祝願天下的母親--“母親節快樂” Wish "Happy Mother's Day" to all the Moms in the words!
孟郊這首遊子吟,"慈母手中線,遊子身上衣,臨行密密縫,意恐遲遲歸,誰言寸草心,報得三春暉“,道盡了母親不眠不休,為臨行的孩子縫製衣裳的慈愛,母親的偉大,豈是渺小的我們所能報答!"Song of the Wanderer" by Meng Jiao, "Thread in the hand of a compassionate mother, clothes on a wandering son, just before his departure she sewed closely, in her mind worrying about his late return. Who would say that the heart of inch-high grass, could repay the sunshine of deepest spring?" This poem described how a sleepless mom sewed the clothes for her child before his departure! How can we repay mother's great love with our tiny heart?
仿白居易詠春作-- Chanting the Spring, imitation the poet of Bai Juyi
Tea tasting, playing the instrument, and chatting with friends were the favorite of the poet Bai Juyi. As soon as the poet moved to his new home, he invited his friends to play music, sing songs and drink tea. Life is full of fun and enjoyment when chatting friends with tea and music. Today I imitated Master Bai Juyi for drinking tea, playing Guzheng instrument and writing calligraphy. What a wonderful casual afternoon! |
黎明不遠,黑暗終將遠離!The dawn is not far and the darkness will leave soon!
The empty Milan Cathedral and a completely different Italy, transmit the beautiful music in every corner of the world through Bocelli's singing. In this un-anticipated period, everyone tries to seek peace and tranquility in the mind. What we can do now is to protect ourselves by complying with staying-at-home order and social-distancing and wearing masks when at outside, so that the frontline medical and security personnels can reduce the burden and decrease the chances of getting ill and death. Here, I am also so proud of the medical system, capabilities and rigorous control of my hometown, Taiwan when dealing with the COVID-19. |
Andrea Bocelli: Music For Hope - Live From Duomo di Milano |
Pray for COVID-19
為「新冠肺炎」疫情守望禱告 |
How Taiwan Cope with COVID-19 |
Doggerel ragged verse "Send Away God of Plague" by Chinese Comic Brush Painting Master, Da Zeng.
在新冠肺炎益加嚴峻之時,希望大家照顧好自己,從苦悶中找尋樂趣,就如同大增老師所畫所做打油詩「江南煙雨又綿綿,千絲萬縷潤心田,莫愁當下少晴日,三月春光在眼前」,即使擺在眼前陰霾不定,不過可別顧著發愁呢,因為曼妙的春天就在當下啊!When the spread of the novel coronavirus is getting severe, I hope you take good care of yourself and still generate some fun from it, just like those doggerel ragged verses created by the Chinese comic brush painting master, Da Zeng. Even if the haze is in front of you, don't worry about it, because the beautiful spring is already here now!
Corona Virus 2019 (COVID-19) Confirmed cases in the World
2019新型冠狀病毒具有高度傳染力,點擊以下地圖可以看到World Meter 針對全世界感染、死亡和治癒人數的即時統計,
The new coronavirus in 2019 is highly contagious.Click the map to see World Meter's real-time statistics on infections, deaths and cures worldwide.
The new coronavirus in 2019 is highly contagious.Click the map to see World Meter's real-time statistics on infections, deaths and cures worldwide.
The above map was screenshot in late Feb.
武漢加油!武汉加油!Wuhan, Go! Go!
今年初因為新型冠狀病毒--武漢肺炎的蔓延,全世界陷入恐懼中,在世界地球村的今天,希望大家照顧好自己,幫忙抑制病毒的散播,”用肥皂勤洗手、生病了請帶口罩或在家休息,如果曾到中國,請在家隔離十四天。如果覺得自己有冠狀病毒的症狀,在美國請打專線1-888-364-3065詢問。因為許多平凡的天使,世界因之綻放彩虹 (影片一),在見證中國以十天的神速完成火神山醫院安置武漢肺炎的患者(影片二),我們大家一起努力,為武漢加油(影片三)。希望大家平安,安然度過這個鼠年帶來的第一個災難。Earlier this year, due to the spread of a novel coronavirus, "Wuhan pneumonia", the world is terribly in fear. As in the Global Village today, I hope that everyone will take care of yourself by assisting to ease this virus. "Wash your hands with soaping water frequently, wear a mask or rest at home if you are sick and self-quarantine at home for fourteen days if you just return from China." If you feel that you have the symptoms of coronavirus, please call the hotline in the United States at 1-888-364-3065 for inquiries. Because of the loves from many ordinary angels, the world bears a rainbow after the rain (figure 1). By witnessing China had completed the Huoshen Mt. Hospital in ten days for accommodating the novel coronavirus patients (Video 2), we need to work together and pray for Wuhan and China's recovery from this crisis (Video 3). Wish everyone safe and get over soon from the first disaster happened in the year of Rat.
