情人节快乐 /情人節快樂 (qíng rén jié kuài lè) Happy Valentine's Day
Today is the Western Valentine's Day. Wish everyone have a happy Valentine's Day. China also has its own Valentine's Day. It is the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver. Because of the Jade Emperor's order, weaver was only able to meet her beloved husband in the Magpie Bridge on Tanabata day, leaving a romantic yet sad story to the world.... (More). |
元宵节快乐/元宵節快樂 Happy Lantern Festival
元宵節在中國農曆新年後的第15天慶祝。元宵節期間,孩子們在晚上攜帶紙燈籠或電動/ LED燈籠,興高采烈地慶祝元宵。燈籠表演和以一年一度的十二生肖為主題的花車遊行,在當地和全國被視為盛大的活動。中國的寺廟通常擠滿人們觀看各式美輪美奐的燈籠展覽和猜燈謎活動。通常在元宵節的時候,會吃元宵,圓圓大大的湯圓,象徵圓圓滿滿..........
The lantern Festival, called Yuánxiāojié (元宵节) is celebrated on the 15th day after the Chinese Lunar New Year. During the Lantern Festival, children carries paper lanterns or electric/LED lanterns nowadays at night for a fun gathering. The lantern light show and parade featuring a yearly zodiac theme are perceived as a grand event locally and nationally. The Chinese temples are usually crowded with people for viewing the exhibition of the versatile lanterns and solving the riddles. It is a tradition that people eat Yuánxiāo (元宵), sticky rice dumplings after the festival. The round and big sticky rice dumplings symbolize perfection in our life. (more.....) |
鸡年快乐,吉祥如意!jī nián kuài lè, jí xiáng rú yì
Happy Chinese Rooster Year! Wish you the best in year 2017!
咕咕咕...咕咕咕...公鸡扯开喉咙,欢迎2017中国旧历年的来到。新年到,我们也不免俗的说些鸡年相关的中国吉祥话! Gu Gu Gu....Gu Gu Gu! The Roosters shout out loud with their big throats and welcome Chinese New Year of 2017. At the arrival of the Rooster Year, there is no exception for greeting each other with the Rooster-Related Chinese lucky words. 金鸡报喜 jīn jī bào xǐ 鸡年大吉 jī nián dà jí 鸡年纳福 jī nián nà fú 生机勃勃 shēng jī bó bó 吉人天相 jí rén tiān xiāng 吉星高照 jí xīng gāo zhào 大吉大利 dà jí dà lì (....More) |
期末与学生同欢 Semester-end fun with students
学生和我参加学校举办的国际歌舞欢庆,我们表演旧历新年的庆祝,有年的故事介绍、舞狮、中国武术(刀和三节棍)、一到十的成语新年贺辞、以及跳流行歌曲-小苹果的团体舞蹈。另外一组学生诠释唐李白将进酒的诗词表演。Students and I joined a school-held International Cabaret. We performed a Chinese New Year Celebration featuring “年,Nian ” story, Lion Dance, Chinese Kungfu (Board Sword & Three-Section Cudgel), Chinese Axioms-generated Lucky Words, and a famous Chinese pop-song, “小苹果, Small App, Bai, Tang Dynasty.le”. My other group of students performed "The Invitation to Our Play", adapted from "Invitation to Wine" from Li
中国鬼节 Chinese Ghost Festival (Chinese Halloween)
Setting out floating lanterns is a ritual associated with the Chinese Ghost Festival.
The Chinese Ghost Festival has similarities to what we in the United States call Halloween – and is sometimes called Chinese Halloween. The Ghost Festival (Zhongyuan Jie) is a traditional Chinese holiday and Taoist festival celebrated on the 15th night of the seventh lunar month. The 15th day of the seventh lunar month is called “Ghost Day,” and entire month is known as “Ghost Month.” (Read more from the Taoism expert, Elizabeth Reninger here) |
National Geographic Channel introduced the Inside Inventing Taipei
国家地理频道透視內幕,介绍2017年台北將舉辦世運所進行的臺北舊城區復興運動。 The National Geographic Channel introduced the Inside Inventing Taipei for the preparation of the 2017 World Games taken place in Taipei. The country has carried out the revival of the old city of Taipei. |
The interchange of two China's Datong Qinhuangdao heavy railway trains had lasted for three minutes!
The interchange of two China's Datong Qinhuangdao heavy railway trains had lasted for three minutes!
中秋節 (zhōng qiū jié) 的由来 The Origins of Mid-Autumn (Moon) Festival
按照农民历,八月为秋季的第二个月,古时称为仲秋,因此民间称为中秋,因为这一天月亮特别满圆,象征团圆,又称为团圆节。「中秋」一词最早源于战国时期 (475-221BC)的[周礼],到唐代,大量诗人写诗歌咏月亮,直到北宋 (960-1127 AD),阴曆八月十五日才被正式命名为[中秋节],至此,祭拜月亮的传统才广为流传至今。明(1368-1644 AD) 、清(1644-1912 AD)时期,中秋节受欢迎的程度不亚于阴历新年,在庭院中央摆设供桌,备水果、甜点等牲礼,祭拜月神成为民间的传统。如今,中秋节已列为国定假日,除了吃月饼和柚子,与家人出游或烤肉已成为新的趋势 。
In accordance with Lunar calendar, August is the second month of autumn, in ancient times known as the Mid-autumn. Since that day the moon is full and bright, a symbol of reunion becomes a tradition for family gatherings. The term "Mid-Autumn" first appeared in the book Rites of Zhou (周礼), written in the Warring States Period (475–221 BC). In Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD), it was popular to appreciate the moon. Many poets liked to create poems related to the moon when appreciating it. In the Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127 AD), the 15th day of the 8th lunar month was established as the "Mid-Autumn Festival". During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644 AD) and the Qing Dynasty (1644–1912 AD), the Mid-Autumn Festival was as popular as Chinese New Year. Worshiping the moon entailed placing a large table in the middle of the yard under the moon, and putting offerings, such as fruit and snacks, on the table.Nowadays, most workers and students regard it as a public holiday to escape work and school. People eat Moon cakes and pomelos, or go out traveling or BBQ with families and friends (fm China Highlights).
