【百家讲坛第三十五期】-- March 14, 2016
题目: 实用有效的课堂活动在教学中的应用
讲师: Ying Jin 金璎,Cupertino High School, CA
讲座方式:Webinar: https://goo.gl/0q6rx2
内容简介:说来说去(Speed Dating)!听写接龙(Running Dictation) ! 跟老师比赛 (Speaking Against Teacher)! 这些游戏活动能否被借鉴到中文课堂教学中呢?我们如何寓教于乐, 给学生们提供一个轻松的环境, 让我们教授词汇, 功能以及内容的过程变得更加灵活和有效呢?
本次讲座将集中讨论如何利用丰富多彩的课堂活动,帮助学生在学习中文过程中减少压力, 提高兴趣,建立信心。我将与大家分享约十个简单易行的课堂教学活动和游戏,这些活动和游戏可以很容易地应用到课堂实践中去。除了循序渐进的活动步骤介绍以外,也将向各位老师展示学生练习样例。
总之, 此次讲座旨在通过这些课堂游戏和活动,全面提高学生的听力,口语,阅读,以及写作方面的沟通技巧,强化学生语言沟通(interpersonal)、理解诠释(interpretive)和表达演示(presentational)的能力。
题目: 实用有效的课堂活动在教学中的应用
讲师: Ying Jin 金璎,Cupertino High School, CA
讲座方式:Webinar: https://goo.gl/0q6rx2
内容简介:说来说去(Speed Dating)!听写接龙(Running Dictation) ! 跟老师比赛 (Speaking Against Teacher)! 这些游戏活动能否被借鉴到中文课堂教学中呢?我们如何寓教于乐, 给学生们提供一个轻松的环境, 让我们教授词汇, 功能以及内容的过程变得更加灵活和有效呢?
本次讲座将集中讨论如何利用丰富多彩的课堂活动,帮助学生在学习中文过程中减少压力, 提高兴趣,建立信心。我将与大家分享约十个简单易行的课堂教学活动和游戏,这些活动和游戏可以很容易地应用到课堂实践中去。除了循序渐进的活动步骤介绍以外,也将向各位老师展示学生练习样例。
总之, 此次讲座旨在通过这些课堂游戏和活动,全面提高学生的听力,口语,阅读,以及写作方面的沟通技巧,强化学生语言沟通(interpersonal)、理解诠释(interpretive)和表达演示(presentational)的能力。
Call for leadership to form special interest groups within CLTA-USA -- Feb. 17, 2016
In order to encourage CLTA members with common interests to form academic communities, exchange research and teaching information, collaborate on research/pedagogical projects, and share resources, I am happy to announce that the CLTA board has decided to launch the Special Interest Group (SIG) project within its organization.
I am writing to call for leadership to initiate and direct special interest groups. Any CLTA member who is employed full-time in a US elementary, secondary, or higher education institution and has expertise to serve as leader for the group is invited to submit a proposal for establishing a SIG with a focus on one of the following areas:
· Technology and Instructional application
· Chinese as a second language research
· K-5 Chinese Immersion
· K-12 classroom instruction and methodology
· Heritage language and heritage learners
· Teacher education and training
More areas can be added based on needs and interests. The basic operations of SIGs may include but are not limited to the following activities:
· Forming an online community --eGroup—(create LISTSEV for the group)
· Developing a website to share research/pedagogical activities or projects with the CLTA community
· Holding regular group activities for a common project
· Holding annual face-to-face group meeting/activity at CLTA sponsored conferences, if feasible
CLTA will provide the following support to each SIG:
· Listing each SIG on the CLTA website
· Providing web space within the CLTA website for sharing group projects
· Arranging meeting space for SIG activities during CLTA-sponsored conferences as requested
· Providing certain amount of activity funds based on needs
SIG memberships are free to CLTA members. A SIG may recruit non-CLTA members, who would pay a fee of $15 per year per SIG.
If you are interested in being a leader for a particular SIG, please fill out the attached proposal form and submit it toCLTA@UVM.EDU with a message tile of “CLTA SIG Leadership” by April 30, 2016. The CLTA Steering Committee will review the proposals and make recommendations to the Board. We will announce the results of proposal selection upon approval of the CLTA board.
Looking forward to your proposals!
Helen Shen, President of CLTA-USA
I am writing to call for leadership to initiate and direct special interest groups. Any CLTA member who is employed full-time in a US elementary, secondary, or higher education institution and has expertise to serve as leader for the group is invited to submit a proposal for establishing a SIG with a focus on one of the following areas:
· Technology and Instructional application
· Chinese as a second language research
· K-5 Chinese Immersion
· K-12 classroom instruction and methodology
· Heritage language and heritage learners
· Teacher education and training
More areas can be added based on needs and interests. The basic operations of SIGs may include but are not limited to the following activities:
· Forming an online community --eGroup—(create LISTSEV for the group)
· Developing a website to share research/pedagogical activities or projects with the CLTA community
· Holding regular group activities for a common project
· Holding annual face-to-face group meeting/activity at CLTA sponsored conferences, if feasible
CLTA will provide the following support to each SIG:
· Listing each SIG on the CLTA website
· Providing web space within the CLTA website for sharing group projects
· Arranging meeting space for SIG activities during CLTA-sponsored conferences as requested
· Providing certain amount of activity funds based on needs
SIG memberships are free to CLTA members. A SIG may recruit non-CLTA members, who would pay a fee of $15 per year per SIG.
If you are interested in being a leader for a particular SIG, please fill out the attached proposal form and submit it toCLTA@UVM.EDU with a message tile of “CLTA SIG Leadership” by April 30, 2016. The CLTA Steering Committee will review the proposals and make recommendations to the Board. We will announce the results of proposal selection upon approval of the CLTA board.
Looking forward to your proposals!
Helen Shen, President of CLTA-USA
大紐約地區中文教師學會2016年暑期南京大學中文師資培訓班招生 -- Jan. 19, 2016
為了更好地促進美國的漢語教學,促進中美兩國教師之間的文化交流﹐美國大紐約地區中文教師學會將再次与中國南京大學海外教育學院合作﹐在中國國家漢辦的支持下﹐共同開展培訓美國漢語教師的工作。該培訓計劃已于2004-2015年實施12期, 取得圓滿的結果。2016年暑期南京大學中文教師培訓班已開始招生﹐詳情如下﹕
一. 教學課程﹕
現當代中國文學、古代漢語 、中文寫作、漢英對比研究
二. 學習時間:
三. 學分
四. 申請人資格
請發電郵給 [email protected] 索取申請方式。
六. 費用
詢問電郵: [email protected]
一. 教學課程﹕
現當代中國文學、古代漢語 、中文寫作、漢英對比研究
二. 學習時間:
三. 學分
四. 申請人資格
請發電郵給 [email protected] 索取申請方式。
六. 費用
- 申請費$30 (non-refundable),申請時需交
- 項目活動費$370 (自費生的學費和活動費為$770),錄取時交
- 得到資助的申請人將在南大學習期間獲得1500元(人民幣)的生活補助
- 旅費自理
- 所有學員都必須有醫療保險
詢問電郵: [email protected]
Workshop for Teachers of Chinese - Let's Plan For Chinese New Year! -- Nov. 20, 2015
Teachers of Chinese,You are invited to a free 3 hour workshop to explore ways to celebrate the Chinese New Year with your students. The workshop instructor is Shaz Lawrence, Founder of Creative Chinese. (www.creativechinese.com)
Saturday, December 19th
University Settlement at The Houston Street Center, 273 Bowery, NY.
We will go beyond the typical Chinese New Year crafts, and discover how to plan a theme that integrates both language skills and culture.
Spaces are limited to 35 people, so please RSVP early to reserve a space. Teachers of Chinese of all grade levels, and students are welcome to attend.
OUTLINE OF THE DAY12:30 - Introduction
12:45 - Language and Culture Interconnected
1:30 - Break
1:45 - Creative Ideas for The Chinese New Year
2:30 - Group Brainstorming Session
3:15 - Feedback and Sharing
*All participants will receive a folder of handouts, lesson plans, and notes, plus access to online files related to the workshop. PLUS...Christmas snacks will be provided!
Saturday, December 19th
University Settlement at The Houston Street Center, 273 Bowery, NY.
We will go beyond the typical Chinese New Year crafts, and discover how to plan a theme that integrates both language skills and culture.
Spaces are limited to 35 people, so please RSVP early to reserve a space. Teachers of Chinese of all grade levels, and students are welcome to attend.
OUTLINE OF THE DAY12:30 - Introduction
12:45 - Language and Culture Interconnected
1:30 - Break
1:45 - Creative Ideas for The Chinese New Year
2:30 - Group Brainstorming Session
3:15 - Feedback and Sharing
*All participants will receive a folder of handouts, lesson plans, and notes, plus access to online files related to the workshop. PLUS...Christmas snacks will be provided!
FREE workshop @ TC, Columbia University: Teaching Chinese with Technology -- Nov. 11, 2015
The TCSOL certificate program at Teachers College, Columbia University cordially invites you to a FREE workshop & panel discussion on the use of technology in language classroom. Presenters will each demonstrate how technology can be creativey incorporated into your daily teaching of Chinese.
Spaced is limited. Please click here to sign up for the event at your earliest convenience. Refreshments will be provided.
Spaced is limited. Please click here to sign up for the event at your earliest convenience. Refreshments will be provided.
Join the New York Teachers of Chinese Network--Nov. 9, 2015
Hello Teachers,
After two very successful workshops for teachers of Chinese in Manhattan, a Meetup Group has been created, where teachers can keep informed of upcoming training sessions.
It is important that we learn from one another, share best practices, and support the teaching and learning of Chinese in all classrooms.
This Meetup is free for any teachers in the NYC area, so I hope you can join up.
Coffee chats, training sessions, get-together social events will be scheduled in the coming months, so we can explore innovative and creative ideas with each other.
Join here: http://www.meetup.com/New-York-Teachers-of-Chinese-Network/
A new workshop for December has already been scheduled - 'Planning For Chinese New Year' so I hope many of
you can join us.
[email protected]
After two very successful workshops for teachers of Chinese in Manhattan, a Meetup Group has been created, where teachers can keep informed of upcoming training sessions.
It is important that we learn from one another, share best practices, and support the teaching and learning of Chinese in all classrooms.
This Meetup is free for any teachers in the NYC area, so I hope you can join up.
Coffee chats, training sessions, get-together social events will be scheduled in the coming months, so we can explore innovative and creative ideas with each other.
Join here: http://www.meetup.com/New-York-Teachers-of-Chinese-Network/
A new workshop for December has already been scheduled - 'Planning For Chinese New Year' so I hope many of
you can join us.
[email protected]
Classroom Management for Teachers of Chinese--Oct. 29, 2015
Teachers of Chinese,
You are invited to a free workshop - Classroom Management For Teachers Of Chinese on Saturday, November 7th.
Whether you are a student, beginner teacher, or an experienced teacher, we can all learn new classroom strategies to ensure students are engaged and on task during class time. Building a positive learning environment in the classroom is crucial to the success of our students. At this workshop we will work in small groups, watch best practice videos, and develop our own Toolkit of strategies for our classroom.
Date: Saturday, November 7th
Time: 1pm-3:30pm
Location: University Settlement at the Houston Street Center - 273 Bowery New York, NY 10002
Please arrive anytime after 12:30 to ensure we start at 1pm. The room is much bigger than last time, so we will have a lot of interaction!
1: Introduction / Questions to explore (Please bring along examples from your own teaching experience to share with others)
1:15 - Best practice videos and group discussions
2:20 - Break
2:30 - Simulation of Classroom issues. Create personal Toolkit of strategies.
3:15 - Review and Feedback
3:30 - Pack up
The workshop is free, but teachers must RSVP to attend. Spaces are limited so please RSVP early if you want to participate.
Bring your questions and together we can brainstorm solutions.
To say "thank you" for taking time out of your weekend, there will be a free giveaway of an iPod for use in the language classroom.
Hope to see you on Saturday, November 7th.
Email for more details: [email protected]
You are invited to a free workshop - Classroom Management For Teachers Of Chinese on Saturday, November 7th.
Whether you are a student, beginner teacher, or an experienced teacher, we can all learn new classroom strategies to ensure students are engaged and on task during class time. Building a positive learning environment in the classroom is crucial to the success of our students. At this workshop we will work in small groups, watch best practice videos, and develop our own Toolkit of strategies for our classroom.
Date: Saturday, November 7th
Time: 1pm-3:30pm
Location: University Settlement at the Houston Street Center - 273 Bowery New York, NY 10002
Please arrive anytime after 12:30 to ensure we start at 1pm. The room is much bigger than last time, so we will have a lot of interaction!
1: Introduction / Questions to explore (Please bring along examples from your own teaching experience to share with others)
1:15 - Best practice videos and group discussions
2:20 - Break
2:30 - Simulation of Classroom issues. Create personal Toolkit of strategies.
3:15 - Review and Feedback
3:30 - Pack up
The workshop is free, but teachers must RSVP to attend. Spaces are limited so please RSVP early if you want to participate.
Bring your questions and together we can brainstorm solutions.
To say "thank you" for taking time out of your weekend, there will be a free giveaway of an iPod for use in the language classroom.
Hope to see you on Saturday, November 7th.
Email for more details: [email protected]
Celebrate Study-in-China at the Chinese Consulate General in New York--Oct. 19, 2015
Celebrate Study-in-China at the Chinese Consulate General in New York
Nov 13, 2015
When: 4:30 pm, Friday, November 13, 2015
Where: Banquet Hall at Chinese Consulate in Manhattan (exact location will be sent to attendees in official invitation)
Who: --Students who studied (and/or plan to study soon) in China
--Professors who have taught with study in China programs
--Study–abroad administrators at colleges and universities
What: --Celebrate studying in China
--Make friends with those who have studied in China over past years;
--Treat yourself to delicious Chinese food (the best in town), Chinese wines, etc.
--Enjoy Chinese art and cultural entertainment (songs, dance, etc.)
--All complimentary, at no cost to attendees
How to register?
Send an email to Prof. Lu to [email protected] by November 2, 2015 (first come first served, as capacity is limited); be sure to indicate your name, the dates and name of your study in China program, and your current college, or work affiliation if you have graduated from college.
Nov 13, 2015
When: 4:30 pm, Friday, November 13, 2015
Where: Banquet Hall at Chinese Consulate in Manhattan (exact location will be sent to attendees in official invitation)
Who: --Students who studied (and/or plan to study soon) in China
--Professors who have taught with study in China programs
--Study–abroad administrators at colleges and universities
What: --Celebrate studying in China
--Make friends with those who have studied in China over past years;
--Treat yourself to delicious Chinese food (the best in town), Chinese wines, etc.
--Enjoy Chinese art and cultural entertainment (songs, dance, etc.)
--All complimentary, at no cost to attendees
How to register?
Send an email to Prof. Lu to [email protected] by November 2, 2015 (first come first served, as capacity is limited); be sure to indicate your name, the dates and name of your study in China program, and your current college, or work affiliation if you have graduated from college.
Creativity and Innovation in the Chinese Language Classroom--Oct. 16, 2015
To all Teachers of Chinese,
The Creativity and Innovation Workshops are just 8 days away.
A few spaces are left if you would like to attend these free sessions.
The Workshops are suitable for all Chinese teachers from Preschool to College classes.
There will be a lot of hands-on activities, and you will gain valuable skills and resources to ensure students learn Chinese effectively.
Date: Saturday, October 24th
Time: 1-4pm
RSVP is required to attend.
Topics for the day:
1pm - Introduction
1:15 - The Flipped Classroom - How to use technology to teach the Chinese language
2:15 - Break
2:30 = Differentiation - Once Size Does Not Fit All!
3:15 - Tips And Tricks For Remembering Chinese Characters
Shaz Lawrence the founder and content developer of Creative Chinese, has over 20 years of teaching experience in Preschool – 12th Grade Chinese. She has published teaching resources which include 10 modules of Chinese Monster Magic, ‘I Love China’ cultural activities for students, ‘Teach Chinese? Yes you can!, and ‘Fun with Chinese’ characters. Shaz is currently living in New York, and travels around the US, UK, China, and Australia to run workshops for teachers of Chinese. She also works with the Confucius Institute in Scotland and Wales to provide training for teachers. Her workshops are engaging and full of practical ideas on how to teach Chinese in a creative and effective way.
The Creativity and Innovation Workshops are just 8 days away.
A few spaces are left if you would like to attend these free sessions.
The Workshops are suitable for all Chinese teachers from Preschool to College classes.
There will be a lot of hands-on activities, and you will gain valuable skills and resources to ensure students learn Chinese effectively.
Date: Saturday, October 24th
Time: 1-4pm
RSVP is required to attend.
Topics for the day:
1pm - Introduction
1:15 - The Flipped Classroom - How to use technology to teach the Chinese language
2:15 - Break
2:30 = Differentiation - Once Size Does Not Fit All!
3:15 - Tips And Tricks For Remembering Chinese Characters
Shaz Lawrence the founder and content developer of Creative Chinese, has over 20 years of teaching experience in Preschool – 12th Grade Chinese. She has published teaching resources which include 10 modules of Chinese Monster Magic, ‘I Love China’ cultural activities for students, ‘Teach Chinese? Yes you can!, and ‘Fun with Chinese’ characters. Shaz is currently living in New York, and travels around the US, UK, China, and Australia to run workshops for teachers of Chinese. She also works with the Confucius Institute in Scotland and Wales to provide training for teachers. Her workshops are engaging and full of practical ideas on how to teach Chinese in a creative and effective way.
Online Chinese Teaching Forum & Workshop at Michigan State University (Register before 11/06/2015)--Oct. 12, 2015
Dear Chinese teachers,
You are cordially invited to attend the first Online Chinese Teaching Forum (OCTF) andOnline Chinese Teaching Workshop (OCTW), which will be held at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, on December 4th-5th, 2015.
The forum (Dec 4th) aims at promoting the collaboration and communication among educators in K-12 online Chinese teaching and learning field. Organized by the Confucius Institute at Michigan State University (CI-MSU), the forum will focus on discussing topics around online Chinese teaching modes and curriculum development. The mission of this forum is to establish a network for all K-12 online Chinese course providers that are currently offered in the United States. The theme of the forum is Online Chinese Teaching Modes and Approaches. Mr. Jamey Fitzpatrick, the current President and Chief Executive Officer at Michigan Virtual University, will provide a keynote speech on the topic of “Online language education in the future: Policy and practices”. The morning session will focus on introducing various models of online Chinese course and the existing affordances and challenges that online Chinese course providers are facing. The afternoon session is designed for online Chinese instructors to share instructional strategies and useful technologies to better facilitate online teaching and learning.