Video 2: China built Huoshen Shan Hospital in 10 days to accommodate the 2019 NoV patients. |
Video 1: Angels song by G.E.M. |
Video 3: Wuhan, Go! Go! |
鼠年快樂!Happy Chinese New Year in 2020!
走進三千年前的毛公鼎 Plunge into the three-thousand year treasure -- Maogong Ding
五四運動紀念日在紐約的一天 The May Fourth Movement Day in New York
On the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement, I participated in the 17th New York International Conference on Chinese Teaching organized by the Greater New York Chinese Teachers Association. |
五四運動肇始於第一次世界大戰結束後舉行的巴黎和會,列強將戰敗國德國在山東的權益轉讓給日本,即所謂的【山東問題】。The May Fourth Movement was resulted after the end of the 1st war from the Paris Peace Conference during which the powers transferred the interests of the defeated Germany in Shandong to Japan, the so-called [Shandong issue]. |
好吃的中國料理不難做!Delicious Chinese food is not hard to make!!
這幾個視頻是為了在2019年5月2日CC 所舉辦的【教师和学生参与互動】的活動而製作的。Cher 老师使用自己的食谱,演示好吃又好做的【紅燒獅子頭滷白菜】、【麻糬】、【豆沙包】和【肉餡包】的作法, 有空您也來試試!These videos were created for the "Faculty and Student Engagement" activity held by CC on May 2nd of 2019. Prof. Lin used her own recipes to demonstrate how to make gourmet and delicious "Braised Meat Balls with Chinese Cabbage", "Mochi", "Bean Buns" and "Meat Buns". These dishes are not hard to make. You can also try them sometimes!
CAS Cabaret 2019 - QU 文理學院同歡晚會
這是文理學院年度的師生同歡晚會。 中文學生根據中國四大古典名著其中三部中的角色,身著中國傳統服飾。 這三部名著是“白蛇傳”、“牛郎織女” 和 “孟姜女哭倒長城”。進京趕考的學者服飾也在這邊介紹。由於女性角色的短缺,“織女”的角色由男學生扮演,感謝這位學生的傾囊相助。It is a yearly CAS Cabaret, at which Chinese students had dressed up traditional Chinese costumes mainly based on the roles from three of the Four Chinese Classics, "The Legend of the Lady White Snake", "Cowherd and Weaver", and "Meng Jiangnu Cried the Great Wall Down". The outfits of the old time scholars heading for Imperial Examination were also show-cased here. Due to the shortage of the female role, the character of "Weaver" was cosplayed by a male student, whose assistance was greatly appreciated.
東(东)dōng East 的字源
Basic Explanation:
豬年快樂、諸事呈祥!Happy and Prosperous on the Year of Pig!
Theresa May, Prime Minister of United Kingdom delivered a warm Chinese New Year message. |
Click here for more Chinese New Year information. |
聖誕快樂、新年如意 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
祝福大家~ 神誕快樂、新年如意! 珍惜福分、緣分; 感恩幸福、平安的每一天! 為迎接新的一年年喝采! As the year of 2018 is towards the end, I made this video and wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. While cherishing the blessings and be grateful the happiness and peace every day, we all cheers for a New Year to come! All the best!! ~Cher~ |
人工智能將改變我們的生活。AI (Artificial Intelligence) is going to change our life.
人機耦合的時代來臨,看人工智能如何改變我們的社會?這個影帶借由在中國第二次世界智能大會發表合成來自美國總統川普的祝賀語,以及新近新華社發佈的人工智能新聞主播,提醒大家未來人機耦合的現象將無可避免。The Era of Man-Machine coupling is coming. See how Artificial Intelligence can change our society? This video made use of the speech congratulated from the US president Trump at the 2nd World Intelligence Congress held in China, and also the newly released Artificial Intelligence News Anchor by Xinhua News to remind us the phenomenon of man-machine coupling is inevitable in the future. |
Why Study Chinese? 为什么学中文?
