email protected]
3. By February 1, 2014,
abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by the Conference Committee and results
will be sent out by email.
4. By
March 1, 2014, those whose abstracts are accepted, and they wish to have their
papers published in the conference proceedings must submit their full papers to
the committee for an anonymous review.)
5. Before April 1, 2014 review results
will be sent out via email. Those papers that need to be revised at the request
of the Conference Committee must be revised, completed, and returned by April
15, 2014.
6. Conference Fee is due
on April 30, 2014. The conference fee for attendees in mainland China is ¥900.
All other attendees USD $230. Graduate students without a full-time teaching
position can have 50% discount for the registration fee (need to provide a copy
of valid student ID and an official letter from the affiliated institution as a
proof). Conference fees will cover meals and banquets during the conference, the
sightseeing tour during the conference break, conference proceedings, conference
facilities, etc. The payment method will be posted on the conference website
before April 1, 2014.
Information about the after-conference tours will be announced separately.
II. Important Dates
1, 2013: Attendee's Form due
1, 2014: Paper abstract due
1, 2014: Abstract review result notification
March 1, 2014: Full paper due
April 1, 2014: Full paper review result notification,
filling out reply form and paying for conference fee
April 15, 2014: Revised full paper due
April 30, 2014 conference fee due
III. Conference Committee
Conference Chair: Yang, Tao (Harbin Institute of Technology)
Co-Chair: Tian, Chunfang (Department of Education,
Heilongjiang Province)
Overseas Conference Chair: Dr. Wayne
Wenchao He (the University of Rhode Island)
Co-Chair: Dr. John Zhiqiang Yu (the City University of New York)
Committee Members:
Dr. Wayne
Wenchao He, the University of Rhode Island
Dr. Ling Mu, Yale University
Dr. Ted Tao-chung Yao, the University of Hawaii
Dr. John Jing-hua Yin, the University of Vermont
Dr. John Zhiqiang Yu, the City University of New York
Tian, Chunfang, Department of
Education, Heilongjiang Province
Yang, Tao, Harbin Institute of Technology
Wang, Lei, Department of Education, Heilongjiang
Ren, Shujing, the CET
Harbin Program
Zhang,Qiao, the
Higher Education Press Heilongjiang Center
Qu, Fengrong (Harbin Normal University)
Yang, Yi (Harbin Institute of Technology)
Hu, Tingting, (Harbin College),
Cui, Haiyan (Northeast Forest
IV. Conference Contacts:
Mr. Lei Wang
Email: [email protected]
Miss Xiaoyan Hu
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 1-401-874-2554
V. Conference Web Addresses:
Conference Website:
Submitting conference information
《美国中文教学与研究》 稿约--posted on Oct. 4, 2013
《美国中文教学与研究》 稿约
《美国中文教学与研究》(Journal of
Chinese Teaching and Research in the U.S.)是大纽约地区中文教师学会(Chinese Language Teachers
Association of Greater New York)
关于论文的体例及具体要求,请参阅Journal of
Chinese Language Teachers Association Style Sheet (attached).
Yonggang< [email protected]>
Jiao, Xiaoxiao <[email protected]> 编委收到论文后,会尽快与赐稿者联系。
《美国中文教学与研究》(Journal of
Chinese Teaching and Research in the U.S.)是大纽约地区中文教师学会(Chinese Language Teachers
Association of Greater New York)
关于论文的体例及具体要求,请参阅Journal of
Chinese Language Teachers Association Style Sheet (attached).
Yonggang< [email protected]>
Jiao, Xiaoxiao <[email protected]> 编委收到论文后,会尽快与赐稿者联系。
NCLTA Conference Information--posted on Sep. 14, 2013
Dear NECLTA members and friends, Hope this email finds you well. Now that Friday the 13th is behind us, we can take a few minutes this weekend and safely complete our conference registration.
For those of you who have already completed your conference registration, thank you! Your registration helps us better prepare and organize the conference.
For those of you who have not had the time to complete your registration yet, please do so as soon as you can. For those who are still not sure about your schedules, we can extend our registration deadline to 9/22. We really appreciate it if you can complete your registration ASAP. I. Registration information For your convenience, here are a few key links to help you complete your registration. 1. 2013 NECLTA Conference registration : https://tufts.qualtrics.com/SE/? SID=SV_7ZYvwc3KYVXfEqh Please complete the registration as soon as you can, but no later than 9/15, 2013. You cannot attend the conference without completing this registration. This applies to everyone, even if you are a board member, or a presenter. 2. 2013-2014 NECLTA membership registration/renewal : https://tufts.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_aaa1Jo6iuvgSLXv You might also use this opportunity to renew your NECLTA membership. The 2012-2013 membership ends on September 30th, 2013 . Your 2013-2014 membership covers the period between October 1st, 2013 and September 30th, 2014. You $20 regular membership dues will allow us to waive your $20 conference registration fee, waive your $10 lunch charge, and waive your $10 bus ride charge. As a member of NECLTA, you also enjoy other membership benefits as well. Please visit neclta.org for more information about our organization. 3. Online PayPal payment option : http://www.neclta.org/membership/payment We encourage you to pay your membership dues online. It's quick and easy. For those of you who prefer to make your payment by check, please make your check payable to NECLTA and mail it to NECLTA 180 Packard Ave, Olin 326 Medford, MA 02155 II. Hotel information For those of you who need to stay overnight, here's a place for your consideration. Holiday Inn 3009 Tower Hill Road South Kingstown, RI 02874 401-789-1051 Holiday Inn will be able to offer you a rate of $109/night (regularly $209). Just mention "URI Confucius Institute" when you make your reservation to receive the special rate. If you are staying at the hotel and need a ride to the conference site, please email Xie Laoshi at [email protected] . We will arrange pick-up service from the hotel to the conference site. III. Panel chairs Panel members whose names are coded red in the attached program are designated panel chairs. As panel chairs, you are responsible for the smooth execution of your panel presentations . Specifically, you need to make sure that: 1. Your panel members arrive early for the presentation; 2. You have agreed on the order of presentation; 3. You have set time limits on your presentations; 4. You equipment is working properly . Please note that all the classrooms are equipped with
For those of you who have already completed your conference registration, thank you! Your registration helps us better prepare and organize the conference.