The workshop is specifically designed for instructors who are currently teaching or are interested in teaching online Chinese course in the United States. Participants will have the opportunity to experience advanced technology (moving Robot) and how it is adopted in hybrid classroom settings. Participants will also learn various instructional strategies and useful tools to improve online teaching and engage online learners.
Due to limited space, please register before Nov 6th, 2015. For more information, you can check our website at http://www.experiencechinese.com/index.php/conference/
We appreciate if you could spread the information to people who may be interested. Should you have any question, please contact Lisa Payne ([email protected]) or Zilu Jiang ([email protected])
Tel: (517)432-4649
Address: 620 Farm Lane, East Lansing, MI, 48824.
We are looking forward to seeing you in East Lansing!
Confucius Institute
Michigan State University
You are cordially invited to attend the first Online Chinese Teaching Forum (OCTF) andOnline Chinese Teaching Workshop (OCTW), which will be held at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, on December 4th-5th, 2015.
The forum (Dec 4th) aims at promoting the collaboration and communication among educators in K-12 online Chinese teaching and learning field. Organized by the Confucius Institute at Michigan State University (CI-MSU), the forum will focus on discussing topics around online Chinese teaching modes and curriculum development. The mission of this forum is to establish a network for all K-12 online Chinese course providers that are currently offered in the United States. The theme of the forum is Online Chinese Teaching Modes and Approaches. Mr. Jamey Fitzpatrick, the current President and Chief Executive Officer at Michigan Virtual University, will provide a keynote speech on the topic of “Online language education in the future: Policy and practices”. The morning session will focus on introducing various models of online Chinese course and the existing affordances and challenges that online Chinese course providers are facing. The afternoon session is designed for online Chinese instructors to share instructional strategies and useful technologies to better facilitate online teaching and learning.
The workshop is specifically designed for instructors who are currently teaching or are interested in teaching online Chinese course in the United States. Participants will have the opportunity to experience advanced technology (moving Robot) and how it is adopted in hybrid classroom settings. Participants will also learn various instructional strategies and useful tools to improve online teaching and engage online learners.
Due to limited space, please register before Nov 6th, 2015. For more information, you can check our website at http://www.experiencechinese.com/index.php/conference/
We appreciate if you could spread the information to people who may be interested. Should you have any question, please contact Lisa Payne ([email protected]) or Zilu Jiang ([email protected])
Tel: (517)432-4649
Address: 620 Farm Lane, East Lansing, MI, 48824.
We are looking forward to seeing you in East Lansing!
Confucius Institute
Michigan State University
AP Chinese workshop via the College Board Chinese Language and Culture Initiatives--Oct. 6, 2015
AP Chinese workshop via the College Board Chinese Language and Culture Initiatives – free Webinar to Chinese teachers on Thursday, 10/8
The College Board Chinese Language and Culture Initiatives is opening its webinar for Chinese AP Test overview and preparation. This webinar will feature Professor . Richard Chi 齊德立, a consultant for the College Board AP Chinese Development Committee. Please see the webinar log on information below:
AP Chinese Webinar
Thursday, October 8, 2015
8:00 pm | Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) | 2 hrs
Join WebEx meeting
Meeting number:
632 753 753
Meeting password:
Join by phone
1-866-469-3239 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
1-650-429-3300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Access code: 632 753 753
The College Board Chinese Language and Culture Initiatives is opening its webinar for Chinese AP Test overview and preparation. This webinar will feature Professor . Richard Chi 齊德立, a consultant for the College Board AP Chinese Development Committee. Please see the webinar log on information below:
AP Chinese Webinar
Thursday, October 8, 2015
8:00 pm | Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) | 2 hrs
Join WebEx meeting
Meeting number:
632 753 753
Meeting password:
Join by phone
1-866-469-3239 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
1-650-429-3300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Access code: 632 753 753
Creativity and Innovation in the Chinese Classroom--Oct. 2, 2015
OUTLINE1:00 – Introduction1:15 – The Flipped Classroom – Explore how to use technology to engage your students in learning Chinese.2:15 – Break2:30 – Differentiation – Examine ways to meet the needs of all students in the Chinese classroom.3:15 – Tips and Tricks for Remembering Chinese Characters.WHENSaturday, October 24, 2015 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM WHEREUniversity Settlement at the Houston Street Center – 273 Bowery New York, NY 10002 INSTRUCTORShaz Lawrence, the founder and content developer of Creative Chinese, has over 20 years of teaching experience in Preschool – 12th Grade Chinese. She has published many teaching resources including 10 modules of Chinese Monster Magic, ‘I Love China’ cultural activities for students, ‘Teach Chinese? Yes you can!, and ‘Fun with Chinese’ characters.She is currently living in New York, and travels around the US, UK, China, and Australia to run workshops for teachers of Chinese. She has trained teachers for Confucius Institute and regularly visits Shanghai to run sessions for Chinese teachers. Her workshops are engaging and full of practical ideas on how to teach Chinese in a creative and effective way.
OUTLINE1:00 – Introduction1:15 – The Flipped Classroom – Explore how to use technology to engage your students in learning Chinese.2:15 – Break2:30 – Differentiation – Examine ways to meet the needs of all students in the Chinese classroom.3:15 – Tips and Tricks for Remembering Chinese Characters.WHENSaturday, October 24, 2015 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM WHEREUniversity Settlement at the Houston Street Center – 273 Bowery New York, NY 10002 INSTRUCTORShaz Lawrence, the founder and content developer of Creative Chinese, has over 20 years of teaching experience in Preschool – 12th Grade Chinese. She has published many teaching resources including 10 modules of Chinese Monster Magic, ‘I Love China’ cultural activities for students, ‘Teach Chinese? Yes you can!, and ‘Fun with Chinese’ characters.She is currently living in New York, and travels around the US, UK, China, and Australia to run workshops for teachers of Chinese. She has trained teachers for Confucius Institute and regularly visits Shanghai to run sessions for Chinese teachers. Her workshops are engaging and full of practical ideas on how to teach Chinese in a creative and effective way.
Lecture | Guanhua and Mandarin | Oct. 3rd-- Oct. 1, 2015
Guānhuà and Mandarin
Views of China's Informal Language
Standard in the Late Qīng
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Time: 3:00 - 4:45 PM
Come experience Prof. Richard VanNess Simmons, Chair of the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at Rutgers University.
During Prof. Simmons anticipated lecture, he'll discuss Guānhuà and Mandarin in the late Qing period. His talk will look at various versions of Mandarin that were prevalent in the Qīng dynasty. He will describe how northern and southern forms of Mandarin were widely accepted in China in the 18th and 19th centuries, with both considered to be equally valid and both widely spoken (Lecture will be in English).
This lecture will be held at Pace University, 1 Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038 (CIVIC W612). Learn More
Views of China's Informal Language
Standard in the Late Qīng
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Time: 3:00 - 4:45 PM
Come experience Prof. Richard VanNess Simmons, Chair of the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at Rutgers University.
During Prof. Simmons anticipated lecture, he'll discuss Guānhuà and Mandarin in the late Qing period. His talk will look at various versions of Mandarin that were prevalent in the Qīng dynasty. He will describe how northern and southern forms of Mandarin were widely accepted in China in the 18th and 19th centuries, with both considered to be equally valid and both widely spoken (Lecture will be in English).
This lecture will be held at Pace University, 1 Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038 (CIVIC W612). Learn More
Chinese characters and history of Mandarin on Oct. 3 -- Sep. 28, 2015
Jointly with the Renwen Society at China Institute and the Confucius Institute at Pace University, CLTA-GNY is presenting the following two lectures on Oct. 3:
讲座 1: 1:00 – 2:40 pm “汉字的结构及其教学”
讲员:杨娟博士, Pace University孔子学院
Coffee Break 2:40 – 3:00 pm
讲座 2: 3:00 – 4:40 pm “官话与晚清标准语”Guānhuà and Mandarin— views of China’s informal language standard in the late Qīng
讲员:史皓元博士,Richard V. Simmons, Rutgers University
Location: Pace University, 1 Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038
Registration: Please follow the weblink to the registration page.
See lecture descriptions attached.
For questions, contact Qiqi Wang [email protected] or Pat Lo [email protected].
讲座 1: 1:00 – 2:40 pm “汉字的结构及其教学”
讲员:杨娟博士, Pace University孔子学院
Coffee Break 2:40 – 3:00 pm
讲座 2: 3:00 – 4:40 pm “官话与晚清标准语”Guānhuà and Mandarin— views of China’s informal language standard in the late Qīng
讲员:史皓元博士,Richard V. Simmons, Rutgers University
Location: Pace University, 1 Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038
Registration: Please follow the weblink to the registration page.
See lecture descriptions attached.
For questions, contact Qiqi Wang [email protected] or Pat Lo [email protected].
NYU Project DCLT Forums -- Sep. 22, 2015
DCLT Friday Night Forums:
Starting the School Year Right: What Every (Chinese) Teacher Needs to Know
September 25, 5-8 p.m.
William Anderson, K-12 Curriculum Associate, World Languages, Massapequa School District
Join us as we explore strategies for starting the school year right and setting the stage for a successful year of teaching and learning! Register for the forum here!
Hold the Dates
October 9: New Teachers Forum (Teachers in years 1-3, by invitation only. Email [email protected]for more information)
November 6: Examine How Culture Perspective is Reflected in the Chinese Language December 11: Special topics and Holiday Party
These forums (except October 9) will be held in NYU's Kimball Hall Lounge, 246 Greene Street at Waverly Place, from 5 - 8 p.m. Please plan to arrive 15 minutes earlier so we can start on time! Dinner will be served. Professional development credits are available for in-service teachers.
China Institute
Educator Open House (FREE)
September 29, 4-6:30 p.m.
100 Washington Street (enter @ 40 Rector)
New York, NY 10006
Program Includes:
Registration is FREE! To RSVP, please contact: Aaron Nicholson [email protected] 212-744-8181 ext. 138
CLTA-GNY Professional Development Announcement
October 3, 2015
Pace University, 1 Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038
大纽约地区中文教师学会、Pace University孔子学院和China Institute华美人文学会 共同举办以下两场讲座,欢迎踊跃参加。本次活动免费,但因为座位有限,请预先在网上登记. Click here to register.
Date: Saturday, October 3, 2015
For questions, contact Qiqi Wang [email protected] or Pat Lo [email protected].
October 30-31, 2015
Saratoga Springs, NY
Project DCLT is delighted to sponsor a Chinese language strand at the upcomingannual conference of the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers (NYSAFLT), October 30-31 in Saratoga Springs, NY.
We encourage Chinese teachers to attend NYSAFLT and become a part of the vibrant NYSAFLT community of language teachers. As Chinese programs grow and flourish across New York state, we have a lot to learn from each other! Teachers of all languages will benefit from the ideas presented in these workshops.
DCLT-sponsored presentations will include:
Starting the School Year Right: What Every (Chinese) Teacher Needs to Know
September 25, 5-8 p.m.
William Anderson, K-12 Curriculum Associate, World Languages, Massapequa School District
Join us as we explore strategies for starting the school year right and setting the stage for a successful year of teaching and learning! Register for the forum here!
Hold the Dates
October 9: New Teachers Forum (Teachers in years 1-3, by invitation only. Email [email protected]for more information)
November 6: Examine How Culture Perspective is Reflected in the Chinese Language December 11: Special topics and Holiday Party
These forums (except October 9) will be held in NYU's Kimball Hall Lounge, 246 Greene Street at Waverly Place, from 5 - 8 p.m. Please plan to arrive 15 minutes earlier so we can start on time! Dinner will be served. Professional development credits are available for in-service teachers.
China Institute
Educator Open House (FREE)
September 29, 4-6:30 p.m.
100 Washington Street (enter @ 40 Rector)
New York, NY 10006
Program Includes:
- Welcoming remarks by New York City Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña
- Additional remarks by Lixing (Frank) Tang, Research Professor at New York University
- Tours of China Institute’s new facilities
- Presentations of China Institute programs for educators & student groups • Performance of an exclusive traditional Chinese tea ceremony
- Free take-home resources
- Opportunities to meet and network with fellow educators
- Snacks and refreshments
Registration is FREE! To RSVP, please contact: Aaron Nicholson [email protected] 212-744-8181 ext. 138
CLTA-GNY Professional Development Announcement
October 3, 2015
Pace University, 1 Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038
大纽约地区中文教师学会、Pace University孔子学院和China Institute华美人文学会 共同举办以下两场讲座,欢迎踊跃参加。本次活动免费,但因为座位有限,请预先在网上登记. Click here to register.
Date: Saturday, October 3, 2015
- 讲座 1: 1:00 – 2:40 pm “汉字的结构及其教学”
讲员:杨娟博士, Pace University, 孔子学院
- Coffee Break 2:40 – 3:00 pm
- 讲座 2: 3:00 – 4:40 pm “官话与晚清标准语”Guānhuà and Mandarin— views of China’s informal language standard in the late Qīng
For questions, contact Qiqi Wang [email protected] or Pat Lo [email protected].
October 30-31, 2015
Saratoga Springs, NY
Project DCLT is delighted to sponsor a Chinese language strand at the upcomingannual conference of the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers (NYSAFLT), October 30-31 in Saratoga Springs, NY.
We encourage Chinese teachers to attend NYSAFLT and become a part of the vibrant NYSAFLT community of language teachers. As Chinese programs grow and flourish across New York state, we have a lot to learn from each other! Teachers of all languages will benefit from the ideas presented in these workshops.
DCLT-sponsored presentations will include:
- Culture in the Classroom: Dr. Frank Lixing Tang, NYU
- Art, Science, and History in the World Language Classroom: Ying Wu, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, Xiayu Wang, PS 310 The School for Future Leader
- The Fifth C: Community; Bing Qiu, Bronx High School of Science, Daisy Lilin Guo, Henry Street School for Int'l Studies, Yijue Sun, Trinity School
- Effective Chinese Teaching: A Video Series; Yun Qin, Asia Society, Xi Sun, Global Village Academy
- Chinese Literacy Thru Teacher-Developed Materials: Robin Harvey, NYU, Lumin Huang, New Rochelle High School
- Integrating Chinese into the World Language Program: Xiaofei Li, Ethical Culture Fieldston School Yun Zhang, Great Neck South Middle School
Chinese Language Teacher Workshops @ NYSAFLT--Sep. 18, 2015
Chinese Language Teacher Workshops @ NYSAFLT
October 30-31, 2015
Saratoga Springs, NY
NYU Project DCLT is delighted to sponsor a Chinese language strand at the upcoming annual conference of the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers (NYSAFLT), October 30-31 in Saratoga Springs, NY.
We encourage Chinese teachers from across the state to attend NYSAFLT and become a part of the vibrant NYSAFLT community of language teachers. As Chinese programs grow and flourish across New York state, we have a lot to learn from each other! Teachers of all languages will benefit from the ideas presented in these workshops.
DCLT-sponsored presentations will include:
October 30-31, 2015
Saratoga Springs, NY
NYU Project DCLT is delighted to sponsor a Chinese language strand at the upcoming annual conference of the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers (NYSAFLT), October 30-31 in Saratoga Springs, NY.
We encourage Chinese teachers from across the state to attend NYSAFLT and become a part of the vibrant NYSAFLT community of language teachers. As Chinese programs grow and flourish across New York state, we have a lot to learn from each other! Teachers of all languages will benefit from the ideas presented in these workshops.
DCLT-sponsored presentations will include:
- Culture in the Classroom: Dr. Frank Lixing Tang, NYU
- Art, Science, and History in the World Language Classroom: Ying Wu, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, Xiayu Wang, PS 310 The School for Future Leader
- The Fifth C: Community; Bing Qiu, Bronx High School of Science, Daisy Lilin Guo, Henry Street School for Int'l Studies, Yijue Sun, Trinity School
- Effective Chinese Teaching: A Video Series; Yun Qin, Asia Society, Xi Sun, Global Village Academy
- Chinese Literacy Thru Teacher-Developed Materials: Robin Harvey, NYU, Lumin Huang, New Rochelle High School
- Integrating Chinese into the World Language Program: Xiaofei Li, Ethical Culture Fieldston School Yun Zhang, Great Neck South Middle School
NYC Language Teachers Conference -- Sep. 16, 2015
The New York City Association of Foreign Languages Teachers will be holding its Annual Conference on Saturday, October 17th, at the UFT Headquarters in Manhattan. A list of workshops and the registration form are attached.Please share with your colleagues.
William C. Anderson
K-12 Curriculum Associate for World Languages
Massapequa School District
William C. Anderson
K-12 Curriculum Associate for World Languages
Massapequa School District
The First Chinese Innovation Forum --Sep. 15, 2015
It is with great pleasure that the Planning Committee of The First Chinese Innovation Foruminvites you to attend this forum which is being held on Oct. 18th, 2015 at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey in California. The mission of The First Chinese Innovation Forum is to jumpstart and create a sustainable conversation of innovation for the field of Chinese Language Education. We seek to enlist 40 to 50 active participants to engage in a dialogue of innovation. Each teacher comes with an idea of an innovative activity design, teaching plan, props design, etc., which would be shown at our Innovation-swap Table Showcase.
The First Chinese Innovation Forum invites World leading experts of language education to the morning session:
· Dr. Shuhan Wang, Keynote
· Dr. Kathleen Bailey (at MIIS), Keynote
· Dr. Peter Shaw (at MIIS), Keynote
· Dr. John Hedgcock, moderator of the roundtable discussion of innovation and pedagogy
The Afternoon session will be comprised of Chinese language-specific “innovation-swap” tables, which can include grammar instruction innovation, project innovation, tech innovation, character innovation, etc. By the end of the swap session, every table will have a showcase moment, and everyone will be able to provide feedback and reflective thoughts.
We would be honored if you would accept our invitation to become an active participant of this event, and believe this interactive forum will expand the horizon of Chinese language education. It is our hope that you will consider joining us, a group of highly motivated educators, to create changes.
As the weekend of October 18th coincides with another event being hosted by the city of Monterey, we anticipate that there will be difficulties booking accommodation. For the convenience of all, please register the event and book your hotel soon! Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any questions you might have, and send it to [email protected] . We hope to see you in Monterey, CA on October 18th!
Forum and registration website http://chineseinnovation.wix.com/chineseinnovation
Warm Regards,
Jinhuei Enya Dai, Ph.D.
Co-Chair of The First Chinese Innovation Forum
On behalf of the Planning Committee of The First Chinese Innovation Forum
Co-Chair, Jinhuei Enya Dai (Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey)
Co-Chair, Kevin Chang (Director of Chinese Program at Chinese American International School)
Alice Lung
Sisi Wu (Stevenson School)
Li-Ling Cheng (Catlin Gabel School)
Minghui Anderson (Sacred Heart Schools)
The First Chinese Innovation Forum invites World leading experts of language education to the morning session:
· Dr. Shuhan Wang, Keynote
· Dr. Kathleen Bailey (at MIIS), Keynote
· Dr. Peter Shaw (at MIIS), Keynote
· Dr. John Hedgcock, moderator of the roundtable discussion of innovation and pedagogy
The Afternoon session will be comprised of Chinese language-specific “innovation-swap” tables, which can include grammar instruction innovation, project innovation, tech innovation, character innovation, etc. By the end of the swap session, every table will have a showcase moment, and everyone will be able to provide feedback and reflective thoughts.