Chinese is getting important. Several factors were presented based on the powerful entity, strong economy, enriched cultures and heritage with which China is equipped for the current,. Chinese is the most spoken language in the world due to its largest population. It is also becoming a very important internet language, which is only second to the English. Learning Chinese has great aspects such as increasing the job opportunities, broadening the world vision to the East, enhancing and stimulating your brain...etc. |
如何制作普洱茶饼 How to make Pu'er Tea Cake!
在云南丽江古城,利用展出的茶马古道商展,体验普洱茶饼的制作。先将茶叶称重置入茶袋之后,利用高温蒸汽,将茶叶蒸软,之后再经过塑形和石磨压制后变成成品,经过包装之后,即是一份绝佳的纪念品或伴手礼。 The production of Pu'er Tea Cake was experienced at a weekend trade show which featured the ancient Tea-Horse Road in the UNESCO city,Lijiang, Yunnan of China. The tea leaves were first put into the tea bag, which was then set under a high-temperature steam, and finally transformed into a finished product after being shaped and stone-pressed. It became an excellent souvenir or a present after being wrapped and packaged inside a gift box. |
成語:楚河漢界/楚河汉界 (chǔ hé hàn jiè)
Border of the two opposing powers
楚河漢界的典故,源於公元前205漢王劉邦和西楚霸王項羽的長期對峙,最後項羽輸了,決定和劉邦簽署停戰協定-,也就是位於河南滎陽黄河南岸广武山上的鴻溝,這條鴻溝寬200米、長800米,一分在西邊的漢王和在東邊的西楚霸王,從此楚河漢界表示敵對雙方兩大勢力的分界線。 Chinese Idiom "chǔ hé hàn jiè", indicating a clear boundary in between two opposing powers. It was dated back a battle happened on 205 BC between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu. After the long-time confrontation, Xiang Yu lost and decided to sign with Liu Bang an armistice agreement. The dividing gap which is 200 meters wide and 800 meters long, is on the Guangwu Mountain on the south bank of the Yellow River in Fuyang, Henan. It separated Han King, Liu Bang in the west and Xichu Ba King in the east. From then on, Chu He Han Jie has expressed the dividing line between the two opposing forces.
走出以萬聖節為主題的語言餐桌,瑟瑟的秋風和幢幢的樹影,為今天的西洋鬼節添加不少鬼魅的氣氛。Walking out of the Halloween-themed language table, I felt the autumn wind and the tree shadows added a lot of ghostly atmosphere to today's Western Ghost Festival.
看看安娜蜂鳥的瞬間變臉,與川劇變臉竟有異曲同工之妙。Take a look! The sudden Face Off of the Anna's Hummingbird possesses the same uniqueness of China Sichuan Opera's Changing face.
“阿伊達歌劇(Aida Opera)” 和“梁山伯與祝英台(Butterfly Lovers)” 以及“孔雀東南飛 (Peacocks Flying to Southeast)”
因為門戶不相當,無望與之結為夫妻,導致抑鬱而終之後,在祝英台出嫁的那天要求花轎經過梁山伯的墓地膜拜,因悲痛不已致使風雲大作、墓地大開,祝英台投身進入,墓地隨之封合,天候瞬時轉晴,繼而飛出兩隻蝴蝶翩翩起舞、儷影雙雙。另外想起的另一部--孔雀東南飛,也是男女主角雙雙殉情的愛情故事,雖是淒美動人,卻也令人無限感傷。真如元好問詞:【問世間情是何物,直教人生死相許!】Yale’s first live broadcast of the opera on October 6th was “Aida”, a love story about the age of Pharaoh in ancient Egypt 3,500 years ago. It was a four-act opera composed by Giuseppe Verdi. The actress Aida learned that her beloved Egyptian general (Radames) was sentenced by the high priest to be entombed to death because he was condemned to leak the army’s route and remained silent for being accused as a "traitor". Aida sneaked into the tomb and died with Radames who later entered. , leaving a beautiful and touching love story. When I saw the end of the opera, It reminded me of the story of the Chinese "Romeo and Juliet"-- "Butterfly Lovers", that is the renowned "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai". Zhu Yingtai learned that her beloved Liang Shanbo died from the heart-broken