In accordance with Lunar calendar, August is the second month of autumn, in ancient times known as the Mid-autumn. Since that day the moon is full and bright, a symbol of reunion becomes a tradition for family gatherings. The term "Mid-Autumn" first appeared in the book Rites of Zhou (周礼), written in the Warring States Period (475–221 BC). In Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD), it was popular to appreciate the moon. Many poets liked to create poems related to the moon when appreciating it. In the Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127 AD), the 15th day of the 8th lunar month was established as the "Mid-Autumn Festival". During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644 AD) and the Qing Dynasty (1644–1912 AD), the Mid-Autumn Festival was as popular as Chinese New Year. Worshiping the moon entailed placing a large table in the middle of the yard under the moon, and putting offerings, such as fruit and snacks, on the table.Nowadays, most workers and students regard it as a public holiday to escape work and school. People eat Moon cakes and pomelos, or go out traveling or BBQ with families and friends (fm China Highlights).
手工皂 (shǒu gōng zào) Hand-Made Soap
Soaps made by Cher Lin
製作手工皂 (shǒu gōng zào, hand-made Soaps) 很有趣 (yǒu qù, interesting)、也很好玩 (hǎo wán, very fun)。不僅可以當家中的擺飾 (bǎi shì, decoration),添加的香精 (xiāng jīng, essential oils) 和顏色 (yán sè, colors) 也可以增添氛圍 (fēn wéi, sentiment & feeling),真是自用 (zì yòng, self-use)、送禮 (sòng lǐ, give presents)兩相宜!這批手工皂有兩個常用的中國字。一個是是“福”(fú, blessing),另一個 |
是“喜” (xǐ, happiness)。希望這兩個字伴隨大家歲歲年年 (suì suì nián nián, everyday)。
Soap making is very interesting , and very fun. Soaps not only can be as the house decoration, but the added essential oils and colors increase the sentiment and feeling. They are great for the self-use and can be great presents too! Two common Chinese characters can be found from these soaps. One is "fú" (Blessing), and the other is "xǐ‘ (Happiness). Wish these two words accompany you day after day, and year after year.
Soap making is very interesting , and very fun. Soaps not only can be as the house decoration, but the added essential oils and colors increase the sentiment and feeling. They are great for the self-use and can be great presents too! Two common Chinese characters can be found from these soaps. One is "fú" (Blessing), and the other is "xǐ‘ (Happiness). Wish these two words accompany you day after day, and year after year.
世界平安 (shì jiè píng ān) World Peace
最近世界似乎不太平安(píng ān, Safety),当法国在七月十四日欢度国庆,庆祝象征自由(zì yóu, Freedom) 、平等 (píng děng, Equality)、博爱(bó ài, Fraternity) 之巴士底狱胜利之时,充满欢乐的尼斯顿时遭受无情的恐怖攻击(kǒng bù gōng jī, Terror Attack)。这是继土耳其伊斯坦堡、比利时布鲁塞尔和法国巴黎之后,令人心痛、沮丧、不安的大型恐怖攻击。信手拈来,写上[世界平安]四个字,祈求大家心中有爱(ài, Love),减少仇恨(hèn, Hate), 拥有世界和平(shì jiè hé píng, World Peace)。 Recently the world seems not safe! When France celebrated on July 14 the National day, Victory at the Bastille symbolizing the freedom, equality & fraternity,the joyful Nice suddenly suffered relentless terror attacks. |
Calligraphy Written by Cher Lin
This is the large-scale terror attacks, followed after Istanbul of Turkey, Brussels of Belgium and Paris of France. It brought us endless pain, frustration and anxiety. Holding the calligraphy pen, I could not help writing the words of "shì jiè píng ān" (World Safety). Wish Love is filled with our hearts, hate is away from us, and have the World Peace.
台北的「摸乳巷」-- The Very-Narrow-Lane in Taipei
Close to the youngsters' favorite shopping district in Taipei Ximending of Taiwan, there is a known very-Narrow Lane, called "the body contact lane". It is located on Lane 84 of Hengyang Road. This Lane is about twenty meters long and 90 to 100 centimeters wide. It also got the nickname as the "gentleman lane ". You can imagine how embarrassed the condition is at a very conservative era when a woman facing a man crossing from the opposite direction. It also tested how a gentleman should behave when encountering a woman at such a narrow alley.
台北 3D 立体全景 Taipei in 3D Panoramic View
源于圣经的成语 The idioms from the Bible
鸟瞰中国 (niǎo kàn zhōng guó) China from Above
鸟瞰中国-历时两年,涵盖二十个省份和其都市,游历中国四季的变化。中央电视英文台和国外机构合作,从空中俯拍,共同描绘中国壮丽山川和多彩的人文美景。China From Above: two years, 20 provinces and cities; four seasons traveling across China. This co-production of Chinese and foreign agencies depicts wonderful and colorful China from an aerial view. (from CCTV English)
清明节 (qīng míng jié)-Tomb Sweeping Festival
扫墓节又称为清明节 ,它落在从春分算起第15天,通常是在阳历的四月五日。这天在祖先的墓地,一起感怀追思悼念。所有家族在祖先面前先行祈祷,扫除杂草,翻耕并清理墓地。献上糕饼、鲜果、肉、茶、酒、花等,并点香火和燃烧纸钱,祈愿祖先在他们的世界过好生活。Tomb Sweeping Festival is also called Qingming Festival. It falls on the 15th day from the Spring Equinox, usually around April 5 of the Solar Calendar.Tomb Sweeping Day is a day to commemorate and honor the ancestors on their grave sites. All family members pray before the ancestors, sweep and clean the tombs by weeding and plowing. Chinese cakes, meat, fruit, tea, wine, flowers are offered. Joss stick and paper money are usually burned for wishing ancestors a great life in their world.
[唐]杜牧 清明时节雨纷纷 路上行人欲断魂 借问酒家何处有 牧童遥指杏花村 |
Du Mu A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is breaking on his way. Where can a winehouse be found to drown his sadness? A cowherd points to Almond Flower (Xing Hua) Village in the distance. (fm 24EN.com) |
水墨动画京剧《贵妃醉酒》Shuǐ mò dòng huà jīng jù 《guì fēi zuì jiǔ》
Ink animation opera " Drunken Beauty "
貴妃醉酒又名《百花亭》,源於乾隆時一部地方戲《醉楊妃》的京劇劇目,該劇經京劇大師梅蘭芳傾盡畢生心血精雕細刻、加工點綴,是梅派經典代表劇目之一。此劇本主要描寫楊玉環醉後自賞懷春的心態,凸顯楊玉環對唐玄宗皇帝的柔情。Drunken Beauty , also known as the "Hundred Flowers Pavilion" (百花亭,bǎi huā tíng), originated from a local drama "drunk Yang Fei " at the Emperor Qianlong (乾隆,qián lóng) ruling period (1735-1799). The great master of the Peking opera (京剧,jīng jù), Mei Lanfang (梅兰芳,méi
lán fāng) made every effort of his life time to carve & embellish it as a master piece. It is the representative classic repertoire of the May School. This script is mainly on the description of the tender love of Yang Yuhuan (杨玉环,yáng yù huán), the most favorite concubine of Emperor Tang Xuanzong (唐玄宗,712-756). (fm Xuite).