We would be honored if you would accept our invitation to become an active participant of this event, and believe this interactive forum will expand the horizon of Chinese language education. It is our hope that you will consider joining us, a group of highly motivated educators, to create changes.
As the weekend of October 18th coincides with another event being hosted by the city of Monterey, we anticipate that there will be difficulties booking accommodation. For the convenience of all, please register the event and book your hotel soon! Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any questions you might have, and send it to [email protected] . We hope to see you in Monterey, CA on October 18th!
Forum and registration website http://chineseinnovation.wix.com/chineseinnovation
Warm Regards,
Jinhuei Enya Dai, Ph.D.
Co-Chair of The First Chinese Innovation Forum
On behalf of the Planning Committee of The First Chinese Innovation Forum
Co-Chair, Jinhuei Enya Dai (Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey)
Co-Chair, Kevin Chang (Director of Chinese Program at Chinese American International School)
Alice Lung
Sisi Wu (Stevenson School)
Li-Ling Cheng (Catlin Gabel School)
Minghui Anderson (Sacred Heart Schools)
CLTA-GNY's upcoming conference --Sep. 11
Jointly with the Renwen Society at China Institute and the Confucius Institute at Pace University, CLTA-GNY is presenting the following two lectures on Oct. 3:
讲座 1: 1:00 – 2:40 pm “汉字的结构及其教学”
讲员:杨娟博士, Pace University孔子学院
Coffee Break 2:40 – 3:00 pm
讲座 2: 3:00 – 4:40 pm “官话与晚清标准语”Guānhuà and Mandarin— views of China’s informal language standard in the late Qīng
讲员:史皓元博士,Richard V. Simmons, Rutgers University
Location: Pace University, 1 Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038
Registration: Please follow the weblink to the registration page.
See lecture descriptions attached.
For questions, contact Qiqi Wang [email protected] or Pat Lo [email protected].
讲座 1: 1:00 – 2:40 pm “汉字的结构及其教学”
讲员:杨娟博士, Pace University孔子学院
Coffee Break 2:40 – 3:00 pm
讲座 2: 3:00 – 4:40 pm “官话与晚清标准语”Guānhuà and Mandarin— views of China’s informal language standard in the late Qīng
讲员:史皓元博士,Richard V. Simmons, Rutgers University
Location: Pace University, 1 Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038
Registration: Please follow the weblink to the registration page.
See lecture descriptions attached.
For questions, contact Qiqi Wang [email protected] or Pat Lo [email protected].
Polyglot Conference NYC 2015 - October 10 -- Aug. 28, 2015
Dear Colleagues:
I am writing to tell you about Polyglot Conference NYC 2015, which will bring hundreds of polyglots and language enthusiasts from around the world to Manhattan this October for two days of wide-ranging language talks.
Speakers include the inventor of the language Dothraki for the HBO hit Game of Thrones, the scholar Loraine Obler, New York’s own celebrity teen polyglot Tim Doner, the head of the Endangered Language Alliance, linguist-writer John McWhorter, linguist-writer Michael Erard, representatives of major language-learning publishers, and more. A new speaker as of this week, I am excited to say, is Dr. Taghreed Al-Saraj, author of The Anxious Language Learner: A Saudi Woman’s Story. I am one of the organizers, working with the accomplished English polyglots Richard Simcott and Alex Rawlings.
Conference registration is $180 ($150 for students and seniors). I would be delighted if this were an event of interest to you to attend. I would also be grateful if you shared this information with any linguaphiles you know who might like to participate. Thank you so much for your time!
Ellen Jovin
Writer | Words & Worlds of New York
2109 Broadway | Suite 16-159
New York, NY 10023
Tel (212) 799-3017
[email protected]
I am writing to tell you about Polyglot Conference NYC 2015, which will bring hundreds of polyglots and language enthusiasts from around the world to Manhattan this October for two days of wide-ranging language talks.
Speakers include the inventor of the language Dothraki for the HBO hit Game of Thrones, the scholar Loraine Obler, New York’s own celebrity teen polyglot Tim Doner, the head of the Endangered Language Alliance, linguist-writer John McWhorter, linguist-writer Michael Erard, representatives of major language-learning publishers, and more. A new speaker as of this week, I am excited to say, is Dr. Taghreed Al-Saraj, author of The Anxious Language Learner: A Saudi Woman’s Story. I am one of the organizers, working with the accomplished English polyglots Richard Simcott and Alex Rawlings.
Conference registration is $180 ($150 for students and seniors). I would be delighted if this were an event of interest to you to attend. I would also be grateful if you shared this information with any linguaphiles you know who might like to participate. Thank you so much for your time!
Ellen Jovin
Writer | Words & Worlds of New York
2109 Broadway | Suite 16-159
New York, NY 10023
Tel (212) 799-3017
[email protected]
2015 Chinese Language Teacher Training Workshop at URI -- Aug. 2, 2015
2015 Chinese Language Teacher Training Workshop
Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island
To meet the demands of Chinese language teachers at different levels and in different teaching environments, and to enhance their capabilities of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island will offer the 2015 Chinese Language Teacher Training Workshop for Chinese language teachers in the United States to share the latest teaching theories, practice and methods in TCFL.
The 4-day workshop will include presentations by leading experts in the Chinese language teaching field from both China and the United States. Their lectures and workshops will not only cover general studies but also specific needs in different aspects of language teaching, from teaching methodology to vocabulary and grammar teaching, from Chinese culture to the use of technology in Chinese language teaching, and from Chinese philosophy to K-12 programs, the workshop will offer you a wide selection of topics.
Sponsors: Confucius Institute/Hanban
Co-Sponsor: New England Chinese Language Teachers Association
Host Institute: Confucius Institute at University of Rhode Island
Admissions: FREE to all the Chinese language teachers
Dates: August 20-23, 2015
Application Deadline: August 10, 2015
Qualification: Chinese language teachers at all levels and TCFL students
Location: 60 upper College Road, Swan Hall, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881
Boarding and Dining: On-campus lodging will be provided at only $15 per night per bed (double occupancy). FREE lunch on campus
Pre-registration is required. Space is limited, both boarding and dining are provided on the first-come, first-served basis. Please register online by clicking the following linkhttp://web.uri.edu/confucius/2014-teacher-training-workshop-registration-form/ or by sending an email to: URI Confucius Institute <[email protected]>If you have any inquiries, please email to: URI Confucius Institute<[email protected]>
Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island
To meet the demands of Chinese language teachers at different levels and in different teaching environments, and to enhance their capabilities of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island will offer the 2015 Chinese Language Teacher Training Workshop for Chinese language teachers in the United States to share the latest teaching theories, practice and methods in TCFL.
The 4-day workshop will include presentations by leading experts in the Chinese language teaching field from both China and the United States. Their lectures and workshops will not only cover general studies but also specific needs in different aspects of language teaching, from teaching methodology to vocabulary and grammar teaching, from Chinese culture to the use of technology in Chinese language teaching, and from Chinese philosophy to K-12 programs, the workshop will offer you a wide selection of topics.
Sponsors: Confucius Institute/Hanban
Co-Sponsor: New England Chinese Language Teachers Association
Host Institute: Confucius Institute at University of Rhode Island
Admissions: FREE to all the Chinese language teachers
Dates: August 20-23, 2015
Application Deadline: August 10, 2015
Qualification: Chinese language teachers at all levels and TCFL students
Location: 60 upper College Road, Swan Hall, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881
Boarding and Dining: On-campus lodging will be provided at only $15 per night per bed (double occupancy). FREE lunch on campus
Pre-registration is required. Space is limited, both boarding and dining are provided on the first-come, first-served basis. Please register online by clicking the following linkhttp://web.uri.edu/confucius/2014-teacher-training-workshop-registration-form/ or by sending an email to: URI Confucius Institute <[email protected]>If you have any inquiries, please email to: URI Confucius Institute<[email protected]>
STARTALK Chinese Program for Teachers and Students in Fargo, ND--June 25, 2015
STARTALK Chinese Program for Teachers and Students in FargoChinese • Residential Program
701-293-5763 • [email protected] •http://www.fargo.k12.nd.us
- July 20, 2015 – July 24, 2015: online and asynchronous (online)
- July 27, 2015 – August 7, 2015: In program (face-to-face)
- NDSU Living and Learning Center, Fargo, ND
701-293-5763 • [email protected] •http://www.fargo.k12.nd.us
2015 Chinese Bridge Delegation: Apply Today -- June 8, 2015
2015 Chinese Bridge DelegationDelegation dates: Nov. 9–18, 2015
Priority application deadline: Aug. 3, 2015Apply todayThe College Board and Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters are pleased to announce the 2015 Chinese Bridge Delegation — a one-week educational trip hosted by Hanban. The Chinese Bridge Delegation focuses on school visits, cultural activities, and interactive workshops with the aim of helping education decision-makers start or expand their Chinese language and culture programs.Participants will have the opportunity to:•Visit Chinese K–12 schools and universities, meet with Chinese educators, and observe classes.•Establish meaningful partnerships with Chinese schools and network with colleagues.•Learn about resources that will help them build and support Chinese language and culture programs.•Experience China firsthand and marvel at the rich traditional culture set against stunning modern development.Eligible Participants•K–12 district administrators, school leaders, and other education decision-makers actively seeking to develop and expand Chinese language and culture programs.•First-time participants and former delegates are welcome to apply.Participant CostA $900 nonrefundable registration fee covers international airfare, hotels, meals, ground transportation, visits to cultural and historical sites, and other in-China costs. Participants are also responsible for:•U.S. domestic travel costs to a designated international hub airport.•International travel insurance.•U.S. passport application fees.Requirements•Have a valid passport with at least six months validity past Nov. 9, 2015, i.e., May 10, 2016, or later.•Understand and accept trip goals and expectations.•Participate in all scheduled events.•Be prepared for an intense schedule, including up to 15 hours of activities per day.To apply, visit our Chinese Bridge Delegation Web page.For additional information, contact[email protected].
Priority application deadline: Aug. 3, 2015Apply todayThe College Board and Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters are pleased to announce the 2015 Chinese Bridge Delegation — a one-week educational trip hosted by Hanban. The Chinese Bridge Delegation focuses on school visits, cultural activities, and interactive workshops with the aim of helping education decision-makers start or expand their Chinese language and culture programs.Participants will have the opportunity to:•Visit Chinese K–12 schools and universities, meet with Chinese educators, and observe classes.•Establish meaningful partnerships with Chinese schools and network with colleagues.•Learn about resources that will help them build and support Chinese language and culture programs.•Experience China firsthand and marvel at the rich traditional culture set against stunning modern development.Eligible Participants•K–12 district administrators, school leaders, and other education decision-makers actively seeking to develop and expand Chinese language and culture programs.•First-time participants and former delegates are welcome to apply.Participant CostA $900 nonrefundable registration fee covers international airfare, hotels, meals, ground transportation, visits to cultural and historical sites, and other in-China costs. Participants are also responsible for:•U.S. domestic travel costs to a designated international hub airport.•International travel insurance.•U.S. passport application fees.Requirements•Have a valid passport with at least six months validity past Nov. 9, 2015, i.e., May 10, 2016, or later.•Understand and accept trip goals and expectations.•Participate in all scheduled events.•Be prepared for an intense schedule, including up to 15 hours of activities per day.To apply, visit our Chinese Bridge Delegation Web page.For additional information, contact[email protected].
The TCSOL Beijing Summer Program is Accepting Applications -- May 19, 2015
The certificate program in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) at Teachers College, Columbia University is offering a two-week summer program to be held at the Columbia University's Global Center in Beijing this July. The summer program provides cutting-edge training in Chinese pedagogy, second language acquisition theory and Chinese educational linguistics for pre-/in-serivce teachers interested in teaching Chinese as a foreign/second language across different contexts. For more information about the program, please refer to the attached flyer or visit our program website.
To apply to the program, please submit the following application materials to [email protected] before June 25, 2015:
Please do not hesitate to email us should you have any questions.
TCSOL Program Office
TCSOL Certificate Program
Teachers College, Columbia University
Box. 66, 525 W, 120 Street,
New York, NY10027, USA
To apply to the program, please submit the following application materials to [email protected] before June 25, 2015:
- Application form
- Personal statement
- Academic transcripts
- English proficiency scores (if you have any)
- CV/Resume
Please do not hesitate to email us should you have any questions.
TCSOL Program Office
TCSOL Certificate Program
Teachers College, Columbia University
Box. 66, 525 W, 120 Street,
New York, NY10027, USA
NYU StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (K-6)--May 7, 2015
NYU StarTalk Immersion Training Program
for Teachers of Chinese (K-6)
July 6 – July 23, 2015
New York University, New York, NY
The NYU StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (K-6) for pre- and in-service teachers of Chinese will provide training leading to certification in Teaching Chinese (grades K-6). The program is designed to give teachers an essential understanding of the theory and best practices and of Chinese immersion and FLES education. The core of the NYU StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (K-6) is the summer course “Teaching Foreign Language to Elementary School Children” (FLES), which leads to state certification for grades K-6.
The program offers the 3 graduate credits in FLES education needed for NYS foreign language (Chinese 7-12) certification extension to grades K-6. A 50% scholarship is offered to accepted participants. The program continues into fall with a series of fall workshops focusing on Chinese immersion education. (Non-credit program also available.)
For-credit and non-credit programs available!
More information available on our website: https://steinhardt.nyu.edu/teachlearn/mms/StarTalk_NYUChineseImmersion2015
Contact us: 212-992-9367 • [email protected]
for Teachers of Chinese (K-6)
July 6 – July 23, 2015
New York University, New York, NY
The NYU StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (K-6) for pre- and in-service teachers of Chinese will provide training leading to certification in Teaching Chinese (grades K-6). The program is designed to give teachers an essential understanding of the theory and best practices and of Chinese immersion and FLES education. The core of the NYU StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (K-6) is the summer course “Teaching Foreign Language to Elementary School Children” (FLES), which leads to state certification for grades K-6.
The program offers the 3 graduate credits in FLES education needed for NYS foreign language (Chinese 7-12) certification extension to grades K-6. A 50% scholarship is offered to accepted participants. The program continues into fall with a series of fall workshops focusing on Chinese immersion education. (Non-credit program also available.)
- “Teaching Foreign Language to Elementary School Children,” a 3-credit summer course from July 6-23, which focuses on instruction, methodologies, theory, assessment and technology in teaching foreign language to children.
- School visits to FLES and Dual Language/Immersion programs (dates TBA)
- Four free workshops on Dual Language/Immersion Education to take place in fall, 2015
- Work directly with Pauline Huang, co-author of “Rhythms and Tones: Songs and Chants for Teaching Chinese” (“动感中文“)
- Workshops with Helena Curtain, co-author of Languages and Children: Making the Match.
- Bilingual Storytime in the Georgian Library with young NYC learners of Chinese.
- Develop materials for use in your classroom: participants will develop and receive a bound, illustrated book of 6-8 culturally important stories for young learners of Chinese.
For-credit and non-credit programs available!
More information available on our website: https://steinhardt.nyu.edu/teachlearn/mms/StarTalk_NYUChineseImmersion2015
Contact us: 212-992-9367 • [email protected]
Chinese STARTALK program for teachers--May 7, 2015
A STARTALK Program on Incorporating Learner-Centered Technology Tools in the Chinese Language Curriculum
Program for Teaching East Asia
Center for Asian Studies
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, Colorado
The University of Colorado’s Program for Teaching East Asia will host a STARTALK program for middle and high school Chinese language teachers to provide them with a thorough understanding of and practical experience with implementingeffective learning technologies appropriate for the secondary Chinese language classroom. Based on the premise that the sustainability of both a program and its teachers increasingly depends on the teachers possessing skills and behaviors of a digital-age professional, this STARTALK program will introduce the theory, standards, frameworks, knowledge, and practice necessary for incorporating into the curriculum, with comfort and ease, a range of learner-centered technology tools. Program participants will work with language technology specialists, experienced Chinese language curriculum designers, and master teachers from successful language programs to gain a clear understanding of and competency in a variety of technologies around which they can create effective and engaging lessons.
Program Dates:
Asynchronous Online Learning: June 10 - 21, 2015
Residential Institute: June 23 - July 1, 2015
Portfolio Completion Period: July 2 - 17, 2015
For more information: Contact Jon Zeljo, Program Director, at [email protected] or 303-735-5128.
Detailed flyer and application: www.colorado.edu/CAS/TEA/programs/downloads/STARTALK_application_2015.pdf.
Application deadline: June 1, 2015
A STARTALK Program on Incorporating Learner-Centered Technology Tools in the Chinese Language Curriculum
Program for Teaching East Asia
Center for Asian Studies
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, Colorado
The University of Colorado’s Program for Teaching East Asia will host a STARTALK program for middle and high school Chinese language teachers to provide them with a thorough understanding of and practical experience with implementingeffective learning technologies appropriate for the secondary Chinese language classroom. Based on the premise that the sustainability of both a program and its teachers increasingly depends on the teachers possessing skills and behaviors of a digital-age professional, this STARTALK program will introduce the theory, standards, frameworks, knowledge, and practice necessary for incorporating into the curriculum, with comfort and ease, a range of learner-centered technology tools. Program participants will work with language technology specialists, experienced Chinese language curriculum designers, and master teachers from successful language programs to gain a clear understanding of and competency in a variety of technologies around which they can create effective and engaging lessons.
Program Dates:
Asynchronous Online Learning: June 10 - 21, 2015
Residential Institute: June 23 - July 1, 2015
Portfolio Completion Period: July 2 - 17, 2015
For more information: Contact Jon Zeljo, Program Director, at [email protected] or 303-735-5128.
Detailed flyer and application: www.colorado.edu/CAS/TEA/programs/downloads/STARTALK_application_2015.pdf.
Application deadline: June 1, 2015
CLTA-GNY workshop announcement--May 5, 2015
CLTA-GNY Professional Development Announcement
Presenter: Dr. Mina Zhu 朱敏
Date: Saturday, June 6, 2015
Time: 2-4 PM
Location: Pace University, NY, NY 10007
Registration: Please follow the weblink to registration page.
For questions, contact Qiqi Wang [email protected] or Pat Lo [email protected].
Presenter: Dr. Mina Zhu 朱敏
Date: Saturday, June 6, 2015
Time: 2-4 PM
Location: Pace University, NY, NY 10007
Registration: Please follow the weblink to registration page.