depression that he could not marry to her due to the feudal society of not a equal family status. On the day of Zhu Yingtai's arranged marriage to a rich family, she asked the sedan to go through the cemetery where Liang Shanbo was buried. The saddened grief all of a sudden resulted in an overwhelming storm that caused the tomb was widely opened. Zhu Yingtai threw herself in and the tomb was immediately sealed. The weather turned sunny and flied out two butterflies that were happily dancing and moving together. Another similar story came to my mind was "Peacocks Flying to Southeast". It is also a love story about a couple who committed suicide for the frustrated love. Although it is beautiful and touching, it is also inevitably full of sadness. As the Chinese classical poem made by Yuan, Haowen : [What the love is to Make people live and drive people die!】
中秋節快樂/中秋节快乐 (zhōng qiū jié kuài lè )Happy Mid-Autumn Festival
中國神話故事,說明 “后羿射日” 和 “嫦娥奔月”的由來。后羿拉弓射下九個太陽,拯救限於火熱生活的人民,他成為英雄並獲得黃帝賞賜的長生不老之藥,不過不小心卻被她美麗的愛妻-嫦娥所吃,以致嫦娥抱著玉兔飛奔至月亮,為感念恩愛而不能相守的后羿和嫦娥,將陰曆八月十五日這一天定為“中秋節”,也成為闔家團圓、賞月吃月餅的時刻。
A Chinese Ancient Mythology portrayed the origins of “Hòuyì shè rì” and "Cháng é bēn yuè" stories. Houyi saved the withered earth by shooting down nine out of 10 suns with his bow. He became a hero and received the longevity medicine from the Yellow Emperor, but it was accidentally eaten by her beautiful wife-Cháng é who flew to the moon with the jade rabbit. For the sympathy of this grieving & seperable couple, the day of August 15th on the lunar calendar is designated as the "Mid-Autumn Festival", which is the time to reunite the family and enjoy the moon cake with the love ones.
The Book of Changes: "Tian Xingjian, a gentleman to self-improvement; terrain Kun, gentleman with virtue!" In the beginning of the new semester, I encourage myself to be diligent, hardworking, honest and sincere, and kind and forgive others. All are founded on the study of the traditional Chinese philosophy, Yi-Jing. |
新年快乐!新年快樂!Xīnnián kuàilè! Happy New Year!
The Art Paintings of Giuseppe, the Royal Painter in China.
郎世寧 (1688年7月19日-1766年7月17日),義大利人,是中國有名的宮廷畫家。受到康熙、雍正和乾隆三帝的重用,雖是天主教耶穌會的傳教士,由於其繪畫技藝高超,因此不受到雍正下令的禁教政策的驅逐。郎世寧留下許多傳世的名作,台灣中華郵政在2014及2015年出版的郵票集冊中,都有他的作品。
Giuseppe Castiglione (July 19, 1688 - July 17, 1766), Italian. He is a famous royal painter in China and respected highly from the governments ruled by the Emperors of Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong. Although he was a missionaries, he was not expelled from the ban on religious intercession ordered by the Yongzheng King because of its superb artistic skills. Castiglione has left many masterpieces to the world. Taiwan's Chunghwa Post published part of his words in the 2014 and 2015 stamp collections.
Giuseppe Castiglione (July 19, 1688 - July 17, 1766), Italian. He is a famous royal painter in China and respected highly from the governments ruled by the Emperors of Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong. Although he was a missionaries, he was not expelled from the ban on religious intercession ordered by the Yongzheng King because of its superb artistic skills. Castiglione has left many masterpieces to the world. Taiwan's Chunghwa Post published part of his words in the 2014 and 2015 stamp collections.
NYC held the Great Poet, Zhimo Xu's 120 Birth Commemoration.