For those of you who have not had the time to complete your registration yet, please do so as soon as you can. For those who are still not sure about your schedules, we can extend our registration deadline to 9/22. We really appreciate it if you can complete your registration ASAP. I. Registration information For your convenience, here are a few key links to help you complete your registration. 1. 2013 NECLTA Conference registration : https://tufts.qualtrics.com/SE/? SID=SV_7ZYvwc3KYVXfEqh Please complete the registration as soon as you can, but no later than 9/15, 2013. You cannot attend the conference without completing this registration. This applies to everyone, even if you are a board member, or a presenter. 2. 2013-2014 NECLTA membership registration/renewal : https://tufts.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_aaa1Jo6iuvgSLXv You might also use this opportunity to renew your NECLTA membership. The 2012-2013 membership ends on September 30th, 2013 . Your 2013-2014 membership covers the period between October 1st, 2013 and September 30th, 2014. You $20 regular membership dues will allow us to waive your $20 conference registration fee, waive your $10 lunch charge, and waive your $10 bus ride charge. As a member of NECLTA, you also enjoy other membership benefits as well. Please visit neclta.org for more information about our organization. 3. Online PayPal payment option : http://www.neclta.org/membership/payment We encourage you to pay your membership dues online. It's quick and easy. For those of you who prefer to make your payment by check, please make your check payable to NECLTA and mail it to NECLTA 180 Packard Ave, Olin 326 Medford, MA 02155 II. Hotel information For those of you who need to stay overnight, here's a place for your consideration. Holiday Inn 3009 Tower Hill Road South Kingstown, RI 02874 401-789-1051 Holiday Inn will be able to offer you a rate of $109/night (regularly $209). Just mention "URI Confucius Institute" when you make your reservation to receive the special rate. If you are staying at the hotel and need a ride to the conference site, please email Xie Laoshi at [email protected] . We will arrange pick-up service from the hotel to the conference site. III. Panel chairs Panel members whose names are coded red in the attached program are designated panel chairs. As panel chairs, you are responsible for the smooth execution of your panel presentations . Specifically, you need to make sure that: 1. Your panel members arrive early for the presentation; 2. You have agreed on the order of presentation; 3. You have set time limits on your presentations; 4. You equipment is working properly . Please note that all the classrooms are equipped with
ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando--posted on Aug. 28, 2013
Did you know that ACTFL is hosting one of the largest professional development conferences for language educators in the world? The ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida from November 22-24, 2013 (pre-convention workshops, Thursday, November 21) is the perfect professional development opportunity - from the pre-convention workshops to the more than 600 sessions during the Convention - all in one convenient location. You can receive a minimum of 20 continuing education hours for attending just the Convention and an additional 6 hours for attending a full-day or 3 hours for attending a half-day pre-convention workshop. CEU forms will be available on-site for your convenience.
The pre-convention workshops on November 21 provide an opportunity for you to have a more in-depth learning experience on a particular subject. This year we have several workshops and session options for teachers of Chinese.
W09 Advanced Placement (AP) Chinese Language and Culture Workshop
9:00 am – 4:30 pm, November 21, 2013
New and experienced AP teachers as well as Chinese language educators interested in learning about instructional design and assessment for equivalent college courses will come away with concrete strategies for designing and implementing an effective AP Chinese Language and Culture curriculum. Participants will learn how to align their instruction with the goals of the course, how to build students’ proficiencies in the modes of communication as defined in the Standards for Learning: Preparing for the 21st Century, and how to integrate “authentic materials” into language instruction. Everyone attending this workshop will gain a comprehensive understanding of the exam structure and learn strategies to help students prepare for the exam. Participants will receive advice about how to prepare for the AP Course Audit. Each participant will receive a copy of the AP Workshop Handbook. Portions of this workshop will be conducted in Chinese. This workshop is limited to 35 participants.
The Learning Target for this workshop is Standards & Assessment and it will be presented by Richard T. Chi, University of Utah.
W23 Immersion Workshop: Embedding Culture in the Teaching of Chinese
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm, November 21, 2013
Join your colleagues in this immersion workshop where you will experience specific strategies for teaching cultures of the Chinese speaking worlds. While immersing in the language and culture throughout the workshop, each participant will come to better understand cultural perspectives that permeate the practices and products of the cultures where Chinese is the dominant language. The featured cultural topics will provide examples of how to link the learning goals for culture with those for developing language proficiency. Educators will access and examine a variety of resources to help prepare language learners at all levels to understand, communicate, and function within another culture. This workshop builds on the strategies presented in the morning’s related workshop “Developing Cultural Proficiency”; however, participants are not required to attend the morning workshop in order to participate in this immersion workshop. The workshop will be conducted entirely in Chinese, giving participants valuable language practice.
The Learning Target for this workshop is Cultural Proficiency and it will be presented by Shuhan Wang, Independent Consultant
Your convention experience does not end here. There are hundreds of educational sessions intended for teachers of Chinese that you will want to attend. Check out the entire convention program online and develop your own personal schedule. The ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo is the place to be for the largest variety of educational sessions for language professionals of all levels.
Make sure to register by October 30 to take advantage of the advance registration savings. Don't forget to book your hotel room by October 24 to receive a discounted room.
We look forward to seeing you in Orlando!
The pre-convention workshops on November 21 provide an opportunity for you to have a more in-depth learning experience on a particular subject. This year we have several workshops and session options for teachers of Chinese.
W09 Advanced Placement (AP) Chinese Language and Culture Workshop
9:00 am – 4:30 pm, November 21, 2013
New and experienced AP teachers as well as Chinese language educators interested in learning about instructional design and assessment for equivalent college courses will come away with concrete strategies for designing and implementing an effective AP Chinese Language and Culture curriculum. Participants will learn how to align their instruction with the goals of the course, how to build students’ proficiencies in the modes of communication as defined in the Standards for Learning: Preparing for the 21st Century, and how to integrate “authentic materials” into language instruction. Everyone attending this workshop will gain a comprehensive understanding of the exam structure and learn strategies to help students prepare for the exam. Participants will receive advice about how to prepare for the AP Course Audit. Each participant will receive a copy of the AP Workshop Handbook. Portions of this workshop will be conducted in Chinese. This workshop is limited to 35 participants.