Mei Lanfang ( 1894-1961 ), the world-famous Chinese opera artists . |
在台湾的7-11/7-11 in Taiwan
在36,188平方公里大的台湾,已经有超过5,000个7-11便利商店,尤以都市,几条巷弄之间到处充斥7-11。7-11在台湾到底有多便利呢?1)处处可见; 2)充满零嘴、饮料、食物和基本民生必备品;3)付帐单;4)提供各式服务像是洗相片、影印、订票、或叫计程车;5)三、五好友聚会的地方;6)提供7net网路购物;7)24小时服务。7-11已经成为台湾生活的小型文化。
Taiwan, with 13,974 mi² size, has over 5,000 7-11 convenient stores. Within in a couple of blocks in a city does exit a 7-11 store. How convenient a 7-11 store is in Taiwan? 1) Everywhere; 2) Full of snacks, drink, food and basic necessities; 3) Pay phone, electricity, credit card...bills; 4) Provide versatile services such as printing, copying, reserving train and theater tickets, or calling cabs...etc.; 5) A place to hang out with friends; 6) Provide 7net online shopping; 7) 24-hour service. 7-11 has reflected a micro-cultural life for people living in Taiwan. |
中国故事 The Story of China
英国广播公司纪录片 BBC Documentary Film
英国广播公司(BBC)制作关于中国历史与文化的最新系列纪录片《中国故事》。该片从普通中国人的视角追溯中国过去4000多年的历史,讲述中国从古代夏商周到改革开放时代的巨大历史变迁。《中国故事》 总共六集:祖先、丝路、盛世、明朝、末代帝国、和改革。(摘录蓝魔之泪cbp的博客) |
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) produced "The Story of China", a documentary film of the latest series of Chinese history and culture. The titles of these six episodes are EP01:Ancestors; EP02:Silk Roads and China Ships; EP03:The Golden Age; EP04:The Ming; EP05 The Last Empire; and EP06 The Age of Revolution. (More)
「秦始皇 (qín shǐ huáng) 和他的兵马俑 (bīng mǎ yǒng) 」在芝加哥菲尔德博物馆展出
"China's First Emperor and His Terracotta Warriors" is exhibited in Field Museum in Chicago.
The Field Museum in Chicago will start a new exhibition entitled "China’s First Emperor and His Terracotta Warriors" from March 4, 2016 to January 8, 2017. Qin Shihuang, the first emperor (246 ~ 208 BCE) in China vanquished his rivals, unified China’s many warring states, constructed the first Great Wall, built roads throughout his vast territory, and standardized China’s script, currency, weights, and measures. His mausoleum surrounded by thousands of terracotta warriors, chariots, horses and many different treasures were discovered in 1974. (More about the exhibition) |
宁波海鲜蒸桌 níng bō hǎi xiān zhēng zhuō Ningbo Seafood Steam Table
所谓[民以食为天]、[吃饭皇帝大],中国的饮食文化多元、丰富,向以八大菜系著称-鲁菜、川菜、粤菜、苏菜、闽菜、浙菜、湘菜和徽菜。 靠海的宁波(浙江省),海产远近驰名,左边这道是宁波海鲜蒸桌,无不叫人啧啧称奇。
Chinese Saying --"Food is the god for the people." ; "Eating is the first priority". Chinese culinary is versatile and abundant. It is usually classified into eight main Chinese cuisines--Shandong , Sichuan, Guangdong , Jiangsu, Fujian , Zhejiang, Hunan and Anhui cuisine. Ningbo, located in the Zhejiang Province is near the sea and renowned for the seafood. The video on the left demonstrates the amazed cuisine-- Ningbo Seafood Steam Table. |
元宵节快乐 (yuán xiāo jié kuài lè)!! Happy Lantern Festival!!
The lantern Festival, called 元宵节 (Yuánxiāojié) is celebrated on the 15th day after the Chinese Lunar New Year (中国新年, zhōng guó xīn nián). During the Lantern Festival, children carry paper lantern (纸灯笼, zhǐ dēng lóng) or electric/LED lanterns (电灯笼, diàn dēng lóng) nowadays at night for a fun gathering. The lantern light show (元宵灯展, yuán xiāo dēng zhǎn) and parade (游行, yóu xíng) featuring a yearly zodiac (生肖, shēng xiào) theme are perceived as a grand event locally and nationally. The Chinese temples (中国寺庙, zhōng guó sì miào) or famous tourist spots (旅游景点, lǚ yóu jǐng diǎn) are usually crowded with people for viewing the exhibition of the versatile lanterns and solving the riddles (猜灯谜, cāi dēng mí). It is a tradition that people eat sticky rice dumpling (元宵,Yuánxiāo) at this festival. (More)
2015 中国昆明 元宵节灯展
Lantern Light Display in Kunming at 2015 |
Rise Lantern Festival |
Lantern Riddles |
春天的唐诗 Tang Poetry about Spring
唐朝(618年~907年)289年间,是中国诗歌发展的黄金时代,唐诗数量多达五万余首。以下收录的是关于描述春天的唐诗。Tang Dynasty ( 618 - 907 ) 289 years, is the golden age of Chinese poetry, of which the numbers exceed fifty thousands. The following Poetry collections are related to the Spring.
This year ( 2016 ) is the year of Monkey!New Year's Eve reunion banquet falls on February 7; the New Year's Day is on February 8. Here, I would like to congratulate "Happy New Year" to all of you. And wish you have the best luck in the Year of Monkey. We are welcoming the Spring and accommodating all the blessings. With all the best! A lucky year of the Monkey! 猴年大吉!Hóu nián dà jí!