二十四节气(èr shí sì jié qì) Twenty-Four Solar Terms
According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, there are twenty-four Solar Terms. The Beginning of Spring, the Beginning of Summer, the Beginning of Autumn and the Beginning of Winter mark the start of the four seasons. The Vernal Equinox and the Autumnal Equinox are the two points where the day and night are equal. The Summer Solstice has the longest day and shortest night in a year, while the opposite is true for the Winter Solstice. The Rain Water means the start of the Spring. The Walking of Insects indicates that the spring thunder awakens hibernating insects. The Pure Brightness means the onset of spring when a bright and clean spring scene replaces the cold, withered and yellow scene of winter. The Grain Rain indicates that from that day, there will be more rainfall, which is beneficial to the growth of crops. The Grain Budding shows crops that will ripen in summer start to show plump seeds. The Grain in Ear tells people that the wheat has ripened. The Slight Heat and Great Heat indicates the full onset of summer, with the Great Heat being the hottest day of the year. The Limit of Heat shows that scorching summer days will soon be gone. The White Dew tells people that dew appears in the morning to show that the weather is turning cold and , as this intensifies, we move on to the Cold Dew. The Frost's Decent means the appearance of the first frost of the season. The Slight Snow and Great Snow mean the arrival of the snowy season. The Slight Cold and Great Cold indicate the degree of coldness in winter, with the Great Cold being the coldest day of the season (from Common Knowledge About Chinese Culture).
Four Great Inventions of Ancient China and Current China
According to 《Science and Civilization》(中国科学技术史)(1954-2015) by Joseph Needham (1900-1995), China’s four great inventions are Compass(指南针), Papermaking (造纸术), Printing (印刷术) and Gunpower (火药).
According the study from Beijing Foreign Studies University,the students from over 20 foreign countries voted the current China’s four great inventions are E-Shopping (网购), High Speed Train (高铁), Alipay (支付宝) and Bike-Sharing (共享单车).
七夕(qī xī, Double Seventh)-- 中国情人节快乐;Happy Chinese Valentines!
Chinese Kungfu Star, Donnie Yen masters both the pen and the sword!
香港回归中国二十周年文艺晚会中,朗朗的钢琴造诣人尽皆知。但功夫巨星甄子丹的琴艺,也令人惊艳,可谓深藏不露 (shēn cáng bú lù)、允文允武 (yǔn wén yǔn wǔ)!
At the Gala show of the 20th Anniversary of Hong Kong‘s Return to China, Lang Lang's world-renowned exceptional piano techniques continued to be a vocal point. But it was a pleasant surprise to find that the famous Chinese Kungfu Star, Donnie Yen actually plays a good piano too. His hidden great piano skills disclosed himself as the master both on the pen and the sword. |
葉問 預告片 Ip Man Trailer
葉問2 預告片 Ip Man 2 Trailer
葉問3 預告片 Ip Man 3 Trailer
父亲节/父親節快樂 (fù qīn jié fù qīn jié kuài lè) Happy Father's Day
What a great enjoyment at the Father's Day to watch the Piano and Erhu ensemble Lang Lang and his father, Lang Guo Ren did before. It was such a great comfort and achievement for Lang Lang's father to be able to play with his talented and diligent son at the Carnegie Music Hall of the United States. The father played Erhu with such a high pride, while the son focused so much to accompany his father's performance. That was the best domestic bliss of the "Father and Son" I felt at this moment. |
秦汉盛世的中国艺术 Chinese Art of the Qin & Han Dyansties
“Age of Empires: Chinese Art of the Qin and Han Dynasties (221 B.C.–A.D. 220)” will be on view at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 5th Avenue April 3–July 16, 2017.
Pay the Tribute to the Film Director, Bólín Qí of Above Taiwan
Director Bólín Qí's plane crashed while he was in the mission of taking the aerial shots of Above Taiwan. He had dedicated to his life of shooting the landscapes, rivers and ecology of Taiwan. He also strived his effort of bringing the people in Taiwan to promote the environmental protection. Here, we pay the tribute to his dedication and contribution for his love to the land of Taiwan.
端午节快乐 (duān wǔ jié kuài lè) Happy Dragon Boat Festival!
The versatile rice dumplings spill the smell on Dragon Boat Festival! |
It is dazzling and varied! |
书中自有黄金屋;书中自有颜如玉!Luxurious Dwellings come out of Reading!