The Learning Target for this workshop is Standards & Assessment and it will be presented by Richard T. Chi, University of Utah.
W23 Immersion Workshop: Embedding Culture in the Teaching of Chinese
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm, November 21, 2013
Join your colleagues in this immersion workshop where you will experience specific strategies for teaching cultures of the Chinese speaking worlds. While immersing in the language and culture throughout the workshop, each participant will come to better understand cultural perspectives that permeate the practices and products of the cultures where Chinese is the dominant language. The featured cultural topics will provide examples of how to link the learning goals for culture with those for developing language proficiency. Educators will access and examine a variety of resources to help prepare language learners at all levels to understand, communicate, and function within another culture. This workshop builds on the strategies presented in the morning’s related workshop “Developing Cultural Proficiency”; however, participants are not required to attend the morning workshop in order to participate in this immersion workshop. The workshop will be conducted entirely in Chinese, giving participants valuable language practice.
The Learning Target for this workshop is Cultural Proficiency and it will be presented by Shuhan Wang, Independent Consultant
Your convention experience does not end here. There are hundreds of educational sessions intended for teachers of Chinese that you will want to attend. Check out the entire convention program online and develop your own personal schedule. The ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo is the place to be for the largest variety of educational sessions for language professionals of all levels.
Make sure to register by October 30 to take advantage of the advance registration savings. Don't forget to book your hotel room by October 24 to receive a discounted room.
We look forward to seeing you in Orlando!
《语言教学与研究》《世界汉语教学》提供链键查阅--posted on Aug. 21, 2013
Part-time Mandarin teacher needed for Novice High--posted on Aug. 20, 2013
Part-time Mandarin teacher needed for Novice High 9th grade student, 3 times a week during school hours, with 1 session face to face and the others via Skype or google voice. Curriculum to be covered must meet high school credit requirements for HS Chinese 3. Payment on a per session basis. Start September 9. Contact [email protected].
《世界漢語教學學會通訊》2013 年第2 期正式出版--posted on June 3, 2013
本刊常年徵稿,可通過學會網站在線提交稿件或通過電子郵件投稿。投稿請使用Word 格式,並在文末附上作者真實姓名、工作單位、個人簡介及電話、電子郵件、郵政地址等聯繫方式。歡迎投稿的同時附上與文章內容相關,或能反映當地漢語教學風貌、師生風采的精彩圖片。圖片要求像素不小於2000 ×1500 。
郵件投稿:[email protected]
本刊常年徵稿,可通過學會網站在線提交稿件或通過電子郵件投稿。投稿請使用Word 格式,並在文末附上作者真實姓名、工作單位、個人簡介及電話、電子郵件、郵政地址等聯繫方式。歡迎投稿的同時附上與文章內容相關,或能反映當地漢語教學風貌、師生風采的精彩圖片。圖片要求像素不小於2000 ×1500 。
郵件投稿:[email protected]
WTO―中國論壇國際漢語教學研究《徵文》公告--posted on June 1, 2013
WTO―中國論壇秉承“求同存異,整合資源:承前啟後,學以致用”的理念,實施一項《促進國際漢語教學三合一工程》,Trinity Project to Promotion on International Chinese Teaching(TP-PICT)簡稱“三合一工程”,旨在拓展國際院校與國際網絡兩個層面的工作:
電子郵箱:[email protected]
WTO―中國論壇秉承“求同存異,整合資源:承前啟後,學以致用”的理念,實施一項《促進國際漢語教學三合一工程》,Trinity Project to Promotion on International Chinese Teaching(TP-PICT)簡稱“三合一工程”,旨在拓展國際院校與國際網絡兩個層面的工作:
電子郵箱:[email protected]
《语言教学与研究》和《世界汉语教学》目录与概要--posted on May 14, 2013
第二届汉语独特性理论与教学国际研讨会的会议--posted on May 13, 2013
上海外国语大学与法国汉语教师协会联合举办的第二届汉语独特性理论与教学国际研讨会将于 2013 年 10 月 18 日至 20 日在上海外国语大学虹口校区举行。
汉语独特性理论与教学国际研讨会由上海外国语大学和法国汉语教师协会于 2009 年发起,会议为中外学者交流汉语独特性理论与教学的成果与经验提供平台。第二届会议将进一步推动我国汉语理论界和汉语国际教育学术界在汉语独特性领域的研究与教学的发展,同时也使国内外学者对汉语独特性研究的最新状况有一个比较全面的了解。会议欢迎所有对汉语独特性有兴趣的同行,尤其欢迎
会议时间:2013 年 10 月 19 日(周六)至 20 日(周日)
报到时间:10 月 18 日(周五)全天和 10 月 19 日(周六)上午 7:30~8:30
报到地点:上海市大连西路 550 号,上海外国语大学校内迎宾馆会议的形式会议将采用全会、分组讨论和辩论专场三种形式,全会将邀请海内外著名字本位和词本位理论学者和教学专家作主题演讲。分组讨论将分为理论和教学两组,理论组鼓励语言理论不同观点的交锋,教学组将探讨字本位及其他汉语独特性理论在对内对外汉语教学上的应用。另外,我们还将设两个半天分别进行理论交锋和教学争鸣两个专场辩论。
~字本位汉语教学 20 年历程的回顾与展望
会务费 600 元(研究生减半);往返旅费、食宿费自理。
4000~6000 字之间(含标题、摘要、正文、脚注、尾注、参考文献等内容)。已
全文提交截止时间为 2013 年 8 月 31 日。
论文全文请保存为两种格式:办公文档格式(doc、docx 或 odt)和印刷文
件发至 [email protected],以收到回复确认为准。
会议秘书处将组织专家对论文集中审阅,并于 2013 年 9 月 10 日之前向录用
论文排版格式要求附后。论文的第一页请务必包含如下内容:(1) 中英文姓