For questions, contact Qiqi Wang [email protected] or Pat Lo [email protected].
Chinese Teacher Education: TCSOL summer program -- April 15, 2015
The Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) Summer Program is a collaborative certificate training program co-organized by Columbia University’s Teachers College, Department of East Asian Language and Cultures, and Asia for Educators, co-sponsored by Columbia Global Centers | East Asia in Beijing and The Beijing Language and Culture University.
This two-week summer certificate program in TCSOL is open to second language teachers and researchers from mainland China and neighboring regions and countries. Attendees will receive a certificate from Teachers College, Columbia University upon successful completion of the course work.
Tuition: $1,200
The TCSOL Summer Program in Beijing is currently accepting applications for the 2015 session. Space is limited. Application deadlines for summer 2015 are:
Click here for detailed information.
为满足国内外日益增长的对高质量汉语教师的需求,帮助国内汉语教师了解国际最前沿的汉语教学法与语言习得理论,获取最新北美地区汉语教学及教师就业现况信息,美国哥伦比亚大学教育研究生院的重点项目—— 国际汉语师资认证项目(TCSOL Program)将落地北京。在哥伦比亚大学全球中心|东亚以及北京语言大学的支持下,国际汉语师资认证TCSOL暑期培训项目(北京)将于2015年7月推出 。
TCSOL暑期培训项目课程设置直接引入哥大教育研究生院的TCSOL核心课程,并邀请哥大教授来华授课,授课方式与内容完全遵循哥大教育研究生院 TCSOL Program标准,且所有课程采用全英文授课。课程一为Chinese Pedagogy,课程二为 Educational Linguistic。 全面提升教学实践能力,讲求前沿性、实操性、针对性,强调方法和教学技能的学习。
Late: $100(2015年6月1号截止)
This two-week summer certificate program in TCSOL is open to second language teachers and researchers from mainland China and neighboring regions and countries. Attendees will receive a certificate from Teachers College, Columbia University upon successful completion of the course work.
- July 4 to 18 (10 days on weekdays, weekends not included)
- 5 hours/day: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
- Columbia Global Centers | East Asia, No. 26, 1F Core Plaza, No.1 Shanyuan Street, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing
- Zhaohong Han, Professor of Language and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Lening Liu, Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Director Of Chinese Language Program, Columbia University
Tuition: $1,200
The TCSOL Summer Program in Beijing is currently accepting applications for the 2015 session. Space is limited. Application deadlines for summer 2015 are:
- May 1, 2015 (regular deadline; application fee: $80)
- June 1, 2015 (late deadline; application fee: $100)
Click here for detailed information.
- TCSOL Office: [email protected]
- WeChat: TCSOL_Columbia
为满足国内外日益增长的对高质量汉语教师的需求,帮助国内汉语教师了解国际最前沿的汉语教学法与语言习得理论,获取最新北美地区汉语教学及教师就业现况信息,美国哥伦比亚大学教育研究生院的重点项目—— 国际汉语师资认证项目(TCSOL Program)将落地北京。在哥伦比亚大学全球中心|东亚以及北京语言大学的支持下,国际汉语师资认证TCSOL暑期培训项目(北京)将于2015年7月推出 。
- 2015年7月4日-18日(共10天,不含周末)
- 5小时/天,上午 9:00-12:00,下午 14:00-16:00
- 哥伦比亚大学全球中心|东亚(北京),北京海淀区中关村善缘街1号立方庭大厦底商26号
TCSOL暑期培训项目课程设置直接引入哥大教育研究生院的TCSOL核心课程,并邀请哥大教授来华授课,授课方式与内容完全遵循哥大教育研究生院 TCSOL Program标准,且所有课程采用全英文授课。课程一为Chinese Pedagogy,课程二为 Educational Linguistic。 全面提升教学实践能力,讲求前沿性、实操性、针对性,强调方法和教学技能的学习。
- 韩照红教授: 英国爱丁堡大学TESOL专业硕士, 伦敦大学应用语言专业博士(方向为二语习得), 现为哥伦比亚大学教育研究生院TESOL及应用语言学教授, 为多家核心期刊担任主审, 在二语习得理论研究与实践方面有很深的造诣。2003年获国际TESOL卓越研究奖。在中国、意大利、挪威、英国、日本、西班牙等国讲学。
- 刘乐宁教授: 世界汉语教学学会第七届常务理事和国 际中国语言学会常务理事。美国佛罗里达大学语言学博士。1995年7月起任教于美国哥伦比亚大学东亚语言文化系, 现为该系教授、中文部主任。2008年7月起, 兼任哥伦比亚大学汉语作为外语教学项目主任, 教授汉语史、汉语语言学、古代汉语、现代汉语、汉语教学法等课程。
- 语言学、语言教学及相关专业高校学生,有助其拓宽专业视野,了解最新学科及研究动向;
- 在职或待业汉语教师,有助其提高专业技能,了解行业国内外近况,不断自我提升,自我增值;
- 其他相关行业从业者,有助其了解汉语教师这一职业的国际动态及最新专业技术理论.
- 所有课程均为全英文授课,因此学员英语水平需至少大学英语六级达标。具有良好的英文听说读写能力,并在学术语境下能使用英文进行流畅地表达与沟通者,优先录取。
- 获得哥大教育研究生院颁发的TCSOL暑期项目证书。
- 参加过北京暑期项目的学员,申请纽约哥伦比亚大学教育研究生院TCSOL Certificate or TCSOL MA. + Certification,在各项达标情况下,优先录取。
- 完成北京暑期项目的学员,可优先被纽约哥伦比亚大学教育研究生院录取继续深造。 (http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tcsol/)
- 参加过北京暑期项目的学生,报名纽约的TCSOL项目可减免$1,200学费。
- 优秀学员可获参加教学工作的机会。
- 学费: $1,200
- 报名费报名截止日期:
Late: $100(2015年6月1号截止)
- TCSOL项目办公室: [email protected]
- 公众微信号:TCSOL_Columbia
CES 2015 Summer Teacher Training Program -- April 4, 2015
2015年海外华校武术教师培训班 和 2015年海外华文教师培训班 (四川成都)
报名截止为四月15日。欢迎上网报名(http://chinesesummercamp.org/)。询问请送 [email protected]。
北美华文教育服务中心 夏令营/教师培训报名处
2015年海外华校武术教师培训班 和 2015年海外华文教师培训班 (四川成都)
报名截止为四月15日。欢迎上网报名(http://chinesesummercamp.org/)。询问请送 [email protected]。
北美华文教育服务中心 夏令营/教师培训报名处
Opening Keynote
Sonia Nieto
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
5:30 pm–7 pm
Teachers’ Roles in Crossing Borders and Building Bridges
This keynote address describes how teachers work to build bridges with students and communities of diverse backgrounds.Using research documented in her two most recent books, Nieto discusses how teachers enact critical multicultural practices to overcome obstacles of difference, bureaucracy, and the current sociopolitical context of education.
Sonia Nieto is professor emerita of language, literacy, and culture at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.She has taught students from elementary school through doctoral studies, and her research focuses on multicultural education, teacher education, and the education of Latinos, immigrants, and other students of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. She has written dozens of journal articles and book chapters as well as several books on these topics. She has received many awards for her scholarship, teaching, and advocacy, including four honorary doctorates. Selected as a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association and as a Laureate for Kappa Delta Pi in 2011, in 2012 she also served as the Wits-Claude Distinguished Scholar at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. In May 2014, she received the Medal for Distinguished Service, the highest honor given by Teachers College at Columbia University.
James E. Alatis Plenary Session
Jun Liu, Lourdes Ortega, Michael Byram
Thursday, 26 March 2015
8 am–9 am
Redefining Communicative Competence and Redesigning ELT in the 21st Century
The early model of communicative competence as an instrumental approach to ELT no longer captures the breadth and depth of ELT in the 21st century. Focusing on research and observation of failures in ELT based on this model, the panelists challenge both its conceptual framework and pedagogical implication with examples from different angles.
Jun Liu is professor of applied linguistics and associate provost at Georgia State University. He taught English in China and the United States and obtained his PhD in foreign and second language education at The Ohio State University. A past president of TESOL and a member of the TIRF Board of Trustees, he has done extensive research in intercultural communication, teacher education, and sociopolitical and sociocultural aspects of language teaching and learning. His publications include "AsianStudents’ Classroom Communication Patterns in U.S. Universities" (2001),"English Language Teaching in China" (2007), and "TESOL: A Guide" (coauthored with Cynthia M. Berger, 2015).
Lourdes Ortega is professor at Georgetown University. She taught Spanish in Greece and English in the United States, and completed a doctorate in second language acquisition at the University of Hawaii. Working with language teachers and doctoral students since 2000 in Hawaii, Georgia, Arizona, and Washington DC, she is committed to developing knowledge about what it means to become a bilingual or multilingual language user later in life in ways that can encourage connections between research and teaching. Her publications include "Understanding Second Language Acquisition" (2015) and "Technology-Mediated Task-based Language Teaching" (coedited with Marta González-Lloret, 2014).
Michael Byram is professor emeritus at Durham University, United Kingdom, and guest professor at Luxembourg University. He “read” Languages at King’s College, Cambridge, United Kingdom,completed a doctorate in Danish literature, and taught French and German in secondary education. At Durham since 1980, he has been engaged in teacher training and research on languages and education. His monographs include"From Foreign Language Education to Education for Intercultural Citizenship," and he has edited the Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning. He has been adviser to the Council of Europe Language Policy Division and is now working on guidelines for intercultural education.
Presidential Keynote
Yilin Sun
Friday, 27 March 2015
8 am–9 am
Building Bridges: Journey to a Better Future for TESOL
Based on her cross-cultural teaching,learning, and research experience in China, Canada, and the United States, Sun will share her journey as a TESOLer and address major trends in English language teaching. She will also discuss the roles and responsibilities of TESOL professionals in our changing global society.
Yilin Sun, has a doctorate in applied linguistics/curriculum and instruction from OISE/University of Toronto,Ontario, Canada, and she is president of TESOL International Association (2015–2015). She has been chair of the TESOL Affiliate Leadership Council (2007), president of WAESOL (2003, 2007), and a Fulbright Senior Scholar (2011–12). English language specialist for the U.S. Department of State since 2009, Yilin currently teaches at South Seattle College in Seattle, and has more than 28 years of experience in the field of TESOL as an MA-TESL teacher trainer, researcher, classroom teacher, and program leader with a variety of higher educational institutions in China, Canada and the United States. Yilin is the author and coauthor of books, book chapters,and research papers in refereed professional journals. She has presented frequently at national and international conferences.
Saturday Keynote
Jim Cummins
Saturday, 28 March 2015
8 am–9 am
Evidence-Based TESOL: Teaching Through a Multilingual Lens
The presentation synthesizes the instructional implications of research for K–12 and adult students with respect to the centrality of language and literacy engagement, the relevance of identity investment, and the role of L1 in learning English for communicative and academic purposes.
Jim Cummins is a professor emeritus in the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. His research focuses on literacy development in educational contexts characterized by linguistic diversity. He is the author (with Margaret Early) of"Identity Texts: The Collaborative Creation of Power in Multilingual Schools" (2011) and "Big Ideas for Expanding Minds: Teaching English Language Learners across the Curriculum" (2015).
Opening Keynote
Sonia Nieto
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
5:30 pm–7 pm
Teachers’ Roles in Crossing Borders and Building Bridges
This keynote address describes how teachers work to build bridges with students and communities of diverse backgrounds.Using research documented in her two most recent books, Nieto discusses how teachers enact critical multicultural practices to overcome obstacles of difference, bureaucracy, and the current sociopolitical context of education.
Sonia Nieto is professor emerita of language, literacy, and culture at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.She has taught students from elementary school through doctoral studies, and her research focuses on multicultural education, teacher education, and the education of Latinos, immigrants, and other students of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. She has written dozens of journal articles and book chapters as well as several books on these topics. She has received many awards for her scholarship, teaching, and advocacy, including four honorary doctorates. Selected as a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association and as a Laureate for Kappa Delta Pi in 2011, in 2012 she also served as the Wits-Claude Distinguished Scholar at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. In May 2014, she received the Medal for Distinguished Service, the highest honor given by Teachers College at Columbia University.
James E. Alatis Plenary Session
Jun Liu, Lourdes Ortega, Michael Byram
Thursday, 26 March 2015
8 am–9 am
Redefining Communicative Competence and Redesigning ELT in the 21st Century
The early model of communicative competence as an instrumental approach to ELT no longer captures the breadth and depth of ELT in the 21st century. Focusing on research and observation of failures in ELT based on this model, the panelists challenge both its conceptual framework and pedagogical implication with examples from different angles.
Jun Liu is professor of applied linguistics and associate provost at Georgia State University. He taught English in China and the United States and obtained his PhD in foreign and second language education at The Ohio State University. A past president of TESOL and a member of the TIRF Board of Trustees, he has done extensive research in intercultural communication, teacher education, and sociopolitical and sociocultural aspects of language teaching and learning. His publications include "AsianStudents’ Classroom Communication Patterns in U.S. Universities" (2001),"English Language Teaching in China" (2007), and "TESOL: A Guide" (coauthored with Cynthia M. Berger, 2015).
Lourdes Ortega is professor at Georgetown University. She taught Spanish in Greece and English in the United States, and completed a doctorate in second language acquisition at the University of Hawaii. Working with language teachers and doctoral students since 2000 in Hawaii, Georgia, Arizona, and Washington DC, she is committed to developing knowledge about what it means to become a bilingual or multilingual language user later in life in ways that can encourage connections between research and teaching. Her publications include "Understanding Second Language Acquisition" (2015) and "Technology-Mediated Task-based Language Teaching" (coedited with Marta González-Lloret, 2014).
Michael Byram is professor emeritus at Durham University, United Kingdom, and guest professor at Luxembourg University. He “read” Languages at King’s College, Cambridge, United Kingdom,completed a doctorate in Danish literature, and taught French and German in secondary education. At Durham since 1980, he has been engaged in teacher training and research on languages and education. His monographs include"From Foreign Language Education to Education for Intercultural Citizenship," and he has edited the Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning. He has been adviser to the Council of Europe Language Policy Division and is now working on guidelines for intercultural education.
Presidential Keynote
Yilin Sun
Friday, 27 March 2015
8 am–9 am
Building Bridges: Journey to a Better Future for TESOL
Based on her cross-cultural teaching,learning, and research experience in China, Canada, and the United States, Sun will share her journey as a TESOLer and address major trends in English language teaching. She will also discuss the roles and responsibilities of TESOL professionals in our changing global society.
Yilin Sun, has a doctorate in applied linguistics/curriculum and instruction from OISE/University of Toronto,Ontario, Canada, and she is president of TESOL International Association (2015–2015). She has been chair of the TESOL Affiliate Leadership Council (2007), president of WAESOL (2003, 2007), and a Fulbright Senior Scholar (2011–12). English language specialist for the U.S. Department of State since 2009, Yilin currently teaches at South Seattle College in Seattle, and has more than 28 years of experience in the field of TESOL as an MA-TESL teacher trainer, researcher, classroom teacher, and program leader with a variety of higher educational institutions in China, Canada and the United States. Yilin is the author and coauthor of books, book chapters,and research papers in refereed professional journals. She has presented frequently at national and international conferences.
Saturday Keynote
Jim Cummins
Saturday, 28 March 2015
8 am–9 am
Evidence-Based TESOL: Teaching Through a Multilingual Lens
The presentation synthesizes the instructional implications of research for K–12 and adult students with respect to the centrality of language and literacy engagement, the relevance of identity investment, and the role of L1 in learning English for communicative and academic purposes.
Jim Cummins is a professor emeritus in the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. His research focuses on literacy development in educational contexts characterized by linguistic diversity. He is the author (with Margaret Early) of"Identity Texts: The Collaborative Creation of Power in Multilingual Schools" (2011) and "Big Ideas for Expanding Minds: Teaching English Language Learners across the Curriculum" (2015).
Technology Workshop at NYU -- March 10, 2015
[Attachment(s) from CLTA GNY included below]
CLTA-GNY members are encouraged to attend.
Using Technology To Promote Active Learning In Chinese Language Class
March 15, 2015 * 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Join us on March 15th, 10 - 1pm, at New York University East Building Room, 239 Greene Street, 302 for the Using Technology To Promote Active Learning In Chinese Language Class sponsored by NYU Developing Chinese Language Teachers (DCLT) and Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York (CLTA- GNY).
Technology is revolutionizing America’s classrooms. The advancement of technology allows us to design our lessons in a way that engages active learning and self learning. Use of technology in class helps promote every learning procedure from instruction, class activity to class assessment and unit project.
We will use laptop and iPad presentations to show how to use technology especially, iPad. Mac/PC and SmartBoards to effectively engage students. iPad apps and useful websites will be introduced. We will also present several classroom activities and projects using Mac/PC or iPads in Mandarin class. We will arrange some time for the participants to experience these apps, websites, activities and projects. Therefore, participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops and iPads.
Refreshments will be served.
Register through this link:
CLTA-GNY members are encouraged to attend.
Using Technology To Promote Active Learning In Chinese Language Class
March 15, 2015 * 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Join us on March 15th, 10 - 1pm, at New York University East Building Room, 239 Greene Street, 302 for the Using Technology To Promote Active Learning In Chinese Language Class sponsored by NYU Developing Chinese Language Teachers (DCLT) and Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York (CLTA- GNY).
Technology is revolutionizing America’s classrooms. The advancement of technology allows us to design our lessons in a way that engages active learning and self learning. Use of technology in class helps promote every learning procedure from instruction, class activity to class assessment and unit project.
We will use laptop and iPad presentations to show how to use technology especially, iPad. Mac/PC and SmartBoards to effectively engage students. iPad apps and useful websites will be introduced. We will also present several classroom activities and projects using Mac/PC or iPads in Mandarin class. We will arrange some time for the participants to experience these apps, websites, activities and projects. Therefore, participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops and iPads.
Refreshments will be served.