In the book, there is a house of gold. In the book, there is a shade of jade! 出处-宋真宗赵恒御笔亲作《励学篇》
作者:赵恒 年代:宋 富家不用买良田,书中自有千钟粟。 安居不用架高楼,书中自有黄金屋。 娶妻莫恨无良媒,书中自有颜如玉。 出门莫恨无人随,书中车马多如簇。 男儿欲遂平生志,五经勤向窗前读。 赵匡胤以陈桥兵变,得开大宋皇朝,这却使他心身警惕,于是制定了一个重要的国策,贬抑武人参政,建立一个士大夫政治制度,全国地方长官一律任用文臣。 国家一时要普遍起用那么多文臣,而宋承五代长期的战乱,一般人都不喜欢读书,书读得好的就更少。所以朝廷为实行既定国策,就必须一方面广开读书人登仕的途径,一方面竭力提倡读书的风气。宋真宗赵恒御笔亲作《励学篇》,传布天下,这首短短的篇章,迷醉天下士子者,几近千年。(出自诗词名句网) |
包粽子(bāo zòng zi),準備端午節 (duān wǔ jié)的到來。
Wrap the rice dumplings to prepare for the coming of the Dragon Boat Festival!
Wrapping the dumplings is the important custom for the Dragon Boat Festival (May 5th on Lunar Calendar), one of the three biggest traditional Chinese festivals. This is to commemorate a great patriotic poet, qū yuán around 2300 years ago on the Warring States period. Due to he was gradually not trusted by the king of Chu, and then leading to the invasion of Qin, he was desperate and drowned himself in the Miluo River. The people made rice dumplings and threw them into the river in order to keep the fish away from eating his body. Making rice dumplings then became an important tradition during the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival in addition to the dragon boat race. |
[唐] 文秀-端午 ([Tang Dynasty] Poet-Wén Xiù Dragon Boat Festival
节分端午自谁言,万古传闻为屈原。堪笑楚江空渺渺,不能洗得直臣冤。 Who initiated the Dragon Boat Festival? It was said to commemorate Qu Yuan. I laughed even the grand Chǔ River could not clear the injustice of this great patriot. |
母亲节快乐 (mǔ qīn jié kuài lè)
Happy Mother's Day!
妈祖绕境报马仔 Matsu Pilgrimage Messenger
台湾大甲妈祖遶境进香活动,在每年农曆三月间举行长达九天八夜的出巡遶境,是民间重要的宗教信仰活动。妈祖出巡时报马仔走在前头,充当探子报信。手持一把长柄没有打开的伞,表示‘常善’;挂着一只锡壶,表示‘惜福’;同时挂着一隻猪脚,表示‘知足’;带一隻没有镜片眼镜,表示‘看破’;毛背心反穿,表示‘冷暖自知’;一隻脚穿鞋,一隻脚没有穿鞋,表示‘脚踏实地’。 Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage Procession in Taiwan is held annually in March in Lunar Calendar. The tour lasts 9 days and 8 night, which is the important folk religious activity. The messenger ahead of the tour holds a long handle but un-opened umbrella indicating to 'do good deeds often'. The handle hangs a tin pot, expressing to 'cherish happiness', and also hangs a pork shank to symbolize 'content' He wears one no-lens glasses to express to 'see through' the life. The fur vest is worn on the opposite side to show one should know through his own practice. He walks with one bare foot to tell people to be 'down to earth'. |
妈祖绕庄头,民间钻轿子祈福。People worshipped and kneeled down under the sedan chair to pray for blessing when Matsu paraded through the villages.
復活節/复活节快乐!(fù huó jié kuài lè) Happy Easter!
Easter is also known as the Lord's Resurrection Day, an important festival of today's Christians. Originally it was on the day of the Jewish Passover or the following Sunday, but the church meeting decided not to use the Jewish calendar on the 4th century, so the first full-moon Sunday after Vernal Equinox became Easter. Christians believe that Easter symbolizes rebirth and hope. And it is a story that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the year 33 after he was crucified and resurrected three days later. |
Successful political diplomacy - US President Trump's granddaughter sang a Chinese folk song and recited a Three Character Classic to welcome Chinese President Xi Jinping couple
Ivanka Trump ushered her two oldest children Arabella and Joseph to serenade the Chinese President Xi Jinping in Mandarin during his first-ever visit to the US President Donald Trump. Ivanka was eager to give Xi and his wife, Peng Liyuan a warm welcome. Arabella sang a Chinese Folk song called Jasmine Flower and then recited a Three Character Classic. The visit was taken place at Trump's 's Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida on Thursday. |
The first lady of China, Peng Liyuan
sang Jasmine Flower. |
Arabella recited the Chinese nursery rhymes.