名;(2) 所属院校;(3) 电子邮箱;(4) 中英文论文题目;(5) 中英文论文摘要和
电话:86-21-67701908 或 86-21-35372635
电邮:[email protected]
上海外国语大学与法国汉语教师协会联合举办的第二届汉语独特性理论与教学国际研讨会将于 2013 年 10 月 18 日至 20 日在上海外国语大学虹口校区举行。
汉语独特性理论与教学国际研讨会由上海外国语大学和法国汉语教师协会于 2009 年发起,会议为中外学者交流汉语独特性理论与教学的成果与经验提供平台。第二届会议将进一步推动我国汉语理论界和汉语国际教育学术界在汉语独特性领域的研究与教学的发展,同时也使国内外学者对汉语独特性研究的最新状况有一个比较全面的了解。会议欢迎所有对汉语独特性有兴趣的同行,尤其欢迎
会议时间:2013 年 10 月 19 日(周六)至 20 日(周日)
报到时间:10 月 18 日(周五)全天和 10 月 19 日(周六)上午 7:30~8:30
报到地点:上海市大连西路 550 号,上海外国语大学校内迎宾馆会议的形式会议将采用全会、分组讨论和辩论专场三种形式,全会将邀请海内外著名字本位和词本位理论学者和教学专家作主题演讲。分组讨论将分为理论和教学两组,理论组鼓励语言理论不同观点的交锋,教学组将探讨字本位及其他汉语独特性理论在对内对外汉语教学上的应用。另外,我们还将设两个半天分别进行理论交锋和教学争鸣两个专场辩论。
~字本位汉语教学 20 年历程的回顾与展望
会务费 600 元(研究生减半);往返旅费、食宿费自理。
4000~6000 字之间(含标题、摘要、正文、脚注、尾注、参考文献等内容)。已
全文提交截止时间为 2013 年 8 月 31 日。
论文全文请保存为两种格式:办公文档格式(doc、docx 或 odt)和印刷文
件发至 [email protected],以收到回复确认为准。
会议秘书处将组织专家对论文集中审阅,并于 2013 年 9 月 10 日之前向录用
论文排版格式要求附后。论文的第一页请务必包含如下内容:(1) 中英文姓
名;(2) 所属院校;(3) 电子邮箱;(4) 中英文论文题目;(5) 中英文论文摘要和
电话:86-21-67701908 或 86-21-35372635
电邮:[email protected]
CALL FOR PAPERS, 1st Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Hong Kong--posted on April 16, 2013
The First International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Hong Kong, December 4-6 (Wed-Fri), 2013
The School of Chinese, University of Hong Kong will host the First International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language on 4-6 December, 2013. The conference will bring together scholars and teachers
of the Chinese language worldwide to discuss the current situation and cutting-edge developments of teaching Chinese as a foreign language (TCFL). Conference languages will be both Chinese and English. The Organizing Committee invites proposals in the following broad themes:
1. History of TCFL
2. Curriculum Design
3. Development of Materials
4. Theories of TCFL
5. Cross-cultural Studies in TCFL
6. Chinese Language Teachers' Training and Professional Development
7. Computer-assisted Language Learning
8. Second Language Acquisition
9. Testing and Assessment
10. Chinese Linguistic Research (including phonology, syntax and semantics)
Please send the application form <http://web.chinese.hku.hk/recent%20events/tcfl2013/application_form.pdf>
and a 300-word/character abstract (in either English or Chinese) via email to [email protected] on or before June 15, 2013. Abstracts should include a summary of the objectives, methods and expected results of the study.
Please do not send full papers. Only unpublished studies will be accepted. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by July 15, 2013. There is no registration fee for participants. A welcome dinner and meals for three
days (4-6 Dec) will be provided to participants.
Dr. Yan Yan Chan
Email: [email protected]
The School of Chinese, University of Hong Kong will host the First International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language on 4-6 December, 2013. The conference will bring together scholars and teachers
of the Chinese language worldwide to discuss the current situation and cutting-edge developments of teaching Chinese as a foreign language (TCFL). Conference languages will be both Chinese and English. The Organizing Committee invites proposals in the following broad themes:
1. History of TCFL
2. Curriculum Design
3. Development of Materials
4. Theories of TCFL
5. Cross-cultural Studies in TCFL
6. Chinese Language Teachers' Training and Professional Development
7. Computer-assisted Language Learning
8. Second Language Acquisition
9. Testing and Assessment
10. Chinese Linguistic Research (including phonology, syntax and semantics)
Please send the application form <http://web.chinese.hku.hk/recent%20events/tcfl2013/application_form.pdf>
and a 300-word/character abstract (in either English or Chinese) via email to [email protected] on or before June 15, 2013. Abstracts should include a summary of the objectives, methods and expected results of the study.
Please do not send full papers. Only unpublished studies will be accepted. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by July 15, 2013. There is no registration fee for participants. A welcome dinner and meals for three
days (4-6 Dec) will be provided to participants.