十大中国传世名画 Top ten renowned Chinese paintings
Contents from http://zhy-xianger.blog.163.com/blog/static/5678852220113501453530/
台灣第一位女總統蔡英文 Taiwan's First Female President, Tsai Ing-wen
Picture edited from Phoenix Satellite TV
2016年1月16日台灣選出第一位女總統-蔡英文。這是民進黨在1996年民選總統之後第二次執政。蔡英文以高於689萬的高票獲選 (56.12%),遠勝於國民黨朱立倫 (31.04%)、和親民黨宋楚瑜 (12.84%)得票数的总和。此外,民進黨的立委席次,也大大攻佔北台灣,大幅成為綠色執政的版圖。民進黨的政治訴求在尋求台灣獨立及國際認同,不過蔡英文承諾未來執政之後,將盡最大的努力,為人民謀福利,改善台湾恶化的经济,并维持台海现状,保持和中国的友好关系,以減少人民最大的不安。當選總統 蔡英文晚會致詞全文。 |
People in Taiwan elected the first female president, Tsai Ing-wen on Jan. 16, 2016. This will be the 2nd DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) ruling after the democratically elected presidential system was erected in 1996. Tsai Ing-wen won the election, with 6.89+ million votes (56.12% ), outpaced the sum of the ruling party, KMT's Eric Chu (31.04% ), and the People's First Party, James Soong (12.84% ). In addition, the DPP legislators seats are also greatly rooted in northern Taiwan this time, resulting in a near-green governing territory. DPP's political aspirations are in seeking Taiwan's independence and in gaining the international recognition. Tsai Ing-wen promised that she will make the greatest efforts for the benefit of the people, ameliorate the down-turned economy, maintain the current cross-trait status and upkeep the friendly relationship with China for reducing the greatest anxiety of the people.
Pictures are edited from Yahoo Taiwan
中国功夫电影 Chinese Kung Fu Movies
很多西方人,提到中国文化,总会联想到中国功夫。从早期的李小龙在西方打响名号,到后来的成龙、李连杰、周星驰、甄子丹,女演员的武打演员像是杨紫琼、章子怡等,均拍了许多脍炙人口的好戏。这几年最受西方瞩目、内含中国武打的电影,像是由李安导的卧虎藏龙、张艺谋导的十面埋伏等,处处令人惊艳、称奇、无不拍案叫绝!近期侯孝贤的近作-聶隱娘,也扬名坎城影展. 点此看中国功夫及相关电影介绍。
Many Westerners , when referring to Chinese culture , always think of the Chinese martial arts. Bruce Lee, the Chinese Kung-Fu iconic actor, is the earliest one renowned in the West , and later comes Jackie Chan , Jet Li , Stephen Chow, Donnie Yen.... The famous martial arts actress include Michelle Yeoh & Zhang Ziyi. In recent years most western watched Chinese movies blended with Kung-Fu acts are Ang Lee 's remarkable Crouching Tiger & Hidden Dragan, and Zhang Yimou 's magnificent House of Flying Daggers. Hou Hsiao-hsien 's latest work, The Assassin outshines in Cannes Film Festival. Click here for Chinese Kung-Fu Movies &..... |
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon |
House of Flying Daggers |
The Assassin |
Cheers for these great Environmentalists in Taiwan!
Taiwan has 22 millions of population, with only the size of 35,980 sq km. However, two-thirds of the total area is covered by forested mountains and the remaining area consists of hilly country, platforms and highlands, coastal plains and basins. Taiwan has been abundantly endowed with mountains; over 200 of its peaks are more than 3,000 meters high, making Taiwan geographically unique. Taiwan is is home to abundant animal and plant life, including various endemic species, and can therefore be regarded as one gigantic eco-park. Cheers for these great environmentalists who are trying hard to preserve the environment of Taiwan.
Ginkgo tree planted by Emperor Taizong of Tang has been beautiful for 1400 years!
Top 10 greatest emperors in China
雨纷纷 旧故里草木深 我听闻 你始终一个人 斑驳的城门 盘踞着老树根 石板上回荡的是 再等 Beijing becomes a Peking, has snow all over the ground. By this time, the temple in Xi'an , had dropped the floor all the yellow leaves after the storm. Having a kind of instant blossom feeling,I returned to the dream of Datang. This ginkgo, planted by the Emperor Li Shimin, has grown in Xi'an Zhongnanshan among ancient Goddess of Mercy Temple for 1400 years. It is also listed as ancient and famous trees protection list . A millennium tree and a mountainous temple, away from the human world, have spent the spring and autumn under winds and rains..... (中文 摘录--视觉志) |
Animated map shows how religion spread around the world
人类历史上起源最早的宗教为印度教(Hinduizism), 发源于印度河流域。之后,犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教的先知穆罕默德出生于苏美的吾珥(UR)。后来以色列人征服了迦南。之后佛陀在蓝比尼诞生。约在公元33年,耶稣被钉在十字架上。后来耶路撒冷被洗劫一空,犹太人开始向外流亡。穆斯林真神穆罕默德出生于麦加(Mecca)。接着伊斯兰教迅速向外传开。之后开始了[地理大发现],许多宗教也在此时向外扩展。后来便开始了非洲的分裂。最后则是以色列建权。(摘录自https://www.daliulian.net/cat77/node519042) Around 2000 BC, Hinduism took root in the Indus River Valley. In 1948 BC, Abraham was born in UR. Around 1400 BC, Israelites conquered Canaan. In 623 BC, Buddha was born in Lumbini. In 30-33 AD, Jesus was crucified. Jerusalem was sacked, Jews exiled (70 AD). Muhammad was born in Mecca (570 CE). Islam spread rapidly. From 15-18 centuries, the Age of Discovery began. In 1885, the partition of Africa began. In 1948, the State of Israel was established. (Contents from Business Insider, Dates from Wikipedia.) |
Above Film from Business Insider.
Kung Fu Piano: Cello Ascends - ThePianoGuys (Wonder of The World 1 of 7)
万里长城 (wàn li cháng chéng)-- The Great Wall!