Register through this link:
汉语考试管理人员资格认证 -- March 8, 2015
根据汉考国际的通知,自5月1日起今后担任汉语考试主监考必须事先通过考试认证,获得汉语考试主监考资格证书。海外所有考点须在考务平台上安排各考场监考人员,只有通过资格认证的人员才可以出现在监考备选栏中。目前尚未通过资格认证的学校和即将参加HSK/YCT考试的学校,请尽快发电子邮件到 [email protected] ,联系安排主监考人员的培训和认证考试。
北美华文教育服务中心是一个开放式的平台。 我们愿意与任何华文教育组织、学校、机构、个人进行各种形式合作。我们热忱地欢迎您把好项目带到这个平台上与大家分享,让我们精诚合作、互利共赢!(为了更方便联系和交流,请加微信: Laoha168 )
根据汉考国际的通知,自5月1日起今后担任汉语考试主监考必须事先通过考试认证,获得汉语考试主监考资格证书。海外所有考点须在考务平台上安排各考场监考人员,只有通过资格认证的人员才可以出现在监考备选栏中。目前尚未通过资格认证的学校和即将参加HSK/YCT考试的学校,请尽快发电子邮件到 [email protected] ,联系安排主监考人员的培训和认证考试。
北美华文教育服务中心是一个开放式的平台。 我们愿意与任何华文教育组织、学校、机构、个人进行各种形式合作。我们热忱地欢迎您把好项目带到这个平台上与大家分享,让我们精诚合作、互利共赢!(为了更方便联系和交流,请加微信: Laoha168 )
Programs for Educators:
"Plan for Better Teaching"A Pedagogy Short Course -- Feb. 5, 2015
"Plan for Better Teaching" (PBT) is a short course designed for in-service Chinese language teachers to learn best practices in the standards-based classroom. Participants will learn key concepts and examine issues related to curriculum development, instruction, and assessment from Dr. Wei-Ling Wu. By engaging in a lesson-plan development project, participants will have the opportunity to: implement lesson plans in their own classrooms and individually discuss their work with Dr. Wei-Ling Wu during mentoring sessions. This course is a continuation of last year's PBT course. New participants, as well as those from previous years, are all welcome to sign up for this course. Participants will receive a professional development certificate jointly issued by NYS Language RBERN at NYU and China Institute upon successful completion of the course.
Dr. Wei-ling Wu (吴葳玲) is a nationally recognized Chinese language educator of American K-12 students and an experienced trainer of teachers. She has served on various national projects for Chinese language instruction and curriculum development. Dr. Wu is also the lead author of a series of Chinese text books.
Course Schedule:
$180 members / $200 non-members
Seating is LIMITED
To register, please contact Aaron Nicholson at [email protected] or call 212-744-8181 ext. 138.
Dr. Wei-ling Wu (吴葳玲) is a nationally recognized Chinese language educator of American K-12 students and an experienced trainer of teachers. She has served on various national projects for Chinese language instruction and curriculum development. Dr. Wu is also the lead author of a series of Chinese text books.
Course Schedule:
- Sunday, March 8, 2015, 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
- Saturday, March 21, 2015, 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
- Saturday, March 28, 2015, 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
- Saturday, April 11, 2015, Individual Mentoring Sessions
$180 members / $200 non-members
Seating is LIMITED
To register, please contact Aaron Nicholson at [email protected] or call 212-744-8181 ext. 138.
TCSOL Spring Open House 2015 at Columbia University -- Feb. 4, 2015
The TCSOL Certificate Program at Teachers College, Columbia University, cordially invites you to the TCSOL Spring Open House, which will be held on Thursday, February 19, 2015 (5:00pm-8:00pm) in Everett Lounge at Teachers College. Please join us for an evening of fun cultural activities such as singing, dancing, paper-cutting, games, making dumplings, tea, calligraphy, etc.
Please feel free to bring friends/colleagues who might be interested in receiving Chinese Teacher Education training and are qualified for the TCSOL program!
As space is limited, please RSVP to tcsol@tc.columbia.edu by Monday, Feb. 16, 2015. You will receive a confirmation email upon our receipt of your RSVP.
Please feel free to bring friends/colleagues who might be interested in receiving Chinese Teacher Education training and are qualified for the TCSOL program!
As space is limited, please RSVP to tcsol@tc.columbia.edu by Monday, Feb. 16, 2015. You will receive a confirmation email upon our receipt of your RSVP.
[Attachment(s) from TC-Columbia Chinese Teacher Education included below]
Greetings from the TCSOL office at Teachers College, Columbia University!
The TCSOL 2015 Beijing Summer Program is currently accepting applications!
The TCSOL Summer Program is an accelerated version of the regular TCSOL Program at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City. The TCSOL Summer Program provides state-of-the-art training in Chinese Pedagogy and Educational Linguistics, aiming to help pre-/in-service teachers build a comprehensive and systematic knowledge base of second language acquisition theory, Chinese linguistics, and to develop and hone their skills in teaching Chinese across different contexts. The summer program also provides a unique opportunity for individuals to interact with two Columbia University professors, Dr. ZhaoHong Han and Dr. Lening Liu, without having to travel to the United States. Please refer to the attached flyer for more details. You can also visit the program website at http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tcsol/index.asp?Id=About&Info=TCSOL+Beijing+Summer+Program.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.
Haimei, Andras and Tiffany
TCSOL Certificate Program Office (http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tcsol)
Teachers College, Columbia University
Box 66, 525 W. 120th Street
New York, NY 10027
[email protected]
Greetings from the TCSOL office at Teachers College, Columbia University!
The TCSOL 2015 Beijing Summer Program is currently accepting applications!
The TCSOL Summer Program is an accelerated version of the regular TCSOL Program at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City. The TCSOL Summer Program provides state-of-the-art training in Chinese Pedagogy and Educational Linguistics, aiming to help pre-/in-service teachers build a comprehensive and systematic knowledge base of second language acquisition theory, Chinese linguistics, and to develop and hone their skills in teaching Chinese across different contexts. The summer program also provides a unique opportunity for individuals to interact with two Columbia University professors, Dr. ZhaoHong Han and Dr. Lening Liu, without having to travel to the United States. Please refer to the attached flyer for more details. You can also visit the program website at http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tcsol/index.asp?Id=About&Info=TCSOL+Beijing+Summer+Program.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.
Haimei, Andras and Tiffany
TCSOL Certificate Program Office (http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tcsol)
Teachers College, Columbia University
Box 66, 525 W. 120th Street
New York, NY 10027
[email protected]
New York University
Project for Developing Chinese Language Teachers (DCLT) --Dec. 2, 2014
Register Now : Project DCLT Friday Night Forum
Project DCLT welcomes you to our final forum of Fall 2014:Projects, Songs, & Holiday Party Forum on December 12, from 5 - 8pm.
Join us for our annual holiday party and games, projects and songs swap shop. Bring your favorite games, projects & songs: give one and get many ideas for use in your classroom! Register now through this link.
We are pleased to announce our presenters to date:
Jian Liu, Math Teacher, Clara Barton High School
Lynn Lin, Chinese Teacher, Friends Seminary
Lin Rao, Chinese Teacher, Brooklyn Technical High School
This forum will be held in NYU's Kimball Hall Lounge, 246 Greene Street at Waverly Place, from 5 - 8 p.m. Please plan to arrive 15 minutes earlier so we can start on time! Dinner will be served at this event. Professional development credits are available for in-service teachers.
NYU StarTalk Saturday Workshop
We will host our 4th StarTalk Saturday Workshop: Maximizing Instructional Outcome through Quality Teaching: Offering Students with Multiple Entry Points in a Dual Language/Bilingual/Foreign Language Class on December 13, from 9 to 1 pm. Join us to learn from Yuqing Hong, principal of PS 310 in Brooklyn, The School for Future Leaders.
A few seats may still be available. If you are interested in attending and you are NOT a member of the NYU 2014 StarTalk program, please email [email protected]. This workshop will be held at the NYU East Building, Room 302, 239 Greene Street. Breakfast and coffee will be served at this workshop.
Announcing: 2014-15 Rock That Movie Chinese Video Competition
All middle and high school Chinese teachers and students are invited to join our 2014-15 Rock That Movie Video Competition. Use this as an opportunity for an extra credit project, or create a unit around the competition and submit your students' graded work. The theme for this year's competition is "Making a Difference - what we can do." Encourage your students to write and submit their most creative work to our competition! New for 2015: Each school is invited to submit the best video from each level of Chinese their school offers. You can register now through this link.
Please go to the Rock That Movie Night 2014-15 website for more information.
Watch the student-made videos from the 2014 and 2013 competition and get inspired!
Project DCLT welcomes you to our final forum of Fall 2014:Projects, Songs, & Holiday Party Forum on December 12, from 5 - 8pm.
Join us for our annual holiday party and games, projects and songs swap shop. Bring your favorite games, projects & songs: give one and get many ideas for use in your classroom! Register now through this link.
We are pleased to announce our presenters to date:
Jian Liu, Math Teacher, Clara Barton High School
Lynn Lin, Chinese Teacher, Friends Seminary
Lin Rao, Chinese Teacher, Brooklyn Technical High School
This forum will be held in NYU's Kimball Hall Lounge, 246 Greene Street at Waverly Place, from 5 - 8 p.m. Please plan to arrive 15 minutes earlier so we can start on time! Dinner will be served at this event. Professional development credits are available for in-service teachers.
NYU StarTalk Saturday Workshop
We will host our 4th StarTalk Saturday Workshop: Maximizing Instructional Outcome through Quality Teaching: Offering Students with Multiple Entry Points in a Dual Language/Bilingual/Foreign Language Class on December 13, from 9 to 1 pm. Join us to learn from Yuqing Hong, principal of PS 310 in Brooklyn, The School for Future Leaders.
A few seats may still be available. If you are interested in attending and you are NOT a member of the NYU 2014 StarTalk program, please email [email protected]. This workshop will be held at the NYU East Building, Room 302, 239 Greene Street. Breakfast and coffee will be served at this workshop.
Announcing: 2014-15 Rock That Movie Chinese Video Competition
All middle and high school Chinese teachers and students are invited to join our 2014-15 Rock That Movie Video Competition. Use this as an opportunity for an extra credit project, or create a unit around the competition and submit your students' graded work. The theme for this year's competition is "Making a Difference - what we can do." Encourage your students to write and submit their most creative work to our competition! New for 2015: Each school is invited to submit the best video from each level of Chinese their school offers. You can register now through this link.
Please go to the Rock That Movie Night 2014-15 website for more information.
Watch the student-made videos from the 2014 and 2013 competition and get inspired!
Instructional Videos for Chinese Language Teachers--Dec. 1, 2014
Part of Asia Society's professional development series for educators, these instructional videos for Chinese language teachers aim to share best practices in the field of Chinese language teaching.
Each year, Asia Society selects 5–10 Chinese teachers as Teaching Fellows. Under the one-on-one professional consultation of Dr. Weiling Wu, these selected teachers create, develop, and polish lesson plans. We then film the classroom of each selected teacher, and edit these to guide viewers to think and reflect on what they are observing in each video, to try and bridge the gap between instructional standards and classroom implementation.
These Chinese classes cover different grade levels and proficiency levels, and have been recorded to showcase the 8 Principles for Effective and Innovative Chinese Language Teaching and Learning, proposed by Dr. Wu. In each video, Dr. Wu explains what is happening and how the featured teacher is applying a specific principle, with the help of animated characters Mr. T (Theory), Ms. E (Enthusiasm), and Ms. Q (Question).
Materials in this series include:
Part of Asia Society's professional development series for educators, these instructional videos for Chinese language teachers aim to share best practices in the field of Chinese language teaching.
Each year, Asia Society selects 5–10 Chinese teachers as Teaching Fellows. Under the one-on-one professional consultation of Dr. Weiling Wu, these selected teachers create, develop, and polish lesson plans. We then film the classroom of each selected teacher, and edit these to guide viewers to think and reflect on what they are observing in each video, to try and bridge the gap between instructional standards and classroom implementation.
These Chinese classes cover different grade levels and proficiency levels, and have been recorded to showcase the 8 Principles for Effective and Innovative Chinese Language Teaching and Learning, proposed by Dr. Wu. In each video, Dr. Wu explains what is happening and how the featured teacher is applying a specific principle, with the help of animated characters Mr. T (Theory), Ms. E (Enthusiasm), and Ms. Q (Question).
Materials in this series include:
- a 30-minute edited classroom video interspersed with commentary from Dr. Wu,
- an accompanying lesson plan,
- an interview with the featured teacher,
- and an interview with the school administrator.
大紐約地區中文教師學會2015年暑期南京大學中文師資培訓班招生--Nov. 5, 2014
為了更好地促進美國的漢語教學,幫助更多有志從事中文教學的人士獲得教師執照所必須具備的中文專業學分﹐大紐約地區中文教師學會將再次与中國南京大學海外教育學院合作﹐在中國國家漢辦的支持下﹐共同開展培訓美國漢語教師的工作。該培訓計劃已于2004-2014年實施11期, 取得圓滿的結果。2015年暑期南京大學中文教師培訓班已開始招生﹐詳情如下﹕
一. 教學課程﹕
現代漢語、古代文學 、漢字與書法、高級漢語研討課
二. 學習時間:
2015年7月13日到8月7日﹐ 教學時間為4周。學習期間南京大學還將安排與教學內容有關的參觀和實習。
三. 學分
四. 公費(獎學金)名額申請人資格
請發電郵給 [email protected] 索取申請方式。
六. 費用
1. 申請費$30 (non-refundable),申請時需交。
2. 項目活動費$370 (自費生的學費和活動費為$770),錄取時交。
3. 得到公費資助的申請人將在南大學習期間獲得1500元(人民幣)的生活補助。
4. 旅費自理。
5. 所有學員都必須有醫療保險。
詢問電郵: [email protected]
為了更好地促進美國的漢語教學,幫助更多有志從事中文教學的人士獲得教師執照所必須具備的中文專業學分﹐大紐約地區中文教師學會將再次与中國南京大學海外教育學院合作﹐在中國國家漢辦的支持下﹐共同開展培訓美國漢語教師的工作。該培訓計劃已于2004-2014年實施11期, 取得圓滿的結果。2015年暑期南京大學中文教師培訓班已開始招生﹐詳情如下﹕
一. 教學課程﹕
現代漢語、古代文學 、漢字與書法、高級漢語研討課
二. 學習時間:
2015年7月13日到8月7日﹐ 教學時間為4周。學習期間南京大學還將安排與教學內容有關的參觀和實習。
三. 學分
四. 公費(獎學金)名額申請人資格
請發電郵給 [email protected] 索取申請方式。
六. 費用
1. 申請費$30 (non-refundable),申請時需交。
2. 項目活動費$370 (自費生的學費和活動費為$770),錄取時交。
3. 得到公費資助的申請人將在南大學習期間獲得1500元(人民幣)的生活補助。
4. 旅費自理。
5. 所有學員都必須有醫療保險。
詢問電郵: [email protected]
Chicago Language Symposium 2015 on April 17-18 --Nov. 5, 2014
Northwester U, U. of Chicago, U of Illinois at Chicago, and DePaul University are co-organizing the Chicago Language Symposium 2015 on April 17-18, 2015. It will be held at DePaul University, in downtown Chicago. The symposium is for all foreign language educators. Please see the attached for the CFP.
Best regards
Li Jin (金丽), Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Director, Chinese Studies Program
Department of Modern Languages (SAC 314)
DePaul University
2320 N. Kenmore Ave, Chicago, IL 60614
Phone: 773-325-1882
Chinese Studies Program:
Undergraduate Program: http://las.depaul.edu/departments/modern-languages/undergraduate/Pages/chinese.aspx
Graduate Program:http://las.depaul.edu/mol/Programs/Graduate/index.asp
Best regards
Li Jin (金丽), Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Director, Chinese Studies Program
Department of Modern Languages (SAC 314)
DePaul University
2320 N. Kenmore Ave, Chicago, IL 60614
Phone: 773-325-1882
Chinese Studies Program:
Undergraduate Program: http://las.depaul.edu/departments/modern-languages/undergraduate/Pages/chinese.aspx
Graduate Program:http://las.depaul.edu/mol/Programs/Graduate/index.asp
NYU Project DCLT Career Advancement Forum -- Nov. 28, 2014
Career Advancement Forum Invitation
You are cordially invited to the Career Advancement Forum on November 7, 2014. Join us and learn from a panel of teachers in different stages of their career who will share their experiences, ideas and strategies for the advancement of your career. We are pleased to announce our panelists:
Xiaofei Li, Language Teacher, Ethical Culture Fieldston Middle School
Qin Yun, Senior Program Associate, Asia Society
Yun (Lillian) Zhang, Chinese Teacher, Great Neck North Middle School
Anna Zhao, Chinese Teacher/Chinese Curriculum Coordinator (PreK-12th), Germantown Academy
You can register for the forum by clicking here. The forum will be held at the Kimball Hall Lounge, 246 Greene Street at Waverly Place, from 5 - 8 p.m. Dinner will be served at this event. Professional development credits are available for in-service teachers.
You are cordially invited to the Career Advancement Forum on November 7, 2014. Join us and learn from a panel of teachers in different stages of their career who will share their experiences, ideas and strategies for the advancement of your career. We are pleased to announce our panelists:
Xiaofei Li, Language Teacher, Ethical Culture Fieldston Middle School
Qin Yun, Senior Program Associate, Asia Society
Yun (Lillian) Zhang, Chinese Teacher, Great Neck North Middle School
Anna Zhao, Chinese Teacher/Chinese Curriculum Coordinator (PreK-12th), Germantown Academy
You can register for the forum by clicking here. The forum will be held at the Kimball Hall Lounge, 246 Greene Street at Waverly Place, from 5 - 8 p.m. Dinner will be served at this event. Professional development credits are available for in-service teachers.
Photos from Nanjing-- Aug. 28, 2014
CLTA-GNY's 2014 Teacher Training Program successfully ended at Nanjing University earlier this month. Close to 30 participants from all over the US. participated. In addition to the intensive studies, Nanjing University organized three city tours to places of interest around the city. One highlight of the extracurricular activities was the opportunity for the participants to sit in a live shooting session of the popular dating game show You Are the One (非诚勿扰), at the invitation of Jiangsu Broadcasting Station. That episode was aired last week.
See photos of the program at https://www.flickr.com/photos/8310537@N08/sets/72157646961602792/.
Information about next summer's program will be made available this fall.
See photos of the program at https://www.flickr.com/photos/8310537@N08/sets/72157646961602792/.
Information about next summer's program will be made available this fall.
Certificate Program in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) at Teachers College, Columbia University--April 26, 2014
The Chinese teacher education program, TCSOL, provides state-of-the-art training in Chinese pedagogy. Ideal for pre-/in-service teachers looking to develop or enhance their ability to teach through an accelerated program.
The TCSOL Program at Teachers College, Columbia University, is currently accepting application for its 2014-2015 session. For detailed information about the program, see http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tcsol . For further inquiries contact the TCSOL Program directly at [email protected] . Please refer to the attached program flier and website for more information.
TCSOL Certificate Program Office (http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tcsol)
Teachers College, Columbia University
Box 66, 525 W. 120th Street
New York, NY 10027
[email protected]
The TCSOL Program at Teachers College, Columbia University, is currently accepting application for its 2014-2015 session. For detailed information about the program, see http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tcsol . For further inquiries contact the TCSOL Program directly at [email protected] . Please refer to the attached program flier and website for more information.