Three Character Classic (San Zi Jing)
中国最新洲际列车登场 Intercontinental High Speed Train from China
China is ready to launch an Intercontinental High Speed Train that combines to transport the passengers and the long distance cargo freights. The Intercontinental train blends the unique features of highly intelligent function, integrated body suitalbe for all intercontinental environments, high comfort and passenger/cargo separation. |
清明節/清明节 (qīng míng jié) Tomb Sweeping Festival
四月四日是清明节,和春节、中秋节、端午节并列为中国四大节日。《岁时百问》中说:“万物生长此时,皆清洁而明净,故谓之清明。” 清明节前后,家人齐聚一起,清理祖坟、祭拜祖先,表达慎重追远之心。
April 4 is the Ching Ming (Tomb Sweeping) Festival. It is ranked as the four important Chinese festivals with the others, Spring Festival (Chinese New Year), Mid-Autumn (Moon) Festival and Dragon Boat Festival. 清明 (qīng míng) literally means "clear" (qīng) and "bright" (míng) because it falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice. Around this time, families gather together to clean the ancestor's tombs, worship them with sacrifices and express our reverence for them. |
慎终追远(shèn zhōng zhuī yuǎn, Reverence for the Ancestors) 出自《论语学而》:“曾子曰:“慎终追远,民德归厚矣。”
Xue Er Chapter, The Analects of Confucius:The philosopher Zeng said, "Let there be a careful attention to perform the funeral rites to parents, and let them be followed when long gone with the ceremonies of sacrifice - then the virtue of the people will resume its proper excellence." (诸子百家)
Xue Er Chapter, The Analects of Confucius:The philosopher Zeng said, "Let there be a careful attention to perform the funeral rites to parents, and let them be followed when long gone with the ceremonies of sacrifice - then the virtue of the people will resume its proper excellence." (诸子百家)
三月华盛顿特区樱花游 March trip on DC Cherry Blossom
花团锦簇摇曳生姿 华盛顿碑若隐若现 杰佛森馆泰然自若 潮汐湖边游客如织 思古道今见贤思齐 |
Gorgeously, the cherry tree bloom!
Vibrantly, the mass flowers display! Washington Monument is faintly discernible from the branches. Jefferson Memorial stands firmly from the other side. Visitors, now and then, packed the Tidal Basin. Saints, past and current, pondered my thoughts. |
中國文化與文明/中国文化与文明 (zhōng guó wén huà yǔ wén míng)
Chinese Culture & Civilization
孫子兵法/孙子兵法 (sūn zi bīng fǎ) The Art of War
《孫子兵法》是中國古代的兵書,也是现今商场职场人士使用的商业宝典,作者為春秋末期的齊國人孫武。一般認為,《孫子兵法》成書於西元前515至前512年,全書為十三篇,The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the 5th century BC. It is also the tactic strategies used by business and workplace people (from Wikipedia & 书友会)
三八婦女節快樂/三八妇女节快乐 (sān bā fù nǚ jié kuài lè)
Happy Women's Day
March 8 Women's Day, is also known as "International Women's Day", "International Labor Women's Day", "March 8" and "March 8 Women's Day". The Chinese Kuomintang Party announced in 1924 that "March 8 is the international women's holiday". In 1949, the Chinese Communist Party after the ruling, officially set March 8th as the women's Day every year. |
殊途同归 (shū tú tóng guī) All Roads Lead to Rome!
Making soap is just the same as doing the research. The procedure has to be rigorous for getting a good product. The model has to be accurately calculated and quantitative so as to the output can take shape and reach a persuasive result. The design has to be unique and qualitative in some ways for producing a personalized and special craftsmanship. At first glance, these two seem to be two different things, but to explore the mentality of the output, production process, purpose, etc. .... nothing more than to produce good works. So that although the path is different, the ultimate goal is the same. All roads lead to Rome!These auspicious natural handmade soaps printed with Chinese Lucky Words were recently made to those US Chinese teachers who help to fill out the effective teaching questionnaires. Thanks for the big help even under your hectic schedules...... |
绝不向命运低头(jué bú xiàng mìng yùn dī tóu)
Never let your tragedy define your future!