世界七大奇景 (shì jiè qī dà qí jǐng)-- Wonder of The World 1 of 7 |
明朝的中国长城( 1368-1644),从中国西北边疆的嘉峪关开始,到和朝鲜边境的虎山结束,穿越九省市。明长城是8500公里( 5200英里) 。 The Great Wall of China in the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) started from Jiayuguan at Ming China's northwest frontier and ended in Hushan on its Manchu/Korean border, crossing nine provinces and municipalities. The Ming Great Wall was over 8,500 km (5,200 mi) long. (from China Highlights)
Leaders of China and Taiwan met for the first time in 66 years
马习会(mǎ xí huì) President ma ying-jeou (马英九) met the Prime Minister Xi (习近平) of China
新加坡 - 中国国家主席习近平和台湾总统马英九,周六首度打破长期敌对姿态会面,旨在促进双方和平与共同繁荣。 这次会议主要借两国领导人的努力弥合内战,及几十年来仇恨的分裂。
SINGAPORE — President Xi Jinping of China met with President Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan on Saturday in the first-ever encounter between leaders of the neighbors and longtime rivals, an act both sides described as a breakthrough gesture meant to promote peace and mutual prosperity. The meeting is a high point in the two leaders’ efforts to bridge the divisions of civil war and decades of animosity...More On the New York Times. |
History: Chiang Kai-shek,the former president of Republic of China (ROC) lead all his people and supporters of the ruling party--Kuomintang to Taiwan in 1949 after losing the civil war to the Communist Party lead by Mao Zedong. Mainland Chinese government becomes People's of Republic of China (PRC). The Republic of China (ROC) joined the United Nations as a founding member in 1945 and had remained as a charter member and one of five permanent members of the Security Council until 1971 when People's Republic of China (PRC) joined.
Why China & Taiwan are different entities?
From TestTube News
Taiwan v.s. China
From China Uncensored
China will relax the rules to allow all couples to have two children.
“一胎化政策”的改变 (“yì tāi huà zhèng cè” de gǎi biàn)The Change of One-Child Policy
The Chinese government announced on Oct. 29, 2015 that it would relax the rules to allow all couples to have two children. It said the decision was made because of China's rapidly ageing population and to help support the economy. However, officials have stressed that the one-child policy will continue to be enforced until the law is changed. China's controversial one-child policy was introduced nationally in 1979 to slow the population growth rate, and is estimated to have prevented about 400 million births. (more from BBC News at http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-34697016) |
from Jules Suzdaltsev @ Test Tube
Chinese Proverbs by Nihao Chinese
中国成语 (zhōng guó chéng yǔ)
Mark Zuckerberg Delivers 22-Minute Speech In Mandarin At Tsinghua University
马克·祖克伯在2015年10月24日,在著名的清华大学再度以普通话发表演说。他的演讲题目是“为什么你需要强烈的使命感来改变世界。" 祖克伯格解释说,他创立Facebook-现在成为最流行的社交媒体工具,拥有十五亿成员,主要原因是他发现缺少一个“以帮助找人”的网站。他希望与他的观众有一个更深的联系, “我想连接人......当我看到中国的企业,如阿里巴巴和小米,我看到了同样的故事。 ”
Mark Zuckerberg delivers his speech again in Mandarin at the prestigious TsingHua U. in China on Oct. 24, 2015. The topic of his talk is "why you need a strong sense of mission to change the world." Zuckerberg explains that he opened Facebook, now the most popular social media portal with 1.5 billion members, after he noticed the lack of a website to help find people. To have a deeper connection with his audience, he said, "I want to connect people ... and when I look at Chinese companies like Alibaba and Xiaomi, I see the same story." .....More |
Taipei National Palace Museum (http://www.npm.gov.tw/)
台北故宫博物院 (tái běi gù gōng bó wù yuàn)
点击下面的图片查看来自BBC快车道视频 - 台湾国立故宫博物院。蜜雪儿·贾纳成龙在台北,调查发现北京和台北之间的一个令人惊讶的协作 - 来自两个城市的博物馆馆长已经超越政治,彼此合作进行突破性的新展览。
Click on the following picture to view the video from BBC Fast Track--National Palace Museum, Taiwan.
In the Taiwanese capital, Michelle Jana Chan investigates a surprising collaboration between Beijing and Taipei -- where museum curators from both cities have risen above politics to put together a groundbreaking new exhibition. Picture is from http://ditu.uutuu.com/location/43040.
Click on the following picture to view the video from BBC Fast Track--National Palace Museum, Taiwan.
In the Taiwanese capital, Michelle Jana Chan investigates a surprising collaboration between Beijing and Taipei -- where museum curators from both cities have risen above politics to put together a groundbreaking new exhibition. Picture is from http://ditu.uutuu.com/location/43040.
孔雀开屏 kǒng què kāi bǐng A Peacock Flaunting its Tail
孔雀- 在中国象征着尊严、美丽、幸运、名声、和“在地表的天上的凤凰” 。孔雀通常炫耀地展示尾巴,以显示画地域为王或吸引母孔雀进行交配。
Peacock (孔雀 - kǒng què) - symbolizing dignity, beauty, luck, fame, & ‘the heavenly phoenix on earth’ in Chinese. A peacock usually flaunts its tail to display the territory maintenance (画地域为王)or attract the females for mating (吸引母孔雀). |
稻香 | Dao Xiang | Fragrant Rice
The Pianoman, Su Yang sang Frangrance Rice, of which the music was created by the original singer, also the Chinese pop king, Jay Chou. Su Yang comes from Ganguo, AFrica and is currently studying Chinese at Hunan Province, China. It is amazing that he performed the song & music wonderfully with a very clear and perfect pronunciation. For detailed Chinese lyrics, pinyin & English translation, please click here. |
Click here for the original official music video performed by Jay Chou.
Learn More Chinese Songs at http://www.shareschinese.com/songs.html
Learn More Chinese Songs at http://www.shareschinese.com/songs.html
Chinese Proverbs (press the Play button to view all the pictures)
Contents and Pictures are compiled from Proverbs Chinois at https://www.facebook.com/catherine.cozigon?fref=nf & from https://www.facebook.com/search/str/proverb%20chinois/keywords_top
Wish you have a wonderful Mid-Autumn (Moon)Festival
on Aug. 15, Lunar (This year on Sep. 27, 2015, Solar)
离人無語月无声,明月有光人有情~李冶 (Poetry from Tang Dynasty, 770 AD)
Lí rén wú yǔ yuè wú shēng, míng yuè yǒu guāng rén yǒu qíng. from Lǐ Yě
〈The bright moon is so silent when we part,
Whose light ripples tenderness in our heart.〉
Pictures and contents from Kay Chao posted on Proverb Chinois.