TCSOL Certificate Program Office (http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tcsol)
Teachers College, Columbia University
Box 66, 525 W. 120th Street
New York, NY 10027
[email protected]
NYU StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (1-6)--April 15, 2014
Message from Robin Harvey
NYU StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (1-6)
The application period is now open for NYU's StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (1-6).
The program includes:
Applications available http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/teachlearn/mms/StarTalk_NYUChineseImmersion2014
For questions, contact: Robin Harvey, [email protected], (212)992-9367
Pat Lo
Resource Specialist
New York State Language RBE-RN
NYU Metro Center at Steinhardt
726 Broadway, 5th Floor, Suite 514
New York, New York 10003
212 992 9377
[email protected]
NYU StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (1-6)
The application period is now open for NYU's StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (1-6).
The program includes:
- "Teaching Foreign Language to Elementary School Children," an NYU graduate level 3-credit summer course
- Workshops with Helena Curtain, co-author of the text Languages and Children: Making the Match.
- School visits to FLES and Dual Language/Immersion programs
- Field Trip to MOCA, the Museum of Chinese in America
- Four workshops on Dual Language/Immersion Education to take place in fall.
- Materials for classroom use: each participant will receive a bound, illustrated book of 6-8 culturally important stories for young learners of Chinese created by the class and professionally illustrated.
Applications available http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/teachlearn/mms/StarTalk_NYUChineseImmersion2014
For questions, contact: Robin Harvey, [email protected], (212)992-9367
Pat Lo
Resource Specialist
New York State Language RBE-RN
NYU Metro Center at Steinhardt
726 Broadway, 5th Floor, Suite 514
New York, New York 10003
212 992 9377
[email protected]
Workshop: Songs and Storytelling -- March 21, 2014
Songs and Storytelling: Developing Fluency and Literacy in the Chinese Classroom
Presenters: Robin Harvey & Pauline Huang, Authors of Rhythms and Tones 1 & 2: Inventive Songs & Chants for Learning Chinese
Target Audience: PreK -12 teachers
Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Location: New York University, East Building, 3rd Floor
Address: 239 Green Street, NY, NY 10003
Subway: R, N to 8th Street/NYU or A, B, C, D, E, F, M to West 4th Street/Washington Square
Registration on line: https://docs.google.com/a/nyu.edu/forms/d/1-ysAFcMvYFc5l4cu3zo0SXx__unH2UFy2nF6UaZnnMo/viewform
Workshop Description:
Every child loves music and stories – our students do! Starting with a simple song, how far can our students go? Combining the two elements in our classroom setting creates a unique and engaging learning experience for our students. In this workshop, we will share(Smartboard) lesson plans, activities and strategies for using songs and chants as the starting point for developing fluency and literacy in the Chinese language classroom. We will also introduce a few iPad apps that can be used to create our own stories. PreK-12 teachers in particular will benefit from this workshop.
This workshop is co-sponsored by CLTA-GNY, NYU Project for Developing Chinese Language Teachers, and the NYS RBE-RN.
Pat Lo
Resource Specialist
New York State Language RBE-RN
NYU Metro Center at Steinhardt
726 Broadway, 5th Floor, Suite 514
New York, New York 10003
212 992 9377
[email protected]
Presenters: Robin Harvey & Pauline Huang, Authors of Rhythms and Tones 1 & 2: Inventive Songs & Chants for Learning Chinese
Target Audience: PreK -12 teachers
Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Location: New York University, East Building, 3rd Floor
Address: 239 Green Street, NY, NY 10003
Subway: R, N to 8th Street/NYU or A, B, C, D, E, F, M to West 4th Street/Washington Square
Registration on line: https://docs.google.com/a/nyu.edu/forms/d/1-ysAFcMvYFc5l4cu3zo0SXx__unH2UFy2nF6UaZnnMo/viewform
Workshop Description:
Every child loves music and stories – our students do! Starting with a simple song, how far can our students go? Combining the two elements in our classroom setting creates a unique and engaging learning experience for our students. In this workshop, we will share(Smartboard) lesson plans, activities and strategies for using songs and chants as the starting point for developing fluency and literacy in the Chinese language classroom. We will also introduce a few iPad apps that can be used to create our own stories. PreK-12 teachers in particular will benefit from this workshop.
This workshop is co-sponsored by CLTA-GNY, NYU Project for Developing Chinese Language Teachers, and the NYS RBE-RN.
Pat Lo
Resource Specialist
New York State Language RBE-RN
NYU Metro Center at Steinhardt
726 Broadway, 5th Floor, Suite 514
New York, New York 10003
212 992 9377
[email protected]
NYU StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (1-6) --March 20, 2014
July 7 - July 25, 2014 ** New York University, New York, NY
The NYU StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (1-6) for pre- and in-service teachers of Chinese will be held from July 7 - 25, 2014. Application forms are available here; applications are due by April 15.
The core of the NYU StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (1-6) is the summer course "Teaching Foreign Language to Elementary School Children" (FLES), which leads to state certification extension for grades 1-6. Follow-up training sessions in the fall will concentrate on immersion education. A 50% scholarship is offered to accepted participants.
A series of books for use in the elementary school classroom will be created in the summer course, professionally illustrated, narrated, and published in iBook format. Printed copies of the books will be made available to all participants for use in their classrooms. Stories from the 2013 StarTalk program are availablehere.
National Principals Academy Presents: Yong Zhao--March 17, 2014
St. John’s University
Oakdale Campus
The National Principals Academy Presents:
Yong Zhao
Please see attachment.
Dr. Yong Zhao is an internationally known scholar, author, and speaker. His works focus on the implications of globalization and technology on education. He has designed schools that cultivate global competence, developed computer games for language learning, and founded research and development institutions to explore innovative education models. He is a recipient of the Early Career Award from the American Educational Research Association and was named one of the 201210 most influential people in educational technology by the Tech & Learn Maqazine. He currently serves as the Presidential Chair and Director of the Institute for Global and Online Education in the College of Education, Universityof Oregon, where he is also a Professor in the Department of Educational Measurement, Policy, and Leadership.
Chinese Standardized Tests –AP and NYC LOTE Comprehensive Exams--March 10, 2014
CLTA-GNY Professional Development Announcement
熟悉中文标准测验:AP 及纽约市中文外语通考
Familiarize yourself with the Chinese Standardized Tests –AP and NYC LOTE Comprehensive Exams
Presenter: Dr. Susan Yin Rui
Susan Rui is currently a Chinese language teacher at Forest Hills High School in New York City, also an adjunct professor at Hofstra University. A veteran educator of language instruction and supervisor for over 20 years, she is an active member of CLTA-GNY. In this workshop, she will introduce the format of the AP and NYC LOTE exams and dig into the specifics that test-takers need to pay attention to. Examples will be provided and participants will be guided in the discussion of how teachers can prepare their students to meet the challenges presented in these standardized exams, starting the at beginning level.
Date: Saturday, March 29
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Location: 726 Broadway, NY, NY 10003, 5th Floor
Registration: Please follow the weblink below to registration page. Please contact Pat Lo for questions [email protected].
This webinar professional development session is a collaboration of the following organizations:
Chinese Language Teacher Association – Greater New York
New York State Language Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network at New York University
Pat Lo
Resource Specialist
New York State Language RBE-RN
NYU Metro Center at Steinhardt
726 Broadway, 5th Floor, Suite 514
New York, New York 10003
212 992 9377
[email protected]
熟悉中文标准测验:AP 及纽约市中文外语通考
Familiarize yourself with the Chinese Standardized Tests –AP and NYC LOTE Comprehensive Exams
Presenter: Dr. Susan Yin Rui
Susan Rui is currently a Chinese language teacher at Forest Hills High School in New York City, also an adjunct professor at Hofstra University. A veteran educator of language instruction and supervisor for over 20 years, she is an active member of CLTA-GNY. In this workshop, she will introduce the format of the AP and NYC LOTE exams and dig into the specifics that test-takers need to pay attention to. Examples will be provided and participants will be guided in the discussion of how teachers can prepare their students to meet the challenges presented in these standardized exams, starting the at beginning level.
Date: Saturday, March 29
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Location: 726 Broadway, NY, NY 10003, 5th Floor
Registration: Please follow the weblink below to registration page. Please contact Pat Lo for questions [email protected].
This webinar professional development session is a collaboration of the following organizations:
Chinese Language Teacher Association – Greater New York
New York State Language Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network at New York University
Pat Lo
Resource Specialist
New York State Language RBE-RN
NYU Metro Center at Steinhardt
726 Broadway, 5th Floor, Suite 514
New York, New York 10003
212 992 9377
[email protected]
Pedagogy Short Course for Chinese teachers --March 3, 2014
Pedagogy Short Course
“Plan for Better Teaching”
“Plan for Better Teaching” (PBT) is a short course designed for in-service Chinese language teachers to learn best practices in the standards-based classroom. Participants will learn key concepts and examine issues related to curriculum development, instruction, and assessment from Dr. Wei-Ling Wu. By engaging in a lesson-plan development project, participants will have the opportunity to: implement lesson plans in their own classrooms and individually discuss their work with Dr. Wei-Ling Wu during mentoring sessions. Participants will receive a certificate issued by China Institute’s Department of Education upon successful completion of the course. This course is a continuation of last year’s PBT course. New participants as well as those from previous years are all welcome to sign up for this course. Participants will receive a professional development certificate jointly issued by NYS Language RBERN at NYU and China Institute upon successful completion.
Dr. Wei-ling Wu (吴葳玲)is a nationally recognized Chinese language educator of American K-12 students and an experienced trainer of teachers. She has served on various national projects for Chinese language instruction and curriculum development. Dr Wu is also the lead author of a series of Chinese text books.
• Saturday, March 8, 2014, 9:30 AM– 3:30 PM
• Sunday, March 16, 2014, 9:30 AM– 3:30 PM
• Saturday, March 29, 2014, 9:30 AM– 3:30 PM
• Saturday, April 5, 2014, 9:30 AM– 3:30 PM
Location: China Institute, 125 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065
$180 members/$200 non-members
To register, please contact our Program Assistant at [email protected] or call 212-744-8181 ext. 130
“Plan for Better Teaching”
“Plan for Better Teaching” (PBT) is a short course designed for in-service Chinese language teachers to learn best practices in the standards-based classroom. Participants will learn key concepts and examine issues related to curriculum development, instruction, and assessment from Dr. Wei-Ling Wu. By engaging in a lesson-plan development project, participants will have the opportunity to: implement lesson plans in their own classrooms and individually discuss their work with Dr. Wei-Ling Wu during mentoring sessions. Participants will receive a certificate issued by China Institute’s Department of Education upon successful completion of the course. This course is a continuation of last year’s PBT course. New participants as well as those from previous years are all welcome to sign up for this course. Participants will receive a professional development certificate jointly issued by NYS Language RBERN at NYU and China Institute upon successful completion.
Dr. Wei-ling Wu (吴葳玲)is a nationally recognized Chinese language educator of American K-12 students and an experienced trainer of teachers. She has served on various national projects for Chinese language instruction and curriculum development. Dr Wu is also the lead author of a series of Chinese text books.
• Saturday, March 8, 2014, 9:30 AM– 3:30 PM
• Sunday, March 16, 2014, 9:30 AM– 3:30 PM
• Saturday, March 29, 2014, 9:30 AM– 3:30 PM
• Saturday, April 5, 2014, 9:30 AM– 3:30 PM
Location: China Institute, 125 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065
$180 members/$200 non-members
To register, please contact our Program Assistant at [email protected] or call 212-744-8181 ext. 130
K-12 Chinese-Language Teachers Roundtable at Seton Hall University--Feb. 11, 2014
New Jersey Chinese Cultural Studies Foundation & HOST
K-12 Chinese-Language Teachers Roundtable
Dr. Dongdong Chen, Chair of NJCCSF/Director of Chinese Program, Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures, Seton Hall University
10:00am – 10:05am
Sharpening Your Edge in K-12 Chinese Teachers Market: Interviews & Demos
Liping Meng, Chinese Language Teacher, Morristown High School, NJ
Haiting Liang, Chinese Language Teacher, Montclair High School, NJ
10:05am – 10:55am
Keynote Speech
Teaching Pronunciation and Grammar: Tricks and Keys
Dr. Richard Simmons, Chair of Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, Rutgers University
11:00am – 12:00pm
12:10:pm – 1:00pm
Round-Table Discussion
Integrating Technology into Chinese Teaching and Learning
Jennifer Wu, Chinese Language Teacher, Rutgers University
1:10pm – 2:00pm
Thriving in the Chinese Language Classroom
Mali Ou, Chinese Language Teacher, Watchung Hills Regional High School, NJ
2:10pm – 3:00pm
February 22, 2014
Chancellor Suite, Bishop Dougherty University Center
Seating is limited. Register ASAP.
K-12 Chinese-Language Teachers Roundtable
Dr. Dongdong Chen, Chair of NJCCSF/Director of Chinese Program, Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures, Seton Hall University
10:00am – 10:05am
Sharpening Your Edge in K-12 Chinese Teachers Market: Interviews & Demos
Liping Meng, Chinese Language Teacher, Morristown High School, NJ
Haiting Liang, Chinese Language Teacher, Montclair High School, NJ
10:05am – 10:55am
Keynote Speech
Teaching Pronunciation and Grammar: Tricks and Keys
Dr. Richard Simmons, Chair of Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, Rutgers University
11:00am – 12:00pm
12:10:pm – 1:00pm
Round-Table Discussion
Integrating Technology into Chinese Teaching and Learning
Jennifer Wu, Chinese Language Teacher, Rutgers University
1:10pm – 2:00pm
Thriving in the Chinese Language Classroom
Mali Ou, Chinese Language Teacher, Watchung Hills Regional High School, NJ
2:10pm – 3:00pm
February 22, 2014
Chancellor Suite, Bishop Dougherty University Center
Seating is limited. Register ASAP.
(NYU) DCLT Spring Events--Feb. 7, 201
Register Now : Spring 2014 DCLT Forums
Project DCLT welcomes you to our spring forums. We're looking forward to seeing you all there! All forums are held on Friday evenings from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
RSVP here!
February 28: Dual Language Program, Washington Yu Ying Public Charter School
March 28: Bringing Chinese Culture to Life
April 18: Rock that Movie Night!
DCLT Friday Night Forums are held in NYU's Kimball Hall Lounge, 246 Greene Street at Waverly Place, from 5 - 8 p.m. Dinner will be served at each event. Professional development credits are available for in-service teachers.
Rock That Movie Chinese Video Competition
All middle and high school Chinese teachers and students are invited to join our 2014 Rock That Movie Video Competition. Use this as an opportunity for an extra credit project, or create a unit around the competition and submit your students' graded work. The theme for this year's competition is "New Adaptations of Old Chinese Fables." Encourage your students to write and submit their most creative work to our competition!
Please go to the Rock That Movie Night 2014 website for more information.
A live action video or a narrated stop-motion or a photo story video, 4-6 minutes long.
Registration: March 1, 2014, Register through this link.
Video due: April 1, 2014
Prizes will be awarded at DCLT's April 18 forum.
Watch the student-made videos from the 2013 competition here and get inspired!
Chinese Education Conference:
Practical Literacy - Making it work in the Classroom
Project DCLT is pleased to announce that Dr. Frank Tang is one of two keynote speakers at this conference, which focuses on literacy development in Chinese. We encourage all to attend. The conference will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, on March 8-9, 2014.
For more information, please go tohttps://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?EventID=1328605
2014 年大紐約地區中文教師學會 第十二屆紐約中文教學國際研討會
Teaching Chinese in the Global Community :
Developing Communicative Competence in a New Age
New York University, May 3-4, 2014
Call for papers: Proposals are due no later than February 15, 2014. More information available through this link.
We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!
Frank Tang & Robin Harvey
NYU Project for Developing Chinese Language Teachers
The activities of NYU Project DCLT are made possible by a grant from the Freeman Foundation.
Project DCLT welcomes you to our spring forums. We're looking forward to seeing you all there! All forums are held on Friday evenings from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
RSVP here!
February 28: Dual Language Program, Washington Yu Ying Public Charter School
March 28: Bringing Chinese Culture to Life
April 18: Rock that Movie Night!
DCLT Friday Night Forums are held in NYU's Kimball Hall Lounge, 246 Greene Street at Waverly Place, from 5 - 8 p.m. Dinner will be served at each event. Professional development credits are available for in-service teachers.
Rock That Movie Chinese Video Competition
All middle and high school Chinese teachers and students are invited to join our 2014 Rock That Movie Video Competition. Use this as an opportunity for an extra credit project, or create a unit around the competition and submit your students' graded work. The theme for this year's competition is "New Adaptations of Old Chinese Fables." Encourage your students to write and submit their most creative work to our competition!
Please go to the Rock That Movie Night 2014 website for more information.
A live action video or a narrated stop-motion or a photo story video, 4-6 minutes long.
Registration: March 1, 2014, Register through this link.
Video due: April 1, 2014
Prizes will be awarded at DCLT's April 18 forum.
Watch the student-made videos from the 2013 competition here and get inspired!
Chinese Education Conference:
Practical Literacy - Making it work in the Classroom
Project DCLT is pleased to announce that Dr. Frank Tang is one of two keynote speakers at this conference, which focuses on literacy development in Chinese. We encourage all to attend. The conference will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, on March 8-9, 2014.
For more information, please go tohttps://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?EventID=1328605
2014 年大紐約地區中文教師學會 第十二屆紐約中文教學國際研討會
Teaching Chinese in the Global Community :
Developing Communicative Competence in a New Age
New York University, May 3-4, 2014
Call for papers: Proposals are due no later than February 15, 2014. More information available through this link.
We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!
Frank Tang & Robin Harvey
NYU Project for Developing Chinese Language Teachers
The activities of NYU Project DCLT are made possible by a grant from the Freeman Foundation.
Pedagogy Short Course -- Feb. 5, 2015
Programs for Educators:
"Plan for Better Teaching"A Pedagogy Short Course
"Plan for Better Teaching" (PBT) is a short course designed for in-service Chinese language teachers to learn best practices in the standards-based classroom. Participants will learn key concepts and examine issues related to curriculum development, instruction, and assessment from Dr. Wei-Ling Wu. By engaging in a lesson-plan development project, participants will have the opportunity to: implement lesson plans in their own classrooms and individually discuss their work with Dr. Wei-Ling Wu during mentoring sessions. This course is a continuation of last year's PBT course. New participants, as well as those from previous years, are all welcome to sign up for this course. Participants will receive a professional development certificate jointly issued by NYS Language RBERN at NYU and China Institute upon successful completion of the course.
Dr. Wei-ling Wu (吴葳玲) is a nationally recognized Chinese language educator of American K-12 students and an experienced trainer of teachers. She has served on various national projects for Chinese language instruction and curriculum development. Dr. Wu is also the lead author of a series of Chinese text books.