Dr. Yan Yan Chan
Email: [email protected]
International Journal of Chinese Linguistics calls for paper--posted on May 9, 2013
International Journal of Chinese Linguistics
第三届国际汉语教师培养论坛”将于7月在中国北京举行--posted on April 28, 2013
“第三届国际汉语教师培养论坛”将于2013年7月12~14日在中国北京举行。 现将参加论坛的相关事项通知如下:
7月12日 报到及论坛开幕
7月12-13日 主论坛、分论坛、专题论坛、圆桌论坛讨论,论坛闭幕
7月14日 组织文化考察活动
1.预订方式:请在“确认参会信息表”中填写酒店及房间信息发至论坛秘书处邮箱([email protected])。希望双人入住标间者,如已选定合住人,请填写合住人信息;如未选定合住人,
邮 箱:[email protected]/ [email protected]
传 真:+86-10-57519166 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +86-10-57519166 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
电 话:+86-10-57519166 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +86-10-57519166 end_of_the_skype_highlighting,57519204
通讯地址:北京市海淀区复兴路75号A0701/0727 邮编:100039
联 系 人:杜 亮 王 芊
了 解 往 届 论 坛 纪 实 及 本 届 论 坛 最 新 动 态 , 请 关 注:http://forum.myechinese.com
对外汉语教学中心 论坛秘书处
邮箱:[email protected] / [email protected]
电话:+86-10-57519166 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +86-10-57519166 end_of_the_skype_highlighting,+86-10-57519204
传真:+86-10-57519166 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +86-10-57519166 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
地址:北京市海淀区复兴路75号 100039
“第三届国际汉语教师培养论坛”将于2013年7月12~14日在中国北京举行。 现将参加论坛的相关事项通知如下:
7月12日 报到及论坛开幕
7月12-13日 主论坛、分论坛、专题论坛、圆桌论坛讨论,论坛闭幕
7月14日 组织文化考察活动
1.预订方式:请在“确认参会信息表”中填写酒店及房间信息发至论坛秘书处邮箱([email protected])。希望双人入住标间者,如已选定合住人,请填写合住人信息;如未选定合住人,
邮 箱:[email protected]/ [email protected]
传 真:+86-10-57519166 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +86-10-57519166 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
电 话:+86-10-57519166 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +86-10-57519166 end_of_the_skype_highlighting,57519204
通讯地址:北京市海淀区复兴路75号A0701/0727 邮编:100039
联 系 人:杜 亮 王 芊
了 解 往 届 论 坛 纪 实 及 本 届 论 坛 最 新 动 态 , 请 关 注:http://forum.myechinese.com
对外汉语教学中心 论坛秘书处
邮箱:[email protected] / [email protected]
电话:+86-10-57519166 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +86-10-57519166 end_of_the_skype_highlighting,+86-10-57519204
传真:+86-10-57519166 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +86-10-57519166 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
地址:北京市海淀区复兴路75号 100039
第十二届台湾华语文教学年会暨国际学术研讨会征稿通知--posted on April 2, 2013
Call for Paper
December 27-29, 2013
Taipei, TAIWAN
2013 International Conference of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
Association of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
Co- Sponsor:
Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, Taiwan
Department of Applied Chinese and Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
Conference site:
Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Chinese Language Teaching Materials and Pedagogy: Approach, Method, and Technique
Contrastive Analysis, Error Analysis, Interlanguage Research
Research on Acquisition of Chinese as a Second Language
Curriculum Design for Language Centers, K-16 Chinese programs
Teaching Across Age Levels, Proficiency Levels
Standard Language Assessment / Classroom-Based Language Assessment
Chinese Language Teacher Development
E-learning Technology in the Chinese Classroom
International Chinese Language Education (Sociocultural, Political, and Institutional Contexts)
Chinese for Special Purpose
The Operation and Development of Mandarin Center and Mandarin Programs
Proposal Submission:
1 For Panel Submission: A panel should include 3-4 papers with a main theme and sub-title for each paper. Materials including the main title and its description, the integration and relations of these papers, the abstracts for each paper should include 400-800 words.
2 For Individual Paper Submission: The abstract should include 400-800 words with title and keywords.
Deadlines and important dates:
-Submission of Abstracts: May 15, 2013
-Notification of Acceptance: June 30, 2013
-Full Paper Submission: October 31, 2013
Kindly visit conference website at URL http://huayu.org/2013 for registration and abstract submission. Should you need any further assistance or information about the conference, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
December 27-29, 2013
Taipei, TAIWAN
2013 International Conference of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
Association of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
Co- Sponsor:
Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, Taiwan
Department of Applied Chinese and Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
Conference site:
Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Chinese Language Teaching Materials and Pedagogy: Approach, Method, and Technique
Contrastive Analysis, Error Analysis, Interlanguage Research
Research on Acquisition of Chinese as a Second Language
Curriculum Design for Language Centers, K-16 Chinese programs
Teaching Across Age Levels, Proficiency Levels
Standard Language Assessment / Classroom-Based Language Assessment
Chinese Language Teacher Development
E-learning Technology in the Chinese Classroom
International Chinese Language Education (Sociocultural, Political, and Institutional Contexts)
Chinese for Special Purpose
The Operation and Development of Mandarin Center and Mandarin Programs
Proposal Submission:
1 For Panel Submission: A panel should include 3-4 papers with a main theme and sub-title for each paper. Materials including the main title and its description, the integration and relations of these papers, the abstracts for each paper should include 400-800 words.
2 For Individual Paper Submission: The abstract should include 400-800 words with title and keywords.
Deadlines and important dates:
-Submission of Abstracts: May 15, 2013
-Notification of Acceptance: June 30, 2013
-Full Paper Submission: October 31, 2013
Kindly visit conference website at URL http://huayu.org/2013 for registration and abstract submission. Should you need any further assistance or information about the conference, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
第三届国际汉语教师培养论坛--posted on March 25, 2013
For more details, please visit web link at http://forum.myechinese.com/2013/
- 汉语教师教育者研究
- 志愿者教师的培养与培训
- 国际汉语教师本土化培养问题
- 国际汉语教师职业发展研究
- 国际汉语教师培养方法创新
- 汉语国际教育学科建设问题研究
- E-learning背景下的教师培训资源与环境建设
For more details, please visit web link at http://forum.myechinese.com/2013/
《世界汉语教学学会通讯》2013年第1期征稿--posted on March 19, 2013
邮件投稿:[email protected]
邮件投稿:[email protected]
Engaging Language Learners through Technology Integration-posted on March 13, 2013
Proposal Submission Deadline: April 15, 2013
Engaging Language Learners through Technology Integration: Theory, Applications, and Outcomes.
A book edited by Drs. Shuai Li & Peter Swanson (Georgia State University, U.S.A.)
To be published by IGI Global: http://bit.ly/WZxPxk
The teaching and learning of second/foreign language has been revolutionized by the infusion of Web 2.0 technologies, free and open source software platforms, and thousands of apps emerging daily. The emergence of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), combined with new teaching approaches, has transformed language teaching and learning from a teacher-centered or textbook-centered instructional practice to a student-centered approach. The infusion of computer technology into innovative language teaching paradigms can help address the challenges that instructors face in traditional classrooms. For example, motivating and fostering student engagement in meaningful language practice is challenging for language instructors on multiple levels, not the least of which is overcoming perceptions of irrelevance in real-world applications. Computer technology can help address these issues by providing opportunities for learning languages in authentic environments through technologies such as synchronous computer-mediated communication (e.g., online chatting), asynchronous computer mediated communication (e.g., e-mail exchanges, blogging), and multi-user virtual environments. Such technology-informed language instruction can effectively motivate learners to engage in student-centered language tasks with real-world outcomes. Compared with traditional classroom approaches, technology-informed language instruction can better improve linguistic and cultural fluency, which is linked to increased learning output, a decreased sense of the affective obstacles to language learning, and improved quality of communication (Schinke-Llano & Vicars, 1993; Stepp-Greany, 2002).