Lí rén wú yǔ yuè wú shēng, míng yuè yǒu guāng rén yǒu qíng. from Lǐ Yě
〈The bright moon is so silent when we part,
Whose light ripples tenderness in our heart.〉
Pictures and contents from Kay Chao posted on Proverb Chinois.
The Breath-Taking Fall Scenery in Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia, China.
The pictures are compiled from the link at http://cn.i-love-test.com/story.aspx?id=340&puid=2&utm_source =Facebook&utm_medium =fb_travel&utm_campaign=201509; the map is illustrated from Wikipedia. |
出污泥而不染 (chū wū ní ér bù rǎn) Out from Mud, but Unsoiled.
通常是指睡莲从污泥而出,却不沾染任何污泥。莲花是纯洁的象征,从它身上看不出泥泞的痕迹。它延伸到绅士或一个正直的人丝毫没有任何玷污,尽管身陷一般的腐败之中。 (中国谚语来自公元前1063年北宋周敦颐爱莲记” )
It usually refers to water lilies coming out from the mud, but unsoiled. They emerge unstained from the filth. The lotus flower is symbol of purity for it springs out of muddy trace of dirt. It extends to a gentleman or a righteous person remains undefiled in spite of general corruption. (Chinese proverb from "Northern Song, Zhog Dunyi, On Loving the Lotus, BC 1063,北宋周敦颐爱莲记",Chinese Brush Paintings posted from Chinese Arts; translation edited from ICIBA).
通常是指睡莲从污泥而出,却不沾染任何污泥。莲花是纯洁的象征,从它身上看不出泥泞的痕迹。它延伸到绅士或一个正直的人丝毫没有任何玷污,尽管身陷一般的腐败之中。 (中国谚语来自公元前1063年北宋周敦颐爱莲记” )
It usually refers to water lilies coming out from the mud, but unsoiled. They emerge unstained from the filth. The lotus flower is symbol of purity for it springs out of muddy trace of dirt. It extends to a gentleman or a righteous person remains undefiled in spite of general corruption. (Chinese proverb from "Northern Song, Zhog Dunyi, On Loving the Lotus, BC 1063,北宋周敦颐爱莲记",Chinese Brush Paintings posted from Chinese Arts; translation edited from ICIBA).
Best Video from QU Chinese Students (2015, Spring) 学生最佳年度创作影片
Chinese & Russian Mixed Couple dance for love
中俄眷侣为爱起舞 (zhōng é juàn lǚ wèi ài qǐ wǔ)
The Beauty of Tai Chi 太极之美
A superior woman born with no hands wins all our respect. -- April 25, 2015
没有双手,出生于山东省的女子克服了她所有的生活困难,努力成为一个正常的人。她有一个很棒的家庭—拥有丈夫和三个孩子。她每天打扫、下厨、做家事、在田里工作事.....她的故事告诉我们“没有什么是不可能的“。 ”天下无难事,只怕有心人”;“一个斗士!"; ”人定胜天!"。她赢得我们所有的尊重!
A woman born in Shandong Province without hands overcomes all her living difficulties and lives as a normal person. She has a great family with her husband and 3 kids. She clean, cooks, does chores everyday, works on the farm........Her story tells as "Nothing is impossible." 天下无难事,只怕有心人;tiān xià wú nán shì zhǐ pà yǒu xīn rén; "A fighter! "人定胜天;rén dìng shèng tiān!She wins all our respect. |
How similar a Japanese culture can be to a Chinese culture!
艺术家Nobuyuki Hanabusa 和舞者Katsumi Sakakura,一起被称为Kagemu ,至今已广泛地被别人模仿....
Black Sun is a meticulously choreographed projection of motiongraphics onto dance,combining traditional and modern elements of Japanese culture and martial arts. Artist Nobuyuki Hanabusa and dancer Katsumi Sakakura, together known as Kagemu, have since been widely imitated by others.... |
Mother's Day Reminder -- 母亲节的提醒
3岁:妈咪,我爱你。 5岁: 我要快快长大,妈妈永远漂亮。 10岁:妈,随便啦! 14岁:妈,你烦不烦? 16岁:我的事不用你管! 18岁:我要离开这个家 20岁:妈,我想你了。 24岁:妈,你当时是对的。 27岁:妈,女儿舍不得你。 29岁:只有做了妈妈,才真正明白“妈妈”的含义。 33岁:时光请你慢些吧,别让妈妈再老了。 这个世界上, 你永远亏欠的人只有一个--妈妈。 爱,就要行动! 母亲节,说出你内心处的那句话。 |
Bravo! Taiwan"(10min) 「讚!臺灣」 |
Discovery台灣無比精彩:絕美台灣 |
Happy Chinese New Year 2015
~Year of Goat
Flash Mob Performance--Taipei
Happy Lunar New Year
Performance from Taiwan Aboriginal Tribe
Performance from Shaolin Monks
The Breath-Taking Sceneries in China (Video)
Steven Kaufmann's language learning tips
A sixty-three old linguistic expert, Steve Kaufmann shares his experiences of how to fluent Mandarin in 6 months (Video 1). He also shares in Chinese some tips of learning a language (Video 2). He publishes a book entitled "The Way of the Linguist-- A Language Learning Odyssey".
Video 1: Fluent Mandarin in 6 months.
Video 2: How to learn a language?
Class Cabaret from my QU CN 101 Students
It is always fun to watch students to perform their talents in Chinese classes. We could see from the takes, students could flip, jump, kick, Kung-Fu battle, choreograph, dance, sing, act.....I enjoyed the moments we laughed together. It makes the classes so unforgettable and interesting. Special thanks goes to Jordan Siegler (Si Qiao) who spent his efforts of shooting and making this fun video and Trisana Spence (Su Cui) who is talented on choreographing and making all the dancing movements. The most important of all, everyone participated (too bad that four students could not attend) and enjoyed. It brings memories to all of us! Now, we can all learn this popular song from singers S.H.E.