总有这样的时候,心里被感人的故事搅动,而感动莫名!看着这个短片,不禁为Chris Norton 的硬骨气所折服。六年前,他在足球比赛中遭受脊髓损伤,导致他颈部以下,失去知觉,半身不遂。不过他没有选择向命运低头,相反的,他把他的励志故事分享给大家。 看着他亦步亦趋、艰苦但喜乐地往前踏出每一个步伐,是他的太太给了他一起奋斗的勇气与希望。哈,「一个成功的男人,背后总有一个伟大的女人」,似乎在这边也找到最佳的写照。Chris & Emily 加油!
There was always such a time, my heart was stirred by the moving story, and moved inexplicably! By watching this short film, I could not help but was impressed by Chris Norton's strong wills and perseverance. Six years ago, he suffered a spinal cord injury in a football game and was paralyzed from the neck down. He is not defeated by the fate, on the contrary, he shares his inspirational story to everyone. Watching him move forward step by step, hard yet happily, we cheered that it is his wife to give him the courage and hopes to fight for the destiny. "There is always a great woman behind a successful man"! Chris & Emily. You rock! |
情人节快乐 /情人節快樂 (qíng rén jié kuài lè) Happy Valentine's Day
Today is the Western Valentine's Day. Wish everyone have a happy Valentine's Day. China also has its own Valentine's Day. It is the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver. Because of the Jade Emperor's order, weaver was only able to meet once in a year her beloved husband in the Magpie Bridge on Tanabata day, leaving a romantic yet sad story to the world.... (More). |
元宵节快乐/元宵節快樂 (yuán xiāo jié kuài lè) Happy Lantern Festival
元宵節在中國農曆新年後的第15天慶祝。元宵節期間,孩子們在晚上攜帶紙燈籠或電動/ LED燈籠,興高采烈地慶祝元宵。燈籠表演和以一年一度的十二生肖為主題的花車遊行,在當地和全國被視為盛大的活動。中國的寺廟通常擠滿人們觀看各式美輪美奐的燈籠展覽和猜燈謎活動。通常在元宵節的時候,會吃元宵,圓圓大大的湯圓,象徵圓圓滿滿..........
The lantern Festival, called Yuánxiāojié (元宵节) is celebrated on the 15th day after the Chinese Lunar New Year. During the Lantern Festival, children carries paper lanterns or electric/LED lanterns nowadays at night for a fun gathering. The lantern light show and parade featuring a yearly zodiac theme are perceived as a grand event locally and nationally. The Chinese temples are usually crowded with people for viewing the exhibition of the versatile lanterns and solving the riddles. It is a tradition that people eat Yuánxiāo (元宵), sticky rice dumplings after the festival. The round and big sticky rice dumplings symbolize perfection in our life. (more.....) |
鸡年快乐,吉祥如意!jī nián kuài lè, jí xiáng rú yì
Happy Chinese Rooster Year! Wish you the best in year 2017!
咕咕咕...咕咕咕...公鸡扯开喉咙,欢迎2017中国旧历年的来到。新年到,我们也不免俗的说些鸡年相关的中国吉祥话! Gu Gu Gu....Gu Gu Gu! The Roosters shout out loud with their big throats and welcome Chinese New Year of 2017. At the arrival of the Rooster Year, there is no exception for greeting each other with the Rooster-Related Chinese lucky words. 金鸡报喜 jīn jī bào xǐ 鸡年大吉 jī nián dà jí 鸡年纳福 jī nián nà fú 生机勃勃 shēng jī bó bó 吉人天相 jí rén tiān xiāng 吉星高照 jí xīng gāo zhào 大吉大利 dà jí dà lì (....More) |
期末与学生同欢 Semester-end fun with students
学生和我参加学校举办的国际歌舞欢庆,我们表演旧历新年的庆祝,有年的故事介绍、舞狮、中国武术(刀和三节棍)、一到十的成语新年贺辞、以及跳流行歌曲-小苹果的团体舞蹈。另外一组学生诠释唐李白将进酒的诗词表演。Students and I joined a school-held International Cabaret. We performed a Chinese New Year Celebration featuring “年,Nian ” story, Lion Dance, Chinese Kungfu (Board Sword & Three-Section Cudgel), Chinese Axioms-generated Lucky Words, and a famous Chinese pop-song, “小苹果, Small Apple”. My other group of students performed "The Invitation to Our Play", adapted from "Invitation to Wine" from Li Bai, Tang Dynasty.