Clearly, CALL holds much promise for effective language teaching and learning. Yet as a relatively young field of inquiry, there has been limited empirical research highlighting the learning outcomes of technology integration. Although many journals and books provide research describing how to implement technology, few chapters and articles are published showing the effectiveness of using technology for teaching languages. This book seeks to expand the knowledge base of CALL that highlights how technology impacts the teaching and learning of languages from an empirical standpoint and from a global perspective. Having a resource that includes the theoretical and practical uses of technology tools as well as learning outcomes from having integrated technology into the language learning process is important in today’s research-based, student achievement driven society. Clearly, language learning is a complex system, and the successful outcomes related to the integration of technology should be focused on.
Objective of the Book
The overarching goal of the book is to build an innovative knowledge base about CALL theory and successful practices integrating a variety of technological tools in the context of K-20 language learning. To achieve this goal, this book will present a collection of empirical studies examining theoretical issues as well as specific applications and outcomes regarding the integration of innovative technology into language teaching and learning. This book will consider a wide spectrum of technology applications for all operating systems suitable for educational purposes. Innovative research using free and open source software, proprietary software, as well as a plethora of cutting-edge apps that engage language learners and promote successful language learning will be presented along with empirical findings.
Target Audience
The target audience of this book will be composed of educational researchers, instructional technologists, K-20 language teachers, and people interested in language teaching outside formal educational environments. Faculty members at institutions of higher education as well as curriculum specialists will be able to benefit from the book for making decisions regarding curriculum development, assessment strategies, and selection of language learning technology for language labs. The book will serve as a reference for the advancement of research on and the practice of teaching and learning languages in both theoretical and practical ways. As such, this book can be used as a textbook for second/foreign language technology integration classes.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Web 2.0 tools in language teaching, learning, and testing
· Intelligent Tutoring in language teaching, learning, and testing
· Computer-mediated communication in language teaching, learning, and testing
· Corpora and concordancers in language teaching, learning, and testing
· Virtual and distant language learning technologies
· Language courseware design, development, and evaluation
· Cognitive, affective and social factors and outcomes of CALL
· Computer technology in teacher training and development
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before April 15, 2013, a chapter proposal (1-2 pages) clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by May 17, 2013 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by August 30, 2013. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the “Information Science Reference” (formerly Idea Group Reference), “Medical Information Science Reference,” “Business Science Reference,” and “Engineering Science Reference” imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com. This publication is anticipated to be released in 2014.
Important Dates
April 15, 2013: Proposal Submission Deadline
May 17 2013: Notification of Acceptance
August 30, 2013: Full Chapter Submission
October 30, 2013: Review Results Returned
November 30, 2013: Final Chapter Submission
February 15, 2014: Final Deadline
Proposal Submission Deadline: April 15, 2013
Engaging Language Learners through Technology Integration: Theory, Applications, and Outcomes.
A book edited by Drs. Shuai Li & Peter Swanson (Georgia State University, U.S.A.)
To be published by IGI Global: http://bit.ly/WZxPxk
The teaching and learning of second/foreign language has been revolutionized by the infusion of Web 2.0 technologies, free and open source software platforms, and thousands of apps emerging daily. The emergence of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), combined with new teaching approaches, has transformed language teaching and learning from a teacher-centered or textbook-centered instructional practice to a student-centered approach. The infusion of computer technology into innovative language teaching paradigms can help address the challenges that instructors face in traditional classrooms. For example, motivating and fostering student engagement in meaningful language practice is challenging for language instructors on multiple levels, not the least of which is overcoming perceptions of irrelevance in real-world applications. Computer technology can help address these issues by providing opportunities for learning languages in authentic environments through technologies such as synchronous computer-mediated communication (e.g., online chatting), asynchronous computer mediated communication (e.g., e-mail exchanges, blogging), and multi-user virtual environments. Such technology-informed language instruction can effectively motivate learners to engage in student-centered language tasks with real-world outcomes. Compared with traditional classroom approaches, technology-informed language instruction can better improve linguistic and cultural fluency, which is linked to increased learning output, a decreased sense of the affective obstacles to language learning, and improved quality of communication (Schinke-Llano & Vicars, 1993; Stepp-Greany, 2002).
Clearly, CALL holds much promise for effective language teaching and learning. Yet as a relatively young field of inquiry, there has been limited empirical research highlighting the learning outcomes of technology integration. Although many journals and books provide research describing how to implement technology, few chapters and articles are published showing the effectiveness of using technology for teaching languages. This book seeks to expand the knowledge base of CALL that highlights how technology impacts the teaching and learning of languages from an empirical standpoint and from a global perspective. Having a resource that includes the theoretical and practical uses of technology tools as well as learning outcomes from having integrated technology into the language learning process is important in today’s research-based, student achievement driven society. Clearly, language learning is a complex system, and the successful outcomes related to the integration of technology should be focused on.
Objective of the Book
The overarching goal of the book is to build an innovative knowledge base about CALL theory and successful practices integrating a variety of technological tools in the context of K-20 language learning. To achieve this goal, this book will present a collection of empirical studies examining theoretical issues as well as specific applications and outcomes regarding the integration of innovative technology into language teaching and learning. This book will consider a wide spectrum of technology applications for all operating systems suitable for educational purposes. Innovative research using free and open source software, proprietary software, as well as a plethora of cutting-edge apps that engage language learners and promote successful language learning will be presented along with empirical findings.