歌手:S.H.E 专辑:play 曲:郑楠词:郑楠 施人诚 翻译:旎旎
扁担想绑在板凳上 扁担宽板凳长 扁担想绑在板凳上 伦敦玛莉莲买了件旗袍送妈妈 莫斯科的夫司基爱上牛肉面疙瘩 各种颜色的皮肤各种颜色的头发 嘴里念的说的开始流行中国话 多少年我们苦练英文发音和文法 这几年换他们卷著舌头学平上去入的变化 平平仄仄平平仄(仄仄平平仄仄平) 好聪明的中国人好优美的中国话 扁担宽板凳长 扁担想绑在板凳上 板凳不让扁担绑在板凳上 扁担偏要绑在板凳上 板凳偏偏不让扁担绑在那板凳上 到底扁担宽还是板凳长 哥哥弟弟坡前坐 坡上卧著一只鹅 坡下流著一条河 哥哥说宽宽的河 弟弟说白白的鹅 鹅要过河河要渡鹅 不知是那鹅过河 还是河渡鹅 全世界都在学中国话 孔夫子的话越来越国际化 全世界都在讲中国话 我们说的话让世界都认真听话 纽约苏珊娜开了间禅风lounge bar 柏林来的沃夫冈拿胡琴配著电吉他 各种颜色的皮肤各种颜色的头发 嘴里念的说的开始流行中国话 多少年我们苦练英文发音和文法 这几年换他们卷著舌头学平上去入的变化 平平仄仄平平仄(仄仄平平仄仄平) 好聪明的中国人好优美的中国话 有个小孩叫小杜 上街打醋又买布 买了布打了醋 回头看见鹰抓兔 放下布搁下醋 上前去追鹰和兔 飞了鹰跑了兔 洒了醋湿了布 嘴说腿腿说嘴 嘴说腿爱跑腿 腿说嘴爱卖嘴 光动嘴不动腿 光动腿不动嘴 不如不长腿和嘴 到底是那嘴说腿还是腿说嘴 全世界都在学中国话 孔夫子的话越来越国际化 全世界都在讲中国话 我们说的话让世界都认真听话 全世界都在学中国话 孔夫子的话越来越国际化 全世界都在讲中国话 我们说的话让世界都认真听话 |
Shoulder pole is wide while wooden stool is short
Shoulder pole wants to be bounded to wooden stool Shoulder pole is wide while wooden stool is short Shoulder pole wants to be bounded to wooden stool Marilyn from London bought a cheong-sam as a gift to her mom Fersige From Moscow falls in love with beef noodle Different color of skin different color of hair What they read what they say Chinese is becoming popular We practise English pronunciations and grams for years They roll their tongues to learn the changes of Chinese tones Pingping zeze pingping ze Zeze pingping zeze ping How wise Chinese are how beautiful Chinese is Shoulder pole is wide while wooden stool is short Shoulder pole wants to be bounded to wooden stool Wooden stool doesn’t want shoulder pole to be bounded on it Shoulder pole insist on being bounded on wooden stool Wooden stool especially doesn’t want shoulder pole to be bounded on it Whether shoulder pole is wide or wooden stool is long Brothers are sitting on a slop Above the slop lies a goose Below the slop flows a river Older brother says the wide river Younger brother says white goose The Goose wants to cross the river while the river wants to carry goose Whether the goose is crossing the river Or the river is carrying the goose All the world is learning Chinese Confucian is more and more internationalized All the world is speaking Chinese What we say let all the world listen carefully Susan from New York opens a lounge bar with Buddhist style Wolfken from Berlin play Erhu with electronic guitar Different skins different hairs What they read what they say Chinese is becoming popular We practise English pronunciations and grams for years They roll their tongues to learn the changes of Chinese tones Pingping zeze pingping ze Zeze pingping zeze ping How wise Chinese are how beautiful Chinese is A child named Xiaodu Went to shopping for vinegar and cloth Bought cloth bought vinegar Suddenly saw hawk is preying on rabbit Dropped cloth dropped vinegar Went to catch hawk and rabbit Lost hawk and rabbit Spilled vinegar wet cloth Mouth blamed on legs legs blamed on mouth Mouth blamed legs for liking moving Legs blamed mouth for liking speaking Just speaking without moving Just moving without speaking It would be better being without legs and mouth Whether mouth blamed on legs or legs blamed on mouth All the world is learning Chinese Confucian is more and more internationalized All the world is speaking Chinese What Chinese say let all the world listen to carefully All the world is learning Chinese Confucian is more and more internationalized All the world is speaking Chinese What we say let all the world listen carefully |
CN101 (2014 Fall) Self-Introduction Video
I am so glad that QU CN101 (2014 Fall) Self-Introduction video was made public on Nov. 24, 2014 before Thanksgiving. It is a fun and memorable video for me and all the participants. Students learned the self-introduction contents from their first week of class. This film was directed and edited by my CN101 student, Brian P. Porco (Ke Bin). The on-site assistant directors are Nicholas D. Dafcik (Du Ning) and Nickolas D. Raphael (Luo Ling).
During the film, students greeted first (nǐ hǎo), then introduced their names (míng zì), nationality (such as měi guó rén), or where they come from(such as niǔ yuē rén). They talked about their majors (zhǔ xiū) and grade levels(nián jí). The film ended with the words "Goodbye" (zài jiàn). |
Facebook's Mark Zukerberg stuns crowd by speaking Mandarin
Mark Zukerberg was invited to attend a Tsinghua U. lab Session in Beijing on Oct. 22, 2014. He addressed to the audiences in Chinese the reasons he speaks Chinese. 1) His wife is a Chinese. In order for him to communicate with her and her families. He has to speak Chinese. 2) He loves the Chinese cultures. Learning Chinese will help him to understand the cultures. 3) Chinese is a challenging language that is very difficult to learn. However, he loves to face the challenges!