Course Schedule:
$180 members / $200 non-members
Seating is LIMITED
To register, please contact Aaron Nicholson at [email protected] or call 212-744-8181 ext. 138.
"Plan for Better Teaching"A Pedagogy Short Course
"Plan for Better Teaching" (PBT) is a short course designed for in-service Chinese language teachers to learn best practices in the standards-based classroom. Participants will learn key concepts and examine issues related to curriculum development, instruction, and assessment from Dr. Wei-Ling Wu. By engaging in a lesson-plan development project, participants will have the opportunity to: implement lesson plans in their own classrooms and individually discuss their work with Dr. Wei-Ling Wu during mentoring sessions. This course is a continuation of last year's PBT course. New participants, as well as those from previous years, are all welcome to sign up for this course. Participants will receive a professional development certificate jointly issued by NYS Language RBERN at NYU and China Institute upon successful completion of the course.
Dr. Wei-ling Wu (吴葳玲) is a nationally recognized Chinese language educator of American K-12 students and an experienced trainer of teachers. She has served on various national projects for Chinese language instruction and curriculum development. Dr. Wu is also the lead author of a series of Chinese text books.
Course Schedule:
- Sunday, March 8, 2015, 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
- Saturday, March 21, 2015, 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
- Saturday, March 28, 2015, 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
- Saturday, April 11, 2015, Individual Mentoring Sessions
$180 members / $200 non-members
Seating is LIMITED
To register, please contact Aaron Nicholson at [email protected] or call 212-744-8181 ext. 138.
Free Webinar on Feb. 12 -- Feb. 4, 2015
The following webinar is free to all CLTA-GNY members. This webinar is one of the 2014-2015 webinar series sponsored by the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers (NYSAFLT) and New York State Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (RBERN) at New York University. Presenter Pat Lo is a CLTA-GNY board member.
Registration is free but required. Please click the icon below or go to the NYSAFLT webinar website at http://www.nysaflt.org/webinars/ for registration.
Registration is free but required. Please click the icon below or go to the NYSAFLT webinar website at http://www.nysaflt.org/webinars/ for registration.
Seminar on teaching Chinese characters at William Paterson University-Feb. 3, 2014
華語面對面-"岳岩老師分享漢語教學心得"--Jan. 22, 2014
2014 Chinese Guest Teacher and Trainee Program-Jan. 17, 2014
2014 Chinese Guest Teacher & Trainee Program: Call for ApplicationsApply now to host a Chinese guest teacher or teacher-in-training for the 2014-15 school year. Application deadline is Friday, Feb. 7, 2014: www.collegeboard.org/guestteacher
Launch or Expand Your Chinese Program: Host a Teacher
Since 2007, the program has placed more than 800 visiting teachers in hundreds of schools nationwide. All guest teachers are qualified, experienced teachers from China. After a rigorous selection and training process, they serve as full-time Chinese language instructors in U.S. schools.
Enrich Your Cultural Activities: Host a Teacher-in-Training
Trainees are recent graduates from TCFL (Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language) programs in China and serve in schools with established K–12 Chinese programs. They collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate Chinese language and culture into the school and community
Launch or Expand Your Chinese Program: Host a Teacher
Since 2007, the program has placed more than 800 visiting teachers in hundreds of schools nationwide. All guest teachers are qualified, experienced teachers from China. After a rigorous selection and training process, they serve as full-time Chinese language instructors in U.S. schools.
Enrich Your Cultural Activities: Host a Teacher-in-Training
Trainees are recent graduates from TCFL (Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language) programs in China and serve in schools with established K–12 Chinese programs. They collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate Chinese language and culture into the school and community
2014 Chinese Guest Teacher and Trainee Program-Jan. 15, 2014
CLTA-GNY Teacher Training Workshop on Jan. 25--Jan. 25, 2014
Lecture: Developing L2 Chinese Pedagogical Competence: Instructional Material Editing and Teaching Plan Designing Speaker: Jianguo Ji (Professor, The City University of New York) Date: Saturday, January 25, 2014
Time: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: NYU Metro Center, 726 Broadway, 5th floor (The building is next to NYU Bookstore)
Transportation: R, W to 8th Street, NYU
Registration on line: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/154h-wRvrQOY30lKfezeENXD2BsknjBI7kCgPZvqlJcw/viewform
Time: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: NYU Metro Center, 726 Broadway, 5th floor (The building is next to NYU Bookstore)
Transportation: R, W to 8th Street, NYU
Registration on line: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/154h-wRvrQOY30lKfezeENXD2BsknjBI7kCgPZvqlJcw/viewform
2014年暑期南京大學中文師資培訓班招生--Dec. 18, 2013
為了更好地促進美國的漢語教學,幫助更多有志從事中文教學的人士獲得教師執照所必須具備的中文專業學分﹐大紐約地區中文教師學會將再次与中國南京大學海外教育學院合作﹐在中國國家漢辦的支持下﹐共同開展培訓美國漢語教師的工作。該培訓計劃已于2004-2013年實施10期, 取得圓滿的結果。2014年暑期南京大學中文教師培訓班已開始招生﹐詳情如下﹕
一. 教學課程﹕
現當代中國文學、古代漢語 、中文寫作、漢英對比研究
二. 學習時間:
2014年7月14日到8月8日﹐ 教學時間為4周。學習期間南京大學還將安排與教學內容有關的參觀和實習。
三. 學分
四. 公費(獎學金)名額申請人資格
請發電郵給 [email protected] 索取申請方式。
六. 費用
1. 申請費$30 (non-refundable),申請時需交。
2. 項目活動費$370 (自費生的學費和活動費為$770),錄取時交。
3. 得到公費資助的申請人將在南大學習期間獲得1500元(人民幣)的生活補助。
4. 旅費自理。
5. 所有學員都必須有醫療保險。
詢問電郵: [email protected]
為了更好地促進美國的漢語教學,幫助更多有志從事中文教學的人士獲得教師執照所必須具備的中文專業學分﹐大紐約地區中文教師學會將再次与中國南京大學海外教育學院合作﹐在中國國家漢辦的支持下﹐共同開展培訓美國漢語教師的工作。該培訓計劃已于2004-2013年實施10期, 取得圓滿的結果。2014年暑期南京大學中文教師培訓班已開始招生﹐詳情如下﹕
一. 教學課程﹕
現當代中國文學、古代漢語 、中文寫作、漢英對比研究
二. 學習時間:
2014年7月14日到8月8日﹐ 教學時間為4周。學習期間南京大學還將安排與教學內容有關的參觀和實習。
三. 學分
四. 公費(獎學金)名額申請人資格
請發電郵給 [email protected] 索取申請方式。
六. 費用
1. 申請費$30 (non-refundable),申請時需交。
2. 項目活動費$370 (自費生的學費和活動費為$770),錄取時交。
3. 得到公費資助的申請人將在南大學習期間獲得1500元(人民幣)的生活補助。
4. 旅費自理。
5. 所有學員都必須有醫療保險。
詢問電郵: [email protected]
CLTA-GNY Professional Development Announcement - Webinar Session--posted on Dec. 1, 2013
大纽约地区中文教师学会宣布今年首次举行的网上会议 (Webinar)From Curriculum to Daily Lessons - Successful Chinese Immersion Program Implementation 将于12/6周五美国东部时区晚间9:30举行。希望参加的会员请上网登记,以便取得会议联结。https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17XbX0Uwjno5R4PVxULMxSEU_0JMvJG7sMzTr3y59mMk/viewform
中文沉浸式课程近年来发展迅速,主要模式是从小学开始,学生每天上课不但学习中文语文,而且必须使用中文学习数学,科学等其他科目。CLTA-GNY 因应需要,特与 the College Board, NYUDCLT,和NYS RBERN等单位合作,邀请Minnesota 州YingHua Academy Charter School (英华特许学校)教务主任连鹭役博士就中文沉浸式课程的设计与实践,分享心得与经验。
From Curriculum to Daily Lesson - Successful Chinese Immersion Program Implementation
Dr. Luyi Lien
Academic Director
Yinhua Academy K-8 Chinese Immersion Public Charter School, Minnesota
Dr. Lien received her Ph.D. in Education from the University of Minnesota and has over 10 years of teaching experience both in Taiwan and the United States. She has taught and developed curricula at Yinghua Academy since the school opened in 2006. She provides ongoing direct supervision, support, assessment and resources for teachers, through individual and group professional development. As an experienced Chinese immersion educator, she has presented at national and international conferences on a variety of topics addressing Chinese language learning, immersion, action research, and Chinese literacy instruction and evaluation.
Date: Friday, December 6
Time: 9:30 – 11:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
Weblink: Please register first to receive the webinar link
Topic: 中文沉浸式教学教案设计与执行From Curriculum to Daily Lessons - Successful Chinese Immersion Program Implementation
Speaker: Dr. Luyi Lien, Academic Director, Yinhua Academy K-8 Chinese Immersion Public Charter School
Fee: Free to CLTA-GNY members (To become a CLTA-GNY member, please go to http://www.clta-gny.org/member/membership.html)
Registration: Please follow the weblink to registration page. Upon successful completion of the registration before 12/1, a webiste link and instruction will be sent to you on 12/2. Please contact Pat Lo for questions [email protected].
This webinar professional development session is a collaboration of the following organizations:
Chinese Language Teacher Association – Greater New York
The College Board Chinese Language and Culture Initiative
New York University Project for Developing Chinese Language Teachers
New York State Language Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network at New York University
中文沉浸式课程近年来发展迅速,主要模式是从小学开始,学生每天上课不但学习中文语文,而且必须使用中文学习数学,科学等其他科目。CLTA-GNY 因应需要,特与 the College Board, NYUDCLT,和NYS RBERN等单位合作,邀请Minnesota 州YingHua Academy Charter School (英华特许学校)教务主任连鹭役博士就中文沉浸式课程的设计与实践,分享心得与经验。
From Curriculum to Daily Lesson - Successful Chinese Immersion Program Implementation
Dr. Luyi Lien
Academic Director
Yinhua Academy K-8 Chinese Immersion Public Charter School, Minnesota
Dr. Lien received her Ph.D. in Education from the University of Minnesota and has over 10 years of teaching experience both in Taiwan and the United States. She has taught and developed curricula at Yinghua Academy since the school opened in 2006. She provides ongoing direct supervision, support, assessment and resources for teachers, through individual and group professional development. As an experienced Chinese immersion educator, she has presented at national and international conferences on a variety of topics addressing Chinese language learning, immersion, action research, and Chinese literacy instruction and evaluation.
Date: Friday, December 6
Time: 9:30 – 11:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
Weblink: Please register first to receive the webinar link
Topic: 中文沉浸式教学教案设计与执行From Curriculum to Daily Lessons - Successful Chinese Immersion Program Implementation
Speaker: Dr. Luyi Lien, Academic Director, Yinhua Academy K-8 Chinese Immersion Public Charter School
Fee: Free to CLTA-GNY members (To become a CLTA-GNY member, please go to http://www.clta-gny.org/member/membership.html)
Registration: Please follow the weblink to registration page. Upon successful completion of the registration before 12/1, a webiste link and instruction will be sent to you on 12/2. Please contact Pat Lo for questions [email protected].
This webinar professional development session is a collaboration of the following organizations:
Chinese Language Teacher Association – Greater New York
The College Board Chinese Language and Culture Initiative
New York University Project for Developing Chinese Language Teachers
New York State Language Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network at New York University
New York Chinese Characters Festival-- posted on Sep. 8, 2013
Chinese Cubes and NYU Project DCLT Present: New York Chinese Characters Festival
Opening Ceremony: October 6, 2013, 2-5 pm
Festival Closing Ceremony: November 3, 2013, 2-5 pm
NYU Kimmel Hall, 9th Floor (south side of Washington Square Park)
Join us at the opening ceremony on October 6 to kick off three exciting weeks of contests, fun, and cultural experiences.
Happening Now
*Submit an entry for the CCFestival Cultural Map.
Winning entries will be added to the map for the NYC Chinese Culture Treasure Hunt (photos due Sep 14).
Online Events: October 6-23
*Chinese Character T-Shirt Design Contest
*The best Chinese Character Tattoos photo contest
*Best Hidden Chinese Calligraphy photo contest
Submit picture entries online October 6-23. Internet voting will determine the winner! Explore Chinese Culture in New York (Oct 6-23 ) *NYC Chinese Culture Treasure Hunt Visit as many places on the map as you can. Then, submit your stamped "passport" for prizes! Teachers & Students: Sign up by September 20 to participate in these exciting activities:
Volunteers needed! Apply here.
More information and details available at www.cc-festival.com .
Fall 2013 DCLT Friday Night Forums
We are pleased to announce the dates and locations of our Fall 2013 forums. RSVP here for these exciting events:
September 20: The American Chinese Classroom.New teachers will speak about their experiences joining their new schools. Teachers from a variety of program types - high school, middle school, elementary school and dual language elementary school programs - will present. November 8: Bringing Culture to life through Story-Telling, Drama and Arts-infused Chinese Language Teaching In this workshop-style event, participants in NYU's summer StarTalk program for Chinese teachers will share culturally-important stories which have been adapted for use in teaching Chinese, along with theme units and teaching activities. December 13: Holiday Party and Games, Projects and Songs Swap Shop. Be ready for our American culture pop quizzes, and of course, year three of the Rock That Movie competition! All forums will be held in NYU's Kimball Hall Lounge, 246 Greene Street at Waverly Place, from 5 - 8 pm Dinner will be served at each event. Professional development credits are available for in-service teachers. RSVP here. We hope to see you soon! NYU StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (K-6) Saturday Workshop Series More than 30 in-service and pre-service teachers of Chinese participated in the summer sessions of NYU's StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (K-6). Fall activities include a series of 4 workshops on Chinese Dual Language Education. The first workshop will be held on Saturday, September 14, from 9 am - 1 pm A limited number of seats may be available. Please email Project DCLT with questions ( [email protected] ). Rock That Movie Four schools, five teachers and more than 70 students participated in the 2013 Rock That Movie competition. Winning videos were chosen by a team of in-service and pre-service Chinese teachers according to rubrics designed for the competition, and prizes were awarded at Project DCLT's May 2013 Friday Night Forum. Watch all the student-made videos here and get inspired for the 2014 competition! Participating schools included: Bronx High School of Science (Bronx, NY) Sidwell Friends School (Washington, DC) Port Schreiber High School (Long Island, NY) The Shuangwen School, PS/IS 184 (Manhattan, NY) We look forward to seeing you and working with you in the year to come! Sincerely, Frank Tang & Robin Harvey NYU Project for Developing Chinese Language Teachers The activities of NYU Project DCLT are made possible by a grant from the Freeman Foundation.
Opening Ceremony: October 6, 2013, 2-5 pm
Festival Closing Ceremony: November 3, 2013, 2-5 pm
NYU Kimmel Hall, 9th Floor (south side of Washington Square Park)
Join us at the opening ceremony on October 6 to kick off three exciting weeks of contests, fun, and cultural experiences.
Happening Now
*Submit an entry for the CCFestival Cultural Map.
Winning entries will be added to the map for the NYC Chinese Culture Treasure Hunt (photos due Sep 14).
Online Events: October 6-23
*Chinese Character T-Shirt Design Contest
*The best Chinese Character Tattoos photo contest
*Best Hidden Chinese Calligraphy photo contest
Submit picture entries online October 6-23. Internet voting will determine the winner! Explore Chinese Culture in New York (Oct 6-23 ) *NYC Chinese Culture Treasure Hunt Visit as many places on the map as you can. Then, submit your stamped "passport" for prizes! Teachers & Students: Sign up by September 20 to participate in these exciting activities:
- My Favorite Chinese Character Contest: All submissions prior to opening day win prizes .
- Chinese character Flash Mob:Photograph your student "flash mob" in the shape of a Chinese character. (We'll supply matching color hats/t-shirts for the picture!)
- CUBEE team Chinese spelling bee (opening ceremony)
- Showcase your Chinese program with a School Booth at the Festival
Volunteers needed! Apply here.
More information and details available at www.cc-festival.com .
Fall 2013 DCLT Friday Night Forums
We are pleased to announce the dates and locations of our Fall 2013 forums. RSVP here for these exciting events:
September 20: The American Chinese Classroom.New teachers will speak about their experiences joining their new schools. Teachers from a variety of program types - high school, middle school, elementary school and dual language elementary school programs - will present. November 8: Bringing Culture to life through Story-Telling, Drama and Arts-infused Chinese Language Teaching In this workshop-style event, participants in NYU's summer StarTalk program for Chinese teachers will share culturally-important stories which have been adapted for use in teaching Chinese, along with theme units and teaching activities. December 13: Holiday Party and Games, Projects and Songs Swap Shop. Be ready for our American culture pop quizzes, and of course, year three of the Rock That Movie competition! All forums will be held in NYU's Kimball Hall Lounge, 246 Greene Street at Waverly Place, from 5 - 8 pm Dinner will be served at each event. Professional development credits are available for in-service teachers. RSVP here. We hope to see you soon! NYU StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (K-6) Saturday Workshop Series More than 30 in-service and pre-service teachers of Chinese participated in the summer sessions of NYU's StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (K-6). Fall activities include a series of 4 workshops on Chinese Dual Language Education. The first workshop will be held on Saturday, September 14, from 9 am - 1 pm A limited number of seats may be available. Please email Project DCLT with questions ( [email protected] ). Rock That Movie Four schools, five teachers and more than 70 students participated in the 2013 Rock That Movie competition. Winning videos were chosen by a team of in-service and pre-service Chinese teachers according to rubrics designed for the competition, and prizes were awarded at Project DCLT's May 2013 Friday Night Forum. Watch all the student-made videos here and get inspired for the 2014 competition! Participating schools included: Bronx High School of Science (Bronx, NY) Sidwell Friends School (Washington, DC) Port Schreiber High School (Long Island, NY) The Shuangwen School, PS/IS 184 (Manhattan, NY) We look forward to seeing you and working with you in the year to come! Sincerely, Frank Tang & Robin Harvey NYU Project for Developing Chinese Language Teachers The activities of NYU Project DCLT are made possible by a grant from the Freeman Foundation.
2013 Chinese Language Teacher Training Workshop--posted on July 28, 2013
This is a friendly reminder that Confucius Institute at University of Rhode Island will conduct a 4-day teacher training workshop from August 22-25, 2013 on Kingston campus. Because the space is limited, we encourage you to apply early especially if you need dorm room. Now we still have a few beds available. For details, please see the workshop notice below. For on-line registration ,please click this link http://web.uri.edu/confucius/event-registrations . Please note that the old link no longer works.