Target Audience
The target audience of this book will be composed of educational researchers, instructional technologists, K-20 language teachers, and people interested in language teaching outside formal educational environments. Faculty members at institutions of higher education as well as curriculum specialists will be able to benefit from the book for making decisions regarding curriculum development, assessment strategies, and selection of language learning technology for language labs. The book will serve as a reference for the advancement of research on and the practice of teaching and learning languages in both theoretical and practical ways. As such, this book can be used as a textbook for second/foreign language technology integration classes.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Web 2.0 tools in language teaching, learning, and testing
· Intelligent Tutoring in language teaching, learning, and testing
· Computer-mediated communication in language teaching, learning, and testing
· Corpora and concordancers in language teaching, learning, and testing
· Virtual and distant language learning technologies
· Language courseware design, development, and evaluation
· Cognitive, affective and social factors and outcomes of CALL
· Computer technology in teacher training and development
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before April 15, 2013, a chapter proposal (1-2 pages) clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by May 17, 2013 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by August 30, 2013. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the “Information Science Reference” (formerly Idea Group Reference), “Medical Information Science Reference,” “Business Science Reference,” and “Engineering Science Reference” imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com. This publication is anticipated to be released in 2014.
Important Dates
April 15, 2013: Proposal Submission Deadline
May 17 2013: Notification of Acceptance
August 30, 2013: Full Chapter Submission
October 30, 2013: Review Results Returned
November 30, 2013: Final Chapter Submission
February 15, 2014: Final Deadline
StartTalk Master Teacher Program--Posted on March 2, 2013
College of the Holy Cross StarTalk Master Teacher Program:
Developing Reading Literacy in Chinese
Call for Participants
Eligibility: K-16 Teachers of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) who are US citizens or legal residents, with at least 5 years of CFL experience in American classrooms
Goals: To develop level-appropriate web-based materials incorporating strategies to enhance reading comprehension for CFL learners in grades K-5, 6-8, 9-12, and 13+.
Professional Development: Seminars with national leaders in the field of CFL learning and literacy development. Collaboration with CFL instructors from across the US to address reading comprehension and articulation of instruction across grade levels. Opportunities for presentation at national conferences.
Time/Place: 10-day residential Program, July 12-July 22, 2013,
College of the Holy Cross, Worcester MA
Support: Full support for travel, meals (including daily dinners at area restaurants), and single occupancy accommodation in new, air-conditioned apartment-style dormitories.
Application: (i) Application cover sheet (ii) Resume, (iii) statement (1-2 pages) describing your teaching philosophy and explaining why you are interested in participating in this workshop on reading literacy, (iv) a sample of material that you have developed for your classroom, and, if applicable, (v) a link to any web-based material that you have developed.
Submit applications through this website:
(Please note: You will be asked to upload your resume (CV) on the first page of the application website. Once you complete the first page and press ‘apply’ you will be directed to a page that will ask you to upload additional documents. Please upload your cover letter and PDF of teaching materials on that page.)
Deadline for the receipt of applications is March 29. Successful applicants will be notified by April 20.
Organizers: Claudia Ross, Program Director; Yea-Fen Chen, Program Co-Coordinator; Baozhang He, Program Co-Coordinator; Instructional Lead, Meng Yeh.
Developing Reading Literacy in Chinese
Call for Participants
Eligibility: K-16 Teachers of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) who are US citizens or legal residents, with at least 5 years of CFL experience in American classrooms
Goals: To develop level-appropriate web-based materials incorporating strategies to enhance reading comprehension for CFL learners in grades K-5, 6-8, 9-12, and 13+.
Professional Development: Seminars with national leaders in the field of CFL learning and literacy development. Collaboration with CFL instructors from across the US to address reading comprehension and articulation of instruction across grade levels. Opportunities for presentation at national conferences.
Time/Place: 10-day residential Program, July 12-July 22, 2013,
College of the Holy Cross, Worcester MA
Support: Full support for travel, meals (including daily dinners at area restaurants), and single occupancy accommodation in new, air-conditioned apartment-style dormitories.
Application: (i) Application cover sheet (ii) Resume, (iii) statement (1-2 pages) describing your teaching philosophy and explaining why you are interested in participating in this workshop on reading literacy, (iv) a sample of material that you have developed for your classroom, and, if applicable, (v) a link to any web-based material that you have developed.
Submit applications through this website:
(Please note: You will be asked to upload your resume (CV) on the first page of the application website. Once you complete the first page and press ‘apply’ you will be directed to a page that will ask you to upload additional documents. Please upload your cover letter and PDF of teaching materials on that page.)
Deadline for the receipt of applications is March 29. Successful applicants will be notified by April 20.
Organizers: Claudia Ross, Program Director; Yea-Fen Chen, Program Co-Coordinator; Baozhang He, Program Co-Coordinator; Instructional Lead, Meng Yeh.
International Conference on Jan. 23~26, 2014
From: Katharine Mackay
Phone: (520) 626-8071
Email: [email protected]
CERCLL, Univ of AZ
We would like to add the following event, if possible:
Fourth International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence
University of Arizona, January 23-26, 2014
Website: http://cercll.arizona.edu/development/conferences/2014_icc
A professional development event for K-16 educators. Experts from across the U.S. will give presentations; attendees will collaboratively explore intercultural competence for teaching and research.
Phone: (520) 626-8071
Email: [email protected]
CERCLL, Univ of AZ
We would like to add the following event, if possible:
Fourth International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence
University of Arizona, January 23-26, 2014
Website: http://cercll.arizona.edu/development/conferences/2014_icc
A professional development event for K-16 educators. Experts from across the U.S. will give presentations; attendees will collaboratively explore intercultural competence for teaching and research.
Call for Paper--New York International Conference in May, 2013
The 11th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese Language and Culture
Global Perspectives in Chinese Language and Culture Instruction
As Chinese language programs continue to proliferate throughout the country and around the world, Chinese language educators will need to re-conceptualize Chinese language education in light of the new opportunities and challenges posed by this explosion of interest. As a rapidly increasing number of American students – at younger and younger ages – begin learning Chinese, it will be necessary to develop new ways of thinking about the Chinese language and Chinese learning that incorporate new insights in student motivation and psychology, new approaches to linguistic analysis, and that recognize the key roles played by technology and multimedia devices in students’ daily lives.
This year’s conference will address all of these opportunities and challenges, with an emphasis on the following topics, though presentations on related topics are also welcome:
(1) TECHNOLOGY: Using technology and media in the Chinese language classroom and in online and distance learning.
(2) STUDENT MOTIVATION: Increasing student motivation through creative approaches to teaching and learning and a better understanding of student psychology.
(3) ADMINISTRATION: The administrative challenges posed by the rapid rise of Chinese language education and the critical shortage of qualified Chinese teachers.