During this business conference seminar, Mark Zuckerberg discussed Facebook's China plans in Mandarin. For more details, you can refer to the report from the Washington Post. (Click here) |
New England Regional Association for Language Learning Technology
NERALLT Fall 2014 Conference
Technology for Language Education:
Making Need-Based and Pedagogy-Driven Choices
Date: October 23-24, 2014
Hosted by Brown University in providence, RI
Technology for Language Education:
Making Need-Based and Pedagogy-Driven Choices
Date: October 23-24, 2014
Hosted by Brown University in providence, RI
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
Chinese Hand Clinic/中国手诊
Palmprint diagnosis, has a long history in our country. As early as the Shang Dynasty Oracle have identified disease palmprint records; two thousand years ago, the "Yellow Emperor" also has recognized the body part and the whole of the dialectical unity; civil society in our country, has been the "fingers with hearts", "From know the outside "," hands heat by heat organs, organs of feeling cold hands cold "cognition. Today, after a tireless researcher of ancient exploration and practice,, we can predict palm medical diagnosis and treatment of physiological disorders, diagnosis and treatment can also adjust psychologically. (Continued at http://www.shareschinese.com/chinese-medicine.html)
Amazing Hanzi Word Art 令人赞叹的汉字艺术
The image is composed completely by Chinese Hanzi. More Hanzi word art can be viewed here. 一筆一畫都是由漢字繪成,更多的漢字藝術連結。
Foot Binding / 缠足(chán zú), 裹小脚 (guǒ xiǎo jiǎo)--June 10, 2014
Foot binding (also known as "Lotus feet") is the custom of applying painfully tight binding to the feet of young girls to prevent further growth. The practice originated during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period (10th or 11th century), but spread in the Song Dynasty. Foot binding became popular as a means of displaying status and a symbol of beauty in Chinese. The Ching Dynasty tried to ban foot binding in 1664 but failed. It was not until the early 20th century that foot binding began to die out.
Present Paper at the 12th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese--May 3, 2014
Cher shares Chinese teaching--April 11, 2014
Four dogs in Taiwan did the prayer together before eating. --April 5, 2014
The 4th Chinese Bridge Speech Contest for College Students--March 24, 2014
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
FREE SUMMER CAMP (July 7-Aug. 4) in China--March 10, 2014
From: Rohit
Phone: 008618210587363
Email: [email protected]
School: BICC
Comments: FREE SUMMER CAMP !!! July 7th - August 4th.
Anyone who is between 18 - 25 can join it.
Send your applications now as limited number of scholarships are available.
The “Learning Chinese Language, Experiencing Chinese Culture” summer camp is
hosted by the Confucius Institute Headquarters and organized by Beijing International
Chinese College (BICC). Through two weeks of intensive Chinese language learning,
campers can improve their capability in Spoken Chinese and cultivate their interest in
the study of Chinese. Through the rich and colorful traditional Chinese culture
experience courses, campers can gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.
Through discussions with Chinese families and Chinese students, we can strengthen
understanding and friendship between young Chinese and International students.
Join us and you will not only improve your Chinese swiftly, but also learn more about
the profound Chinese culture.
Click here for more info :
BICC will pay for: Airport pick-up and drop off, courses, meals, accommodation and
all IN-city excursions.
Please note Free airport service is provided on condition that students arrive and depart
on time.
Students will be living in our foreign student’s dormitory or express hotels near the
DOES NOT INCLUDE: Air ticket, insurance, visa
To apply please go to http://www.jotform.me/hibicc/admission
For more info write us at : [email protected]
Phone: 008618210587363
Email: [email protected]
School: BICC
Comments: FREE SUMMER CAMP !!! July 7th - August 4th.
Anyone who is between 18 - 25 can join it.
Send your applications now as limited number of scholarships are available.
The “Learning Chinese Language, Experiencing Chinese Culture” summer camp is
hosted by the Confucius Institute Headquarters and organized by Beijing International
Chinese College (BICC). Through two weeks of intensive Chinese language learning,
campers can improve their capability in Spoken Chinese and cultivate their interest in
the study of Chinese. Through the rich and colorful traditional Chinese culture
experience courses, campers can gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.
Through discussions with Chinese families and Chinese students, we can strengthen
understanding and friendship between young Chinese and International students.
Join us and you will not only improve your Chinese swiftly, but also learn more about
the profound Chinese culture.
Click here for more info :
BICC will pay for: Airport pick-up and drop off, courses, meals, accommodation and
all IN-city excursions.
Please note Free airport service is provided on condition that students arrive and depart
on time.
Students will be living in our foreign student’s dormitory or express hotels near the
DOES NOT INCLUDE: Air ticket, insurance, visa
To apply please go to http://www.jotform.me/hibicc/admission
For more info write us at : [email protected]
Myths And Logic Of Shaolin Kung Fu--March 1, 2014
2014 Lantern Festival Celebration--Feb. 14, 2014
AIT(American Institute In Taiwan) staff and families attended the Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival on the evening of February 8, 2014, and enjoyed participating in the release of sky lanterns after writing wishes and notes on the lanterns. AIT wishes everyone a Happy Year of the Horse. |
The Spring Lantern Festival is a tradition in Hong Kong, when lovers and families venture out together to look at lantern displays on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar New Year. CCTVNEWS correspondent went to Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour, and spoke to one lantern designer about the festival, which is extra-special this year as it coincides with Valentine's Day.
Usher in the prosperous Year of the Horse with 88 illuminated lantern scuptures of horses galloping towards prosperity and countless gold coins suspended along the street. Combining traditions with modern design, be enthralled by the creativity of the contemporary street light-up design.
Pavilion KL welcomes the 2014 Chinese New Year with an amazing transformation to the mall, infusing it with an exciting festive atmosphere. The highlight of the decorations would be 688 Horses of Fortune found throughout the mall, bringing good luck and good fortune to all visitors.
Andy Lau-恭喜發財(Gong Xi Fa Cai), Congratulations and wish for the big fortune--Feb. 8, 2014
Celebrate the Year of the Horse at our Lunar New Year--Jan. 22, 2014
The Confucius Institute at Pace University will be holding our Annual Lunar New Year Celebration on Sunday, February 2nd, 2014, when we will welcome in the Year of the Horse. The celebration will take place in the Schimmel Theater at 3 Spruce Street from 1-3 PM and will include a traditional lion dance, martial arts, instrumental performances, hip hop, crosstalk comedy, a special performance by the United Nations Singers, and a raffle. One of the MCs for the event is a UN staff member from Australia and he will be speaking in Chinese.
This year, we will be cohosting the event with the Pace University Chinese Students and Scholars Association (Pace CSSA) and the New York Chinese Opera Society (NYCOS). If you would like to attend we welcome RSVPs at [email protected].
Happy New Year,
The Staff of the Pace CI
Confucius Institute at Pace University
41 Park Row, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10038 | (212) 346-1880
This year, we will be cohosting the event with the Pace University Chinese Students and Scholars Association (Pace CSSA) and the New York Chinese Opera Society (NYCOS). If you would like to attend we welcome RSVPs at [email protected].
Happy New Year,
The Staff of the Pace CI
Confucius Institute at Pace University
41 Park Row, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10038 | (212) 346-1880