Confucius Institute at University of Rhode Island
2013 Chinese Language Teacher Training Workshop
Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island
To meet the demands of Chinese language teachers at different levels and in different teaching environments, and to enhance their capabilities of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island will offer the 2013 Chinese Language Teacher Training Workshop for Chinese language teachers in the United States to share the latest teaching theories, practice and methods in TCFL.
The 4-day workshop will include presentations by leading experts in the Chinese language teaching field from both China and the United States. Their lectures and workshops will not only cover general studies but also specific needs in different aspects of language teaching, from teaching methodology to vocabulary and grammar teaching, from Chinese culture to the use of technology in Chinese language teaching, and from Chinese philosophy to K-12 programs, the workshop will offer you a wide selection of topics.
Sponsors : Confucius Institute/Han Ban
Co-Sponsor: New England Chinese Language Teachers Association
Host Institute: Confucius Institute at University of Rhode Island
Admissions : FREE to all Chinese language teachers
Dates : August 22 nd -25 th , 2013
Application Deadline : August 9 th , 2013
Qualification : Chinese language teachers at all levels and TCFL students
Location : 60 upper College Road, Swan Hall, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881
Boarding and Dining : On-campus lodging will be provided at only $10 per night per bed (double occupancy).
FREE lunch at the URI student dining hall
Pre-registration is required. Space is limited, both boarding and dining are provided on the first-come, first-served basis. Please register online by clicking the following link http://web.uri.edu/confucius/event-registrations / or by sending an email to [email protected]
If you have any inquiries, please email to [email protected] , or call Mr. Qian Xie, Coordinator of Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island, at 401-874-4791 workdays.
Dr. Shumin Li, Associate Director of Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island, at 401-874-5121 workdays.
Extra benefits : A certificate will be issued upon completion of the program.
Speakers' Information :
Dr. Frank Tang, ( 唐力行) Professor of TESOL/Foreign Language Education
Director, Center for Developing Chinese Language Teachers at NYU
Ms. Robin Harvey, (何柔彬) Master Teacher of Foreign language Education
Director, Chinese Startalk Program at NYU
Joint Topic: Teach Chinese language and culture through storytelling
(lectures, demos, and hands-on activities )
Dr. Tianwei Xie ,(謝天蔚) Professor and Chair, Dept of Asian and Asian American Studies , California State University Long Beach
Topic: Useful Tools for Chinese Language Teaching: From My Virtual Office to Mobile Apps.
Professor Jian Wu, (吳堅) Professor of TCFL ,College of the International Education of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
Topics :(一)對外漢語教學中的詞彙教學;(二)對外漢語教學中的溝通藝術。
Dr. Weimin Xu, (徐為民) Professor of TCFL ,Associate Dean at College of the International Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Topics: (一)中國哲學與中國社會(含當代中國社會問題);(二)國內漢語教學研究概述;
Dr. Lizhen Peng, (彭利貞) Professor of Chinese Linguistics, College of Humanities, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Topics:
(一) “了”與情態的互動限制;(二)多義情態動詞的語義解釋
Confucius Institute at University of Rhode Island
2013 Chinese Language Teacher Training Workshop
Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island
To meet the demands of Chinese language teachers at different levels and in different teaching environments, and to enhance their capabilities of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island will offer the 2013 Chinese Language Teacher Training Workshop for Chinese language teachers in the United States to share the latest teaching theories, practice and methods in TCFL.
The 4-day workshop will include presentations by leading experts in the Chinese language teaching field from both China and the United States. Their lectures and workshops will not only cover general studies but also specific needs in different aspects of language teaching, from teaching methodology to vocabulary and grammar teaching, from Chinese culture to the use of technology in Chinese language teaching, and from Chinese philosophy to K-12 programs, the workshop will offer you a wide selection of topics.
Sponsors : Confucius Institute/Han Ban
Co-Sponsor: New England Chinese Language Teachers Association
Host Institute: Confucius Institute at University of Rhode Island
Admissions : FREE to all Chinese language teachers
Dates : August 22 nd -25 th , 2013
Application Deadline : August 9 th , 2013
Qualification : Chinese language teachers at all levels and TCFL students
Location : 60 upper College Road, Swan Hall, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881
Boarding and Dining : On-campus lodging will be provided at only $10 per night per bed (double occupancy).
FREE lunch at the URI student dining hall
Pre-registration is required. Space is limited, both boarding and dining are provided on the first-come, first-served basis. Please register online by clicking the following link http://web.uri.edu/confucius/event-registrations / or by sending an email to [email protected]
If you have any inquiries, please email to [email protected] , or call Mr. Qian Xie, Coordinator of Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island, at 401-874-4791 workdays.
Dr. Shumin Li, Associate Director of Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island, at 401-874-5121 workdays.
Extra benefits : A certificate will be issued upon completion of the program.
Speakers' Information :
Dr. Frank Tang, ( 唐力行) Professor of TESOL/Foreign Language Education
Director, Center for Developing Chinese Language Teachers at NYU
Ms. Robin Harvey, (何柔彬) Master Teacher of Foreign language Education
Director, Chinese Startalk Program at NYU
Joint Topic: Teach Chinese language and culture through storytelling
(lectures, demos, and hands-on activities )
Dr. Tianwei Xie ,(謝天蔚) Professor and Chair, Dept of Asian and Asian American Studies , California State University Long Beach
Topic: Useful Tools for Chinese Language Teaching: From My Virtual Office to Mobile Apps.
Professor Jian Wu, (吳堅) Professor of TCFL ,College of the International Education of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
Topics :(一)對外漢語教學中的詞彙教學;(二)對外漢語教學中的溝通藝術。
Dr. Weimin Xu, (徐為民) Professor of TCFL ,Associate Dean at College of the International Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Topics: (一)中國哲學與中國社會(含當代中國社會問題);(二)國內漢語教學研究概述;
Dr. Lizhen Peng, (彭利貞) Professor of Chinese Linguistics, College of Humanities, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Topics:
(一) “了”與情態的互動限制;(二)多義情態動詞的語義解釋
Language Workshop at Cornell University--Posted on April 22
Cornell University, The Department of Asian Studies, The East Asia Program, and IMPAC are pleased to announce the East Asian Language Workshop to be held on the Cornell campus in Ithaca, NY on June 22, 2013. The theme for this year's workshop is “ National Standards and the 5 Cs: Articulatory Applications between K-12 and College,” presented by Dr. Scott McGinnis. The number of K-12 trained students in college Chinese and Japanese classrooms continues to increase. Considering the diversity of Chinese and Japanese curricula across the nation, how can we make these students' transition to college courses as smooth as possible, while maintaining the quality of learning and instruction at all levels? This workshop will show how the “Five Cs” of ACTFL's National Standards for Foreign Language Learning (Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities) can play a key role in the articulation between K-12 and college Asian language programs, and increase pedagogical effectiveness in both. Teachers of Asian languages at any level are encouraged to attend. Dr . Scott McGinnis is Professor and Academic Advisor at the Defense Language Institute, Washington, DC branch, and Coordinator for the US government\'s Interagency Language Roundtable. Dr. McGinnis has served two terms as the President of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, and has also served as Executive Director of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL). He has published several books and numerous articles on language teaching and linguistics, including many regarding his own specializations in Chinese and Japanese. We expect to benefit greatly from Dr. McGinnis\'s rich classroom teaching experience and broad, up-to-date knowledge of the language-teaching field. This workshop is open to Asian language teachers at all levels. Registration closes Wednesday, June 5, 2013. For more information , please see our website at http://lrc.cornell.edu/impac/Ealw/ . You may contact us at [email protected] or 607-255-6457 .
One Year Apprenticeship in China--posted on April 6, 2013
Chinese Translation Team - One-Year Apprenticeship
Located in Provo, UT (Apr-May 2013) and Tianjin City, China (Jun-Mar 2014) MultiLing Corporation, a global language translation services provider with headquarters located in Provo , UT, is looking for a talented and capable individual to join its subsidiary, MultiLing China, on location in Tianjin City, China following headquarters orientation as a full-time one-year apprentice. Only candidates with have a genuine interest in pursuing a professional career as a technical translator in locations outside of the US on a long-term basis should apply. Responsibilities will include translating, editing/reviewing Chinese to English documents, and other related tasks. Please see list of specific requirements below: Qualifications: • Demonstrated oral and written fluency in English at the highest leve required • Demonstrated oral and written fluency in Chinese with an emphasis on reading ability required • Ability to pass pre-interview language proficiency test required • Bachelor's degree required (conferred or to be conferred by May 2013 ) • Genuine interest in living outside of the US on a long-term basis preferred; • Computer and communication skills preferred • Some translation experience preferred • Familiarity with technical or scientific terminology preferred Compensation: The equivalent of $600 USD will be paid in local currency as a monthly stipend and the selected candidate will receive complimentary single-person lodging for the duration of the assignment along with a one-time moving stipend of $1000 USD. Additionally, this position will be eligible for paid holidays at location assignment, as well as other company benefits. Visa sponsorship will also be provided. Successful candidate will be responsible for transportation costs. About MultiLing Corporation: Founded in 1988, MultiLing specializes in translating for the patent, IT, chemical, medical technology, biotechnology and automotive industries. Current clients include many Fortune 500 companies such as Dell, Procter & Gamble, Siemens, TYCO, Münchener Rück, LSI Corporation, and Promise Technology. TO APPLY: Visit www.multiling.com and go to About Us/Careers.
Chinese Translation Team - One-Year Apprenticeship
Located in Provo, UT (Apr-May 2013) and Tianjin City, China (Jun-Mar 2014) MultiLing Corporation, a global language translation services provider with headquarters located in Provo , UT, is looking for a talented and capable individual to join its subsidiary, MultiLing China, on location in Tianjin City, China following headquarters orientation as a full-time one-year apprentice. Only candidates with have a genuine interest in pursuing a professional career as a technical translator in locations outside of the US on a long-term basis should apply. Responsibilities will include translating, editing/reviewing Chinese to English documents, and other related tasks. Please see list of specific requirements below: Qualifications: • Demonstrated oral and written fluency in English at the highest leve required • Demonstrated oral and written fluency in Chinese with an emphasis on reading ability required • Ability to pass pre-interview language proficiency test required • Bachelor's degree required (conferred or to be conferred by May 2013 ) • Genuine interest in living outside of the US on a long-term basis preferred; • Computer and communication skills preferred • Some translation experience preferred • Familiarity with technical or scientific terminology preferred Compensation: The equivalent of $600 USD will be paid in local currency as a monthly stipend and the selected candidate will receive complimentary single-person lodging for the duration of the assignment along with a one-time moving stipend of $1000 USD. Additionally, this position will be eligible for paid holidays at location assignment, as well as other company benefits. Visa sponsorship will also be provided. Successful candidate will be responsible for transportation costs. About MultiLing Corporation: Founded in 1988, MultiLing specializes in translating for the patent, IT, chemical, medical technology, biotechnology and automotive industries. Current clients include many Fortune 500 companies such as Dell, Procter & Gamble, Siemens, TYCO, Münchener Rück, LSI Corporation, and Promise Technology. TO APPLY: Visit www.multiling.com and go to About Us/Careers.
STARTALK Teacher Training Program at Hunter College, New York City--posted on March 15, 2013
The Department of Classical and Oriental Studies at Hunter College, CUNY, will hold its 7th year STARTALK teacher training program this summer. The program offers graduate-level courses for pre-service and in-service teachers to fulfill partial requirements toward the M.A. degree and the New York State certification. Only 15 seats are available.
The program begins with three Saturday workshops in June conducted by nationally known teacher trainers, followed by six weeks of a teaching practicum in classroom and online settings led by experienced high school teachers and college professors. Workshops on task-based instruction conducted by experts in second language acquisition will also be offered. Training will be conducted through a variety of activities, including lectures, classroom instruction, observation, student-teaching, presentations, workshops, and individual projects. Different levels of student teaching (tutorial sessions, small group, whole class, and online teaching) will be assigned to participants based on their abilities and backgrounds.
Participants may choose to participate with no credit, or may choose to earn up to 12 graduate credits over the summer and fall semesters. For-credit participants are eligible to receive up to $1000 in tuition scholarship support if they complete course requirements with satisfactory performance.For more information, please visit our website at http://chineseflagship.hunter.cuny.edu/?op=k12outreach&ct=3 or contact us at[email protected]. If you have questions, please contact:
Ms. Bing Ying Hu
Program Coordinator
Chinese Flagship Center & StarTalk Summer ProgramsDepartment of Classical and Oriental Studies
Hunter College, The City University of New York
Cell: 646-338-0338
The program begins with three Saturday workshops in June conducted by nationally known teacher trainers, followed by six weeks of a teaching practicum in classroom and online settings led by experienced high school teachers and college professors. Workshops on task-based instruction conducted by experts in second language acquisition will also be offered. Training will be conducted through a variety of activities, including lectures, classroom instruction, observation, student-teaching, presentations, workshops, and individual projects. Different levels of student teaching (tutorial sessions, small group, whole class, and online teaching) will be assigned to participants based on their abilities and backgrounds.
Participants may choose to participate with no credit, or may choose to earn up to 12 graduate credits over the summer and fall semesters. For-credit participants are eligible to receive up to $1000 in tuition scholarship support if they complete course requirements with satisfactory performance.For more information, please visit our website at http://chineseflagship.hunter.cuny.edu/?op=k12outreach&ct=3 or contact us at[email protected]. If you have questions, please contact:
Ms. Bing Ying Hu
Program Coordinator
Chinese Flagship Center & StarTalk Summer ProgramsDepartment of Classical and Oriental Studies
Hunter College, The City University of New York
Cell: 646-338-0338
Chinese Translation History Summer Training Program--Posted on March 2, 2013
(Biennial)Upcoming: The Third Summer School on Translation History (2013)The RCT will hold the Third Summer School on Chinese Translation History on 1–5 July 2013 in Beijing, in collaboration with the National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
I.PosterII.Application Details,
download application formIII.Programme (Coming soon)
Past Summer Schools on Chinese Translation HistoryI.The Second Summer School on Chinese Translation History (2011), co-organized with Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University, 27 June–2 July, 2011.
The First Summer School on Chinese Translation History (2009), co-organized with Center for Translation Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 21–25 June, 2009.
The RCT held its first Summer School on Chinese Translation History on 21–25 June 2009 in Guangzhou, in collaboration with Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. The event was a tremendous success, attracting over 40 participants from China, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong. Held over a period of one week, the programme for the Summer School included intensive lectures on key topics delivered by prominent scholars in the translation discipline, workshops and thorough discussions amongst participants.
Here are what some participants have to say:
"... ...such rare opportunity for us to understand Chinese Translation History's unique attraction and value in greater depth. The lectures by the professors inspired us greatly, provided us with many ideas and motivated us to pursue our paths with confidence."
"Thank you RCT for your hard work in promoting Chinese Translation History and in nurturing young scholars in this field. I hope to repay your benevolence with the fruit of my rigorous research in the future."
"Thank you very much for organizing the Summer School. It has expanded my outlook and thinking, and has given me the opportunity to listen to so many interesting lectures by renowned scholars and to be able to interact directly with them. It has also allowed me to meet with many other like-minded young scholars. These experiences have helped lay a good foundation for my future research in Translation History."
Upcoming: The Third Summer School on Translation History (2013) Application Details
Organizer:Research Centre for Translation (RCT),
Institute of Chinese Studies,
The Chinese University of Hong KongCo-organizer:National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education,
Beijing Foreign Studies University
Date:1–5 July 2013
Venue:Beijing Foreign Studies University
Learning mode:Speakers give lectures on research methodologies or topics relating to Translation, Literature and History during each morning session. Group discussions on Translation Studies are arranged in afternoon sessions. Students should familiarize themselves with the assigned learning materials before lectures.
Speakers:Theodore HUTERS (UCLA)
HUANG Ko-wu (Academia Sinica)
SHEN Guowei (Kansai University)
Kefei WANG (Beijing Foreign Studies University)
Lawrence Wang-chi WONG (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Language:Chinese (Putonghua)
Eligibility:Candidates for Master or Doctorial degrees relating to Chinese Translation Studies
Application Procedures:Complete the application form and return it together with an article (both published and unpublished articles are acceptable) on Chinese Translation History to [email protected].
Fees No course fee will be charged. Accommodation during the class period will be provided by the RCT. Students are required to cover the costs of their own transportation and food.
Deadline:30 April 2013Contact::Ms. Olivia LuiTel. no.:(852) 3943 7385Fax no.:(852) 2603 5110E-mail::[email protected]
2013 Summer Teachers' Trainings in Nanjing University--posted on Feb. 13, 2013
為了更好地促進美國的漢語教學,幫助更多有志從事中文教學的人士獲得教師執照所必須具備的中文專業學分﹐大紐約地區中文教師學會將再次与中國南京大學海外教育學院合作﹐在中國國家漢辦的支持下﹐共同開展培訓美國漢語教師的工作。該培訓計劃已于2004-2012年實施9期, 取得圓滿的結果。2013年暑期南京大學中文教師培訓班已開始招生﹐詳情如下﹕
一. 教學課程﹕
現代漢語、古代文學 、漢字與書法、高級漢語研討課
二. 學習時間:
2013年7月15日到8月9日﹐ 教學時間為4周。學習期間南京大學還將安排與教學內容有關的參觀和實習。
三. 學分
四. 公費(獎學金)名額申請人資格
請發電郵給 [email protected] 索取申請方式。
六. 費用
1. 申請費$30 (non-refundable),申請時需交。
2. 項目活動費$370 (自費生的學費和活動費為$770),錄取時交。
3. 得到公費資助的申請人將在南大學習期間獲得1500元(人民幣)的生活補助。
4. 旅費自理。
5. 所有學員都必須有醫療保險。
為了更好地促進美國的漢語教學,幫助更多有志從事中文教學的人士獲得教師執照所必須具備的中文專業學分﹐大紐約地區中文教師學會將再次与中國南京大學海外教育學院合作﹐在中國國家漢辦的支持下﹐共同開展培訓美國漢語教師的工作。該培訓計劃已于2004-2012年實施9期, 取得圓滿的結果。2013年暑期南京大學中文教師培訓班已開始招生﹐詳情如下﹕
一. 教學課程﹕
現代漢語、古代文學 、漢字與書法、高級漢語研討課
二. 學習時間:
2013年7月15日到8月9日﹐ 教學時間為4周。學習期間南京大學還將安排與教學內容有關的參觀和實習。
三. 學分
四. 公費(獎學金)名額申請人資格
請發電郵給 [email protected] 索取申請方式。
六. 費用
1. 申請費$30 (non-refundable),申請時需交。
2. 項目活動費$370 (自費生的學費和活動費為$770),錄取時交。
3. 得到公費資助的申請人將在南大學習期間獲得1500元(人民幣)的生活補助。
4. 旅費自理。
5. 所有學員都必須有醫療保險。