(4) PEDAGOGY: The differences between approaches to teaching Chinese to heritage and non-heritage learners; general and specialized student populations; public and private schools; urban, suburban, and rural schools, etc.
(5) LINGUISTICS: New approaches to understanding and explaining Chinese syntax, phonology, semantics, and pragmatics, including psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and cognitive science.
(6) CULTURE & TRANSLATION: Innovative ways of incorporating the teaching of culture into the language learning process and the translation of Chinese culture and literature in the US.
(7) IMMERSION: Opportunities and strategies for studying the language culture in Chinese-speaking communities around the world.
(8) ASSESSMENT: Effective methods to assess student learning.
The CLTA-GNY Conference Committee welcomes submissions of one page proposals on subjects relevant to the above themes. Papers can be either in Chinese or English. We will consider proposals for panels as well as individual papers. All proposals will be reviewed anonymously. Individual papers will be grouped into panels by themes. Panels will be 75 minutes long with four presenters. Please note that we will need separate abstracts for each paper on any panel proposal.
Please send your proposals to the below address(es) to be received by us by February 15, 2013. Both paper and electronic forms are acceptable, though we encourage and prefer e-mail submission.
Email submissions should be sent to: [email protected]
The mailing address is:
Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York
125 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10065
Please include the "Attendee Information Form" with your proposal. Notice of acceptance will be sent out by March 31 electronically. We will send your notice of acceptance by mail if you specifically request it.
For information about CLTA-GNY, please visit http://clta-gny.org.
For details about the conference, including the conference registration form, please visit
The conference registration fee is $20.
Global Perspectives in Chinese Language and Culture Instruction
As Chinese language programs continue to proliferate throughout the country and around the world, Chinese language educators will need to re-conceptualize Chinese language education in light of the new opportunities and challenges posed by this explosion of interest. As a rapidly increasing number of American students – at younger and younger ages – begin learning Chinese, it will be necessary to develop new ways of thinking about the Chinese language and Chinese learning that incorporate new insights in student motivation and psychology, new approaches to linguistic analysis, and that recognize the key roles played by technology and multimedia devices in students’ daily lives.
This year’s conference will address all of these opportunities and challenges, with an emphasis on the following topics, though presentations on related topics are also welcome:
(1) TECHNOLOGY: Using technology and media in the Chinese language classroom and in online and distance learning.
(2) STUDENT MOTIVATION: Increasing student motivation through creative approaches to teaching and learning and a better understanding of student psychology.
(3) ADMINISTRATION: The administrative challenges posed by the rapid rise of Chinese language education and the critical shortage of qualified Chinese teachers.
(4) PEDAGOGY: The differences between approaches to teaching Chinese to heritage and non-heritage learners; general and specialized student populations; public and private schools; urban, suburban, and rural schools, etc.
(5) LINGUISTICS: New approaches to understanding and explaining Chinese syntax, phonology, semantics, and pragmatics, including psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and cognitive science.
(6) CULTURE & TRANSLATION: Innovative ways of incorporating the teaching of culture into the language learning process and the translation of Chinese culture and literature in the US.
(7) IMMERSION: Opportunities and strategies for studying the language culture in Chinese-speaking communities around the world.
(8) ASSESSMENT: Effective methods to assess student learning.
The CLTA-GNY Conference Committee welcomes submissions of one page proposals on subjects relevant to the above themes. Papers can be either in Chinese or English. We will consider proposals for panels as well as individual papers. All proposals will be reviewed anonymously. Individual papers will be grouped into panels by themes. Panels will be 75 minutes long with four presenters. Please note that we will need separate abstracts for each paper on any panel proposal.
Please send your proposals to the below address(es) to be received by us by February 15, 2013. Both paper and electronic forms are acceptable, though we encourage and prefer e-mail submission.
Email submissions should be sent to: [email protected]
The mailing address is:
Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York
125 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10065
Please include the "Attendee Information Form" with your proposal. Notice of acceptance will be sent out by March 31 electronically. We will send your notice of acceptance by mail if you specifically request it.
For information about CLTA-GNY, please visit http://clta-gny.org.
For details about the conference, including the conference registration form, please visit
The conference registration fee is $20.
The Project for Developing Chinese Language Teachers (DCLT)--posted on Feb. 1, 2013
Spring 2013 DCLT Friday Night Forums
February 22: The K-12 Dual Language Program, presented by Yongling Lu and her team of dual language teachers from Avenues, The World School
NYU's Kimball Hall Lounge, 246 Greene Street, from 5-8 p.m.
March 8: Topic TBA: Co-Sponsored with China Institute, held at China Institute, from 6-9 p.m.
April 19: Rock That Movie Night movie viewing &
Special Presentation "Culture in the Classroom" by Dr. Frank Tang, NYU
NYU's Pless Hall Lounge, 82 Washington Square East, from 5-8 p.m.
May 10: Rock That Movie Prize Night and Cultural Projects Swap Shop. Bring your favorite projects incorporating culture to share in our annual swap shop!
NYU's Kimball Hall Lounge, 246 Greene Street, from 5-8 p.m.
Dinner will be served. Professional development credits will be available to in-service teachers.
Register Now for Spring 2013 DCLT Friday Night Forums.
February 22: The K-12 Dual Language Program, presented by Yongling Lu and her team of dual language teachers from Avenues, The World School
NYU's Kimball Hall Lounge, 246 Greene Street, from 5-8 p.m.
March 8: Topic TBA: Co-Sponsored with China Institute, held at China Institute, from 6-9 p.m.
April 19: Rock That Movie Night movie viewing &
Special Presentation "Culture in the Classroom" by Dr. Frank Tang, NYU
NYU's Pless Hall Lounge, 82 Washington Square East, from 5-8 p.m.
May 10: Rock That Movie Prize Night and Cultural Projects Swap Shop. Bring your favorite projects incorporating culture to share in our annual swap shop!
NYU's Kimball Hall Lounge, 246 Greene Street, from 5-8 p.m.
Dinner will be served. Professional development credits will be available to in-service teachers.
Register Now for Spring 2013 DCLT Friday Night Forums.
MYE Chinese Call for Paper for Conference in July, 2013
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